I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy

Chapter 98: Ha Tae-Ryung’s Divine Art (1)

Chapter 98: Ha Tae-Ryung’s Divine Art (1)

Having vanquished a Level 6 Danger Dark Mage, the tale of Stella's first-year students became a significant topic.

It was astonishing that the first-year students of Stella had successfully repelled the Dark Mage's assaults not just once, but twice, garnering considerable attention.

However, it was short-lived.

The world was about to learn a shocking revelation.

"The true identity of the Dark Mage... none other than Stella's professor?"

"The corruption of Alchemy Professor 'Maizen Tyren

"In light of this incident that sent shockwaves through the academic community, Stella's side..."

Most mages possess a formidable mental resilience, making them resistant to corruption.

But, what about a professor at Stella?

Being entrusted with the education of the most exceptional students in the world, they would undoubtedly be an exceptional teacher as well.

Yet, a corrupted professor had emerged...

"I didn't expect you to keep this fact a secret.

Elf King Florin said to the boy sitting across from her.

While Eltman Eltwin fidgeted with his ring, Florin didn't even touch the food in front of her.

The smell of the food was good, but the biggest problem was that she couldn't get rid of her disguise.

No matter how skilled Eltmon Eltwin was, he couldn't resist the curse.

"Well, I wanted to bury it as a secret, but there are limits to that. Such incidents will continue to happen in the future. It's just a matter of time before it explodes."

"If such incidents continue to happen, then..."

"... Exactly. The dark mages have already infiltrated deeply in the magical society. It's really disgusting, but it's the same with Stella."


In the end, the intrusion of dark mages into the Divine Realm was all because of an issue within the Stella Academy.

The reason to compensate Stella from the side of the Heavenly Spirit Tree disappeared.

On the contrary, shouldnt they be the ones to receive substantial compensation?

"I will make sure to compensate you. Are the familiars unharmed?"

"Thankfully... there were no injuries."

"That's a relief."

Eltman said with a tired expression.

"You should be careful too. The corruption of Elf Mages can lead to dreadful consequences."

"... At least they won't be able to infiltrate like they do in human society."

*That's a relief, then.*

Florin thought silently.

Compensation for damages.

She didn't particularly care about receiving it, but she knew that in the political world, Eltman had no choice but to offer it, and she had no choice but to accept it.

However, Florin had a different thought.

The man who had killed her long-time friend, Celestia, was undoubtedly disguised as a Stella student.

And probably, a student from their own academy.

But until now, it was just speculation.

Familiars were the most special existence in this world, treated as a kind of small religion.

Those who killed familiars were called "Divine Slayer" and their souls would become corrupted, forever chased by fairies.

But Eltman could not sense the corrupt soul of the Divine Slayer.

That was what she thought until now.


Through this incident, she learned something new.

The Dark Mages possessed an astonishing ability to conceal their mana, which couldn't be detected by Stella's magical skills or Eltman's senses.

If that's the case... could it be possible for the Divine Slayer to also hide their corrupted soul?

That was probably why she couldn't sense their presence when they infiltrated SkyFlower Haven.

*... It's been a while. I should pay a visit to Celestias garden.*

It was rare for Florin to engage in external activities. To call it an external activity was an overstatementit was simply a brief visit to the White Castle for official duties.

... Regardless, since she was already out and about, it wouldn't hurt to stop by the place where her dear friend had eternal rest.

There was no need to delay it any longer.

This weekend, Florin made the immediate decision to visit Celestia.

Transitioning from Friday to Saturday...

"Ah, my body feels so weary,"

Baek Yu-Seol sighed. Right after his discharge, he embarked on the outing to Celestias garden.

"You've finally arrived!"

Celestia greeted him.

"Oh, it's been a while.

Baek Yu-Seol replied, feeling a sense of nostalgia. It seemed like ages since his last visit.

Ever since the rise of side effects, he hadn't frequented the garden as often.

"I'm delighted to see you!"

Although Celestia remained as motionless as a statue, and her voice exuded warmth and enthusiasm.

It was to be expected.

She had already sensed the presence of the secret he carried within.

He had planned to surprise her, but it seemed that even without a beating heart, a spirits intuition was keen.

Baek Yu-Seols playful attempt turned out to be a futile prank.

Slowly, he retrieved a small locket from his backpack and placed it gently on the ground.

As he opened the lid, a soft, radiant light emanated from the pearl nestled inside.


Celestia gasped in awe, her voice filled with childlike wonder.

Even though it was an exchange, an inexplicable sense of pride washed over Baek Yu-Seol.

As he carefully held the familiars heart in his hands, he presented it to her.

Drifting in the air for a moment, it gracefully floated towards Celestias chest.

And then, a brilliant flash of light.


In the dazzling burst, Baek Yu-Seol instinctively closed his eyes, shielding himself from the powerful gust of wind that enveloped the world.

As the air grew heavy, the swirling energy of the familiar surged towards Celestia, drawing her in. It felt like a storm where silence reigned.

Amidst it all, standing was a challenge, yet the surroundings remained eerily calm, undisturbed.

"... Ah..."

Finally, as the tempest of the energy subsided, he slowly raised his head.



The woman froze like a statue, opened her eyes, and turned her gaze towards him. Her face had a playful smile.

"Ah, finally...!"

"Can you move?"

"Yes, perfectly!"

With deliberate movements, she flexed her hands, took deep breaths, and shifted her body in various directions.

After years of immobility, the ability to move must have been a tremendous relief.

He silently observed as Celestia savored the moment.

However, she didn't linger there.

Closing her eyes and nodding gently, she seemed to be fighting off drowsiness.

"Feeling sleepy?"

"Ah, yes... My heart cant withstand it any longer..."

It was only now that he realized Celestias form was gradually fading.

Maintaining a distinct human appearance as a spirit was challenging unless one held a high rank.

Although she was still a spirit, the loss of her powers caused her original form to fade away.

"Over here..."

Resisting the urge to drift off, Celestia beckoned to him with a dreamy gaze.

"Put this on..."

On the ground lay a small box. It contained a traditional Eastern-style garment, which was neatly folded.

Its design bore the marks of ancient times, possibly dating back several centuries.

Yet, its condition remained remarkably well-preserved, showing only minimal signs of age.

Once Stella's school uniform was carefully removed, he changed into a black attire as instructed by Celestia.

"Put the necklace I gave you around your neck..."

Gradually, a gentle whirlwind embraced his body, unlike the previous turbulent one.

He could clearly perceive this mana even with his own eyesit took the form of shimmering starlight.

It made him wonder if this was how Tinker Bell's fairy dust would look.

The sensation was akin to the Milky Way cascading from the night sky, bathing him in its mystique.

"What is this?"

Baek Yu-Seol inquired.

Celestia replied, "It will guide you to a secret place where my old friend rests..."

Her companion from ancient times, who had mastered magic and honed their swordsmanship to perfection.

The intention was to teleport him directly to the location that held all their memories and essence.


He acknowledged, thinking there was no need to resist such an offer.

Just then, he heard footsteps approaching the garden entrance.


He knew that no one other than himself could find this place since he wae the only one who possessed the key.

The presence of another person indicated the existence of a pursuer, something he hadn't encountered in his journey through Aether World.

*'Could it be... a tracker?'*

A chill ran through him, and he quickly surveyed the garden, only to be startled by what he saw.

A woman, draped in a black dress that covered her from head to toe, stood before him with a look of surprise in her eyes.

Her fluttering white hair extended past her neck and shoulders, while her golden eyes resembled stars that had descended from the night sky.

**[The curse of the 'Enchantment of Heartbreak' trait has been activated!]**

{TN:- The accurate translation for "" in Korean is "love suction delay." However, it seems to be a combination of words without clear context or meaning. The skill enchants the infatuation in the victim for Florin, followed by heartbreak, which results in the ultimate name. So, the name 'Enchantment of Heartbreak'. You can always give your suggestions for a better name in the comments.}

**[The 'Blessing of Yeonhong Chunsamwol' trait nullifies the curse completely.]**

He didn't wear sentient spec, yet her appearance and the messages conveyed a familiar presence.

*'Is it Florin...?'*


It was extremely rare for Florin to venture outside the Heavenly Spirit Tree.

However, on very rare occasions when she did go out, she secretly used a special private airship for transportation.

During these instances, she meticulously maintained secrecy, conducting her activities in the late hours of dawn to avoid drawing attention.

The Orchard of the Dream Tree, the third Heavenly Spirit Tree, was where her long-lost friend's slumbering garden was located.

As she ascended using the Heavenly Spirit Tree, the presence of other beings quickly diminished. There were hardly any active familiars until dawn arrived.

Finally, upon reaching the entrance of Celestias garden, all signs of life vanished completely.


Taking a moment to survey her surroundings, Florin solemnly removed her mask.


Breathing the outside air felt like a luxury after such a long time.

The mask was enchanted with anti-demon magic and filters, and made even breathing a stifling experience.

However, being in the outside air directly felt electrifying and refreshingly vibrant.

Step by step, as she entered the garden, the distinctive dreamlike fragrance tickled her nostrils.

It was the pollen Celestia scattered to protect herself, though its effects had faded and dissipated over the course of hundreds of years.

And there, at the far end of the garden...

...... She lied in slumber.

Yet, something felt amiss.

Something... something.

In a garden that should remain undisturbed, the presence of someone's visit lingered.

Despite the scarcity of Celestias roots, it felt as if someone deliberately cleared a path.

"Could it be...!"

Florin dashed towards the inner part of the garden.

If the culprit who stole Celestias heart had returned to this place once again...

Her heart throbbed with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

Florins entire body brimmed with mana, sharp and ready to be unleashed at any moment.

As she entered Celestias garden, a grand tree gate came into view.

Seeing the gate wide open, with enough space for a person to pass through, she became certain.

"Someone has come."

With a surge of energy, she stepped into the garden, and in that fleeting moment when the breeze brushed against her cheek, she abruptly halted.


Florin was taken aback and paused in her tracks.

Long ago... her dear friend Celestia had fallen into an eternal slumber, never to open her eyes again.

Even the familiars bowed their heads, convinced that she would never open her eyes.

They believed she was gone forever, never to be met with those pure eyes again.

But there, Celestias eyes sparkled, clear and deep.

She smiled.

"You're alive...?"


Instinctively, Florin glanced to the side. Before Celestia stood a small boy with his eyes wide in astonishment.

"That boy... saved Celestia."

With unwavering conviction, Florin reached out her hand towards the boy, but he swiftly retreated a step back, as if startled.


In the next instant...

A burst of golden stardust erupted. It resembled a cluster of stars, and the boy skillfully vanished.

Florin was still unable to fully grasp the situation, and stared blankly into the empty space.",

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