Chapter 4

I have raws for the LN version of this novel . Should I post the illustrations? I don’t think it spoils anything (well, maybe a bit) but I’m not sure how different it is from the WN because I didn’t read it . There were a few slightly nsfw images though .

P . S . To the people who read the last chapter the moment I posted it, I changed the 2nd sentence in Suzuran’s line near the end of the chapter to something “tsundere-ish” because of something in this chapter . I’m still not sure if that was correct though...


Chapter 4: When I succeeded with the image of my magic

[AN: I think I’d like to avoid difficult expressions(idioms?) because I haven’t studied it . A while ago, I wrote about demons developing early so our protagonist already around 150cm tall . ]

Three months after the futon pulling incident, it has reached a point where I go to wake her up by hitting and shaking her shoulders as much as possible . The person herself says that it’s fine to mercilessly pull off her futon but I won’t be able to hold back my lower body if I need to restrain myself from morning . The person herself was disappointed by it but how she feels about it is of no concern to me .

I don’t know about the marriageable age in this world but, let’s just leave it until we finish school . I wonder if it’s fine to say that my instincts are still OK? Well, it’s different from when we’re inside the classroom but in the village but, there are times where I can’t tell apart the adults and people developed early . There are 4 seasons in this world . And when it gets hot, everyone wears lighter clothing so I can see plenty of dangerous things from the healthily growing girls and the beautiful women of the village .

I understand that the bra culture doesn’t exist but, I’m surprised that the custom of wearing a sarashi-like* cloth on their chest is nonexistent . I can see the small pointy things on their chest . When it rains, their clothes stick and I need to avert my eyes . [TN: Bandage like thing that is wrapped around the chest area like . Could also be wrapped in other places]

When Fig-sensei feels hot, she can’t wear even lesser clothes . [TN: because she’d be naked] That’s not really a bad thing okay?

「As I said before, magic is all about your imagination . The power inside of you will increase when you get accustomed to using it . Today’s task is to produce magic . Please think about the image of what kind of feeling you want to come out of your attack . Magic may be weak against physical attackers but, if you make use magic to create an opening on your opponents, you can destroy their defenses . 」

Is it like the announcement flowing in my head? Would my offensive ability increase when that digit gets larger? Our magic classes have always been about getting familiar with our magic power . I’m not sure if it’s for the sake of being able to make use our magic power but, we were told that it’s fine to freely use our preferred specialty attribute . Would Suzuran also be able to control her ‘gas burner used in making asphalt’-like flame to the point where something small would come out? [TN: Yeah, I went with what was in the raws because, why not]

「Teacher . Are there examples of what kind of shapes that are usually used for magic?」 I asked since I was curious .

「That’s right . The most used ones are the sphere types . After that are the spear and arrow types . 」

Hmmー, those should be fire ball, fire lance and fire arrow . Well, it’s certainly easy to make an image of firing those things . It’s like throwing a clump or something long and narrow and attacking with plenty of small projectiles . We still haven’t been taught any long-range magic . I’m not sure if it doesn’t exist but I haven’t heart that term being said in class .

I still have my memories from when I was reincarnated so I think I can imagine images and innovations that doesn’t exist in this world . I’m not sure whether or not it will work but I’ll try .

Lately, I’ve been using my time after school for some self-training . I go home to have lunch then go to the forest to find and drink the sap of crushed poisonous plants and throw stones . After that, I keep on practicing whether or not I’d be able to make magic according to my knowledge until my limit .

“It seems like the harvest season for those wheat-like plants is almost here so wouldn’t this be convenient?” is what I thought while having an image of a horizontal wind blade flying towards the distance . I saw those sickle-like things that foreign devils and the grim reaper had be used for harvesting after all . Was it called scythe or something?

This particular magic doesn’t have a name so I’ll call it with something simple that I got from a game somewhere . I’ll call it Wind Cutter . At first, I let strong winds come out from my palm . It’s not possible to cut anything with it yet so I applied an image of making it thin, really thin . I won’t come out from my hand so I added an image of it coming out from a thin gap .

Continuing with that image, I was finally able to cut a thin branch without breaking it after 3 days .

The next day, rather than the forest, I went to the vast, undeveloped field with the long grass to try it out .

『Image: A really thin blade of wind・Red・3cm from the ground・Angle: 0 degrees・Pace: Walking speed・Width: 1m・Visible 20m range・Target: in front・Execute』

So that I can accurately portray what I thought in my head, I tried it out with the image of a lawn mower cutting the grass on the embankment . Since it’s dangerous, I tried adding an extra color .

A red blade of wind appeared by my feet moving at walking pace and neatly mowed everything for about 20 paces . This success is good right? It’s good right!

「Hell yeah! I did it! WOHOO! Yeah! Ouch!」

As I was celebrating, I fell down and hit the side of my head so hard that tears came out . Even though I’m almost a 35 year-old fine adult inside, I did it because it’s my first useful magic . I felt happier compared to the time I got accepted at university and when I was easily accepted at my company even though there was a recession .

I’ll show it to my parents tomorrow .

「Father, mother, I have something I want to show you but can you come out to the fields?」

I told them to go to the field yesterday to show them the image I used in making Wind Cutter . I told them “Could this magic be used for harvesting? They have to pick up the crops by hand afterwards though . ”

「Isn’t this amazing! It will be much easier in the village with this and I think everyone would appreciate it!」 My father placed his hands on my shoulders and praised me while shaking me back and forth . He was already telling me reasons to help out the whole village with the harvest . I was obviously going to help though .

「It’s wonderfulー . Since you’re our child, I thought you wouldn’t be able to use any magic other than fire or water . I wonder why this wind magic have that colorー? Wouldn’t that be useless when attacking?」 was what my mother nonchalantly asked . I replied “I added a color since it would be dangerous if you get hit by it because you couldn’t see it . I can quickly make it so that you can’t see it you know” . I was satisfied with their tremendous smile .

We returned home and I explained to them in detail about the time I learn this magic while we were enjoying our meal even more than usual .

AN: You don’t have to particularly mind the crops’ harvest season . [TN: It’s not relevant to the story... I guess]

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