Chapter 525: Recruitment

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Based on what was shown in the movie, there should not be any resulting complications if this chromosome-altering substance was injected into a person without inherent violent genetics.

When the protagonist of the movie was injected with the C24 after sustaining gruesome injuries, he only passed out for several hours. By the time he woke up again, not only were his wounds healed but he had also mutated into a powerful fighter that could wipe out a pack of aliens all on his own.

This same thing happened with Saoun after he was injected with the C24 as he fainted without a word.

After that, large beads of sweat began trickling down his forehead. Judging by his brows that were sewn together, he must have been experiencing great pain.

“The blood pressure of the experiment subject is rising...”

“His heartbeat is increasing, currently at 85 beats per minute. No, it’s 95 and it’s still rising...!”

“He’s experiencing severe spasms. It seems that the blood supply is insufficient. Prepare to inject cardiac stimulants...”

The minutes slowly passed and by the half-hour point, Saoun’s body began to twitch.

“The subject has produced a vast amount of sweat and needs nutrients and water. Richard, prepare to inject nutrition and glucose injections.”

“The subject’s condition is recovering and is gradually stabilizing...”

While the group below was running back and forth with the procedures, Li Lei and Chen Chen were silently monitoring the situation from above.

“It’s going well!”

After reading the rows of data appearing on the virtual display in front of him, Li Lei clenched his fist eagerly. “In all our previous experiments, the subject would’ve begun transforming by this point. Hard shells would appear on their bodies and their faces would start to transform. This current state has never been observed before!

“All that’s left now is to see if this turns out to be a successful experiment.”

Chen Chen agreed but was not as optimistic just yet. All things considered, this stem of technology was still largely undeveloped and not fit for standardized use. Furthermore, it could not be customized just like how the T-virus was specifically customized for his body.

Unless there was some form of technology that could eradicate the violence and other such tendencies at a mental level. However, such a thing was nigh impossible and even if it did exist, Chen Chen would never use it.

God knew what would happen if these tendencies were removed from him.

With that said, it was worth further researching the C24 chromosome to see if anything could be done with it. Once it was viable for usage, it could turn out to be another buff for Chen Chen and further enhance his body.

If the limitations of the C24 chromosome were unable to be overcome, Chen Chen planned to use it as a chess piece for negotiations with the four major continents.

After another hour had passed, Saoun’s condition was slowly stabilizing again.

The experiment table he was lying on was soaked in his sweat and some other slimy substance secreted from his body. These secretions were the waste discharged by the body after the evolution which contained dead skin, clogged pores, and some miscellaneous waste in the body.

This complete internal cleansing process was not completely unprecedented. If this experiment on Saoun did turn out successfully, one could draw a comparison to the C24 chromosome injected into him as a Chi pill seen in fantasy novels that completely reconstruct a person from the inside.

His life force was significantly enhanced by the C24 chromosome. Although the changes were not immediately distinct, he had lost a significant amount of weight, toning down from 140 kilograms to 120 kilograms.

What was exhausted was the built-up fat in his body.

A substantial amount of energy was required to enhance the body’s qualities. It seemed that the nutrients injected into him did not suffice, so his body began performing internal combustion on his fats as well.

Saoun’s expression was no longer full of misery and pain. The corner of his mouth tipped upward for a faint smile. It seemed like he was having a good dream.

“The subject is losing weight, but his physical quality is improving dramatically!”

There was a faint trace of envy in Li Lei’s eyes as he observed this process. “For most people, the C24 isn’t much different from the T-virus. They both possess characteristics ranging from enhancement, mutation, to further infection. However, most people are only susceptible to its mutational attributes after receiving the injection. Only an extreme minority with a unique genetic structure can receive the best of both worlds, which is a blend of physical enhancement and mutation. While the unlucky ones are turned into mindless monsters, the extreme minority becomes superhumans...

“Our subject Saoun had received the complete enhancement effect of the C24 chromosome. Not only was his physical fitness greatly improved, but he’s also blessed enough to have his appearance and cognitive thinking preserved.”

“You’re free to give it a shot as well.”

Chen Chen spotted the envy in Li Lei’s eyes and teased him.

“Oh, I wouldn’t dare.”

Li Lei was not a fan of the suggestion. “I sampled my blood as well and detected the same violent genetics. If I’m injected with this, it’s not going to end well.”

While the two of them were chatting, Saoun slowly opened his eyes.

“He’s awake!”

The research crew immediately swarmed toward Saoun when they noticed he was awake. Some of them started to extract blood samples while others performed body inspection. Each researcher performed their respective tasks efficiently.

“The C24 has perfectly fused into his body, its infectious quality has expired!”

Another row of data fed into the display. Li Lei’s eyes immediately widened when he took note of the data as he shot up from his seat. “It’s just as miraculous as the T-virus!”

Chen Chen was pleased to hear this. This observation was the same as when he was injected with the customized version of the T-virus. Once the T-virus completely fused with the DNA and the host was not turned into a zombie, that meant the process had been completed and the virus would not infect another person.

This was an example of perfect compatibility.

“Let’s take a look at his physical enhancements.”

Chen Chen signaled. “Release him, it’s safe here.”


Li Lei went to the intercom microphone again. “Get ready to release subject D2213 and perform a full-body inspection.”

The research crew below immediately carried out the orders that were given. After the metal loops were taken away from the horrified Saoun, he sat upright still wincing in fear and asked with a quivering voice, “What’s going on, what did you do to my body?”

“Mr. Saoun.”

The restless Saoun heard a voice coming from the speaker system installed in the laboratory that directly addressed him. “How are you feeling?”

“I, I’m very hungry...”

Saoun looked around him and soon spotted two men standing behind a glass wall on the second floor.

Both of them looked like Chinese men. One was wearing a large white lab coat while the other was in casual wear.

“It’s normal to be hungry, Mr. Saoun.”

The man with the lab coat continued speaking through the speakers, “We’ll be conducting a series of tests for you now. There’s an arranged meal for you after that.”

“Alright, alright!”

Saoun could not be any happier to hear this as he nodded enthusiastically. “My favorites are milk and biscuits!”

This adult man named Saoun was no different from a wide-eyed child. The sheer mention of food easily erased whatever worries he had earlier.

What followed after was a series of inspections such as CT scans and ultrasonography tests.

The results of the inspection were immediately sent to the monitor for Li Lei and Chen Chen to review.

As it turned out, the physical enhancement was not the most significant improvement. What awed Li Lei the most was the impressive recovery displayed by the Saoun. It only took half several minutes for him to recover from a half-centimeter wound cut into his body. The tremendous recovery speed displayed had surpassed that of the Tyrant.

“The subject’s bone density, muscle strength, and recovery ability have all been greatly improved.”

Li Lei held his breath. “His strength is comparable to those experimental subjects that mutated into monsters and it’s also on par with the Black Knight. If only we can modify it to be effective on normal people...”

It had always been Li Lei’s goal to modify the T-virus to make it effective for all people. However, there were significant limitations to the T-virus since it had to be injected while the subject is in a fetal state to be effective. The method used in Chen Chen’s case was extremely costly since the T-virus had to be specifically customized to cater to Chen Chen’s genetic structure, therefore, the T-virus was not a viable option.

The C24 signaled another opportunity at fulfilling his vision.

However, Chen Chen only shook his head at the notion. If this thing could be modified, the people in the DOOM dimension would have done so a long time ago.

This was something that was far more sophisticated than the T-virus, only specific individuals were compatible with it.

Chen Chen suddenly took the intercom microphone from Li Lei and turned to the giant Saoun below. “Mr. Saoun...”

“Uh... Hmm?”

Saoun was eagerly stuffing chunks of biscuits into his mouth. Both sides of his mouth were filled out like a beaver as he turned to look at the second floor.

“I went through your documents previously. What I want to know is, what were you doing when you were arrested by the police?”

Chen Chen asked, “Why were you kneeling in front of the dead bodies of the two women?”

“I was trying to perform CPR on them.”

Saoun answered without a second thought. A tinge of regret surfaced in his eyes while he did so. “I have a bit of first-aid knowledge. I thought that there was still time to rescue them so I did what I could...”

“But the transcripts say that you admitted to killing the two of them during your third confession.”

Chen Chen pried further. “How do you explain that?”

“They kept beating me...”

Saoun sounded dejected. “If I wouldn’t admit to killing them, they were going to continue beating and torturing me. They wouldn’t let me eat or sleep...”

During this confession, his eyes were still as pure and innocent as they had always been. With just one look, Chen Chen immediately recognized that this person was not lying.

Meanwhile, Li Lei still had his doubts.

“Your strength, speed, reaction time, and recovery capacity have been greatly improved. What I’d like to know is this, would you be willing to leave this place?”

Chen Chen asked again.


Li Lei turned to look at Chen Chen. As far as he knew, there had never been any instance of Delta-level subjects being released from the laboratory.

“You mean... Leave?”

Saoun froze for a moment and thought about it deeply for a moment. After that, he shook his head decisively. “No. I’ve been sentenced to death, getting to live is more than I could ask for. Besides, wouldn’t I be arrested again if I leave?”

Saoun’s reply stunned Li Lei and the other researchers.

“If you’re willing to work for me, you have my guarantee that nobody will ever come for you.”

Chen Chen proposed. “Furthermore, I can provide you with enough food, perhaps even an appropriate salary.”


Saoun promised with a firm nod. After that, his attention went back to the delicacies set for him on the table.

Chen Chen passed the intercom microphone back to Li Lei.

“Boss, do you believe his claims?”

Li Lei was still doubtful. “Many people in this world are natural actors.”

“It doesn’t matter whether he’s telling the truth or not.”

Chen Chen replied nonchalantly, “I want him because of what he’s capable of. If we can get him to cooperate with us, we can hasten the progress of our C24 research.”

“I see...”

Li Lei nodded pensively.

“Meanwhile, you continue focusing on developing the C24.”

Now that Chen Chen had done what he came here for, he proceeded to leave, but not before further instructing, “Insert the God chip into Saoun and promote him to a level-C researcher rank. Keep him here with you to help with your research. We can start with using his blood to create a C24 drug that can strengthen all humans.”

“Alright, I’ll do my best!”

Li Lei answered with firm determination.

After that, Chen Chen left the laboratory and went to the teleportation room on the top floor.

Little X who was trailing after him closely began to ask inquisitively, “Sir Godfather, I believe that even if we don’t grant this Delta-grade subject Saoun any freedom, we should still be able to conduct the C24 research with him as a specimen. Could it be that you’ve taken pity on him due to his circumstances?”


Chen Chen replied without stopping, “It’s nothing embarrassing. I’ve already spotted some strange discrepancies when I went through his files. It’s just that I don’t have any further proof. I trust my judgment unless Saoun’s acting skills turn out to be deserving of an Oscar award.

“Since I determined that he’s innocent, there should be no problems even if I let him loose in the laboratory. I’m going to implant the God chip in him anyway so there’s no need for any further concerns.”

“But it does seem like genetics plays a significant role in a person’s nature...”

Little X pondered. “Are people without violent genetics naturally this naive and pure-minded?”

“I think this is nothing more than a coincidence.”

Chen Chen suddenly stopped. “After all, there’s only an extreme minority that doesn’t have violent genetics. But when the population reaches up to eight billion, that still makes a sizable portion of the population. However, when applied in the real world, not a lot of them turn out to be truly kind. There are many more factors at play.

“Just because someone doesn’t have violent genetics doesn’t necessarily mean this person is kind-hearted. Think of it as how most people have violent genetics but most have never acted on their violent tendencies in their entire life. The human mind is a complicated subject. The circumstances revolving around a person can have a profound impact. Who is to say that genetics is the only factor at play?

“Therefore, we can only conclude that people without violent genetics are only less likely to get into violent confrontations with others.”

“That does make sense.”

Little X noted contentedly.

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