I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 579: Overnight Stardom

Chapter 579: Overnight Stardom

New York City, Queens.

The dense smoke cleared up as the array of fire trucks and ambulances departed. The ambulances speeding to the hospital were loaded with several wounded by the fire.

It was evening. The highway that would usually be experiencing peak traffic was uncannily empty. Due to the fire in Aycliffe Building, the entire New York Center Avenue was closed off to all common vehicles.

Thankfully, the fire had now been put out successfully. Meanwhile, there was a loud commotion right opposite the Aycliffe building. A clamoring crowd of thousands of people surrounded four heroic figures posing by the steps. The passionate chorus of their cheers resounded across the avenue.

Among the four figures posing by the steps, one was a handsome man with a bed of silky, slicked-back hair. He wore an azure blue combat suit and donned a cape with the logo of the Earth Federation stitched on top and smiled radiantly.

Though the spotlight was all on the man in azure blue, the presence of the other three was quite remarkable. One of them was a black man with a row of flashing white teeth who wore a combat uniform with a bauhinia emblem stitched on top. Though his smile was dazzling, some could sense a dark aura lurking underneath.

The remaining two members seemed more childlike in comparison, but they each sported a combat suit styled to their distinctive brand as well.

Underneath the harsh sunlight, the four of them waved toward the crowd. Some of their fans among the passionate crowd approached them with large and fresh bouquets of flowers, presented to them with tears in their eyes.


“Lane... Lane!”

“Blake! Hodge! You’re all heroes!”

Their cheers drowned out the skies.

At one point, three of the members sensed that it was about time and darted a glance at the blonde-haired man in azure blue uniform. The man in question returned a faint nod and took a step forward. Then, he held his hand out and signaled for the crowd to pause their celebrations for a moment.

There was an immediate silence as the charmed members of his audience looked at him with a dazzled look in their eyes.

“Everyone, I’m honored by your passionate welcome.”

The blonde-haired man stated, “I also feel the great responsibility that I should bear from here on. As the newest member of the Superhuman Combative Police Force, it’s my mission and my obligation to step up to meet the great expectations expected of me...

“Ever since I was a child, I vowed to myself that I’d fight for justice, for this continent, for the federation, and mankind. I see laid before me now a chance to succeed these dreams of mine. I want to dedicate every ounce of my strength to protect all those who need protection. I promise from here on that I’d protect all of them in the name of justice, mercy, and sacrifice!”

As he said this, there was a prominent flash in his eyes. “I’m the Guardian – John. And this is my sacred vow!”


An enormous cheer erupted from the surrounding crowd again.

The blonde-haired man held his arms out and in a magnificent gesture and flew above the crowd. He soared above them as if he was riding on their waves of cheers.

This display of his powers threw the crowd in a state of delirium. They held their arms out in hopes of brushing against John the Guardian, some of them were so excited that they were crying tears of joy!

“John! John!”


The name echoed across the skylines of New York City...

This majestic scene slowly zoomed out and was cast onto a display.

Beside the display was a black man who seemed in his forties whose eyes were illuminated with a brilliant spark. He slowly approached the center of the pitch-black stage.

It was a live feed of a program titled “Richard’s World”, which was broadcasted every night at 7:30 pm on the International Channel of the Earth Federation.

The host of the show looked at the display behind him now. The display showed the paused frame of John being surrounded by tens of thousands of fans in New York City

“Dear viewers, I’m Wilson Richard and you’re watching the Earth Federation international show – ‘Richard’s World’.”

The host’s voice was dramatic and energetic, instantly commanding the viewer’s attention. “I’m sure all of you have heard of the recent news from Blackwatch...”

As he said this, he pointed a finger at the image shown on the display. “Are you all seeing this? Your eyes don’t deceive you, Mr. John here is a superpower user in every sense of the word. In the past, superpowers were merely seen as a myth, something out of this world that only belonged in fiction. Today, it’s proven that we were wrong all along!

“At the beginning of the year, we’ve lost hundreds of millions of innocent lives, families torn apart by the devastating fusion virus plague. The foundations of our civilization and never threatened to such an extent before and at one point. It seems like all hope was lost...”

The host’s temperament grew dark as he said this, but he quickly picked up his enthusiasm again, “But we’re a resilient species and we have powered through the devastation. And now, among the resilient survivors of the deadly virus, many have discovered that they have obtained new powers!

“The Earth Federation claimed that the formal term is ‘psionic’ power, but I believe the proper term to do it justice would be superpowers! These are powers that will reshape the world as we know it!

“There have been many drastic developments over the last few months and the familiar BHB Combative Police Force has emerged onto the world stage again, this time with a new addition to their forces...”

Upon stating this, the image on the display zoomed in several times until all was shown on the image was the blonde-haired man with his cape flapping majestically behind him. His other three partners faded into the background.

“His name is John Oppenheimer.”

The host continued. “He’s a survivor of the fusion virus disaster and as mentioned previously, some of the survivors have gradually acquired superpowers, and John here is no exception.

“We don’t know yet the exact background of this elusive member, but those aren’t important now. What’s important is that he joined the BHB Combative Police Force and that the police force now goes by a new name – Superpower Combative Police Force!

“The roster of the famous police force remains unchanged but what has certainly changed is that our heroes have had their once-disabled bodies fully restored. In the process, they have also obtained powerful abilities so that they may continue protecting us.

“Only hours ago, they put out a fire and prevented a tremendous disaster that would have killed thousands of people in the Aycliffe Building in New York City!”

The host Wilson held his hands out and proclaimed dramatically, “I can sense it, human society is undergoing a tremendous shift!

“Sometimes, I find myself in awe and blessed for having Blackwatch existing in the Earth Federation! They have solved cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and all kinds of physical diseases plaguing us humans. They would then go a step further and improve our lifespan and dramatically raise the standards of common life!

“The heart and soul of Blackwatch – the BHB Combative Police Force has also undergone a substantial metamorphosis as they pave the way for the transformation of our era...

“The name BHB Combative Police Force is now formally retired and will now be known as the Superpower Combative Police Force. In addition to the familiar faces of Blake, Hodge, and Lane, a fourth member is inducted, and this is none other than the Guardian – John!”

There was a bright delight in the host’s eyes. The display panned closer into John’s face as he stood outside the Aycliffe building. “My beloved audience watching from your homes, take a look at his brilliant smile and radiant eyes, at the lucid righteousness of his soul...”

The host exhaled with great emotion, trying to suppress his riling excitement before continuing. “I don’t know how anyone would ever find a reason to detest them. What I do know is that they’ll be our guardians from here on. Just as Mr. John stated, they are willing to risk their lives to uphold justice!”

After saying all this, the host sighed and smiled. “This is the single most significant thing to happen in the Earth Federation today. I’m Wilson Richard and this is the Earth Federation international channel – ‘Richard’s World’. Until then, goodbye!”

The stage lights dimmed out as soon as he bid his farewell until the only thing that could be barely made out was his silhouette. The show ended with the rolling credits offering recognition for the staff.

The logo of Blackwatch was included in the credits as well.

With the rebranding of the BHB Combative Police Force, media outlets all over the world naturally flocked to report its details, the new member especially was a focal point.

The media outlets constantly replayed the footage of John bursting out of the burning building as he rescued the people trapped inside the burning blaze. The name of John the Guardian was repeatedly cycled across all media.

[Justice shall prevail. The BHB Combative Police Force officially renamed as the [Superpower Combative Police Force] – The Wall Street Journal.

[Superheroes debut. Iis the transformation of human society imminent?] – New York Times.

[Blackwatch once again leads a transcendental change of era, psionic energy may reshape the world!] – Sohu News.

[The Guardian, a rising star to continue Brooke’s legacy] -YouTube News.

This time, there was no need for Blacklight Biotechnology to buy out the media outlets since the news circulated on its own, immediately capturing worldwide attention. All the media outlets capitalized on this opportunity to add to the bunch, the charming looks of John made it easier to advertise the new superhero and launch him into the forefront of international media.

The names of Superpower Combative Police Force and John the Guardian immediately became household phrases.

John the Guardian was launched into stardom overnight!


After finally stepping away from the camera lens, both Hodge and Lane expressed a sigh of relief.

“Good work, you all.”

Shortly after, the red-haired Austin appeared from a vehicle with the accompaniment of the sound of her high heels clicking elegantly against the tiles. She said with a smile, “John especially, you performed the best out of everyone. Your manner of speech and presentation is flawless.”

“It’s all thanks to the company’s training.”

John smiled briefly. Of the four members, he and Blake were the ones who felt comfortable in the spotlight. However, due to Blake’s unpredictable nature and slightly aloof attitude, neither Austin nor the other members of the management were comfortable with giving him a more distinct role and Lane and Hodge were too young to be put into consideration. The arrival of John now was a great blessing to all of them.

They determined that John had the potential to be the heart of the Superpower Combative Police Force.

“I talked with Manager Liu and the other superiors.”

Austin observed the reaction of the group while she stated, “After further discussion and from gauging the response of the public, we decided that John would be most qualified as the leader of the Superpower Combative Police Force. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?”

“Lea, leader?”

Hodge shot a surprised look at John but was otherwise not too shaken by the news. “No problem, I think John is a good fit for the role.”

Lane, on the other hand, had to conceal his shock and was slightly bothered. It did occur to him that the position was open and he had been training his professional attitude and waited for the opportunity to present himself. As much as he hated to admit it, he was no match for the newly recruited John whether in terms of presentation, abilities or raw measure of power.

Therefore, there was not much he could do other than nod reluctantly.


None of them expected Blake to suddenly burst out laughing upon hearing of the management’s decision. He applauded fervently. “Not bad at all, junior John does have the potential to be the leader! What I’m wondering is whether this means that the interviews can be headed by him from here on?”

“Of course.”

John turned to his fellow member who once had the esteem of being the most popular member and smiled politely. “You can leave the interviews to me.”

“Then. it’s decided.”

Blake nodded contently while rubbing his hands together mischievously. “Then I’ll have more time to spend with the ladies... Oh, I meant to say to train!”

Lane and Hodge looked at Blake, speechless.


Austin selectively filtered Blake’s childish remarks and turned to John. “From here on, you’ll be the leader of the Superpower Combative Police Force. I hope you can handle the responsibilities that come with it and diligently represent the company.”

“I understand.”

John’s attitude was exemplary as always. “Because everything I do will represent the image of the police force and Blackwatch by extension, is that right?”


Austin nodded and returned to her car and drove away shortly after.

After driving a short distance, a pensive look returned to Austin’s face.

“Austin, do you have any particular thoughts about John?”

Manager Liu who oversaw the Superpower Combative Police Force had been in the backseat all along. He leaned forward and emerged from the dark shadows. “You seem to be thinking about something.”

“It’s not that I dislike him.”

Austin shook her head. “It’s just that whenever I interact with him, it feels like he’s... Too perfect. To a point where it feels completely manufactured.”

“What are you worried about?”

Manager Liu smiled. “So what if he turns out to become the next Brooke? If we can build him up, we can tear him down the same way. No matter how powerful he is, Blackwatch can swat him down like a common fly.”

“Let’s hope so.”

Austin nodded and combed her hair with her hands then looked at the streetlights lined along the highway. The night view of the city tonight was especially enchanting...

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