I Secretly Develop Myself In The Demon World

Chapter 80 - Chapter 80: Chapter 79: Difficult Choices

Chapter 80: Chapter 79: Difficult Choices

Translator: 549690339

He did not choose to leave Skywolf Valley as the Great Princess as he had done yesterday, but instead switched his role back to Lang Thirteen and headed towards the exit of Kun Tian Prison in Skywolf Valley.

“If I leave through the mountain forest, I will surely be discovered by the Mountain Demon. Mountain Demons are not as dim-witted as other demons. I may be able to fool them once or twice, but they are bound to discover the problem if I do it too often.”

The path out of Sky Wolf Valley was not straightforward, but ascended gently at a small angle.

It took Su Nan a good six to seven minutes to finally reach a withered tree. Upon reaching there, he could already see the exit of Sky Wolf Valley. In order to be on the safe side, he decided to use foreknowledge once more. “You walk along the road leading out of Sky Wolf Valley. A minute later, you reach the end of the road.”

“At this moment, an old man appears in front of you, scrutinizing you closely.” “The old man is puzzled by your transformation, not understanding why the anomaly he previously sensed on you has now disappeared.”

Eventually, he is unable to find any anomaly on you. He abandons his skepticism, asking you why you want to leave Sky Wolf Valley.” “You tell the old man that you have discovered Outsiders infiltrating Sky Wolf Valley. Without expressing any doubt, the old man lets you go.” “I was really not discovered!”

Though he knew the outcome in advance, Su Nan couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This meant that in the future, he could appear openly in front of all demons without his identity being revealed.

“You leave Sky Wolf Valley and head towards the Wolf King Palace.” “Half a minute later, you arrive at the front of the Wolf King Palace. The leading Demon Beast guards stop you and ask your purpose.” “You use the excuse of discovering Outsiders to answer. The Demon Beast Leader takes Outsiders very seriously and immediately escorts you into the palace to report to the Great Princess.”

“The Wolf King Palace has six large and small palaces. You quickly follow the demon beast leader inside. You notice that the number of demon beasts inside the Wolf King Palace is not high, only a few are occasionally patrolling.” “More than a minute later, you pass through four palaces and arrive at the fifth palace.”

The three minutes of foreknowledge ended, with no dangers appearing. Without any further hesitation, Su Nan walked towards the end of the road. A minute later, he reached the end of the road. As expected, as soon as he arrived, an old man with hair as white as a crane and a face as youthful as a child appeared and grabbed him.

Su Nan did not show any fear and responded according to the conditions of foreknowledge.

A moment later, he walked towards the Wolf King Palace under the puzzled gaze of the old man.

There were plenty of demon patrols around the Wolf King Palace as well as powerful demons fully transformed into human forms. He couldn’t possibly pass by infiltrating as another demon. His only option was to enter normally by using Lang Thirteen’s identity.

As for howto evade the Demon Beast Leader and explore the Wolf King Palace after entering, that’s a problem for later.


As soon as he got near the Wolf King Palace, he was stopped by a patrolling Demon Beast Leader.

Su Nan held his composure, answering as per his foreknowledge.

When the Demon Beast Leader heard that Su Nan had discovered Outsiders infiltrating Sky Wolf Valley, he became excited, leading Su Nan into the palace immediately.

While following the leader, Su Nan started using his foreknowledge again. “You follow the demon beast leader through four palaces, finally arriving at the fifth palace, which is the sleeping chamber of the Skywolf Clan Great Princess.” “The demon beast leader asks you to wait outside the palace while he goes in alone to report. After half a minute, he comes out and invites you into the palace.”

“Upon entering the palace, you meet the Great Princess of the Skywolf Clan again, along with two young girls who are with her.”

‘The Great Princess inquires about where you discovered the Outsiders, you report truthfully.”

When she finds out that the Outsiders have entered Kun Tian Prison the demeanor of the Skywolf Clan Great Princess slightly changes, seemingly lost in thought.”

After a while, the Great Princess allows you to leave, giving you orders to report to her first as soon as there are any new findings.”

“The demon beast leader leads you to leave by the same route. You don’t want

to leave like this and plan to explore the Wolf King Palace.”

“Unfortunately, the demon beast leader always maintains a step’s distance from you, leaving you no opportunity to leave.”

“Eventually, you leave the Wolf King Palace.”

“Did I just leave like that? Have I come in vain?” While Su Nan’s face remained impassive, his heart sank.

He came to explore the Wolf King Palace, and to somehow steal Zhou Lingyin’s needed Bronze Bell — not to just report messages.

If he were to just leave like this, his trip could be considered wasted.

Su Nan started thinking about possible solutions quickly: “Maybe I can take advantage of the unlimited logout option, logout now, wait for the demon to leave, then login again.”

“But by doing so, I would undoubtedly expose that I’m a player.”

“By then, the identity of Lang Thirteen would surely be exposed, making it impossible to use this identity to return to Sky Wolf Valley in the future.” An identity exposed would be loss-making, as he still had several unfinished tasks in Sky Wolf Valley.

However, with the demon beast leader following him all the time, no matter what, once he does something suspicious, his identity as Lang Thirteen would be hard to maintain.

But without Lang Thirteen’s identity, he wouldn’t be able to get into the Wolf King Palace at all.

This undoubtedly led to a vicious cycle.

“This is indeed a four-star mission, it’s so difficult!” sighed Su Nan. Now he felt a bit envious of Zhou Cheng’s shadow transformation ability.

Compared to his transformation art, Zhou Cheng’s ability was undoubtedly more suitable here.

At the very least, Zhou Cheng didn’t have to worry about being discovered by demons.

While he was contemplating this, he had already followed the demon beast leader all the way to the fifth palace.

The Demon Beast Leader said, “Wait here, I will go in and report to the Great Princess.”

With that, the leader entered the palace, leaving Su Nan alone to wait outside. Su Nan scanned the surroundings, realizing that presumably due to the palace being the Great Princess’s sleeping chamber, there were no other demons present, nor any patrolling demons to be seen.

This seemed to be a good opportunity for him to leave.

But Su Nan hesitated, unsure of what to choose.

He did not use foreknowledge again, as in the previous foreknowledge the Demon Beast Leader was with him all the way, and the results of continuing the foreknowledge would undoubtedly be the same.

Unless he could find a way to handle the Demon Beast Leader, but clearly, he lacked the power to do that.

He currently only had two options: either abandon the identity of Lang Thirteen and immediately log out of the game, or report the news and leave the Wolf King Palace with the Demon Beast Leader to plan for another opportunity in the future.

However, given the state of the palace’s security, the result would likely be the same if he tried again in the future.

Time was slowly slipping away, and the time when the Demon Beast Leader would come out was approaching.

He was running out of time.

If he didn’t make a decision now, he would have to report the news as in the foreknowledge and then obediently leave..

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