I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 301: The Army’s Despair

Chapter 301: The Army’s Despair

Buckingham Palace was not open to tourists all year round, but it just so happened to be open today. It was a hotspot for visitors, and although only three sections of it were opened for visitation, they were enough to satisfy curious tourists.

So when the local London forces drove armored cars and even a few tanks to the streets near the palace grounds, it immediately caused a stir among tourists. Countless cameras and cellphones were aimed at the British forces, and people posted pictures on social media. Some even opened a live broadcast to show what was happening. In history, the last time armored cars drove through the streets of London was during World War II.

The tourists collectively wondered what the cause of all the fuss was. The more astute observers among them noticed that the military seemed to be fortifying the palace grounds and wondered if there was news of a terrorist attack. Or course, not everyone bought this theory.

Some people guessed that it was related to the recent supernatural events happening all over the world. The Torch Dragon that descended on Tokyo was like a small wave, but Christ’s descent had caused a worldwide sensation. The only thing that could probably make the British forces move would be supernatural beings.

Humans were creatures that would not listen unless death was staring at them in the face. Even if they had guessed that danger could occur at any moment, no one tried to escape and everyone tried to capture the moment with their devices. Even if the British soldiers wanted to send them away, it would be very difficult. Moreover, the tourists were primarily from other countries. Using too strong of a force could easily escalate into an international dispute.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the soldiers no longer had to rack their brains over how to move the citizens

An object smashed into the center of the palace like a cannonball, and the air was temporarily filled with dust and smoke. Once this cleared, a human figure was revealed to be standing in the center.


In the midst of smoke and dust, women screamed and the crowd coughed. When the smoke and dust gradually settle, the crowd was horrified to see a towering man wearing animal skin standing at the center. He was almost two meters tall and sported thick, powerful muscles. At his back hung a spear.

He was a god of war—

Just seeing the back of this powerful man reminded people of this term.

The man seemed to be dissatisfied with the screams of people behind him. He fiercely turned around, releasing a war-like aura, causing the people within the vicinity of Buckingham Palace to instantly become quiet. One could even hear a pin drop.

The terrifying aura he released assured everyone that he was a man among men. And his steely gaze radiated confidence.

Ancient war songs and the sound of the battlefield seemed to echo in the air. The smell of blood poured out from somewhere, and several people began to gag.

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“Tch, what a group of cowards. The people of the present world have been weakened to such a point! When I think about those warriors who fought against me, they at the very least dared to raise their blades against me. Although I crushed them like chickens, they were honored with death. How disappointing. What qualifications do these people have to possess this land? With just me, this land shall return to my Celtic name!”

Connacht Rhys laughed loudly. His voice was like a thunderstorm that shook the crowd. Even the nearby soldiers went pale and backed up a bit. They trembled as they raised their guns towards him.

“Are you going to beat me with those sticks? Hahahaha. Don’t make me laugh!”

In front of the gun barrel, the Celtic god who seemed ignorant of modern technology was even more humorous.

“Connacht Rhys, this is the human’s modern-day weapon.”

The fairy sitting on Connacht Rhys spoke up. From her soft and beautiful voice, it seemed that this fairy had more understanding of modern civilization than the Celt.

“Weapons? Hmph, even if these weak people held divine weapons, they would still just be a bunch of monkeys.”

The Celtic god said with disdain.

At that moment, the nearby crowd was able to notice the peculiar fairy. The man’s appearance had been too strong and temporarily overshadowed her, but now they were peeking to look at her beauty.

Some tourists screamed and ran far away, but there were also bold and excited people who hid at the sides. They took out their phones and cameras as they rapidly took photos. There were even streamers shouting at the top of their lungs.

The military did not care about these tourists. They were completely taken away at the sight of the Celtic god spitting on the ground. Their legs trembled as they barely stood by relying on their loyalty.

“Celtic God, in front of you is Buckingham Palace, the symbol of Britain’s royal family. Please leave immediately or we will attack, I repeat—”

At the main entrance of Buckingham Palace, the country’s army had already set up basic fortifications. The officer stood with a megaphone and shouted. Although his tone was a bit shaky, he was also full of energy. At the back of the fortifications, a battalion of soldiers had already set up machine guns. Although they were afraid, their duty as soldiers made them stand bravely in the face of immense danger.

If they did nothing and let the Celtic God kill people in Buckingham Palace, it would be an insult to Britain, turning the country into a laughing stock.

Connacht Rhys listened to the warning and said impatiently, “What a racket. Since you want to attack, just attack. Stop talking nonsense. We, Celts aren’t afraid of war. If you want to fight, then I will fight!”

His roar caused a terrifying sound wave that blew back the fortifications, barbed wires, and other objects. The officer who had been holding onto the megaphone was blown back ten meters and hit a car.

Seeing this Celtic god’s roar blowing away their fortifications, the commander gave his orders, “FIRE!”

A tank muzzle turned and aimed towards the Celtic god who stood in the middle of the road. This time, I didn’t care about collateral damage, and every soldier pulled the trigger without restraint.


The Challenger tank’s 120-millimeter armor-piercing shell roared. This was its first shelling after World War II.


Connacht Rhys did not appear to have expected such a big lump of iron to spew out such a powerful attack. He did not react at all as the armor-piercing shell hit him. His entire person was blown away by the tank towards a small three-story building behind him.

For a time, the soldiers were happy, thinking that the situation had ended with that. The old man who punched the thermobaric bomb turned out to be a lot stronger than the Celtic god.

But this happiness disappeared the moment they saw him walk out from the ruins of smoke and dust, unharmed.

No, he wasn’t completely unharmed, but only a layer of skin was destroyed. It did not even cause blood to flow out.

The soldiers sucked in a breath of cold air. How could they not be shocked after seeing someone come out unscathed after being hit by a tank’s armor-piercing shell?

‘Is this a Tuatha De Dannan? Is this the power of supernatural beings?’

Britain finally knew what kind of despair Japan felt when they were attacked by supernatural beings.

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