I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 663: The Captured Mastermind

As Seoul lay in ruins following a cataclysmic earthquake, with the city echoing with cries of anguish, a small group of about a dozen people was fleeing from the devastated city, making their way to a small hill on the outskirts that had somehow survived the destruction.

This hill was almost reduced to fragments, with tree debris scattered and broken rocks everywhere, making progress difficult. However, from this vantage point, the entirety of Seoul's devastation was visible.

"Ha ha... ha ha ha ha!!! I did it, I succeeded! This is all a sacrifice to the great gods, summoning their descent with the blood and souls of this city!"

Lee Uijin exclaimed, spreading his arms wide and laughing maniacally as he gazed upon the devastated Seoul.

His eyes were bloodshot, with the whites almost completely blackened, resembling a horror movie monster, terrifying to behold.

"Spiritual leader, we did it!"

The dozen or so followers surrounding Lee Uijin were core members of his cult, his most faithful adherents. They too cheered as they looked upon the city, now resembling an apocalypse.

"Spiritual leader, where do we go next?"

One of the fanatics asked eagerly.

"Wait, we need to wait! I've prepared a safe house not far from here. We need to hide there for now. Once the gods descend, this planet will belong to us!!"

Lee Uijin declared, waving his arm emphatically.

The massive earthquake in Seoul was part of Lee Uijin's long-laid plans. However, due to sudden international pressure on South Korea and a raid by South Korean special forces on their hideout, he had to advance his timetable.

According to his original plan, the earthquake would have struck before anyone in Seoul could react. But with the raid exposing his plot, he had to deploy all his forces, leading to a street battle in Seoul against the South Korean military.

The summoned Byakhees and created ghouls were not numerous, but the Seoul garrison was still caught off guard. However, reinforcements from other parts of South Korea would soon eradicate the monsters.

Knowing his earthquake plan was exposed, Lee Uijin gambled with a desperate move, using the secret method from the "Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan" to communicate with the Burrower Beneath, leading to its sacrificial act that triggered the massive earthquake.

Having prepared a safe house in Seoul that could withstand the earthquake, Lee Uijin survived the disaster and now led his core members to another safe house in the countryside to continue his plans.

"Let's move. There's still more to come in Seoul."

Lee Uijin commanded, summoning his followers. Just as he took a step forward, a cult member beside him suddenly collapsed with a bloody hole in his chest and died instantly.

Only then did the sound of gunfire reach them.


Lee Uijin's expression changed drastically as he realized what was happening. However, his warning came too late. With rapid gunfire, his core members fell one by one until only he remained.

Quickly, over a hundred elite soldiers in tactical gear surrounded Lee Uijin, guns trained on him.

Though they were masked, their eyes burned with fury as they looked at the human-clothed monster in front of them.

"Lee Uijin, you have nowhere to run!!"

The commanding officer shouted at Lee Uijin, "Surrender now!"

Lee Uijin looked around. Though he had the body of a ghoul, he couldn't fight an entire elite unit alone. Smiling grimly, he knelt and clasped his hands behind his head.

"Heh, heh! I didn't expect you to bother capturing me. I thought I'd be safe once I got out."

Lee Uijin laughed as several soldiers rushed to handcuff him. Seeing Lee Uijin bound and smiling twistedly, the commanding officer strode forward and punched him twice.

"You bastard!! Look at what you've done to Seoul, look at what you've done to our country!!"

The officer screamed, pointing at the ruined city, tears welling up in his eyes.

Despite the hard punches, Lee Uijin, now a ghoul, didn't even bleed. He simply stared coldly and crazily at the officer.

"Order those monsters to stop attacking, now! Quickly order them or I'll make you suffer a fate worse than death!!"

The officer shook Lee Uijin by his collar, yelling in fury.

"Ha ha ha!! Do you really think I can control those monsters?"

Lee Uijin laughed maniacally.

"What do you mean?"

The officer's heart sank.

"I have no control over those monsters. The only reason those crazed monsters listened to me was not because of me but for the sake of the ritual to summon the gods. Why do you think such a powerful race like the Burrower Beneath would sacrifice itself to cause such a powerful earthquake!!"

"…So give up. Once the ritual begins, it's all over. Our god will ultimately descend. Humans, accept the judgment of the gods. Hahaha!!"

Lee Uijin laughed wildly, his tone filled with fanatical reverence for his gods.

The officer felt a chill. He knew the gods Lee Uijin spoke of were no benevolent gods but terrifying entities.

Immediately, soldiers began searching Lee Uijin, finding the original "Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan" on him. An expert in ancient Chinese was quickly summoned, frantically flipping through the book to find a way to control the monsters.


The officer asked urgently.

The expert shook his head, pale-faced. "No, sir, nothing. This book only describes how to summon the monsters, not control them. The monsters will inevitably consume anyone who uses this book because humans can't command them!"

"Heh, heh, heh!! I told you not to waste your efforts. In the end, you'll join my god, or enjoy your last moments of freedom and life. Ha ha ha! Look, the ritual has begun!!"

Everyone followed Lee Uijin's gaze to see a blood-red mist rising from the ruins of Seoul, transforming the city into a living hell.

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