I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

Chapter 1222: Treatment of Raydoss Citizens

Chapter 1222: Treatment of Raydoss Citizens

After listening to Fran’s lengthy and somewhat clumsy explanation, the adults let out a collective sigh. It must have been tiring just to listen.

I’m exhausted too. Fran responded perfectly to any combat-related questions, but she would answer “Dunno” or “Not sure” to almost everything else unless I corrected her.

And seriously, we don’t need to hear any more about how delicious the curry was! Stop talking about food at every possible opportunity! Please!

Especially since the merchants seemed somewhat interested!

Despite the various difficulties, I think we managed to convey most of the important details.

「So you say the teleport may have been due to an enemy relic malfunctioning, but the reason is still unclear.」

We couldn’t attribute the teleportation to the Evil God’s doing, so we reported the possibility of the relics causing it instead.

Mish furrowed his brow upon hearing this.

This meant Raydoss might be capable of sending legions deep within Kranzel’s territory in an instant. It’s only natural to feel uneasy.

「What are the dukes of Raydoss thinking? Slaughtering their own people, defiling the land, and ruining their forts and farmlands… Surely they realize the nation will become uninhabitable at this rate.」

「No, this was probably their goal to begin with.」

「Rhodus-sama, what do you mean?」

「They intend to prevent us from acquiring any immediate benefits if we seize their territory.」

「I see.」

The former lord, Marquis Rhodus Christon explained. I thought he might have a complicated relationship with the current lord Mish, due to the difference in title from a marquis and count. However, it seems they were working together surprisingly well.

I didn’t sense any tensions between the two. They were clearly cooperating for their shared desire to revitalize Bulbora.

Mish must be handling the politics, while Rhodus took the lead in military matters. I think Gamudo mentioned his hopes for an arrangement based on their respective strengths, and it seems he got what he wanted.

「Even if they intend to employ a scorched earth strategy, don’t they need to consider what happens when they retake their territory?」

「This so-called Superhuman General may be as childish as she looks. Perhaps she is simply acting on her own without consideration for the future.」

「Are you sure about that? It sounds like it is only her appearance that is childish.」

「She must be a child on the inside as well if she forced Amanda to withdraw. Amanda only refuses to fight real children.」

「Or perhaps they have another hidden motive…」

「That’s possible as well. It would explain why they sacrificed their population to gather vast amounts of mana. If this scorched earth strategy is merely a pretext, the true purpose could be to perform some kind of ritual.」

Mish and Rhodus discussed various details based on Fran’s story.

However, no amount of discussion on Raydoss’s true objectives will leave the realm of possibility.

They quickly returned to the main subject at hand: the villagers.

「The refugees fleeing Raydoss did not seem to have much loyalty to their nation. Quite the opposite, in fact, and this incident only added to that sentiment. We shouldn’t have to worry about them running as long as we treat them fairly.」

「Indeed. Perhaps they will develop homesickness eventually, but that can be dealt with later.」

「Which brings us to the bigger issue of the Red Knights.」

「A troublesome problem indeed.」

The Red Knights may be behaving themselves for now, but there’s no changing the fact that they’re soldiers working a hostile nation. Moreover, the current Bulbora has no means of containing them if a conflict arises.

The town was still recovering, and they didn’t want to have such a threat close at home.

However, the villagers were basically hostages, to put it bluntly. The Red Knights won’t agree to being separated from them.

Furthermore, the people of Bulbora would likely show significant resistance if word was to get around about the villagers from Raydoss.

Due to the countless deaths they’ve caused in the city, many of the citizens harbor resentment towards Raydoss. Simply seeing someone from Raydoss might prompt them to vent their anger.

Then, the Red Knights come out to protect the villagers. Any minor confrontation leads into a big issue, and the people ask the lord to intervene.

Ignoring his people would cause widespread dissatisfaction, and taking their side would sour relationships with the Red Knights.

To Mish, these refugees from Raydoss were little more than a ticking time bomb.

「We haven’t decided on the details yet, but they will likely be moved somewhere outside Bulbora, and soon.」

「Somewhere outside?」

「Indeed, but rest assured that they will be treated well. We have a few abandoned pioneering villages they can use.」

Over the past few years, Bulbora had recruited volunteers to create several new villages. However, the population reduction from the recent incidents forced them to recall the people at these villages.

As a result, there were apparently a few that were now uninhabited. While they might have become somewhat unkempt due to the absence of people, they shouldn’t have deteriorated to the point of being uninhabitable.

So it seems they intend for the Raydoss refugees to live there discreetly, farming the land while staying out of sight.

「Are you sending any help?」

「Of course. We want the Red Knights to live peacefully without any trouble. I will have the merchants lend a hand with supplies and such.」

I see. So that’s why the merchants are here.

There’s probably not much profit to be gained, but it serves to help them build a favorable relationship with the lord.

「Black Lightning Princess Fran, I have a request for you regarding this.」

「What is it?」

「I want you to check on the condition of the pioneering villages. We have a few in mind, but none of them have had their status confirmed.」


This was probably their way of being considerate. Fran was on friendly terms with the refugees from Raydoss, so having her decide their new place of residence will be reassuring.

Furthermore, having Fran mediate would likely gain the trust of the Red Knights as well.

『Doesn’t look like he’s plotting anything, so I think it’s fine to accept.』

「Nn. Got it.」

As much as Fran wanted to return to the battlefield, she couldn’t abandon her newfound friends from Raydoss. It seems we will be staying here for a while to support them.

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