“Fuma-style assassination technique?”

I asked, my expression one of bewilderment. Senior Fuma nodded in response and explained,

“It’s a one-line transmitted assassination technique with a history of 500 years. It’s one of the secret arts of the Fuma Clan, passed down since the Warring States period.”

Just hearing about its credentials, I could tell this was no ordinary martial art.

“So, one-line transmission means only one person per generation learns it?”

“Correct. Each head of the Fuma Clan learns two assassination techniques called Swift Wind and Rapid Thunder. My father, the 17th Fuma Kotaro, mastered these and was revered in the underworld as the Black Night Demon.”

“But why offer such a precious thing to me…?”

Senior Fuma answered seriously,

“Swift Wind, the Huma-style assassination technique, was initially intended for ‘superhumans’ to learn.”


“The name Fuma Kotaro is a hereditary title passed down to the head of the Fuma Clan. And the ninja who is to become the head undergoes rigorous training from a very young age to become a superhuman, surpassing ordinary humans.”

Hyoneko, who had been listening to the conversation, chimed in,

“The only historically recorded Fuma Kotaro is the fifth. He was described as 7 feet tall, muscular, with eyebrows curling up from below, and four fangs protruding like a goblin.”

“Isn’t that an exaggeration?”

“Well, historical records often include exaggerations. But it’s certain that each head of the Fuma Clan was a superhuman. Sometimes, due to the limited number of people who can learn it, outsiders are taken as disciples to pass down the technique to the next generation. That’s why we’re making this offer to you. There’s no one left in the current weakened state of the Fuma Clan to learn Swift Wind.”

After hearing their story, I cautiously asked,

“Has Senior Fuma’s father, the 17th head, passed away?”

Senior Fuma gently shook her head.

“No, my father left home 10 years ago because he didn’t want to remarry. He’s been out of touch since then. He’s probably living fine somewhere.”

“So, does that mean I don’t need to learn it?”

“But until my father returns, as the acting head, I have the duty to continue the clan’s tradition. That’s why I’m offering this to you. As someone with an Extreme Yang Constitution, you might be able to learn the assassination technique even without special training.”

“May I have some time to think about it?”

“Take your time. It’s not something to be decided impulsively, as it’s a matter of human ethics.”

I nodded to Senior Fuma, thankful for the offer.

“Thank you, but… marriage?”

Senior Fuma tilted her head in confusion.

“Didn’t I just say? It’s a one-line transmitted secret technique.”

“That’s right.”

“Learning the Fuma-style assassination technique means you’ll become our family’s son-in-law.”


I felt my mind go blank for a moment at Senior Fuma’s unexpected remark.

I thought, ‘Don’t suddenly bring out a romantic comedy vibe in a place like this after all the battle story mood.’

“I’m sorry.”

I flatly refused Senior Fuma’s proposal, as I had not expected a sudden mention of marriage.

Then, Senior Fuma, with a hardened expression, asked,

“Do you not like me? I’m confident in my appearance, and I’ve received thorough training as a bride.”

I felt a strange pressure.

“No, it’s not about that.”

I waved my hand and added,

“I appreciate your offer, but I wonder if I really need to learn martial arts to become stronger. I don’t have time for it during the semester, and I’m already quite strong, aren’t I?”

As I flexed my arm to emphasize my muscles, Hyoneko let out a light exclamation of admiration.

Senior Fuma seemed momentarily lost for words, perhaps recalling our previous one-on-one duel, but then shook her head and said,

“Sure, you can probably defeat most opponents in your current state. But what if they’re at the level of a seven-star martial artist? Besides Ivan the Destroyer and my father, Fuma Kotaro, there are five other formidable martial artists in the world. If they come for you, you won’t be able to handle them with your current strength.”

“Can’t that be resolved through dialogue?”

“Through dialogue?”

“Yes. I don’t think there’s a need to accept every fight that comes my way.”

“I’ve never considered that.”

“And not just for me, wouldn’t you also want to marry someone you love? I’d prefer to marry through ordinary love rather than a marriage based on conditions.”

Senior Fuma looked as if she’d had a revelation, wearing a dazed expression after hearing my words.

I stood up.

“Thank you very much for your offer today, but I don’t think I can accept it.”

After bowing, I told Hyoneko I would take my leave.

“Wait a moment! Take this with you!”

Hyoneko handed me the Mirror of True Essence, the object I had touched earlier.

“Once used, it can’t be used by anyone else but you. Since you’ve already touched it, nobody else can use it, so keep it.”

“Isn’t it expensive?”

“It is, but it was intended as a bribe, so it’s fine. Yukika and I will explain it to the elders back home, so just pretend you didn’t hear anything today.”


“The real way to use the Mirror of True Essence is to channel your qi while looking into the mirror. Doing so will reveal your innate abilities.”

After saying that, Hyoneko pushed me back, adding,

“Let’s meet next time, not in this context, but as a staff and customer.”

I bid farewell to Senior Fuma, still seated, and quietly left the maid café.

Fuma Yukika was a very principled person.

Unlike her father, who left their hometown unable to forget his deceased wife, she was willing to sacrifice even her own body for the revival of her clan.

That was how she was raised, and she believed it to be right.

Since becoming the temporary head of the family at age 8, after her father left, she has undergone rigorous training every day.

This led her to master the Fuma-style assassination sword technique, Lightning Speed.

To preserve another martial art, Swift Wind, she needed to find a suitable husband.

This was her excuse to leave the stifling countryside for Tokyo.

At first, she was pleased.

She could meet her cousins, who had left for work.

However, her situation now was completely different from her childhood.

As the temporary head of the Fuma Clan, she had to act accordingly.

She faced pressure for achievements from all directions, knowingly and unknowingly.

She diligently studied, worked part-time at night for living expenses, and occasionally handled underworld matters to prove her worth as the temporary head.

The three years passed quickly, and she was soon facing graduation.

In about eight months, she would have to return to her suffocating countryside.

Although she felt a bit regretful, Fuma Yukika had no intention of minimizing her duties as the head.

It felt like she was becoming just like her father, who abandoned her and left.

Her life, which lived like a cog in the wheel for her clan’s revival, was completely turned upside down when she met a man named Kim Yu-seong.

The weekend passed.

On Saturday, I met Senior Fuma at the maid café in Akihabara, and on Sunday, we went grocery shopping together with the group members.

During this time, I learned that Sakamoto Ryuji, the protagonist, lived not far from my house.

I knew we lived in the same neighborhood since he visited my house for a meal, but I never imagined he lived this close.

Just a five-minute straight walk from the intersection near my house, there was the luxury mansion where Sakamoto lived. Exaggerating a bit, it was so close that if you fell over, you’d almost land at his doorstep.

After discovering this fact, not only did I find it intriguing, but Sakamoto did, too.

“Why haven’t we ever seen each other when we live so close?”


Honestly, it was a mystery to me as well.

It seemed that even the times he took the subway weren’t much different from mine.

But the fact that we never met even once seemed like more than just a coincidence.

Anyway, leaving home a bit earlier than usual, I met Sakamoto on the subway and had that conversation, then joined Rika, who came from the next car.

Sakamoto’s younger sister, glancing at us from beside him, caught my attention, but I pretended not to notice and checked the schedule on my smartphone.

Because today was finally the day we were leaving for Chiba for the field trip.

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