Chapter 838: State of Harmonies
Tertiary Nature-Deity Fusion!
It already fuses the functions of all three Natures of Boul Brimgan into a singular effect. However, the effect wasn’t uniform. Deity Fusion had the strongest impact while Kinesis Deity became the weakest, with Kinesis Felines being in the middle.
When the effects of all three Natures were turned equal, a harmonising effect was reached while improved Boul Brimgan’s overall output capacity. And the moment he equalised all three Natures, he attained the State of Harmony.
It wasn’t simple to enter this state, as Boul Brimgan had to focus, which was what he had been doing when Inala slammed countless Attributed Region slabs into the Kalahatra Desert. It was because even though Deity Fusion was powerful, it wasn’t destructive enough against the Celestial Boar.
Hence, Boul Brimgan intended to take his time to enter his strongest state, even if it meant increasing the pressure on Inala. After all, Boul Brimgan trusted Inala’s capability the most ever since he experienced the latter’s State of Unity.
At the same time, he advocated for everyone to enter their strongest states possible, for that was the only way to kill the Celestial Boar, “Inala will create an opportunity. Trust him and wait for the chance. In the meantime, gather all your strength.”
He advocated for it and led the charge. And now, both the Royal Zinger and Celestial Boar had damaged the minds of each other and constricted the bodies of both parties.
It created the perfect opportunity for the rest to take action. And being the fastest Mystic Grade existence, Boul Brimgan was the first to arrive.
State of Harmony-Brimgan Deity!
“This is for my mother!” Boul Brimgan punched forth with all his might as a feline mouth appeared on his outstretched palm and blasted forth a beam of energy that rampantly punctured through Brangara’s chest. He targeted the latter’s Spirit Container, firing his attack point-blank like a laser.
Strings of Prana were rapidly digging in and out of Brangara, keeping him bound. While the Royal Zinger was getting beaten up, it had used Prana Stitch to carve Palm Stitches across the Celestial Boar’s body.
Mystic Royal Art-Piezo Resonance!
By sending Zinger Shrieks infused with Prana into the Celestial Boar’s body at the body’s natural frequency, the Zinger Shrieks coursed through the body and carved out Piezo Slips across the bones, tendons, cartilages, organs, etc.
The only organ that was bereft of this Piezo Slip was the stomach, since it was the Astral World. These Piezo Slips were stitched with Palm Stitches, which allowed them to absorb all Prana they came into contact with, using which they powered the strings of Prana that was invading the Celestial Boar’s body.
These strings of Prana were rapidly being destroyed by the Celestial Boar’s body that was also digesting the body parts infected with the Piezo Slips. However, once one of the Piezo Slips had accumulated 1000 units of Prana, it condensed a Biome Bomb which carved out another series of Piezo Slips stitched with Palm Stitches.
The Celestial Boar’s body was a battlefield. The moment Astral World concentrated its power at a certain spot, the Prana being gathered by the Piezo Slips would be transmitted to a far away location through a combination of Tangible Piezo Slips stitched with Piezo Resonance.
Thanks to Piezo Resonance, the shockwaves travelled at their fastest speed across the Celestial Boar’s body. They gathered information from the body while transmitting everything to nearby Tangible Piezo Slips the moment they were destroyed.
Information was juggled across the abilities through a complexly combined usage of shockwaves and Tangible Piezo Slips. And this allowed them to behave like an army and collage their gains at a certain body part, allowing for the birth of a Biome Bomb.
And the moment it appeared, it carved a new generation of Piezo Slips across the skeleton, organs, tendons, and cartilages by employing Piezo Resonance.
Boul Brimgan didn’t understand everything that was happening. However, he could perceive the strings of Prana rapidly drilling out of the Celestial Boar’s body before being consumed, and then appearing again.
Therefore, damaging the Celestial Boar’s body will only help it in getting rid of whatever Inala had done to it. And hence, Boul Brimgan concentrated his attack, intending to target only the Spirit Container.
Without the Spirit Container, Brangara would be unable to assume his Celestial Boar form. The latter had originally assumed it to make it easier for the Unlimited Predator Satellites to protect him. However, the moment he had reverted to human form, and before the Satellites could move to surround him, Boul Brimgan had sneaked in through the gaps.
He was just that fast. And now, his concentrated attack penetrated Brangara’s body, which was significantly weaker than the Celestial Boar’s defence and shattered the Spirit Container.
In response, the voracious amount of Prana condensed within the Spirit Container flooded out, only to be happily devoured by the Piezo Slips. A second later, the strings of Prana bound Brangara like a cocoon.
The Unlimited Predator Satellites had arrived by now, aiming for Boul Brimgan when suddenly, streams of bone slammed into them, intending to invade them.
Primary Nature—Perfect Inertial Gravity!
Secondary Nature-Mystic Bone!
Tertiary Nature-Empyrean 100!
The three Natures began to influence each other as Resha had arrived at the scene, immediately taking absolute control of the weight of every particle in the vicinity. Brangara’s absolute domain had been weakened even further in response, as the air and ground it was controlling suddenly became hundreds of times heavier.
Miniature biomes began to form in them, each spanning a cubic metre in volume. And then, the space in them collapsed, causing miniature explosions. As this happened with every single particle, it overloaded the absolute domain that tried to contain everything.
The absolute domain was successfully destroyed, allowing an overwhelming power of gravity
to invade Brangara’s body and turn him incomparably heavy.
State of Harmony-Mystic Bone Art!
Resha’s powers encapsulated the peak of a Mammoth Clansman in the truest sense. And his State of Harmony was pretty much turning Mystic Bone Art into a Nature, which was why it had the same name.
In this state, Resha obtained a single, overwhelming superpower. Every single ability related to Mystic Bone Art were elevated. Skill turned into Prime Skills and Prime Skills were upgraded into Natures.
Currently, he was using the power of making a Storage Lantern onto all the particles in the region. Normally, Storage Lantern could only be created from the tusk of an Empyrean Tusk. However, Grehha’s Spirit Bone was rampant in the region.
Through Mystic Bone, Resha gathered that and filled the air, turning it into tusk bone power instantly and then controlled them, which was how he destroyed Brangara’s absolute domain.
‘His mind has been damaged once again.’ Resha flickered before Brangara and judged by observing the latter’s facial expression. Brangara was still resisting the attacks. However, his mental state wasn’t at a level where it could freely use Unlimited Predator like he had done against Inala, ‘If he were to do that, he could defeat us all.’
‘We have to finish this before he recovers!’ Resha thought as the ivory sand flowed around him like a river and blasted into the Unlimited Predator Satellites, hindering them temporarily.
As ivory sand was a mineral, Unlimited Predator Satellite couldn’t digest it, which was why it was blocked temporarily. However, there were dozens in the region, which split Resha’s concentration to the limit.
He was currently employing the Skill of Puppetry that had been created by Inala. Using the Skill, Inala could use four Spirit Weapons. Its peak was achieved by Asaeya, who could control
six Spirit Weapons.
Prime Skill-Puppetry!
Resha gained information related to the skill from Inala, including every Mammoth Clansman Skill that Inala had conceptualised and created. With his talents, he could barely manage six Spirit Weapons.
In terms of the smoothness of usage, it paled in comparison to Asaeya. However, he had a Mystic Grade mind, so Resha could handle the strain of controlling dozens of Spirit Weapons and the sheer Prana usage due to the abysmal drop in psychokinesis efficiency.
Boul Brimgan maintained his attack to ensure Brangara’s Spirit Weapon wouldn’t regenerate.
It only took a fraction of a second for Astral World to recreate it. And hence, he had to keep his attack activated constantly.
It was straining him, since he had to focus on maintain his State of Harmony. Only then could The unleash enough destructive power that outpaced Brangara’s recovery.
Resha’s state was worse, as he was forcefully maintaining his State of Harmony. He had just become the Empyrean Supreme. He still had a long way to go to adjust to his Mystic Grade self and then engage in endless training for decades before he could naturally achieve his State of
Therefore, every second he maintained his State of Harmony stressed his body, mind, and soul, applying all the pressure on his Spirit Container.
“Keep going, Boul!” Resha’s brows were scrunched, but his expression was resolute, calmly
calculating his next means of action. He created a needle-like stream of Prana and made it flow into Brangara’s nostrils, blocking up the nasal passage.
This made things a bit more difficult for Brangara, as without oxygen, his cells would begin
dying faster, which meant more Prana had to be set aside to produce new cells, which meant using up another portion of the Astral World’s influence.
There was a limit to how much it could generate in a moment. Resha intended to reach that
limit first. Once the nasal passage had been blocked, he did the same to the mouth too. ‘But that’s not all.’
He began to seep his influence into Brangara’s body, affecting the latter’s bones to begin
slowly turning it into the bones of an Empyrean Tusk. And in that, he wanted them to emulate
the effect of the Fragment disease, since through External Inertial Gravity, Resha could counter the power of the Tangible Natures of Empyrean Tusks in the Astral World.
That would cause Brangara’s body to grow weaker, making it easier for the strings of Prana to
constrict his body better.
Due to their speed, Boul Brimgan arrived first, followed by Resha who flew by propelling himself with Perfect Inertial Gravity while assuming the smallest and most aerodynamic form possible and making himself weigh nothing.
The others were still on the way. And currently, while Resha and Boul faced Brangara, a series
of Parute Trees appeared next to Inala, trying to help him, for Inala’s mind had been severely damaged.
‘His condition is worse than I had expected!’ Blola thought in fluster as he gazed at the bound figure of the Royal Zinger, eyeing its blank eyes.
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