After the last enemy fell, the giant snake unraveled and slid over to the bodies before swallowing each of them. As the bodies passed into its mouth, they disintegrated and various items and clothes dropped onto the ground from the see through body.

"You're disgusting!" Chen Wentian's voice that was bird-like came from the flapping swallow in the sky.

"Shut up, I'll shove these down your throat!" The snake replied, its voice also sounding like Chen Wentian but a little snake-life.

Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun stood in silence, watching the two strange beasts before them. Zhou Ziyun felt there was no possible way there were three Chen Wentian's in the world. Also, how could he become two different phantom beasts?

"You're not our master, so who are you?" Zhou Ziyun asked.

"Ziyun!" Lin Qingcheng was still a bit scared. These beasts just killed fourteen Spirit Initiate Realm cultivators!

"Haha, well..." The swallow in the air landed and patted its own head, as if thinking.

Zhou Ziyun felt a sliver of doubt as that action was the exact same as Chen Wentian's habits.

The snake turned its head to look at them. "I am... He also is... Chen Wentian also is. It's hard to explain... Best to wait until the main guy comes here."

The snake saw Lin Qingcheng's fearful and confused look. "How about this, I'll say something about Ziyun that's secret between us and you," It pointed to the swallow with its tail, "will say something about Qingcheng that is secret between us. That way you can be sure we're both your master."

"Qingcheng," The swallow spoke, "A two nights ago, I had s.e.x with your butt."

Zhou Ziyun's head swiveled so fast, it might have fallen off. She stared at Lin Qingcheng who blushed competely red.

"Master!" Lin Qingcheng cried in bashful annoyance, "You're so bad!"

"Hahaha!" The snake laughed, "Qingcheng, don't worry. How about this, Ziyun, first time I met you gave me a blowjob!"

The swallow started laughing as well. Zhou Ziyun felt a sudden rush of anger. She stomped forward and kicked the laughing bird as hard as she could.

"Hey! Go kick the snake!"

Zhou Ziyun walked back to Lin Qingcheng who only looked confused. "Elder sister, what's a blowjob?"

Zhou Ziyun gave the two weird beasts a withering look before whispering in Lin Qingcheng's ear. Lin Qingcheng once again got red as a tomato as she was taught the secrets of pleasuring a man.


It was afternoon when Chen Wentian arrived at the meadow. The snake and the swallow had long since returned back to their homes within the Insightful Swallow saber and the Golden Serpent Robe. He could have flown faster but since the issue was already resolved he took about five hours or so traveling at his normal speed.

As Chen Wentian flew down, Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun got up and greeted him.

"Master!" "Master!"

They were both anxious from the whole ordeal and they gave him a tight double hug.

"You guys alright? No hurt anywhere?"

They both shook their heads.

"Good, I know you both have a lot of questions, but there's still some ways to go before we can get back to the sect. Lets talk along the way." He hugged them tight and flew into the air.

After being held in his embrace for a while, the two girls calmed down and started chatting about the ambush. He knew about everything after his phantoms came out but he didn't know how the fight started. He felt a smoldering anger towards all those Lion Faction idiots and he started plotting a way to get rid of them.

"So, it's not the right time for me to teach you my secret arts, and maybe it may never be. But the simple summary of it is that its the Dao of the soul. Take the Insightful Swallow and the Golden Serpent Robe. They are crafted from the beast materials of immortal beasts. But I also bonded with the souls of the swallow and the serpent within them. Therefore, I can fully control the power within them and I can also sense fluctuations in the spiritual energy of the user and their surroundings."

"Oh, so that's why I felt a huge boost of energy from the saber! You were adding your energy to mine." Zhou Ziyun realized.

"Yeah. Also, I can expend a more energy to bring out the soul wraiths of the two beasts but it uses up a lot of energy. With my soul realm there is no concept of distance so I can help you in an emergency. However, don't depend on it too much. You both still have to cultivate and be strong."

"Yes, master!"

"Thank you!"

Lin Qingcheng kissed his right cheek and Zhou Ziyun kissed his left cheek. This was also nice, he thought. He was very happy to be able to save his dearest disciples. He didn't see the coy looks they passed between each other.

He was looking ahead and thinking of his explanation and making sure he didn't reveal anything too crazy. The explanation was factually correct, but he couldn't reveal the other aspects of his soul art just yet. The soul art was his greatest secret and the reason for his fast cultivation and his luck. He completely trusted his first three disciples after a year together but they were still too weak. If his secret got out, every high level immortal in the world would immediately try to hunt him down.


That evening, back in the sect, Chen Wentian sat on his bed and was pondering about which disciples room to visit. His clever girls solved the dilemma for him though as he heard a knock on his door.

"Come in."

Lin Qingcheng and Zhou Ziyun walked in. They both wore some barely there negligee that left nothing to the imagination. Perhaps they were emboldened by having their master to themselves once again?

Zhou Ziyun had a seductive smile as she held Lin Qingcheng's hands. Lin Qingcheng looked a shy and embarrassed as she was led forward.

"Master, as a reward for saving us..." Zhou Ziyun said, as she pushed him down on the bed. "Chengcheng, watch and learn."

Zhou Ziyun began to take off Chen Wentian's pants as Lin Qingcheng sat besides him, watching intently. When the last piece of underwear was removed, his little warrior was exposed and semi-hard. Lin Qingcheng stared in fascination. In her passionate cultivation with her master, she had never properly laid eyes on this magnificent instrument of pleasure.

Zhou Ziyun took the soft head in her mouth and caressed it with her tongue. It didn't take long for his d.i.c.k to become completely hard. She gave it a few more licks before stopping.

"Little sister, your turn!" Zhou Ziyun said.

Chen Wentian had never heard more arousing words in his entire life! He immediately felt a desire to ravish them both but suppressed it as he watched Lin Qingcheng's lips come closer and closer to his d.i.c.k.

She smelled the musky scent and felt it mysteriously light up her own arousal. Encouraged, she extended her tongue and licked the tip of bulbous head, tasting the mix of salty prec.u.m and saliva.

"Lick from the base of the head upwards." Zhou Ziyun instructed.

Lin Qingcheng did as she said.

After a little while, "Now, take the head in your mouth, and swirl your tongue around it."

"Suck on it, like a piece of candy..."

Slurp! Slurp!

"Now take it as much as you can until it hits the back of your throat!"

"Mmmm..." Lin Qingcheng's muffled m.o.a.ns sounded as she tried her best.

Chen Wentian was in heaven. Lin Qingcheng's licks and sucks were exquisite, not at the professional level like Zhou Ziyun but her inexperience and enthusiasm provided a different kind of exciting pleasure. At some point, he found that Zhou Ziyun had upped her game even further as she also joined in, spreading his legs and taking his sensitive balls into her mouth, sucking on each of them in turn and licking every inch.

He couldn't last much longer, not like this...

"Oh baby, I'm coming." He m.o.a.ned as his h.i.p.s jerked upwards and white hot jets of c.u.m shot upwards.

Lin Qingcheng pulled back in panic but the first stream still hit her lips while the rest fell onto his own stomach.

Zhou Ziyun giggled, "Try it, taste it."

Lin Qingcheng gave the sticky glob a tentative lick, finding it salty but otherwise okay. It also smelled of s.e.x and she liked it. Zhou Ziyun let her savor her first experience and made sure to not waste a single drop of her master's seed, licking up and down his d.i.c.k and his stomach.

Chen Wentian only needed a short rest to become hard and ready again. The sight of two n.a.k.e.d women worshiping his d.i.c.k was simply amazing. It was a long night for the three of them as Zhou Ziyun continued to teach. He got the chance to come directly in Lin Qingcheng's mouth and watch her drink it all. Zhou Ziyun also demonstrated how to take the entire length completely into her throat, though ultimately Lin Qingcheng wasn't successful at that. At the end, his two wonderful women knelt before him as he unleashed his last orgasm, painting their beautiful faces with his seeds of passion and love.

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