Chapter 111: Beastman and Elf

When leaving the store after negotiating the price, we resumed our stroll around the royal capital.

“Now then, where shall we go next?”

“”N, you see~ snacks~!””

“Oh my? Are you hungry?”

“”N~? Hungry~?””

“I see, then shall we eat something light?”


Although I said that, there are no stores that sell something to appease your stomach like sweets shop or coffee shop in this world.

“What to do......”


“Eh, you are fine with dorayaki?”


I see, dorayaki, huh? If it’s dorayaki then I have pre-made ones, let’s find some quiet place to eat~ While thinking such――

At that moment, I heard something akin to a lover’s quarrel coming from ahead of us.

“Isn’t it fine, Carna.”

“No, it isn’t! Release me!”

It seems that a male, grey dog-man or maybe a wolf-man is obstinately trying to court a blonde, cute-looking girl. Well, she quite clearly rejected him, though.

The Beastmen of Aetherdia are a race with human appearances and animal ears and tails, so they look close to a race of cosplayers to me.

There are apparently Beastmen with animal head and limbs too, but that the result of Beastmen specific skill called “Beastification”. This Beastification skill has stages, and at the first stage, they turn into human-looking, bipedaling beasts. They apparently turn completely into beasts at the second stage. The sense of hearing and smell during Beastification become sharper and their physical strength increases, so the skill is commonly used during a battle.

Therefore, most of the beastman are in their human forms within the towns.

I would like to witness the moment of transformation from nearby once, but that’s an impossible task without any beastmen friends.



“I, I’m sorry.”

“No, are you all right? You are not injured, are you?”

“I, I am fine.”

The girl the beastman was approaching stumbled towards me, so I promptly caught her.

Eh, oh my? Those ears...... aren’t they little longer and pointer?

I was a bit curious, so when I used Appraisal, the girl’s race came up as Half-elf.

Elves, the indispensable race in fantasy. The characteristic fair-skin and long ears, a race that excels in magic, was it? This girl seems to be a mix of human and that very elven race.

“Oy, you! Don’t go touching Carna as you please!”


The beastman tried to seize the half-elf’s, Carna’s, arm while shouting. That moment, a frightened expression floated on the girl’s face.

Seeing that, I avoided the beastman’s hand and hid the girl behind my back.

“Wha! What are you doing! Don’t get in our way!”

“No, the girl seems not to like it.”

“That’s unrelated to you, isn’t it!”

The anger in the beastman’s voice increased even further.

“Hey. Erm...... Carna-san? Is he your friend, a lover or...... someone close to you? Have I done something unnecessary?”

“N, no! That person is just an acquaintance at maximum! He’s a bother who makes advances on me whenever we meet! I always try to clearly reject him, but he quite doesn’t give up...... Today, he’s more pushy than usual. I can’t win when it comes to strength after all. But, it’s not like I can use magic inside the town......”

Yeah, he’s already close to being a stalker.

Nevertheless, Carna-san seems like a docile child, but she might be surprisingly a strong-willed one. She intended to intercept using magic depending on the surroundings too.

Now then, now then, what should I do about this? I thought of avoiding troublesome things, but it’s not like I can leave this matter aside now that I got involved in it.

“She said that you are bothering her, don’t you think that you should give up?”

“What is an outsider who butted into our matter saying!”

“N~ Isn’t the reason an outsider, me, butted in because your actions are intolerable?”

“What’d you say! So noisy!!”

First, I tried persuading the beastman so the things wouldn’t become more serious, but he has completely lost his cool and turned deaf ear to me. Far from that, I’m certain that he will result to violence at this rate.

“Oy, Carna! It was me who took care of you just when you became an adventurer!”

Oh my? The two are apparently of the same occupation.

Looking at this beastman, I recall the person who got knocked out in the Shirin’s guild~ What was his name again? Umm... ahh, that’s right! Dominic! Woah~ how nostalgic~ I wonder what happened to that person in the end?

“You have just put on a patronizing air on your own! Don’t say that you are expecting gratitude in return!”

“Haah~!? Stop joking around, Carna!!”

“I’m not joking around. I mean, I wasn’t taught a single thing by you.”

――Ah, this is not the time to be recalling the past.

I just left them alone for a little bit and the two’s dispute heated up even more.

“Hey, hey, you two calm down a little.”


Carna-san stopped when I called out, but she had a dissatisfied expression.


“Now, now, Allen, Elena, you mustn’t.”


“There, calm down.”

Allen and Elena were quiet, but they entered battle mode after recognizing the beastman as an enemy, so I had to soothe them in a hurry.

“Ehh!? H, huh? Are these children your company?”

“Yeah, that’s right. They are my younger siblings.”

Carna-san didn’t seem to notice Allen and Elena who clung to my legs up until now, so she suddenly leaked out a surprised voice.

“There’s quite a large age difference, isn’t there? ――What am I saying, that’s not it! These children said something about defeating, didn’t they!”

“Ahh...... that’s right. But, I would be happy if you pretended you didn’t hear that.”

“Eh, but......”

Although Carna-san was startled by the existence of the two, she apparently heard their remark very clearly.

But, is it an essential quality of adventurer not to miss any information? I should follow her example!

“Oy! Don’t be ignoring me now!”

Ah, I completely forgot about him.

“Sorry, sorry. So, have you decided to give up?”

“I told you! Why do you have to be concerned about that! This is Carna’s and my problem, ain’t it!!”


Yeah, somehow...... we have returned back to the beginning~

“In the first place, because you have butted in, things got complicated even though it went so smoothly!!”

“Even if you say that......”

What “complicated” is he talking about? I don’t think that things would go smoothly for him and Carna-san if I wasn’t in this place either......

“Duel me!”

“No, I don’t think it’s a good idea to propose a duel to a woman......”

“Not Carna, you, I’m talking to you!”

“Haah? With me!? Why!?”

No, no, no, how did it turn out like this!?

“It’s all your fault! Take responsibility and have a match with me!”


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