Chapter 122: The Queen and



Right now, we are facing the Queen for some reason.

Queen looked at us with her smiling, violet eyes.

“”Onii~chan, cream bread is~?””

“My, my, don’t worry. I ordered to bring it here once it is properly baked, so wait for a little more, okay?”

“”Yea, got it~””

While I was confused without knowing the reason for being called here, Allen and Elena were worried about the cream bread we were making just a little while ago.

But, Queen apparently already made arrangements and it will be brought here once it’s done.

“...... Err, why were we called here, I wonder?”

“Fufufu~ that is you see? Of course, because I wanted to meet you. Is such reason not enough to call you over?”

“N, no! Not at all!”

“That so? I am glad then~ let’s have a tea then. Ah, please call me Grace. Okay, Takumi-san?”

It appears that the Queen――Grace-sama called us because she wanted to meet us. Thus, she decided to go with the flow and have tea together.

“Right, right. I called another two people over for tea. I think they should be coming soon, but......――ah, they are here.”

A knocking resounded on the door as a confirmation to Grace-sama’s statement, and a handsome man of about the same age as me and a beautiful woman entered inside.

They must be the people Grace-sama called over for tea.

“Mother, we are coming in?”

Ehh!? The young man called Grace-sama “Mother.”

Thinking that this is bad, I stood up from the chair hurriedly, but I was stopped by Grace-sama in the end.

“I heard you called for us, what is the matter?”

“My, Austin. You have finally came.”

“Of course I would come after being summoned so suddenly. I made time between the state affairs and came to visit you. Moreover, you even called Aurora over, did something happen?”

The young man――Austin-sama, called Grace-sama Mother, so he’s a prince without a doubt. His facial features don’t resemble Tristan-sama or Grace-sama that much, but he inherited Tristan-sama’s bright blonde hair and Grace-sama’s violet eyes.

“Mother, I am sorry to have kept you waiting.”

“Aurora too, welcome.”

The woman――Aurora-sama also called Grace-sama “Mother.” If I remember hearing correctly, then Tristan-sama’s and Grace-sama’s three children are all princes. I also heard that he doesn’t have any concubines, so Aurora-sama must be Austin-sama’s wife?

“So, what is the matter?”

“I thought of having tea together.”

“Eh? Tea...... is it? Just that?”

Austin-sama made an unsatisfied expression.

Though he was called over during the state affairs, only to be said “Let’s have a tea” in the end, right~

“Besides, who might these people be?”

“This is Takumi-san, Allen-kun and Elena-san. You have heard of them before, right?”


Because of Grace-sama’s words, Austin-sama fixedly stared at us.

“Takumi-san, let me introduce you. This is my son, Austin. And this is Austin’s princess, Aurora. Ah, Austin is, pretty much, the Crown Prince.”

Austin-sama was not only a prince, but a Crown Prince at that! And Aurora-sama is the Crown Princess, I see!

“It an honor to meet you. I am Takumi.”

“So you are the adventurer that had an audience with Father the other day! I see......”

It appears that Austin-sama knows about us. But, Austin-sama fell into silence and just continued staring at us as if observing.

Err...... just what is going on, I wonder~......

“Oh dear, Austin’s bad habit resurfaced again. ――I am sorry, Takumi-san. Austin has a habit of slowly and carefully observing that which he takes interest in~”


Ehh!? Then, we really are being observed?

“My, it appears the baked bread has arrived. Austin, stop the impoliteness and sit down. Aurora too.”

“I, I am sorry. Let’s do that.”

“Excuse me.”

Urged by Grace-sama, Austin-sama took a seat and Aurora-sama followed after him.

“Is Allen-kun and Elena-san fine with cream bread?”

“”Yea! Cream!””

After Grace-sama asked Allen and Elena what they would like to eat, she instructed a maid to set the table.

Allen and Elena immediately bit into the cream bread.


“Fufufu, I am glad to hear that――ah, right. So, Takumi-san? I heard that you have created some sweets that people haven’t tried ever before...... of course, you will let me have a taste as well, right?”

“...... Of course.”

I don’t know her source of information, but Grace-sama apparently desired some sweets.

Rather, I feel like this is the main reason we have been called over today...... something like it would be easier to ask for sweets with the pretense of calling us for a tea? ...... Well, I don’t really mind anyway.

Erm...... when it comes to sweets Grace-sama might have heard about, then it would be the jelly I taught to the Risner House and Dorayaki. Also, the ice cream I taught to the Ruven House and the other three noble houses?

Hmm~ I have all of them pre-made in the《Infinite Storage》, so let’s take all out for now~

“This is it.”

“Oh my! All of them look tasty.”

Grace-sama was visibly delighted. She might have a sweet tooth.

“This ice cream is the only one that melts, so I recommend starting with that if you are wavering where to start.”

“My, is that so? In that case, I shall have this ice cream.”

Grace-sama seemed to be troubled over what to pick first, so when I recommended her the ice cream, she immediately took the ice cream in her hands and started eating.

“Oh my dear! It is cold and delicious~ Austin and Aurora, give it a try too.”

“I will do just that.”


As per Grace-sama’s words, Austin-sama and Aurora-sama began to eat the ice cream too.

I thought so when I offered Kashipan to Tristan-sama before as well, but...... is it okay for the people of the royalty to eat the food I have presented so easily?

I mean, wouldn’t they be trained to be careful against poison or drugs in their food? The moment I thought so――

“My, no need to worry about that.”


“For someone as powerful as Takumi-san, there would be no need to beat around the bush like this and use poison, right? Rather than acting so doubtful, wouldn’t it be much safer to swiftly assassinate us? Simple, right?”

I was told so by Grace-sama. Somehow...... she said something completely dreadful, didn’t she~

Rather...... do my thoughts appear on my face that much?

“Your thoughts don’t appear on your face that much, so don’t worry about it.”


No, no, no! She can tell what I am thinking after all, right!?

Since my thoughts aren’t appearing that much on my face, then Grace-sama is reading the smallest changes in my expression!?

“Mother really is particularly smart in that aspect, so there’s really no need to mind it. At any rate, she could even understand the emotions of people who were said to be expressionless.”

I see. Is that something like Grace-sama’s special skill?

“Oh my, you must be able to read what people with smiles are planning in their hearts. It can’t be helped that I am particularly good at it. You should do your best too, Aurora.”

“Yes, Mother.”

Eh, what is this!? The upper class is frightening after all!!

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