Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1204: Lysandre’s Escape 2

Chapter 1204: Lysandre's Escape 2

Lysandre could have used the sewer system to escape and Julian has no way to track down him by using the sewer but he could block Lysander's path of escape leaving him trapped inside the sewer until he fishes out him from the sewers.

Julian once again called Cynthia to inquire about the league's progress.

Julian "Babe, how is the progress going, did they find anything?" Julian asked.

Cynthia "Nothing yet, there seems to be no sign of Lysandre anywhere, he must have escaped through a secret passage". She said.

Julian "I think he used the sewers to escape, tell the league's men to block off all the exit of the sewer, he won't be able to live all his life down there"

Julian said.

Cynthia "Alright, I will get the agents to close all the manholes and exits of the sewers".

Julian "Thank you, let's spend some time after all this is dealt with".

Julian said.

Cynthia "Gladly, by the way, what about that Volcanion?"

She asked as she was very concerned about the Volcanion.

Julian "I have it under control for now and what about the Julio guy?"

Cynthia "He is in a coma, his spine has shattered which should make him disabled for life, he should have died but he used some kind of device to save himself before Volcanion's attack landed on him".

Cynthia explained.

Julian "I see, let's not talk about it now, I will meet you later at our place".

Cynthia "Fine, love you"

Julian "Love you too".

Julian ended the call and ordered Kyurem to go near the manhole closest to the prism tower. Kyurem landed next to the manhole as per Julian's instruction, Julian got of Kyurem and walked towards the manhole and checked it, seeing the gap between the lid of the manhole and the entrance, it was clear that it has been opened recently as the dust has not covered the gaps.

Julian sent Kyurem back to its Pokeball before covering himself with omniforce and lifted the lid of the manhole, as soon as he lifted the lid of the manhole his whole body was assaulted by hot air.

Though Julian couldn't smell the shit, he didn't like now the hot air felt on his body, he shivered and adjusted the omniforce around him so that he won't have to experience the hot air when he is inside.

He didn't know how Lysander could even enter this manhole while it stank so much, putting aside his disgust, Julian directly jumped into the manhole, he landed on the floor of the sewer right next to the sewage, he looked to his side and saw green liquid flowing down the channel.

Seeing the direction the water flowed, Julian started to walk following the flow of water as the water will lead him to the exit that Lysandre might have taken.

In the dark sewers, Julian could see everything because of his incredible eyesight, even though the light here was very little, it was enough for him, there were some parts of the sewers that were completely dark so he took out a flashlight to check the surrounding.

He can't miss anything as any little clue left behind by Lysandre could help him track the bastard down, after a few minutes of walking Julian cause across a cross-section where two sewer channels meet before joining the same channel, this was a relief to Julian as he realized that no matter what path Lysandre takes, he will have to go through here to reach the exit which is connected to several sewer channels.

Julian quickened his steps and the deeper he went, the deeper the frown on his face got, Cynthia has informed him that all the exits of the sewers have been blocked and there is no way Lysandre can escape, so the only thing Lysandre can do is retrace his steps but till now Julian has found nothing that would indicate that Lysandre was here.

There were no footprints and the life under here is very active as well, if Lysandre was here small pokemons like Rattata would have gone into hiding and wouldn't have openly roamed around when Julian got there, these pokemons are spooked very easily so when they noticed Julian, they would bolt away into hiding.

Soon Julian reached the end of the sewer exit and to his disappointment, he couldn't find Lysandre at all, he didn't even find a trace of human activity on his way here.

Julian "I am sure he took the sewers to escape. If I wanted to escape, I would have come here but he didn't, what is he planning?" Julian questioned and thought about it and he suddenly thought of something.

Julian "Unless, he is not trying to escape". He voiced out and turned around to look at the path he took to come here.

Julian "He must have gone deeper into the sewers. But why?" Julian questioned and quickened his steps, he then started running, his running speed kept increasing, from 20 Kmph to 30, then 40, then 50, then 60, his speed kept on increasing.

And as he was running, he suddenly felt a tremor that ran across the whole sewer system. Julian was not the only one who felt and heard the loud rumbling.

The whole city of Lumiose felt it.

Julian "Shit!"

Julian said and increased his speed reaching almost 150 Kmph before finally coming to a stop causing the ground beneath his feet to shatter and he planted them hard into the solid concrete to break.

Julian's eyes widened as he saw a massive sinkhole right in front of him and this sinkhole was not naturally formed, it was done by something as Julian could still feel the lingering destructive energy in the air.

Julian "What has that idiot done?"

Julian questioned as he looked down the dark deep hole, he took out his flashlight and pointed it down. The sinkhole is so deep that even the light of his flashlight faded away into darkness.

Julian "Going down there would be a waste of time, I don't know how deep the hole is and if Lysandre has created tunnels to move around". Julian mumbled.

If Lysandre could create such a deep endless sinkhole in a matter of minutes, then him creating multiple tunnels to form an underground maze is not a farfetched idea at all.

Julian is not going to go on a goose chase, if Lysandre wants to run then let him run, if he wants to succeed then he will have to resurface and when he does, it will be a quick end to his madness.

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