Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1236: Inside The Cavern

Chapter 1236: Inside The Cavern

Before Julian even entered the cavern, he could tell that this place is extraordinary, just the air around this place is filled with a special kind of power that made it richer than the air elsewhere around the island.

Julian took a deep breath and took in the thick rich air and walked into the Cavern, the entrance of the cavern is covered with long vines draping down from the tall trees in the front,

As soon as Julian entered the cavern, the environment around him changed completely, this place didn't seem real at all because of how drastic it was, the leaves from the tall trees and trees growing on top of the cavern blocked most of the sunlight from hitting the ground and the very little amount of light that escapes through the leaves looked like light rays coming from heaven.

The structures in this cavern are also very unique as there are many different, some of them are clearly man-made like wooden bridges that connect one part of the cavern to another, there also seem to be some fallen trees that could also be used as bridges to move around in the upper part of the cavern.

Julian also noticed a lot of borrows and holes everywhere around the cavern, these borrows and holes clearly house pokemons in them, he could also feel a lot of eyes locked onto him, they were from the pokemons who are curious about him but are too afraid to approach him.

Julian didn't bother with these hidden pokemons as he was not here to catch any pokemons. He did look into the pokemons that can be found in this cavern and found out that this cavern is filled with Alolan Rattata, Alolan Raticate, Yungoos, and Gumshoos, these four pokemons dominate the cavern and fight for the right to rule it.

There are of course other pokemons but they have little to no control over the cavern, right now the Gumshoos line is the ruling party here because the totem pokemon is a Gumshoos but it can be overthrown if a Raticate is able to take its place, and become the new totem pokemon.

As Julian made deeper into the cavern, he was suddenly confronted by a group of Rattata led by a Raticate, Julian looked at the mischief of Alola Rattata and Raticate and couldn't help but wonder what caused them to be so different from the Rattata and Raticate found in Kalos and other regions.

(A/N - A group of rats is called mischief)

People say that Alola is the best place for pokemon to thrive and live but Julian knows everything is not black and white, the climate of Alola might be beneficial to some pokemons and might be disastrous to others, Julian wondered what caused the Rattatas and Raticates to go through adaptation process causing the change.

Seeing the mischief growling at him with aggression, it is very clear that they are hostile towards him and they will attack him.

Julian didn't have any pokemons that could be suitable for this battle right now, his Wimpod is still very young and has not started training yet, his other pokemons are too powerful for Julian to even bother taking them out for a battle.

He sighed and let Gengar swipe them away.

Before the mischief could even launch an assault on Julian, a tentacle made of shadow appeared from right below them and sweep them away with one big swing, Gengar didn't have to put any effort behind it at all as if he is just throwing out trash.

Julian chuckled and continued deeper into a cavern but he was once again stopped by two Yungoos who were trying their best to intimidate him but they were unsuccessful, just like the mischief of Rattatas and Raticate, the two Yungoos were swept away.

Julian continued further and he was intercepted by more Yungoos and Gengar had to sweep them away again, Julian realized that he is deep inside Yungoos' territory now.

Being the ruling force of this cavern, the Yungoos should have access to the central part of the territory where most of them will reside indicating to Julian that he is close to his target.

The deeper Julian went, the more pokemons that obstructed his path, even some Gumshoos who were the leader of a pack obstructed his path but their efforts were useless. Soon Julian arrived in front of an open wide area that is surrounded by massive rocks and tall trees as its leaves covered the whole area while the branches acted like a wall putting an end to the cavern.

Julian looked around and he could feel, the overwhelming aura inside this area that is coming from underground, whatever is feeding this cavern energy is right below this area.

He also noticed a cave high above between the massive branches, and inside this cave, he could tell that there is a very power pokemon staring at him which was soon followed up by a low growl.

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