Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1249: First Day Of School (4)

Chapter 1249: First Day Of School (4)

Lillie couldn't believe her eyes as she started to tear up, she then held Crystal as gently as she could and brought it in front of her eyes to take a good look at it.


She exclaimed loudly.

Lana "I can't believe it".

It looked like every student was excited about seeing Lillie touch Crystal, Julian who was watching this could already guess why they are so excited for Lillie, he knows about her condition very well. Some people are very afraid of pokemons and this is caused by some kind of extreme trauma that they suffered in the past through the hands of a pokemon or was caused by it accidentally.

Lillie seems to be suffering from the same thing, the only reason why Lillie is about to touch Crystal and not be afraid of her is that Crystal used Pur against her, making her non-hostile towards it and accepting Crystal as her ally.

Julian "Did Lillie experience any kind of trauma related to a pokemon?"

Julian asked.

Hearing his question all of them turned their head and looked at him.

Lillie "I don't know".

She said and shook her head, Julian nodded and didn't ask any further.

Julian 'It looks like she blocked her memory regarding this incident'

Julian thought as just let Lillie feel Crystal, Crystal seeing Lillie cry floated towards her eyes and whipped off her tears, even though Crystal is his most mischievous pokemon, it is also his most compassionate pokemon and its emotions are very close to that of a human so Crystal could feel Lillie sadness so it decided to stay will Lillie for a while.

Lana "If you can touch Crystal, does that mean you can touch other pokemon as well?"

Lana asked excitedly.

Julian wanted to say something but stopped himself, he wondered if Lillie could come over her fear of pokemons thinking that she was able to finally conquer her fears because of Crystal, even though the possibility is very small and Julian doesn't like the chances, there is a possibility as everything is psychological.

Lillie "I don't know"

Lillie said and looked at the other pokemons in the classroom.

Ash "Here, why don't you try touching Pikachu".

Ash said and picked up Pikachu and brought him in front of her but this made Lillie flinch and back off in fear again, seeing this everyone was disappointed including Lillie.

Julian also sighed realizing that the root of Lillie's problem is a little complex and unless she herself wants to break it, she cannot overcome it.

But Lillie didn't feel completely down, she can finally touch a pokemon and that is enough for her now, she looked at Crystal and smiled as Crystal returns a smile back at her.

Kiawe "I wonder why Lillie can only touch Crystal and not the other pokemons?"

He questioned. Everyone else thought the same and looked at Julian for an answer.

Julian "Well, like I said Crystal is special, it has a special ability to make friends with anyone it wants, it wanted to be friends with Lillie so Crystal became Lillie's friend".

Julian answered. Hearing Julian, everyone was surprised once again but they were still happy for Lillie, now that she finally has a pokemon she can touch.

Lillie "Teacher Julian, can I hold Crystal during the class?"

She asked. Clearly not wanting to let go of Crystal for now.

Julian "Don't worry. And Crystal, don't trouble Lillie and be good".

Julian said and Crystal mewed at him with an agreement.

Julian "Well, ok then, everyone back to your seats and let's start the class".

Julian said and watched as the students returned to their seats and waited for Julian to begin the lesson.

Julian "Well since, this is my first class, I will let you guys decide what you want to learn about".

Julian said.

The first one to rise her hand was Lana.

Lana "Let's learn about water pokemons".

She suggested excitedly. Julian could see her compassion for water pokemons and could tell she will become a good water-type trainer in the future.

Mallow "I want to learn about pokemon foods, what different types of pokemons like to eat and how to cook delicious food for them".

Ash "I want to learn about pokemon battles".

Ash barged in and suggested as well.

Kiawe "I wouldn't mind that either".

Kiawe said with his arms folded, even though he is excited to learn about pokemon battles, he still wants to keep up his cool, calm, and collected face.

Lillie "I think we should first learn about pokemon basics before learning anything else".

Lillie suggested with her low voice while holding onto Crystal.

Everyone looked at her and nodded their head, Ash clearly did not like this idea and slumped his head, Kiawe also didn't like it but his expression remained indifferent.

The girls on the other hand were excited to learn anything.

Julian "Well, it is the basics then, let's start with pokemon typings".

Julian said and turned around and wrote "Pokemon typings on the board", he turned back to the students and looked at them.

Julian "Can anyone tell me, how many types of pokemons are there for now?"

Lillie lifted her hand up in the air to answer.

Julian "Yes, Lillie".

Lillie "There are 18 pokemon types in the world"

Julian "Good can you name them?"

Lillie "Normal, Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Steel, Fairy"

She named all the types that are known right now.

Julian "Very good".

Julian said and could tell that Lillie is probably the most knowledgeable one of the group, he then wrote down all the types in a jiffy and he turned back to the students and saw Lana's hand up in the air.

Julian "Any question Lana?"

He asked.

Lana "When you asked about the different types of pokemon, why did you say for now?"

She asked.

Julian smiled and nodded his head.

Julian "Well, pokemon typing is not as simple as it seems, for pokemon professors and researchers to assign a type to a pokemon, it takes years as they need to study the pokemon, find out what type of pokemon moves it can use, what type of moves are effective against it, what type of moves does it resist, and what moves does it have complete immunity against.

When all this is done, then only can a professor assign a pokemon type to a pokemon but the assigned type might not be right at all.

Did you know that there were no fairy-type pokemons a few years before, the fairy type was discovered very recently by research as they noticed that some pokemons had a very different reaction to some types of moves.

For example, Clefairy was considered a normal type pokemon but after the researchers found out about the fairy type, they changed its typing to fairy".

The students were very surprised to hear this information, they didn't expect so much work to go into typing pokemons, they just thought that people knew about pokemon types from the very beginning.

Julian "I see that you all understand and that is why I questioned only for now, who knows maybe a new type of pokemon will be discovered in the future and the pokemon you might have right now might be a type you completely don't know about".

Hearing Julian's answer made everyone look at their pokemons wondering if their pokemon might have a hidden type they don't know about.

Julian just smiled seeing this and let their imagination run wild for now.

Julian "But keep in mind that the current typing system is very solid so a new type might take very long to discover".

Julian added as he didn't want to get their hopes up but the possibility of a mystery type being present was something to get excited about.

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