Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1257: Battle For The Sap Spot

Chapter 1257: Battle For The Sap Spot

After traversing the forest for a few minutes, he comes across his very first trace left behind by the pokemon he is looking for, he looks at the tree in front of him and sees the deep cuts and crush pattern on it.

He runs his hands through these cuts and feels the wet sap sticking on his finger, this shows that the marks on this tree is fresh and the culprit is very close by.

He looks at the tree and can tell that it is not the best a pokemon could find but it is still doable, and it's not like the pokemon who chose this tree is weak, it might have just been born and is still getting used to its environment.

Knowing that the pokemon he is looking for is around here somewhere, he starts looking around to find anything that stands out and it didn't take him long to find one, he saw a hole dug right behind the tree.

Seeing the hole, Julian smiled and put a very desirable snack right in front of it, no matter how deep this pokemon is hiding, it will not be able to resist this snack.

Julian is also ready to engage it in battle as he holds onto Wimpod's Pokeball in his hand, it didn't even take a minute before the pokemon rushed to the surface to grab the snack.

As soon as the pokemon rushed out, Julian took a quick look at it and was disappointed, it is the pokemon he is looking for but, it is not up to his standard.

The pokemon grabs the snack with its mandible and stares at Julian for a few seconds before slowly backing off into its hole. Julian sighed and continued to look for a pokemon he will be content with.

After hours of walking around the dense forest, he got attacked by several pokemons but he easily chased them off, he also had success in finding many of the pokemon of the species he is looking and a few of them even had some potential so he marked their nests and moved forward.

He felt that there is a pokemon out there, that is just better than the ones he has found till now, he is especially looking for a shiny as every shiny has more potential than a normal-looking one. but there are also some normal-looking pokemons that can outshine the shiny ones.

Having no luck finding the right pokemon, he decided to rest and found a small water hole to set up a small camp so that he can feed his pokemons and calm down a little.

He released his pokemons out of their pokeballs and fed them. Wimpod is getting better at socializing with his older pokemons, his nature still makes him insecure around other pokemons but he getting used to Julian's pokemon.

It won't be long before his Wimpod is not wimpy anymore, being around pokemons like Infernape, Snorlax, Gengar, Charizard, and Aegislash will desensitize Wimpod to pokemons with a strong aura so he won't be afraid of a stronger pokemons in the future.

Wimpod's training is also going smoothly as he has learned some new moves from pokemon and he has also become exceptionally fast, when he moves he seems like a blur on the ground.

Even pokemons stronger than him won't be able to catch up to him.

After his pokemons were done with their food, Julian packed up and went back to looking for the pokemon again, right now he is trying to find a tree that is big and can be a source of food for the pokemon he is looking for.

So he brings out Charizard and gets on his back as Charizard takes him to the sky, now that he has a better view of the forest, he looks around and finds many massive trees that tower over the remaining forest but these are not the trees he is looking for, the pokemon he is looking for has no chance getting close to such trees as they will be inhabited by very strong pokemons that are essentially the rulers of this forest.

After getting a full 360-degree view, he finally finds a tree that looks like the perfect spot where the pokemon he is looking for will gather.

Julian "Let's go there, buddy".

He tells his Charizard who flies towards the tree Julian pointed at and lands about 200 meters away from the tree as per Julian's instruction.

He doesn't want Charizard to scare the pokemons around the tree, he sends Charizard back to his Pokeball and approaches the tree slowly. When he gets close enough to get a better view of the tree, he is happy to see that he was not wrong.

There are several pokemons sticking onto this massive tree sucking on its sap, there are many pokemon species up there but the pokemon that Julian is looking for have mostly occupied the tree as they are grumpy and very aggressive, and not many pokemons want a piece of them.

Julian carefully observed each and every one of them to see which is the best one out of them all and he finally found one, a Grubbin with powerful big mandibles who has its hold on the best location of the tree which seems to have an endless supply of sap.

The other Grubbins wanted to get that spot as well but the big bad Grubbin grabbed them with its massive mandibles and threw them down to the ground, it looks like Julian found his pokemon and he is excited to catch it but as he was about to approach the Grubbin something interesting happened.

Another Grubbin shot out of the ground and latched onto the tree and moved towards the Grubbin at the top, the only reason Julian stopped is that this Grubbin is a shiny, and one thing about shiny is that they are very strong.

This shiny also has massive mandibles similar to the big bad one at the top, the big bad Grubbin noticed the shiny rushing towards it and got ready to fight for the right of having access to the best sap spot.

In an instant the two locked mandibles and tried to push the other over, the big bad Grubbin seems to have the advantage because it has the higher ground while the shiny is continued to be pushed back.

Julian watched this with interest, he is ok with either one of these Grubbins, they both have similar potential and similar strengths, now the only factor to winning this tussle will be the smarts, the Grubbin that wins will be Julian's pokemon.

Seeing that it was being pushed back, the shiny decided to change tactic and not push head-on as gravity is not being its friend so he started to move to the side causing the big bad Grubbin to turn as well.

Now both of them are on their sides and are evenly matched in strength, they are trying to push and lift the other up so they can toss them down to the ground but neither of them has the upper hand and are stuck in a stalemate.

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