Chapter 1262: Town In Chaos

Julian looked at the Totem Gumshoos and could tell that this Gumshoos is much calmer than when he fought it but it is still very wary of Julian as it still remembers how easily it lost against his pokemon.

Seeing that Julian has no intention of attacking it, the Totem Gumshoos jumped down along with another normal Gumshoos and a Yungoos.

Julian looked at the two pokemons beside the Totem Gumshoos and could tell that they have great potential, the Yungoos has a very strong foundation while the Gumshoos has very potent energy.

Training right under Totem Gumshoos seems to have worked in their favor, the Totem Gumshoos then approached Julian and said something, though Julian couldn't understand what it said, he has a translater in his shadows.

It looks like the Totem Gumshoos is apologizing for its actions against him, this surprised Julian, he didn't expect a pokemon to actually apologize to him but seeing how unique Totem Pokemons are, he didn't think much of it.

The energy here in Alola not only seems to increase their strength but also their intelligence and that is why they have a helping relationship with humans, they are also known to assist trainers in training as well.

Julian accepts the Totem Gumshoos's apology and starts talking with it, trying to figure out what happened, and with Gengar next to him, it was not hard.

He soon learned that some humans in weird clothing came and tried to capture it but it fought them and chased them away but it also sustained some injury and seems to have been injected with some kind of serum that made it very aggressive.

Now that he knows the full story, Julian is relieved, he is also happy to see the Totem Gumshoos has returned to normal meaning that whatever its attackers used to turn it berserk can fade away with time.

Julian then took out footage of Cipher he found from the cameras installed around the forest to confirm if they are the ones who tried to capture Gumshoos. Gumshoos looked at the footage and gashed its teeth in anger showing its hatred towards the people in the video.

Julian then told Gumshoos to be careful and left the cavern, knowing that the totem pokemons can overcome whatever Cipher can do to them, but Julian also knows that this will just be temporary, if all of Cipher or its main force arrives here, things will take a drastic turn.

When he got back to the town, it was already evening so he went directly to his hotel and rest for the day and decided to give his pokemons a rest, they both trained a lot yesterday and he doesn't want them to hate training as it will have a bad effect on their mindset

When training a pokemon, Julian cannot always push his pokemons to their limit every day as they are very young and they do not have the knowledge, experience, or determination to continue every day. It has to be etched into them by Julian over time.

Returning to his hotel room, he noticed that his bedsheet has been changed and Jenny has left a note for him, telling him that she will visit whenever he needs her.

To be frank, Julian could use her daily but Jenny will not be able to handle Julian daily so Julian decided to not call her. He went and fed his pokemons before going to sleep.

Tomorrow he plans to search around the island and try to find some trail ground that has not been discovered.


The next morning was the same as usual, Julian woke up, did his morning routine, and fed his pokemon. Today is a weekend so there is no school meaning he doesn't have to go to school.

He plans to explore the Melemele island today and try to find those hidden trails ground, he wanted to see if Cipher has gotten their hands on these hidden Totem Pokemons.

As he walked out of the hotel room, he heard a commotion outside, he walked out and noticed that the streets outside has been destroyed along with trash thrown everywhere, the people around him seem worried about it and expressed their concern to each other.

Julian walked to the hotel manager who is also among these people and asked him what is happening.

Julian "What's going on, is everything alright?"

The manager turned around and noticed that it is Julian and sighed.

Manager "No sir, the town is in chaos and the authorities are trying to get everything under control"

Julian "What happened?"

Manager "A mischief of Rattatas and Raticates have suddenly invaded the town and are now rummaging around everywhere, if they are not brought under control soon, they might damage the town to a point where it will become very expensive to recover"

Julian "I see"

Now that Julian understood what is happening, he wondered if he should help, but he doesn't know how to. If it was a single pokemon causing trouble, it would have been easy as he could have easily subdued it but a whole gang of pests is hard to deal with, even for him.

Unless he wants to destroy the whole town, he won't be of any use. So he called Jenny to ask if he could do anything about it.

After talking to Jenny over the phone, she reassured him that she doesn't need any help dealing with the Rattata and Raticate situation as Kahuna Hala is already working to get rid of them and the town should be Rattata and Raticate free by evening.

Seeing that it's not a big deal, Julian decided to continue with his plan for the day and called out his Charizard, His Charizard has finally reached the Champion status and has caught up to his other teammates and is going to be a great help to Julian here in Alola.

He couldn't help Julian during the Kalos league because he was not up to the standards but now, he is ready, Julian looked at his black shiny Charizard with a smile. He now stands 2.5 meters tall, about 8 feet 2 inches, and his wingspan is 3 meters.

He has grown into the majestic beast that he was meant to be, Julian climbed on Charizard's back and flew away into the sky while keeping his eyes on the ground.

With Charizard's strength, he could easily cover the Melemele ground within minutes but Julian ordered him to fly slow as he doesn't want to miss from freewš¯’†bnovel(.)com

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