Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1299: Four Against One

Chapter 1299: Four Against One

The small shadow pokemon didn't like being cornered like this. It tried to run away from them for quite a while, but no matter how far it runs; they were always able to chase it down.

Now it decided that it no longer wanted to run, it will face these people and chase them away. It dreams to become a strong pokemon like his idol and he realized that running won't allow him to become one.

It took a fighting stance and glared at the four pokemons opposing it. It could feel like each one of these four pokemons is very powerful and it will have a tough time defeating them.

But it doesn't see this as a disadvantage but as a hurdle to overcome. If it is able to defeat these four pokemons at the same time, it will grow stronger.

The cipher members carefully stared at the pokemon in front of them and mentally signaled to each other to get ready.

As soon as the leader makes his move, the others will follow and attack.

"Volcarona, use Bug Buzz"

The leader ordered first, and soon the others followed.

"X-Scissor" "Attack Order" "Mega Horn"

All four bug pokemons jumped at their opponent in a union. Volcarona used Bug Buzz and sent out waves of vibrating energy. Scizor charged at it using X-Scissor. Vespiquen used Attack Order and sent multiple bees made of energy at its opponent. Scolipede also charged at its target using Mega Horn.

All these bug pokemons used their powerful bug-type moves. If any of these attacks land, they will deal great damage to their ghost-type target. And if all four of these moves land, it is over for their target.

Their opponent saw these attacks coming towards it. It first moved to the side and dodged the X-Scissor and then phased into the ground, escaping those bees made of energy and the vibrating energy waves.

Scolipede stopped as its target is now out of its sight. With no target, it cannot use its Mega Horn. But before it could even reset itself, its opponent phased out of the ground right behind it and used Sucker Punch right on its back.

Scolipede got sent rolling on the ground by that powerful Sucker Punch, its opponent's strength is more than it anticipated.

Scolipede's trainer. The other man of the group gritted his teeth as he sees his Scolipede receive damage. But the other members of the group were not phased, as soon as their target reappeared, they made their move.

"Volcarona, use String Shot"

The leader's Volcarona was ready. As soon as it heard its owner's command, it shot a sticky silk string covered in bug energy, and since it was covered in bug energy, its target cannot phase out of it.

The sticky silk latched onto its target and immobilized it, allowing the other pokemons to deal damage to it.

Vespiquen used Attack Order and battered its target with bees made of every and Scizor was able to land a powerful X-Scissor, sending its target shooting through the air and crashing into a tree.

But this was not enough to take down the target. The pokemon got back to its feet and created multiple balls of shadow, which then started to spin around it.

The Shadow Balls then started to speed up, creating an illusion of a dark halo around it. If a certain shadow pokemon with a massive grin was here, he would easily recognize this method of using Shadow Ball.

The ghost pokemon then shot the shadow balls at the four pokemon at blinding speed like a machine gun.

The four pokemons couldn't do anything but take it head on, as they couldn't block the overwhelming amount of shadow balls coming towards them.

Once they got bombarded, they crashed into the ground hard, but the damage the shadow pokemon expected on its four opponents was not to its expectation, it overestimated its own power.

The four pokemons are way higher level than it. These attacks did deal damage, but not enough to take them out.

Even though it was the ghost pokemon's best attack, it failed.

The four bug pokemons got back up and started attacking. The ghost pokemon was able to counter and dodge some of their attacks, but soon started to get overwhelmed by the frequency and coordinated attacks from its opponents.

Right now, it is exhausted and damaged. It knows it will not able to last much longer.

"It's about to go down, prepare the capture box"

The leader spoke as he sees their target about to go down.

"This little bastard was quite tough, even though he is so weak. Boss will be happy to have it in his grasp."

The other male spoke while the women didn't say a word and just focused on the battle.

While these four cipher members and their pokemon were busy ganging up on the ghost pokemon, they didn't notice two crimson-red eyes staring at them, and right below these eyes is a massive, wide grin. One look at it and the toughest person would pee their pants in fright.

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