Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1308: Ex-Totem Pokemon

Chapter 1308: Ex-Totem Pokemon

Now that it is clear that there is no danger up front, Julian decided it is safe to continue exploring the volcanos.

Julian "Ok, we can continue exploring but still, keep a close distance from each other and don't wander off too far"

Julian instructed and continued deeper into the volcano with the group of geologists.

An hour passed, and nothing happened. Julian made sure that the group didn't get close to the sleeping pokemon that Gengar found.

Just as Julian was thinking everything was going to be fine, the ground beneath his feet starts to shake violently and the lava that was deep in the center of the volcano starts to rise up.

Seeing this, the group of geologists starts to panic, but it was only for a moment. The shaking stops and the lava settles down again, but it continues to bubble from all the heat.

"This is not normal"

A professor speaks. Olivia "What is not normal?"

"Whatever just happened, it should be happening. We just checked, and there was no earthquake. Something else made the whole volcano shake."

The professor said.

Hearing this, Julian frowned again.

Julian 'Ya, fuck that, I knew something was wrong. I am going to find whoever is doing this and put a stop to it.'

Julian thought.

Olivia "Is it safe to continue further?"

She turned and asked Julian.

Julian nodded his head.

Julian "There should be no problem, we just need to avoid a few places, unless trouble comes looking for us"

Julian said and as soon as he did, he regretted it as he heard another roar coming from behind. And this time, the roar didn't stop after echoing once. The beast continued to roar and every second; the roar sounded nearer than before.

Julian knew that the pokemon Gengar encountered was approaching them, and it didn't take long.

Julian "Olivia, take cover with others, something is approaching"

Julian warned Olivia. Olivia didn't question him and quickly ordered the others around to group up and hide behind a large boulder.

The roar got louder and Julian finally saw the pokemon that Gengar had found inside the empty den. The pokemon stood over seven feet tall and stared down at Julian with anger flashing in its eyes.

Julian looked at the black and red fire pokemon in front of him with a frown on his face. He could tell that this Incineroar didn't like humans, as if it holds a massive grudge against him and his kind.

Julian could feel the burning hatred coming from Incineroar towards him. He doesn't know what Cipher did to make it so angry, but he cannot think about it now. First; he needs to subdue this Incineroar.

As he observed the massive totem pokemon in front of him, he realized that it doesn't have the same aura as a normal totem pokemon, which led to Julian coming to the conclusion that this Incineroar has lost a totem den to some other pokemon.

The Incineroar once again roared loudly and bolted towards Julian with the intent to hurt him, Julian being nimble, agile, and a lot smaller than the Incineroar was able to dodge the flame-covered claws.

As soon as he was out of Incineroar's vision, he pulled out a Pokeball and sent Aegislash into battle.

Aegislash entered the battle in his sword form and stood right between Incineroar and Julian. Incineroar turned around and stared daggers at Aegislash, trying to intimidate him, but Aegislash didn't budge an inch. These types of threats were of no use to him.

Seeing that its intimidation didn't work, the Incineroar charged at Aegislash using Flame Claw.

Aegislash waited till the very last moment and countered by using Slash. The two moves collided, creating a powerful vortex of energy that dispelled all over the volcano, and the ground beneath them also caved in from the power generated by the clash.

As the exchange came to an end, Incineroar was pushed back, and it flinched as it felt a stinging pain in the arm that it just used to attack Aegislash while Aegislash just floated in the air, completely unharmed.

Julian's Aegislash is levels above this Totem pokemon, there is no way it can overpower Aegislash.

If this was a normal exchange in the wild with a wild pokemon, the injured pokemon would have made a run for its life as it would have known it is not going to win, but this is different.

Even though the Incineroar knew that it was outmatched, it didn't show any sign of backing out, instead it stood its ground and roared at Aegislash.

In retaliation, Aegislash slashed the air right in front of him, creating a humming sound.

Incineroar attacked again, but this time its attack is different. It tapped into the remaining Z-energy inside its body to charge up its attack and used Darkest Lariat, but since Z-energy powered this move up; it became a completely different move.

A platform of energy suddenly appeared right under Aegislash with his bursting with energy. Seeing this, Julian knew what this move was.

It's Malicious Moonsault, a Z-move Incineroar can use if it has access to Incinium-Z, so Julian is surprised to see this Incineroar use it without the help of a Z-crystal.

This made Julian wonder if z-crystal is really necessary to perform these Z-moves. As for matters regarding to the battle in front of him, it didn't bother him as he knew Aegislash can handle himself.

Incineroar then started its sprint and jumped high up in the air and landed foot first on a corner pillar of the energy platform to jump up high again and then do multiple moonsaults in the air as Z-energy pulsed around its massive body.

To counter this, Aegislash got ready as his blade started to glow and pulsate with fighting energy. Aegislash then moved his body and faced the incoming Incineroar with his head first instead of his blade.

But if one looks carefully, one can see that Aegislash is in the same position as a swordsman's sword, which is about to be slashed at the incoming opponent, ready to cut one in half with a fast, swift strike.

As Incineroar was about to make contact, Aegislash moved, while the end of his head stayed in the same spot, his whole body moved with blinding speed, making a full 360-degree spin and returning to his original position.

Aegislash used Sacred Sword, which completely ignored the Z-energy around Incineroar and hit it right on its chest.

The collision of the two moves created a massive shockwave that shook the entire volcano. The sound was deafening like thunder, and the very next second, the massive Incineroar fell to the ground, completely out cold. There was no recovery from it.

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