Journey Towards Greatness

Chapter 1321: Grubbin Vs Wimpod (1)

Chapter 1321: Grubbin Vs Wimpod (1)

Julian watches as Grubbin and Wimpod do their daily morning routine. Both of them are close to evolving, and Julian is happy to see this.

Julian has been a little lax training his pokemons here in Alola compared to his journeys in other regions, as he has no reason to boost their training speed. He is here in Alola just the enjoy the environment and find unique pokemons that can be found here.

His other new pokemons, Marshadow, is completely under the tutelage of Gengar while Julian watches over his training. Marshadow has a lot of potential and Julian believes he will become one of Julian's main pokemons.

He also has another pokemon that he will add to his team, which he has already captured, but Julian doesn't know how Incineroar, the totem pokemon that he captured, will react to his new situation.

Julian will have to confront it soon and make it understand that Julian is the one in charge and also calm it down. Julian can tell that the monster doesn't like humans, so he will have to teach Incineroar to be calm around them. He doesn't need Incineroar to like humans. He doesn't need Incineroar to like humans.

But Julian doesn't want to bother with Incineroar right now as he has other things to do, mainly focusing on his pokemons.

He looks at his Wimpod and Grubbin as they are about to finish their warmup. Both of these pokemons are close to evolving, and from Julian's guess, Grubbin will be the first one to evolve as the level cap for Grubbin is not that high.

Julian "Wimpod, Grubbin, come here."

Julian calls them as they finish their warm-up, hearing his call. Both little ones rush towards him wondering what Julian has planned for them today.

Both of them are very excited about training because both of them can see the huge leaps in their strength and they want to continue growing stronger, and the best way to do that is to listen to Julian.

Julian "Today, both of you will not be training but battling each other. You both will battle each other on your own and won't be receiving any help or instructions from me or anyone else. It will all depend on you. Let's see how much you both have improved"

Julian says.

The two little ones nod their heads and take their position on the empty grass field a few meters away from each other. This is, of course, noticed by Julian's other pokemons, so they quickly surround the two little ones as they are also interested to see how this battle will progress.

Right now, both Grubbin and Wimpod have equal strength and experience. To win, they will have to rely on their battle IQ and get one over the other to snatch the victory, but it won't be easy.

Marshadow, one of Julian's newest addition to the team, is also very curious about this and couldn't hide his excitement.

Seeing that both of them have taken their positions, Julian steps up right between them and gives them the signal to start the battle.

Julian "Begin!"

As soon as Julian gives the signal, Grubbin makes his move and dives into the ground by using Dig and disappears from everyone's sight. Julian's more experienced pokemons could clearly feel Grubbin's position, but his opponent, Wimpod, has no idea from where Grubbin is going to attack.

So Wimpod decided to do something to render Grubbin's offense useless. With his speed and nimbleness, Wimpod started to zoom around on the battlefield constantly making him an almost impossible target to hit and it seems to have worked.

Grubbing, who is under the ground was confused by Wimpod's movement on the surface and couldn't lock on to him, but he was not going to give up.

He focused and used all his senses to read and predict Wimpod's movement above the surface and soon he felt he has Wimpod so he rushed out to deliver the lethal hit.

Above the surface, Wimpod kept zooming around, but he was doing something else other than just mindlessly running. He was keeping track of the surface he was stepping his foot on.

He knows that it will be hard to get rid of Grubbin when he is underground, so the only way Wimpod can beat him is by outspeeding him, and that is what Wimpod plans to do.

As he continues to zoom, he suddenly feels the ground underneath him start to bulge and he knew it was time for him to dip, so he did.

He did a sharp right and avoided Grubbin's vicious mandibles as he shot out of the ground, but that is not all. This is Wimpod's chance, so he quickly turned around and locked onto Grubbin, who is still in the air, and attacks.

Wimpod used Aqua Jet and shoots at the free-falling Grubbin and Grubbin can't do anything as he has no aerial mobility. Wimpod smashes into Grubbin and sends him rolling onto the ground.

One thing all of Julian's pokemons learn at the very start of their training is to use their momentum and not let the opponent recover unless there is a trap set in motion. With no traps set in motion by Wimpod, he continues to attack.

He uses Aqua Jet once again and charges at the rolling Grubbin and hits him again, sending him rolling even further. One thing about Wimpod is that his attacks are not really that strong. He has speed, but his attacks have no severe impact on them, so he has to rely on his speed to continuously barrage his opponents with his moves. So he goes after Grubbin once again with another Aqua Jet, but this time, Grubbin is ready. As he rolls, he uses his legs and quickly grabs onto the ground, and points his mandibles wide open towards the incoming Wimpod.

There is no backing down for Wimpod right now as he is charging full speed at Grubbin, if he tries to slow down, he will kill all his moment and will serve himself defenseless in front of Grubbin so he decided to go all in on it.

As Wimpod is just centimeters away from smashing into Grubbin's head, Grubbin clams his mandibles like a trap-jaw by using Vice Grip.

The power behind Grubbin's mandible instantly kills all of Wimpod's momentum and his veil of water from the Aqua Jet falls off, leaving a struggling Wimpod in Grubbin's dangerous mandible.

Grubbin puts more pressure on his mandible and starts suffocating Wimpod and Wimpod struggles. If Wimpod doesn't find a way to escape from Grubbin's mandible, it will all be over.

Wimpod is not going to concede defeat so easily, so he fights back, ignoring the pain he is suffering right now.

Just like his situation right now, struggling to get out of Grubbin's Jaw, Wimpod uses Struggle Bug and releases a wave of energy from his body, which assaults Grubbin, forcing him to release his hold.

The energy waves cause an explosion because of how close the user and the receiver were, causing both of them to roll back a few meters away from each other.

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