Chapter 1351: Fire Tornados

Though many cipher soldiers were intimidated by the domineering entrance of Julian and Charizard, they still raised their weapons and pointed at them.

Their pokemons beside them also tensed up as they felt the clear miss match between themselves and Charizard but continued to stand their ground as they have the numbers advantage.

"What are you idiots doing? take him down," A leader saw this and shouted and was also the first person to open fire on Julian.

Following his order, the other soldiers also started firing their guns at Julian and Charizard. They also ordered their pokemons to attack them with their special attacks.

Julian "Protect"

Julian orders.

Charizard lets out a powerful roar and creates a dome of energy around himself and Julian, protecting them from the onslaught that has been launched at them.

Bullets, laser beams, pokemon moves, all of them make contact with the Protect energy dome and explode on impact.

The energy released from all these explosions is immense as it completely rips the air out of the atmosphere and causes a powerful shockwave to shoot out in all directions.

Every Cipher soldier holds their ground to resist the shockwave while also keeping an eye on the massive cloud of fire, smoke, and dust that has risen from the impact.

No one thinks that the intruder survived that. Even a second-rate legendary Pokemon will get overwhelmed by such power.

But as the smoke settles down, everyone is left in shock as both the man and the black Charizard are completely fine. There is not even a scratch visible on them.

Julian "You boys had your fun, now it's my turn."

Julian says and looks at Charizard.

Julian "Fire Tornados"

Hearing Julian's order, Charizard takes in a huge breath and blasts blue flame onto the ground. These flames then start to rise up high and form five distinct fire pillars.

These pillars then start to spin like a tornado creating five violent fire tornados.

The cipher soldiers watched in horror as these fire-tornados started to rage with violent speed and power, and with a simple command from Charizard, the fire-tornados started their rampage.

"RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!!" one of the cipher soldiers shouted and bolted out of there as fast as he could while his Pokemon ran after him with equivalent fear.

As soon as the first person made his escape, the rest followed. Just a few seconds ago these soldiers were pitying the intruder for his brazen attempt to infiltrate their garrison but now they are trying to make a run for their life.

Too bad for them. The fire tornados are not something one can just run away from.

Not only are they incredibly hot, but they also suck and engulf anything that is before them and, as they move forward, they turn anything that they engulfed into fuel to grow bigger.

The fire tornados spread out instantly while growing in size simultaneously. Cipher members and their pokemons who were closest to the tornados were instantly sucked into the tornados.

The leader in charge of this garrison looked at the developing situation in horror as everything went out of control within seconds.

He can only watch in horror as a fire tornado approaches him. So, without wasting any time, he did the only thing he could think of.

Warn the other soldiers on the island that an unstoppable threat has appeared on their base.


Music continues to blare inside Miror. B's room, as he doesn't show any sign of slowing down with his desire to continue dancing along with his pokemons.

But once again his fun is interrupted, this time not by his goons, but by the blaring sound of alarms going off.

"What the fuck is happening now?" he asks out in anger and looks at his main screen to see the red light flashing in bold red letters saying intruder alert.

"Ah man, I was having such a great time," he sighs and recalls all his pokemons back to their Pokeball and steps out of his room.

As he does so, he sees his two goons rushing towards him with panic written all over their faces.

Miror. B "Who is it?"

Goon 1 "We don't know, but it's very bad sir,"

Miror. B "How bad is very bad?"

Goon 2 "The intruder has a very strong Pokemon, Garrison 1 has already been wiped out"

Miror. B "So soon?"

He asks with a concerned tone.

Goon 1 "It all happened in one fell swoop. Our soldiers didn't stand a chance"

Miror. B "~sigh~ Fine, I will do it myself,"

He says and takes the lead as he goons follow right behind him.


Julian continues to advance forward as Cipher soldiers are running for their lives as the fire tornados keep raging. Some brave soldiers try to intercept him with their guns and pokemons but they get blasted off their feet by Charizard.

Julian "So this is it,"

He says as he looks at the main base of the cipher army.

Julian "Blast it open,"

Julian orders and Charizard uses a flamethrower and blasts open the tightly locked thick metal door and sends it crashing through the passageway.

With the door blasted open, several cipher soldiers rushed out with guns in their hands and started shooting immediately at Julian. Their pokemons also seem to have no qualms in holding back against Julian.

Since all their attacks came from a narrow corridor, it was very easy to defend.

Julian "Protect"

Julian orders.

Charizard creates an energy dome and easily resists the assault that is being thrown at them. The bombardment continues and cracks start to appear on the Protect shield.

But before the cracks can spread, Charizard reinforces it with more energy causing the cracks to disappear.

Julian "They seem pretty adamant about not letting us in."

He says as the bombardment keeps on coming. Charizard may have the energy to hold up the Protect barrier, but even he cannot take on all these attacks as they will slowly chip away at his health.

Not wanting to waste his precious time, he taps his front pocket lightly.

He is about to unleash a monster like no other on these poor presents, and they have no idea how terrifying this little mouse demon is.

This content is taken from (f)reewe(b)novel.𝗰𝗼𝐦

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