Chapter 1355: Dance Moves?

With both Beedrill and Loudred taken out, Miror B starts to realize that the person standing in front of him is not called the strongest Pokemon trainer for no reason, his Charizard is probably the strongest Pokemon he has ever come across.

Miror B 'Should I send in more pokemons?'

He thinks to himself.

Miror B 'No, let's stick with Ludicolo, It's better to have all my concentration focused on a single Pokemon,'

Miror B thinks. And he is correct in making this decision. By having multiple pokemons on the battlefield, his focus was divided. This tactic would have worked against other elite Pokemon trainers but not against someone on the level of Julian.

Right now, Miror B needs to put all his focus on his Ludicolo to fight back against Julian.

Julian "Is that all you got? I thought you were going to destroy me. What happened?"

Julian taunted him with a smirk on his face.

Miror B grits his teeth in frustration and anger.

Miror B 'Calm down, he is trying to get under my nerves,'

He tries to calm himself.

Julian "Well, if you are not going to make a move, then let's end this."

Julian declares and his gaze gets fierce. His emotion gets picked up by Charizard and he too starts to feel his blood burn. Charizard becomes one with Julian's emotions. This is something that only happens when a trainer and their Pokemon have complete trust in each other.

Julian "Flame thrower,"

Charizard takes in a large amount of air to puff his chest. He then starts accumulating a large amount of fire energy inside his chest, ready to blast it at his opponent.

As he feels that he has collected enough, he blasts his fierce Flame thrower at Ludicolo.

Miror B "Ludicolo, it's time to show what you are made of, Dodge, then use Water Pulse,"

The Flame thrower is too fast to dodge, even for an elite-level Pokemon, but to Julian's and Charizard's surprise, Ludicolo does a spin and slips to the side with a very fluid motion and then shoots a Water Pulse instantly.

Julian 'A ballet dancer?'

Julian thinks as he witnesses how Ludicolo dodged Charizard's Flame thrower.

The Water Pulse continues to hurl towards Charizard but he isn't fazed. He just moves his head to the left, letting it graze past his face.

Charizard gets serious.

Julian "Dragon Claw,"

Julian calls from another move.

Charizard roars and channels his hidden dragonic energy and infuses his claws with it, creating massive claws that are half the side of his body. He then bolts towards Ludicolo with a flap of his wings, ready to decimate his opponent with one swipe.

But to Charizard's surprise, Ludicolo makes a weird movement and dodges Charizard's strike once again.

Julian 'I never expected a Pokemon to use dance moves to dodge attacks,'

Julian thought and smirked. He then looked at Charizard and wondered if he should help.

Julian 'Let's see how he handles this.'

Julian "This is your battle from now on,"

Julian says.

Charizard looks back at Julian and nods his head. He wouldn't have had it another other way.

Charizard channels wind into his claws and starts swiping them, sending blades of air at Ludicolo using Air Slash.

Multiple blades of winds hurl towards Ludicolo, ripping through the atmosphere as he move forward.

Miror B "Keep dodging,"

Miror B instructs.

Ludicolo starts hopping side to side in a rhythmic pattern and as these blades of wind come inches away from its body, it gracefully moves to the side, jumps, crouches, and spins to dodge them all.

This frustrates Charizard further. He roars in anger and charges at Ludicolo with fiery fists, trying to use Fire Punch.

But once again, Ludicolo uses its fancy dance moves and dodges both Fire Punches as they graze past inches away from its face, but there is only so much fancy movements can do against an experienced battle Pokemon like Charizard.

Just when Ludicolo thought that it had successfully dodged all of Charizard's punches, it didn't even notice Charizard charging up his tail with Dragonic energy.

Miror B "Look out!"

Miror B tries to warn Ludicolo, but it is too late. Charizard uses his massive body to hide his tail and now that he has Ludicolo where he wants it, there is no escaping.

Charizard twists his body at incredible speed and uses his tail like a whip. With Ludicolo being so close to him, there is no escaping. So it gets hit by a full-power Dragon Tail from Charizard.

Ludicolo is sent flying into the air but Charizard is not done as he notices that Ludicolo is still conscious. He is not going to let this clown of a Pokemon continue dancing around him.

Charizard flaps his wings rushing toward the flying Ludicolo and snatches it midair. He then starts flying up with Ludicolo in his arms.

Miror B realizes that his Ludicolo is in trouble.

Miror B "Ludicolo, use Ice Beam,"

Ludicolo does as it is ordered and hits Charizard with Ice Beam at point blank, right on his chest. But Charizard ignores it and continues flying high up in the air.

And when he reaches the desired height, he starts circling the air, increasing his speed. He starts moving so fast that an illusion of a planet forms within the circle. Charizard then descends down with unprecedented speed.

Like a meteor falling from the sky, Charizard uses Seismic Toss.

Charizard pile drives Ludicolo headfirst into the ground, sending an earthshaking tremor across the whole island. Dust flies up covering everyone's vision, but when it settles, Charizard is standing in middle of a huge crater with a menacing glare on his face while Ludicolo is upside down, drilled into the ground, and out cold.

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