Chapter 404: Majority Rule

Wing Road returned to Spada, the city scape now dyed white in winter snow, in the evening of the 6th of Gloom. They had made haste when going to Asbel village due to the urgency of their quest, but their journey back was one made in leisure.

The fenrir they’d fought had been under the influence of a powerful curse but was certainly a strong foe. Though it may seem that they had, thanks to their individual effort and diligent preparation, defeated it easily, it was still an opponent to which they would have faced annihilation if they’d made even a single misstep. Every member of Wing Road understood that, if they’d fought that same fenrir but released from the curse that caused it to go berserk and limited its true intelligence, the degree of danger would skyrocket instantly.

Which is why all of them felt that they deserved a leisurely trip back. Well, all except Nell, who’d much rather they not waste so much time.

(Crusaders... I remember Kurono-kun mentioning that.)

Nell recalled what had happened in the middle of her post-quest conversation with Kurono. It’d been such a long time since she had a chance to talk alone with her dear Kurono―― but she just had to interfere once again. That evil fairy.

Nell had been instantly furious at Lily, a result of the fairy’s many transgressions thus far, but managed to quickly notice the Spadan royal crest sealing the envelope handed over to Kurono. She had, of course, not peeked at its contents, and nor did she ask about them, but it was obvious from how Kurono had completely stiffened upon reading it that contained in that letter was a matter of utmost urgency.

“Sorry Nell, I need to go. See you.” He had said simply before running off as if his life depended on it. Nell had neither the chance to ask just what had happened, nor had she gotten the opportunity to bid him farewell.

Such an abrupt parting. There existed no fool so crass as to dismiss the princess of Avalon with such little ceremony. And the first one who did just happened to be the man said princess desired so strongly. Nell would cry herself to sleep for at least 3 following nights from shock and heartbreak―― that is, if she was still the same fragile girl she’d been after the battle of Iskia.

(Kurono-kun didn’t dismiss me like that because he doesn’t like me. Something very serious must have happened to make him behave like that... right?)

The present Nell had the strength of mind to not misinterpret Kurono’s actions. And on that basis, she had surmised that Kurono would need her, surely.

(I can only teach him model magic, for now... but I will help more, I swear to help Kurono-kun in every way I can!)

With that determination, Nell had been, for the past month, participating in one rank 5 quest after another, fiercely and relentlessly challenging herself to new heights, all in order to receive a divine protection of her own.

She was not the same, weak Nell that she’d been. She would not fall bedridden from one malicious look from Lily. She was stronger, much stronger.

(Because I know that Kurono-kun likes me too.)

On that stormy night, Kurono had resorted to sneaking into the girls’ dormitories just to see her. He had thanked her for healing him after the Cursed Carnival and for all her help at Iskia. He had requested that she teach him magic. Nell was the only one he could depend on―― he had said very clearly.

(Kurono-kun wants me. There’s no better motivation to improve myself than that.)

She accepted the fact that she’d been lazy. She’d let herself drown in the utter bliss of being with Kurono, just the two of them. She’d been far too naive thinking that she could stay in paradise forever. Which is exactly why she’d met such a tragic aftermath when the fairy had come, from a blind spot really, and delivered such a devastating blow to her psyche.

But she was able to stand on her two feet once again, all thanks to Kurono. She didn’t have time to waste despairing. Kurono needed her, and she would give her utmost to respond to his earnest desire for help. She would put in the effort. She would become strong.

(And then, surely, I will become Kurono-kun’s... one and only.)

Nell was finally at the starting line in the race toward Kurono’s heart. No longer would she one-sidedly desire his love without giving anything in return. No longer would she be a baby bird crying for its parent to bring it food.

No, she would become the hunter who catches her own prey. Like a fierce eagle, she would surely, definitely, capture Kurono’s affections. She swore it on the white wings on her back, on the bloodline inherited from the supreme rulers of the sky――

“ ―― This emergency quest, what do you guys want to do?” Nero said, unperturbed as―― No, his tone seemed a bit more serious than usual, which woke Nell out of her reverie involving birds of prey.

It was currently the next day after their return to Spada, the 7th of Gloom. The members of Wing Road were currently gathered where they usually gathered, the academy’s main mess hall. The four of them, as Charl wasn’t present, were sitting at a table and enjoying the that special taste of cafeteria food they hadn’t had during their multi week trip.

“We take it, that’s what!” Kai howled. “Doesn’t matter if it’s the Dragon King or whoever these Crusaders are, they’re bringing the fight to Spada, and I say we give it to them good!!”

It was noon. The hordes of starving students had filled up the mess hall and had been scarfing down on their food. No one seemed to mind Kai’s boisterous declaration which surely travelled to every corner of the large, crowded hall. Or at least, no Spadan could complain.

On every table there was a flier detailing King Leonhart’s personal call-at-arms to the adventurers of Spada. In other words, it was the emergency quest form to join the 4th regiment, Gladiator. Everyone knew what that meant for their nation.

But then again, knowing what it meant, and actually participating were different matters entirely.

“Could you not be stupid for once? Think about our position before you start yelling for war.” Safiel’s cold voice swiftly shot down Kai’s valiant roar. Wait, did Safiel ever speak warmly towards Kai, or anyone else for that matter? The others pondered.

“It might be a legitimate quest and all, but it’s still war we’re talking about.” Nero said.

An ordinary adventurer would be free to take part and serve as a soldier on the warfront. But did similar logic apply to adventurers who were of high noble birth? What concern would this war be for foreign royalty who just happen to be adventuring?

“They mostly leave us alone,” Nero said with a sigh, “but there’s a good chance me and Nell will be called back to Avalon...”

Nero and Nell were both rank 5 adventurers deserving of that title. Their various exploits together with their trusted companions had them recognized as powerful individuals. They were not specially treated just because they belonged to Avalon royalty.

As the first prince and first princess of a nation, Nero and Nell had an obligation to return to their capital post haste once war, any war, broke out.

And yet, understanding that fact better than anyone, Nell dared to deny it with crisp words.

“No, onii-sama, I’m afraid I cannot do that.”

“Oi, Nell, what’s the big idea――”

I’d be an idiot if I let go of this chance. She’d add if she didn’t forget her princessly manners.

Spada going to war, the mysterious enemy known as the Crusaders, an enemy towards whom Kurono held a deep seeded hatred. Nell had connected all the dots the moment she saw the quest form.

(These Crusaders are Kurono-kun’s enemies.)

Kurono had mentioned them indirectly. That he had enemies he had to kill no matter what. And now that enemy was made clear to her.

There was also the glimpses of memory she’d seen inside him. The utter tragedy, the village on fire, the charred, crucified, slaughtered remains of friends―― Nell understood exactly how Kurono felt. The emotions he felt in those scenes, and the emotions still within him.

He had suffered through deep, hopeless, unbearable sadness. And from that injustice, anger, a dark grudge was borne. He never showed it in his daily life, but the vengeful desire inside him hadn’t disappeared, not in the least. It had only been festering, incubating deep inside his soul, waiting ever so patiently for release.

She would aid him in fulfilling his revenge. She would be the one, the only one, right by his side. That was something she swore in the bed together with him in the Grand Colosseum infirmary.

(This will serve as my chance to come out on top. I’ll make him mine no matter what it takes.)

She mentally licked her lips at the thought, while presenting her pure and innocent princess face at the table as she cut off Nero to say,

“I want to fight too. I want to protect Spada.” Which was no lie, per se. Kurono wanted to protect Spada and so would she. And after their valiant efforts on the field of battle, this time, she would be the one riding behind him on his Nightmare as they rode the victory parade. She needed a place to celebrate after all.

“Haah...” Nero sighed with a face that suggested that he had his little sister all figured out after all, “guess I should’ve expected something like that coming from you...”

He would’ve been correct in his assumptions too, if it’d only been three months prior, before Nell met Kurono, at a time when she loved and respected her brother with all her heart.

“Please, onii-sama. Even you can’t stand the prospect of running away, can you?” This time, it was the sister’s turn to display her grasp over her brother’s personality.

Nero might not have had much attachment to his position as royalty, but his personal sense of pride was high. It wasn’t a pride born of fame and fortune, but one that valued freedom over all else. It was one of the virtues that made Nero who he was.

And Nell respected that about him, she really did. So she was glad to use that knowledge to coax him with words best suited to sway him.

“You’re not wrong. I’m not scared of some Crusaders or what they call themselves―― but I’ll have to say no this time.” Nero denied clearly, which Nell took calmly, as she knew that her brother wouldn’t be convinced that easily. Which could only mean that Nero had prioritized something above that stubborn pride of his. And Nell was well aware what that something was.

“Can you still not trust in my strength at all?” She pleaded.

“Listen Nell, even if you were stronger than me, I’d make the same choice. As your brother.” Nero revealed his motives plainly. At times like these, her brother never beat around the bush or tried to deflect the topic.

This facet of his personality where he was always direct and to the point in important moments was certainly admirable she had to admit. But for her current goal, it was starting to become a pain.

(Perhaps I should just set out on my own...)

No, not yet, I shouldn’t jump to quick conclusions, Nell deliberated. She calmed her irritation before a scowl could appear on her face. Thinking clearly, she understood that it was better to make use of Wing Road’s full potential if she was seriously doing this.

Nell wanted to help Kurono, help him kill his enemies. But more than that, she wanted to protect him and guarantee that he survives the war. What help would she be if he died? That was putting the cart over the horse, and knowing how Kurono fought, she imagined that the risks were especially high for him. She expressed her resolve:

“Onii-sama, I realize that you care about me, but my opinion on the matter remains.”

“This is getting nowhere.” Safiel spoke to cut off Nero who was about to once again try convincing his sister. “Wing Road settles quest related arguments with a majority vote. We have all agreed on this, correct?”

It was something they’d decided on when they first formed their party. No one needed a reminder. Even Kai understood the most basic rule of their team. Safiel had asked the question merely out of courtesy.

“We have one of three choices: for, against, and abstain.”

They might choose to debate their point or present better arguments, but in the end, the choices remained 3. Once again, Safiel only confirmed this out of courtesy.

“Please wait, Safi-san! I can’t――”

“No, Nell.” Nero said. “That’s our rule. Don’t complain about something you agreed to.”

Wing Road was established on the basis of freedom. All members agreed that they didn’t want any restrictive rules or reason to be formal with each other. They only had 2 very basic rules: divide the rewards equally, and settle disagreements via majority vote.

Each member had one vote, so everyone had equal weight in making the decision. The system was the simplest, yet most parties never utilized it.

Nero had always faithfully abided by this rule, as he not only believed in freedom, but also equality. Which is why, whether it was the intellectually challenged Kai or the sly genius Safiel, both of them received one vote. It wasn’t as if their party was devoid of dispute, just that they’d not yet disbanded no matter what resulted in the vote.

This is because each of the 5 member of Wing Road deferred to their rule on equality just as adamantly as Nero. Thus, no one would agree to an exception.

“Go on, Safi.” Nero urged, and the amethyst necromancer pushed up her evileye sealing spectacles in a show of acknowledgement.

“If it’s a 2-2 split with one person abstaining,” Safiel continued, “priority goes to―― ”

“―― Count me in! Wing Road will protect the peace of Spada!” yelled a voice, this one much louder than Kai’s. So loud in fact, that one might imagine the whole building heard it.

Every student and faculty was well familiar with this particular voice that rang in your ears. The other 4 members of Wing Road especially. They wouldn’t mistake that annoying soprano for anyone else. That was just impossible.

All of them turned to the noise, and as expected, that small girl with red twintails and a proudly fluttering cape, their friend, stood there like a champion. And standing there, she made her opinion known:

“Ahhh hah hah haa!! Spada’s Crimson Lightning, Charlotte Tristan Spada, is back!!”

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