Level Eater

Chapter 0: The Day of Beginning

Hello JonathanTitan here!

Due to the feedback from a fan of this story, I have decided to upload Chapter 0-Chapter 59, that I previously linked to the old translation website.

My real translations begins with Chapter 60. Chapter 0-59 is purely re-edited copies gotten from the old translation website.

Thanks for the usual co-operation.

As the asphalt roads are slowly dyed with the colour of sunset, Hasami Tatsuro and Yashiki Ai are walking home hand in hand, like they always do.

On one side was a black-haired boy of 170 cm stature, with a slightly rugged face on him. On the other, stood a girl with a slightly childish face and chestnut-colored eyes to match. 160 cm tall, her short-cut hair complemented her other features nicely.

The two started off as seatmates back in their primary school days. That paved the way for them to get closer due to their daily interactions. In their first year of middle school, Tatsuro finally managed to confess, and the two started going out.

Ever since then, they started to exude a warm atmosphere whenever they were together, making them the target of envy for those around them. If things remained the same, they would graduate high school, move on to college, get a job, and eventually get married. Anyone would have given their all to turn that future into reality. Even the couple themselves thought so too.

―――That is, up until today.

Something that should have been impossible happened.

*Rumble, rumble*

As a low-frequency sound that could make one's stomach churn resounded loudly, the ground started to shake violently.

"Wha!?" (Tatsuro)

"Kya!" (Ai)

In an instant, Tatsuro pulled Ai closer to him. They both curled their bodies in an attempt to withstand the unnatural phenomenon.

"E,e,e,e,e, earthquake?!" (Ai)

"Looks like it." (Tatsuro)

Amid the chaos, Tatsuro gently patted her shoulders to calm the petrified Ai down.

"Everything's gonna be alright. If we just stand still, this should be over quickly." (Tatsuro)

"Y-Yeah…" (Ai)

Though Ai is usually coolheaded enough to deal with the unexpected, this time was an exception. However, Tatsuro's presence was more than enough to put her mind at ease.

As they started looking around at their surroundings, they noticed that a block wall nearby had a crack on its side.

"Ai, that wall might collapse on us if we stay here. Let's find a more open space." (Tatsuro)

"Let's do that." (Ai)

With Tatsuro in the lead, they started crawling out of the place where they were and finally found their way into an open field. At that moment, they heard a loud crash right behind them. When they looked back, sure enough, the block wall collapsed as it could no longer support its weight.

"That was dangerous…" (Tatsuro)

In response to that, Ai could only let out a small voice saying yes.

Immediately after, the two felt a chill run down their spine as sounds of destruction started happening all around them. Sharp sounds of shattering glasses started ringing out and made their way into the two's ears.

"What. Is. this?" (Tatsuro)

"…?" (Ai)

Even though there was nothing in the vicinity that could produce that kind of sound, they could hear it as though it was right beside them.

While they were perplexed by the current situation, the world did not care. The sound of shattering glass started coming in faster as if larger volumes of glass were shattering. However, it did not last long as the sound was gradually replaced by that of falling trees.

Hearing the change in sounds, Ai started getting goosebumps. She looked up without thinking. Right above her, she saw something that shouldn't be there blend right into the background.


"WHAT. IS. THAT?!" (Tatsuro)

Reflected in their eyes was a fissure that split open, projecting the void within it.

"Hold on tight! We'll get separated if we don't!" (Tatsuro)

Receiving a bad omen from the fissure, Tatsuro held tightly onto Ai's arm. They started to move back to distance themselves from the godforsaken ‘thing' floating in the sky but it was all for naught.

The ‘thing' didn't just stay in one place. It started devouring the sky and soon, there will no longer be a place that isn't under ‘it'.

"Just… what is that thing?" (Ai)

"Tatsuro…" (Ai)

Trembling, Ai tugged on Tatsuro's sleeve. In response, Tatsuro gently put his arms around her, giving her peace of mind. After doing so, they started considering whether they should move to another place or not.

With a previously unseen event happening right before their eyes, they could not decide on their next course of action. The clock, however, ticks on.

As if reminding them, the fissure started to rapidly expand in size.

And then, right at that moment, ‘something' happened.

With a loud screech that sounded like a metal being torn apart, a rip in space appeared right beside the girl.

"Ai!!!" (Tatsuro)

Similar to the fissure, the rip also started to expand rapidly. Before she had a chance to react, the rip had already started to engulf Ai.


"URGHHH" (Tatsuro)

Seeing that, Tatsuro grabbed onto her arm and frantically tried to pull her out. However, his efforts were in vain. As though grateful for another meal, the rip started to devour Tatsuro as well.

And just like that, the two of them fell into the void, sucked in by the unrelenting force of the rip. For a split second, the two felt like they were in zero gravity. Then, they, along with their screams, disappeared into the gap in space.

From here on, the two will be taking a path that greatly differs from what they had initially thought. As for which path it will be…only time will tell.


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