Mark of the Fool

Chapter 905: The Circle

The doors opened before Alex and Theresa, revealing what waited beyond: the Temple of the Traveller.

Long ago—when they’d first found this place—what had waited there was fire, death and Ravener-spawn. The goddess statues were there then, standing in defence of the silent chamber, their fire-beams blasting anything that moved. Worker-silence spiders had ambushed their unsuspecting party, coming up behind them, but the goddess statues had unknowingly saved their lives…even if they’d also come close to frying them in their fire-beams.

Hovering high above them back then was a single portal, open to an endless sky. Now, more portals were up near the ceiling, windows on the world, both near and far.

Both goddess statues were gone, replaced by effigies of the Traveller herself. In place of the goddesses with their snarling faces, was a replica of Hannah, her face calm and welcoming.

Alex’s and Theresa’s guests were waiting for their arrival, watching the doors as they swung open, smiles greeting the couple.

Thameish weddings featured four parties.

The first and most important were the bride and groom. They would enter the church last, and be welcomed by their waiting guests.

The second was the first set of guests. They would be seated at the ceremony, being supportive while bearing witness to the fact that a lawful marriage had taken place between an engaged couple.

This first set of witnesses were already sitting near the back of the temple, watching the bride and groom enter. They were seated on chairs resembling soft clouds, their familiar faces displaying an array of different emotions, some teary-eyed, some smiling, some serene.

The gathering was modest in size—Alex and Theresa had quickly vetoed King Athelstan’s offer of a state wedding to honour the leader of the Heroes—and everyone who had made their guest list was someone with a strong connection to the young couple.

Friends from the Art of the Wizard in Combat were there.

Nua-Oge, Caramiyus, Angelar, Rhea, Malcolm, Rayne, Eyvinder and Shiani were sitting together. Lucia was there with Fan-Dor, Gel-Dor, Toraka and Sim Shale, all sitting beside each other. Most were smiling, except for Lucia and Fan-Dor, who were wiping away happy tears with their handkerchiefs. Tyris Goldtooth sat next to Brutus, Kybas, Harmless, Ripp, and Najyah. The eagle was perched on a stand beside them. There was even a massive open portal up above, allowing Vesuvius to poke his enormous head through it; to be present without taking up the entire temple.

Troy was also there with his wife, Lorraine, and many of the original staff from the first Roth Family bakery. Some—including Troy—were openly weeping. Near them sat Svenia, Hogarth, Zhao Shishi, Theresa’s friends from the Watchers, Professor Kabbot-Xin and Abela and her family.

The third group in a Thameish wedding would form what was known as ‘the circle’.

These circles were made up of family and others closest to the bride and groom, and today, these folk stood in a circle in the middle of the chamber, all facing one another—though they turned, craning their necks to see Alex and Theresa enter the temple.

A sizable number made up that circle.

The Lus—Theresa’s brothers, her uncle, aunt, and cousins—stood together, looking on with pride at the huntress. Beside them was Selina, grinning at both Theresa and her big brother.

Beside them were Sinope and Prince Khalik, looking aristocratic. The prince was smiling through his well-coiffed beard, his eyes twinkling. Thundar and Drestra stood beside them, the minotaur sniffling and teary-eyed.

Next to them was Isolde—who was also sniffling, her eyes red-rimmed and teary—and a shirtless Cedric was kissing her hand. Hart, Merzhin and Carey were beside them, watching the approaching couple with broad smiles.

Professor Jules, Baelin, Professor Mangal, and Professor Val’Rok were next in the circle. Professor Jules was trying to stop from sobbing as Baelin patted her back. Bjorgrund and Grimloch were next, the two giants smiling…with the sharkman’s smile looking extremely unsettling.

And then, there were the vocalists.

Claygon and Birger stood in the circle, their voices harmonising, filling the temple of the Traveller. They sang a song of welcome, of love. A song of triumph and joy.

Waves of happiness emanated through the golem’s link with his father.

Alex’s happiness emanated right back.

He and Theresa turned to the last party in the chamber.

A party of one.

The officiant.

In a Thameish wedding, a priest of Uldar normally stood in the middle of the circle, waiting for the bride and groom, ready to perform the ceremony.

But today, the officiant waiting in the circle was no priest of Uldar.

Far from it.

Standing in the middle of the circle, waiting for them with a bright smile and a little wave…

…was Hannah Kim, the Traveller.

“Witnesses,” she called. “Please bow as the bride and groom enter the Circle of Joining.”

Every seated witness stood up from their chairs, bowing their heads to Alex and Theresa as they entered the circle of family and friends.

Hannah turned her attention to those in the circle. “Everyone, the Circle of Joining will now close, representing the joining together of loved ones. We have all gathered here to form the circular bond of marriage, lasting and equal. This is a bond of kindness, of love, of dedication and prosperity. It is the joining of a couple taking the next step on their journey. It is the joining of two families, to make a stronger whole. Those in the circle are not only family by blood, but family by life lived and deed done. Not only family born. But family found. This family is also joining together through their connection to Theresa and Alex, and to represent that, everyone, please link hands.”

As one, the Circle of Joining closed behind Alex and Theresa, joining hands.

Together, the couple reached the Traveller, stopping in front of her.

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She bowed to them and they to her.

They faced her, reached for one another’s hands and looked into each other’s eyes.

Birger and Claygon’s song ended, and those who’d been seated took their seats again.

Hannah smiled, and spoke again, her voice louder.

“Today, we are here to welcome the birth of a new family, whatever shape that family might take,” she said. “Family is created not only by bonds of blood, but by bonds of friendship, love and partnership. These are the bonds that weave Theresa and Alex’s families together in a union that will deeply enhance their lives. The vows the couple now exchange will signify their commitment to each other. Together, let us witness Alexander and Theresa make their commitment before everyone gathered here, everyone they share their lives with. Their vows are a pledge, meant to signify their dedication to each other, now and forever.”

She looked at the huntress and the archwizard.

“Have you decided who will speak first?”

They both nodded.

“I will,” Theresa said.

“Theresa will,” Alex agreed.

“Then, Theresa, please share your vows with Alex.”

Theresa looked into her fiance’s eyes, taking a deep breath.

She began, her eyes never leaving his face.

“Alex, you fill my heart,” her conviction was in her every word, “I love you and I always have. If you needed me to, I’d go to the tallest mountain peaks and the deepest trenches for you, or with you.” She squeezed his hands. “You don’t even have to ask, and I’d be right there beside you.”

Alex smiled at that.

“Alex, you’re brave and you never give up. You’re loyal, selfless, thoughtful, funny, you’re my everything and I know how fortunate I am. You never shy away from anything that’s facing you, and I promise you, I’ll always walk beside you, no matter what comes. I’ll be there to stand beside you, to fly beside you, to fight beside you, to anchor you. The two of us can make it through anything together, and you make me feel I can survive anything, just as long as you’re by my side.”

Mr. and Mrs. Lu started to cry.

“We’ve known each other for so long that remembering a time when you weren’t in my life isn’t possible,” Theresa continued. “We grew up together and we’ve grown together. You went from annoying Brutus, trying to make him play fetch and chase sticks, to patiently winning him over.”

The cerberus whined a little.

“And honestly, if you could win him over, as far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing you can’t do. Defeating the Ravener was impressive, but it takes second place to winning over Brutus.”

Chuckles went through the circle and the other witnesses.

Theresa continued. “I trust you with everything I am. Our lives have been filled with adventure from the time we left Thameland, and no matter what we do now, being with you will always be an adventure. Being with you, I always feel loved. Alex, you’re my best friend, you’re my partner, my biggest supporter, and my love. Mine and Brutus’ lives will go on because of you, and with you. We’re one. I couldn’t want anything more. So, on this day, I hereby vow to eternally love and trust you. When you are hurt, I am hurt. When you triumph, I triumph. When you love, I love even harder. We will fight and we will make up. And always, we will be together in the endless forest that is this world. And beyond.”

She finished her vows with a brilliant smile and tears in her eyes.

Hannah nodded. “We have Theresa’s vows.” She turned. “Alex, please offer your vows to Theresa.”

The young archwizard nodded, then searched his fiancee’s face, taking a deep breath before speaking.

“You are so beautiful, Theresa,” he started. “You’re beautiful in mind, body, heart and soul. Beautiful in so many ways that I couldn’t even begin to finish listing them, even if I had a thousand years. I adore you, and being here beside you is the best part of my life.”

He gave her a weak smile. “We belong together, and I think we always have, but there was a time when I didn’t believe you could feel that way about me. I wasn’t always the brightest spark around, back then, but thanks to a good swift kick from Khalik, I started to believe that you cared for me. And I’m glad that I did. I’m so glad that we’re here together today; you mean the world to me, and I’d do anything for you.”

Alex looked into Theresa’s eyes.

“Theresa, I promise to trust you, to share the bad and the good with you, to not be so afraid for you that I try to shield you from the world. You’re my partner, I promise to always remember that, to honour that. You’ve helped me in ways that made me who I am today.”

He squeezed her hands.

“I’ll never forget the day I started to fall in love with you. We must have been about fourteen; it was the day you and Mrs. Lu baked me cookies from my mom’s recipe, hoping to make me feel better.”

Theresa gasped, her eyes going wide.

“Oh, yes, I remember how you walked in the pouring rain with those cookies, all the way over to where I was,” Alex continued. “You were soaking wet and I was being sullen and didn’t want to talk to anybody, but you wouldn’t leave until I had a cookie.”

He chuckled. “Since they were all soggy from the rain, I tasted one but spat it out, and you started yelling at me, and I started yelling back and we were making so much noise that the watchman came running over, thinking that someone was getting murdered. When he finally let us go, after his lecture, it was so awkward. I remember we didn’t say a word to each other. Then part way back home, I start thinking: ‘Gee, I’m hungry’ and—not even thinking—I asked you for a cookie.”

Several guests began laughing, their laughter echoing through the temple. Thundar’s laughter was loudest, and he loudly commented, “Yeah, that sounds like him.”

More laughter erupted among the guests.

Alex chuckled too. “I’m surprised you didn’t smack me, but instead, you gave me this look like: ‘you made me go through all that just to ask me for a cookie now?’ And when I saw that look on your face, I just started laughing and couldn’t stop, and you started laughing too. And from that day, mum and dad dying hurt just a little bit less, because I had you to laugh with. You were there for me, and you touched my broken heart.”

By now, Theresa’s hands were gripping his for dear life. Tears were running down her face.

“I reckon we have a beautiful future ahead of us and I know we can make it whatever we want it to be,” Alex said. “I’m excited to spend that future with you and make all of our dreams come true. Whatever we dream, we can do. We both know that life can be full of surprises, some good, some bad, and some in between, but as long as we’re together, we can handle all of it. If my best friend is beside me, what can’t we face? I’ll always love you, Theresa. I’m a very lucky man. So, I hereby vow to eternally love and cherish you. I will protect you and I know you will protect me. We will love each other through joy and pain, rain and sunshine. The good times will make us happier. The hard times will make us stronger. We will be together to face all that life has to offer. For all time.”

By now Theresa was shaking.

Alex had grown teary-eyed himself.

Hannah spoke. “We have heard our couple’s beautiful vows, ones that will carry them through their married lives. But before we go further, tradition requires me to ask: if anyone objects to this union, if so, now is the time to speak.”

Immediately all tears stopped, and Alex noticed Theresa glaring at the circle and other witnesses, her death stalker face on full display, as though daring anyone to say a word.

Alex glowered in warning too, but no one said a single word.

“With no one objecting, the bride and groom may now tie the ceremonial bracelets on each other’s wrists,” Hannah continued.

Alex and Theresa looked back at each other, removing the two ceremonial bracelets made of leaves woven together from the aeld tree in Greymoor, from their pouches. Theresa tied Alex’s onto his wrist. Then Alex tied Theresa’s onto hers.

They joined hands again, looking down at their bracelets.

Hannah looked at Theresa first. “Theresa, do you accept this man to be your husband, both in good times and in ill, to be joined together?”

“Yes, with everything I have.” Theresa looked up at Alex.

“Alex,” Hannah continued. “Do you accept this woman to be your wife, both in good times and in ill, to be joined together?”

“Yes, with everything I have,” Alex echoed.

The Traveller raised her voice, filling the temple with her words. “Then by the power invested in me by…” She paused. “…by me, I suppose. I, the Traveller, do declare Alex and Theresa married! Please seal your union with a kiss!”

The huntress and the archwizard leaned toward each other.

Their lips pressed to one another’s, and they felt each other’s warmth. In that moment, all other sights, sounds, smells, and feelings faded. Their world became only each other for one wonderful moment.

A feeling of calm washed over Alex.

All was well.

And he understood how grand his life was to have led him here.

“Alright, everyone!” Hannah called. “Please welcome the newly joined couple! Then you’re all invited to continue the celebration at the Golden Dragon in Generasi!”

Applause filled the temple.

Claygon and Birger raised their voices in a song of celebration.

Alex and Theresa looked into each other’s eyes as they pulled apart.

“I love you, my husband,” Theresa said.

Alex was a little shocked by that word. That wonderful word.

“I love you too, my wife,” he replied.

Their eyes stayed fixed on each other, like there was no one else in the world.

Simply drinking in the moment.

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