Chapter 214

[How… How do we fight?]

Little Fairy was frightened when she looked at the horde of zombies surrounding the statue. Wouldn’t it be a little too dangerous to fight against all these zombies?

Instead of answering Little Fairy, Jun Zishu looked toward the Medical Building’s side. There was a small gazebo a short distance away from the statue, and past the gazebo was the Medical Building. Meanwhile, located on the side of the Medical Building was a water pipe that led up to the roof.

By now, some of the zombies that previously blocked her way to the Medical Building had already joined the zombie horde surrounding the statue. So, she planned to break through the zombie horde and dash for the water pipe. If she couldn’t complete the entire process in one fell swoop, she could catch a break on top of the gazebo.

Little Fairy.


Do you have a way to erase the marks on my body?

[Do you mean the marks you’ll get if you get bitten by the zombies?]


[I can.]


Since it was possible to erase all traces of the zombie bites, Jun Zishu had nothing to worry about. At worst, she would have to suffer through a little pain, which wasn’t a problem for her.

After making up her mind, Jun Zishu gradually climbed down from the statue.

When Ren Nanying saw this scene from the Art Building, her heart nearly rose into her mouth as her mind tried to comprehend what Jun Zishu was trying to do.

Meanwhile, when the zombies were close to reaching her legs, Jun Zishu pulled out the fruit knife in her pocket. Then, clamping her thighs around the statue and holding the statue with one hand, she bent down to stab the head of the closest zombie.

After killing a zombie, Jun Zishu promptly repeated the process again, gradually shifting her body around the statue. In no time at all, she had circled the statue once, killing close to a dozen zombies.

Unfortunately, as soon as she killed these zombies, others quickly took their place, and the horde did not seem like it had diminished in size whatsoever. On the contrary, the horde was growing as time passed.

Seeing this, Jun Zishu gave up on her idea of thinning the zombie horde and climbed up the statue again to recover her stamina. The zombies were making a lot of noise and attracting more zombies from other areas, so it’d be a futile effort to try and reduce their numbers. It’d also be to her detriment to waste more time here.

Thus, Jun Zishu decided that she had no choice but to go big or go home.

Ren Nanying’s eyes widened in shock when she saw Jun Zishu sliding down from the statue and jumping into the zombie horde. A huge panic gripped her heart when she saw this scene. She was so horrified that she couldn’t even scream.

Does she have a death wish?!?!

Ren Nanying took a deep breath as she nervously looked at the zombie horde. She felt both nervous and angry right now. She even had an urge to cry.

What is this idiot trying to do! Why did she jump in?!

What should I do… What should I do…

However, before Ren Nanying could reach an answer, she saw a figure charging out of the zombie horde and running straight for the Medical Building.

This entire process lasted no more than a dozen seconds. However, Ren Nanying felt as if time was getting extended perpetually as she watched this process, her mind blank the entire time.

In reality, Jun Zishu herself felt that she had taken quite the big risk. If she didn’t have her cheat ability, she would’ve turned into a zombie several times already.

After reaching the side of the Medical Building, Jun Zishu swiftly climbed up the water pipe and reached the rooftop. Then, she sat down and struggled for air.

The sprint from the statue to the Medical Building was probably the fastest she had ever run in her life, and her heart was racing intensely right now.

[You scared me to death, Host.]

What’s there to be scared of? Don’t I have you to fall back on?

After catching her breath, Jun Zishu stood up and looked toward Ren Nanying, who was standing over on the Art Building’s roof. Then, she began gesturing with her arms, saying: If possible, let’s regroup as soon as possible.

Receiving Jun Zishu’s signal, Ren Nanying began observing the zombies’ movements.

Around a dozen minutes later, the zombies surrounding the Art Building and Medical Building began to scatter.

Upon noticing this, Ren Nanying climbed down the Art Building and advanced toward the Medical Building at full speed. Then, she swiftly climbed to the Medical Building’s rooftop.

Upon reaching the rooftop, the first thing Ren Nanying did was to pull over Jun Zishu’s arms and inspect them thoroughly.

“Why did you jump down just now?! Do you know how dangerous that was?!”

Ren Nanying was greatly shocked by what Jun Zishu had done just now. Fortunately, she didn’t find any wounds on Jun Zishu’s arms.

“I couldn’t just stay there, right? They’ll just stay there since they have constant vision over me. It’ll be the same even after night arrives. We wouldn’t have made any progress if I just waited there,” Jun Zishu said as she held Ren Nanying’s hand. Then, in an attempt to calm the other party, she smiled and said, “Don’t worry. I moved very quickly just now. I was already out before they even had time to react.”

Of course, that wasn’t what had actually happened. In reality, Jun Zishu had been bitten. Moreover, it wasn’t just once, but many times. She even had a few pieces of flesh torn off her arms. Although Little Fairy had already regenerated the missing flesh and erased the wounds, the pain she experienced couldn’t be any more real.

Afterward, Jun Zishu and Ren Nanying rested on top of the Medical Building and recovered their stamina. Running from the zombies was exhausting, but they had no better choice. Fortunately, Jia Jia Supermarket was already within sight, so they only had to cover a little more distance.

While resting, they discussed the next step of their plan. Then, once they recovered their stamina, they climbed down the Medical Building and ran in Jia Jia Supermarket’s direction.

Just like Jun Zishu expected, there were people inside the supermarket. In fact, there were quite a few people inside according to her mental map, the number of blue dots displayed on the map reaching nearly ten.

[Those two people are inside, Host.]

Jun Zishu clicked her tongue when she heard Little Fairy’s words. It would seem that fate couldn’t be changed so easily. Despite her prayers, they had still come across those two people.

The two people Jun Zishu referred to were the ungrateful bastards that betrayed Ren Nanying in the original storyline. Jun Zishu could already imagine the reunion scene that would take place after Ren Nanying went inside.

Regardless, they proceeded according to plan and circled to the back of the supermarket.

The supermarket didn’t have a back entrance, but it did have a toilet located at the back. Meanwhile, they could climb through the toilet’s windows to get into the supermarket.

Jun Zishu was honestly thankful that the body she occupied this time belonged to a dancer. Not only did she have good stamina, but she was also incredibly flexible.

There were some three-layered trolleys used to move cargo around at the back. After pushing one of these trolleys under one of the toilet windows, Jun Zishu and Ren Nanying climbed up the trolley and through the window. Then, after landing inside, they closed the window behind them.

They created quite a loud noise when they landed in the toilet, so they ended up alerting the people inside the supermarket.

When Jun Zishu opened the toilet door, she was immediately greeted by the sight of a knife pointed at her. However, when the person on the other side saw that she was human, he promptly lowered his weapon.

“Sorry. I didn’t scare you, did I?” the boy asked, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw that the intruder was a human.


“Did you two come here from another location?”

“Mhm. We’ll be leaving after grabbing some things.”

“What are you taking?”

The boy immediately grew alert. After all, food was scarce.

“No need to get anxious. We’re just here for some sanitary pads. I don’t think you’ll eat that, right?”

The boy grew embarrassed and stepped aside.

When Jun Zishu and Ren Nanying walked out into the supermarket, several gazes immediately greeted them.


“Little Lin! Little Chen!”

Ren Nanying didn’t think she would meet Ji Lin and Chen Yu, two of her close friends, here, so she hurriedly went up to greet them.

“It’s great to see that you’re still alive!”

Ji Lin and Chen Yu smiled as they patted Ren Nanying on the shoulder.

“You two as well.”

Jun Zishu wasn’t interested in listening to Ren Nanying catch up with her friends. Immediately, she walked toward the shelf holding the sanitary pads and began stuffing them into her backpack. While she was doing so, a person kept a constant eye on her nearby, seemingly trying to prevent her from taking anything else.

Jun Zishu grabbed mainly overnight and super overnight versions. After all, they might dirty their pants while they were asleep if the pads didn’t last long enough, and that would be troublesome to clean up.

After grabbing the pads, Jun Zishu grabbed a large pack of tissue paper before making her way to the food area.

“Don’t look at me so nervously. I’m just grabbing a pack of brown sugar, okay?”

In reality, the items in this supermarket didn’t belong to anyone. However, everyone had a “first come, first served” mentality. Jun Zishu didn’t come here to invade, either. So, after grabbing a pack of brown sugar and some paper cups, she zipped her backpack and got ready to leave.

Several minutes ago…

“Isn’t that girl your cousin?” Chen Yu asked in surprise as she watched Jun Zishu walking toward the shelves.

“That’s right.”

“Why are you with her? Didn’t you two have a bad relationship?”

Chen Yu was close friends with Ren Nanying, so she knew a little about Jun Zishu. Personally, she found Jun Zishu rather annoying. After all, the girl had persistently clung to Jiang Mubai despite getting rejected by Jiang Mubai already.

“We have an excellent relationship now,” Ren Nanying said. It was too bothersome to explain the entire process of how her relationship with Jun Zishu had improved, so she simply stated the result.

“Okay, then… Where did you two come from?”

“The food court.”

“Are you going back later?”

“Of course. Even if I want to stay here, those people probably aren’t willing to keep me here, right?” Ren Nanying said, smiling as she swept her gaze across the several people that were quietly looking at her and Jun Zishu.

Ren Nanying didn’t have any desire to stay in the supermarket. After all, not only did the food court have food, but her friends were also there. The food court was many times better compared to this place. Even though Chen Yu and Ji Lin were also her friends, with the current situation, they weren’t as important as Jun Zishu in her eyes.

Ji Lin and Chen Yu dryly laughed when they heard Ren Nanying’s words. The food here didn’t belong to just the two of them. If they wanted to invite another person to stay in the supermarket, they’d first have to see whether the others agreed or not.

“You have to stay alive.”

“You two as well.”

“Are you done catching up? If not, I’ll be taking my leave first.”

At this time, Jun Zishu walked over with her backpack, a cold expression on her face. She did not have a shred of goodwill toward Ren Nanying’s friends, so she couldn’t be bothered to even wear a smile for them.

“Ah, Zishu, you’re done?”

Ren Nanying hurriedly walked over to Jun Zishu. However, she couldn’t help but be a little stunned when she noticed that Jun Zishu seemed to be angry.

“What’s with that attitude?” Chen Yu said loudly, her voice full of disdain. Then, she looked toward Ren Nanying and continued, “Nanying, you best be careful lest someone with bad intentions try to harm you.”

“What are you saying, Chen Yu!” Ren Nanying frowned, worried that Jun Zishu would grow even angrier.

“Mind your own fucking business,” Jun Zishu said to Chen Yu. Then, she dragged Ren Nanying to the toilet, having no desire to waste more time on Ren Nanying’s friends.

[Host… You cursed someone!]

How can this be considered cursing? I just politely expressed my opinion.

“Let me carry the bag. It won’t be easy for you to climb through the window with it,” Ren Nanying said fawningly. Although she didn’t know what was going on, since Jun Zishu was angry, it was necessary to appease the girl.

“It’s fine. Let’s go,” Jun Zishu said with a calm expression. Then, she stepped onto a basin, opened the window they entered through, and climbed out.


After the two climbed out of the window, they jumped down from the trolley and landed steadily on the ground.

“We’ll go back using the same route. We’ll stop by the Medical Building first.”

It was unrealistic to try to return to the food court directly. They needed to cover too much ground that way. So, it was best if they split their journey into several segments.


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