Chapter 632 - Chapter 632: Chapter 632: Boiling

Chapter 632: Chapter 632: Boiling


Everyone in the Prosperous Age Base was at a loss – what in the world was going on?

Every one of them was utterly stunned, almost everyone outside had died at least once, and they were still trying to figure out what was happening after they had respawned.

Not only them, the executives of Prosperous Age who had hurriedly gathered together were all wearing somber expressions.

“Our elder brother is tied up with some matter, he has an important client and simply can’t get out of it. He told us to handle this situation.” The cousin of Prosperous Age said helplessly.

The Beast Speaker’s expression immediately changed, anxiously asking: “Which client?”

The Prosperous Age Scion said in irritation: “Who cares about the damn client right now, we need to focus on repelling these monsters first.”

The Beast Speaker responded helplessly, “I remember our boss saying he had to meet with the president of the Junior Minister Group to discuss their investment in our base.”

The cousin of Prosperous Age also became anxious, “Damn, I remember that too. It seems like the president of Junior Minister Group will be touring our base tomorrow morning.”

Everyone present was flabbergasted.

They were no fools. Despite recently logging in, they had already figured out that their base was under siege by countless Warcrafts – and to add to their despair, these were flying Warcrafts.

The players of Prosperous Age were now desperately fending them off while more members were being contacted to join in.

Leaving aside whether they can resist this Warcraft attack – even if they could, their base would likely be left in shambles.

What would the Junior Minister Group get to tour tomorrow? The ruins?

They knew very well that for garnering this investment, they had put in every effort imaginable, with various guild facilities being constructed regardless of their cost.

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