Once I finished my meal, I proceeded to engage in some exercises at the rear of the inn.

I invited Ellen to join me, but she declined, mentioning that she intended to meditate instead.

I couldn’t help but feel a slight concern about leaving her alone, given her apparent lack of practical skills. However, I reminded myself that I wasn’t responsible for her well-being. Perhaps through her meditation, she would acquire the abilities I had assigned to her.

Anyway, I began with some rigorous stretching before moving on to push-ups and sit-ups.

Even with the added weight of my armor, the exercises didn’t pose much difficulty. I estimated that I could effortlessly perform around 120 repetitions per minute.

Feeling ambitious, I even attempted a ‘planche’ exercise.

A planche is a type of bodyweight exercise that involves lifting the feet off the ground while maintaining a push-up position. In my previous life as Kim Seung-soo, despite being in the prime of my physical condition, I struggled to progress beyond the frog position. However, with Phoenix’s body, I effortlessly achieved a proper planche.

It appeared that not only was I strong, but my flexibility and athletic abilities were on an entirely different level.

Next, I embarked on a run around the harbor, feeling like the protagonist in a Rocky movie.

I traversed the plaza where vendors and the harbor were situated, passed the lord’s tower, and circled the vicinity of the city wall.

Thanks to Phoenix’s remarkable leg length and the relatively compact size of South Harbor, I completed the run in less than ten minutes.

Although I maintained a reasonable speed, my breathing remained steady, and I felt light on my feet.

If I were to engage in a more serious running workout, I would likely have to tackle at least a half marathon.

The physical training that persisted throughout the morning proved to be an extraordinary experience.

Just a few days ago, I led an ordinary life as an office worker, but now I possessed a physique comparable to, or perhaps even surpassing, that of an Olympic athlete.

The satisfaction I derived from this transformation far exceeded the exhilaration of simply washing my body the day before.

Doesn’t a sound mind reside within a healthy body?

It might sound exaggerated, but I couldn’t help but feel an unwavering sense of confidence in my ability to accomplish anything.

With that in mind, as I made my way back to the inn, I noticed the presence of a bathhouse.

Naturally, the bathhouse didn’t boast the grandeur of public baths back in Korea.

The building resembled a cottage, adorned with lime paint, and stacks of firewood leaned against the outer wall.

In the yard, several women and children diligently laundered a considerable amount of clothing.

It seemed that the bathhouse also offered laundry services.

Against my better judgment, I succumbed to curiosity and peered into the steam-filled interior through a small wooden window.

In one corner, a large pot of water boiled, while the rest of the space accommodated individuals immersing themselves in wooden tubs filled up to their waists.

To my surprise, men and women bathed together in the same area without any curtains or partitions.

In fact, there were even a few tubs occupied by both men and women.

As a principled man who had scored 50 in the Ethics section of the university entrance exam and embraced Confucian teachings as part of my minor in Eastern philosophy, the notion that “men and women should not associate beyond the age of seven” was deeply ingrained within me. This realization left me feeling quite disoriented.

Yet, in order to adapt to this new world and cleanse myself of perspiration, I contemplated utilizing the bathhouse, albeit the issue of finances stood in my way.

The fee amounted to four pennies, and considering my current financial situation, I decided to postpone my visit for another time.

…What a missed opportunity.

Upon returning to the inn, I decided to test out one of my skills.

To my slight annoyance, unlike in the game, I discovered that I had to physically draw blood in order to utilize the skill.

Once I reached level 15 and obtained the passive skill called ‘Hot Blood,’ I would be able to employ blood from sources other than my own. However, that was not currently an option.

Well, even if I had access to ‘Hot Blood,’ I would still need to draw blood from myself, as there were no enemies present in the vicinity.

Finally, after a moment’s hesitation, I resorted to drawing blood from my palm using the versatile dagger.

With determined resolve, I inflicted a long and deep wound, but it felt unsettling, almost as if I were intentionally harming myself. No, it wasn’t just a sensation; it was indeed an act of self-harm.

Once I had the blood, I proceeded to utilize the three active skills I possessed: ‘Blade of Blood,’ ‘Shield of Blood,’ and ‘Thirst.’

‘Blade of Blood’ was a skill I had previously experienced. As I activated it, the blood flowing from my palm enveloped my blade, pulsating and wriggling.

In the game, this skill simply enhanced attack power, but it manifested differently in reality.

While I could sense the blade becoming sharper… I couldn’t be entirely sure without testing it on my own body. Unfortunately, I couldn’t bring myself to scratch or harm myself for the sake of experimentation.

Nevertheless, there was a slightly different additional effect in reality.

The blood coating the blade felt like an extension of my own body. By concentrating my mind, I could subtly alter the shape of the blade.

Although the shape change was minimal, merely elongating it slightly, I had a feeling that with enough practice, it could prove to be quite useful.

Imagine the trouble it would cause for an enemy if, during a fight, the blade suddenly extended by about 30 centimeters!

On the other hand, ‘Shield of Blood’ felt distinct from ‘Blade of Blood.’

Perhaps because I had only invested a single skill point in it, I didn’t experience any significant sensations. I couldn’t alter its shape, and the shield didn’t feel like an extension of my body either.

‘Shield of Blood’ was a skill that required a considerable investment of skill points to unlock essential Blood Knight abilities like ‘Iron Blood Armor’ or ‘Red Ice.’

However, I suspected that things might change once I invested more points into it.

Lastly, there was ‘Thirst,’ a somewhat peculiar skill.

In the game, it functioned as a buff that consumed life force to enhance attack power and accuracy, but naturally, its real-world manifestation differed.

When I activated the skill, I felt an actual thirst. No, it was more than just thirst… I experienced a sense of deprivation and an overwhelming surge of desire. It was a peculiar sensation that was difficult to put into words.

Alongside this strange stress, my senses sharpened, albeit not dramatically.

Perhaps it was because I had only invested one skill point in ‘Thirst.’

Ultimately, I would need to accumulate ten skill points in ‘Thirst,’ even if it was a lower priority. I anticipated that this would bring about further changes.

Upon trying out all three active skills, I also noticed the effects of the passive skills.

A wound on my palm that would typically take over a week to heal had already closed up.

Quietly observing the dried scab crumbling away, I couldn’t help but be amazed once again.

Was this body truly that of a human?

On my way back, I indulged in some wild duck eggs and a skewered sparrow, all while engaging in conversation with a woman working at the inn.

The woman, Daria, appeared to be in her early to mid-twenties, with red hair and moderately tanned skin.

Though I appreciated her slim waist and ample chest, what I valued most was her friendly demeanor and willingness to answer my inquiries.

“You sweated so much in the morning just from running, without any work involved?”

“Yes. It’s refreshing and invigorating, isn’t it?”

“Haha, you’re quite peculiar, aren’t you?”

“I’ve been told that before.”

Daria consistently laughed at my trivial stories, indicating that she held a certain fondness for me.

If I were still Kim Seung-soo, considering such a scenario would have been absurd, but now things were different. As Phoenix, despite my slightly piercing gaze, I possessed a handsome countenance that anyone could appreciate.

In my personal opinion, among the characters in the Dark World series, the male and female Blood Knights were the most attractive.

Nevertheless, my conversation with Daria wasn’t merely an attempt to flirt; it served the purpose of gathering information.

While the situation in South Harbor closely mirrored the game, I yearned for a deeper understanding of its intricacies.

Using a borrowed quill, I meticulously transcribed the information onto a piece of cloth, effectively creating my own set of notes.

Daria seemed slightly taken aback when she noticed that I knew how to write, but she didn’t inquire further about it.

According to Phoenix’s backstory, he was either a fallen noble or a servant of a noble family. Regardless, that was the setup.

As a result, Phoenix was proficient in speaking and writing Millan and Gellan, and was also skilled in reading and writing Supaht.

To provide an analogy using Earth’s languages, it’s akin to knowing French and German while also being able to read and write Latin.

…What an unfair advantage this character has.

“So the city is not currently under attack?” I asked.

“Um, it’s a bit complicated,” Daria replied.

“Complicated?” I echoed, curious to hear more.

Daria nodded and proceeded to explain further.

“The last direct attack on the city by the devil bandits was about two weeks ago. Since then, they’ve been hiding in the sugar cane fields. Pirates, on the other hand, are roaming around the city and plundering anyone they come across.”

“So, are the devil bandits and pirates connected in some way?” I inquired.

“It’s possible,” Daria responded. “I’m not entirely sure myself.”

Ah, this is why skipping the story wasn’t a wise choice.

It appears that there is some kind of link between the devil bandits and pirates, whether it’s a cooperative relationship or if they are part of the same group. Unfortunately, I can’t recall the details from the game.

All I remember is that the leader of the devil bandits is known as the ‘Bandit Earl,’ while the leader of the pirates is the ‘High Priest of the Deep Sea.’

“Hmm… Do you think they are trying to starve the city?” I mused.

“That’s a possibility, but I’ve heard that there are enough supplies stockpiled for the time being, so there’s no immediate cause for concern,” Daria explained.

“I see…” I replied, pondering the situation. I proceeded to ask a few more questions about the city lord, the atmosphere in the city, and any available work suitable for a mercenary.

Suddenly, I began to wonder if my arrival in South Harbor, corresponding to Chapter 2, was orchestrated by someone (Trickster or the Transcendent).

The situation in South Harbor was undeniably complex.

While the city was under siege, it wasn’t on the verge of destruction just yet.

However, if the player, or rather, if I, failed to take any action, the city would inevitably succumb to starvation or be destroyed by the raiders.

Overcoming this impending crisis to save the city was precisely the scenario of Chapter 2.

In other words, I found myself in a situation where I had to take action to ensure my own survival.

I wondered what would have happened if I had started in Island, corresponding to Chapter 1.

Would I have faced a pack of dire wolves attacking the pasture? Would I have dealt with a goblin tribe and saved a village? Would I have boarded a ship bound for South Harbor?

Well, I couldn’t say for certain, but it was highly likely that I wouldn’t have taken any action. I probably would have remained immobilized, trembling at the starting point, which in this case was a ranch.

“Are you alright? You look pale,” Daria expressed her concern.

“Oh, it’s nothing… It’s just a little warm. May I use the well?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“Of course. The old man is not here at the moment, so you can use it for free,” Daria kindly offered.

“Really? Thank you,” I responded, pleased with the benefits that came with being handsome and useful. Well done, Phoenix!

However, my momentary uplifted mood was quickly replaced by a heavy heart as I drew water from the backyard well using a bucket. It felt as if I were holding an invisible time bomb.

“Is the conversation over?” a sudden voice startled me.

“Oh, you surprised me,” I exclaimed, accidentally dropping the bucket.

“What’s wrong? Why are you so startled?” Ellen asked, appearing out of nowhere, dressed in a beige shirt and thin trousers.

As I retrieved the bucket, I glanced at Ellen.

“If I suddenly pop out from behind, won’t you be startled?” I questioned.

“Suddenly what? I’ve been here the whole time,” Ellen replied.

“…Really?” I questioned, realizing that I must have zoned out for a moment.

As I awkwardly splashed water from the well onto my face, Ellen leaned against the inn’s wall, arms crossed, and asked a rather teasing question.

“Were you fantasizing about that young maid?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. What young maid?” 

“Seems like I hit the mark, huh?” Ellen smirked.

“Stop starting pointless arguments,” I replied, feeling slightly annoyed.

Frowning, I turned to face Ellen.

“Were you watching me talking to Daria?” 

“I just happened to pass by and saw it. You looked like you were about to bury your face in her bosom.” 

…I couldn’t recall the details, but somehow, I had a feeling that might have actually happened. I had no words in response.

“You said you were meditating, so why are you out here?” I inquired, removing my shirt.

As I spoke and exposed my upper body, Ellen averted her gaze slightly and replied, “…What’s different about the same old meditation every day?”

“Listen here. Whether it’s studying or exercising, consistency is key. You’re young… ah, never mind,” I trailed off, realizing that I was starting to sound like an old fuddy-duddy.

As I fell silent, Ellen mumbled softly to herself.

“If improvement comes from consistent practice, there wouldn’t be anyone in Middle World who can’t cast magic.”

Indeed, she must have dedicated herself to practicing magic and meditation exhaustively at La-Palais Palace.

Yet it felt ridiculous for me to lecture about consistency when I couldn’t even use magic myself. A sigh-like murmur evoked a sense of guilt.

But even that guilt was fleeting. Ellen smiled faintly and spoke in an excited tone.

“Still, I felt something different today. Maybe my spiritual senses were stimulated by the unfamiliar environment… Ahhhh!”

Her sudden scream startled me, causing me to abruptly halt my undressing and clumsily look around.

“What’s wrong? Why? What happened?” I asked in a state of confusion.

“You pervert, why are you undressing!” Ellen exclaimed.


Wait, she was startled because of me?

“What? Am I the one in the wrong?” I questioned, feeling puzzled.

“Ugh, you crazy pervert!” Ellen blushed and disappeared into the inn.

What on earth was happening? I thought this place was open-minded when it came to matters of a sexual nature, with mixed-gender sleeping arrangements in the inn rooms and mixed bathing.

Ellen, that girl, shouldn’t it be obvious that if I’m at the well with my shirt off and drawing water, I intend to bathe?

If she didn’t want to see, she should have looked away!

But she just stood there, didn’t she? I assumed the unwritten rule was to not pay much attention to each other in situations like this.

So, to be honest, it was a little embarrassing to undress, but I forced myself to do it naturally…

“Ah, this is frustrating,” I grumbled to myself as I washed myself. Subtly, I approached Daria to seek clarification.

“You really are an odd one, huh?” Daria chuckled.

“…Am I the one who’s odd?” I questioned.

“Puhaha, of course!” she responded, indicating that she also agreed that I had done something strange.

I had momentarily forgotten, but the conical tent near the well was set up for guests to bathe in. It was just as embarrassing here for men and women to see each other naked.

Ah, that explains why people were giving me strange looks as they passed by while I was bathing.

I, who was an ethicist and Confucianist, created a situation where I seemed like a pervert with an exhibitionist disorder in this world? It was because of the misunderstanding caused by the bathhouse.

Turns out, the bathhouse was not mixed – it was something different.

Whether this city is strange, or if it’s just Middle World, I’m not sure… but it wasn’t just bathing in the bathhouse.

Swallowing my internal curse, I went upstairs to the second floor of the inn to find Ellen.

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