“Haah, haah-“

As we left the square and made our way through the bustling market, we finally found a moment to catch our breath on the western street.

Daria, still panting heavily, looked at me with frustration and asked, “Are you not tired?”

“I’m alright. Take a moment to rest.”

Her surprise was understandable. Despite shouldering the weight of a heavy grain load and pushing through the crowd, I had barely broken a sweat and quickly regained my normal breathing with a few deep breaths.

Daria bent over, holding her knees, and took a moment to recover. A few drops of sweat trickled down from under her bent torso, revealing something tremendous in between—


I averted my gaze, finding solace in the sight of birds gracefully soaring in the sky. Unlike the oppressive atmosphere of the city, the sky offered a serene refuge. The cheerful chirping of birds, the warm sunlight, and the gentle sea breeze brushed away my worries.

Just as I was beginning to find peace in body and mind, Daria stood upright, having caught her breath.

“Are you alright?”

“Phew, yes. Thank you. I owe you for saving me.”

…She’s so kind, so good-hearted!

If it had been Ellen instead of Daria, she would have scolded me, saying, ‘You idiot, where were you all this time?’

Feeling even more remorseful, I apologized.

“I’m truly sorry. I got carried away for a moment.”

“No, it’s not your fault. Who could have predicted something like that would happen so suddenly? It’s my fault. I should have been more careful.”

She murmured with a self-reproachful expression on her face.

No, self-reproach? Why would she blame herself!

“Daria, what are you talking about? Those bastards are the ones at fault, not you.”

As I raised my voice, Daria looked momentarily surprised and lowered her head.

“A young woman like me shouldn’t have come to the square in such a gloomy city. I should have been cautious…”

What nonsense is she talking about?

I was about to argue, bewildered by her words, but I stopped myself.

Yeah, this isn’t 21st-century South Korea. I may not know everything about this world, but the kingdom of Millanol in the Middle World, especially the city called South Harbor, was a place where people were judged and condemned. It’s foolish to bring modern logic and sensibilities into it.

I sighed and gently held Daria’s hand, which was rough yet delicate in various places.

“Don’t blame yourself, Daria. They are the ones who are in the wrong. It’s not your fault.”

“…Thank you.”

Finally, Daria faintly smiled.

We walked in silence for a while.

Then, unexpectedly, Daria asked a question.

“By the way, Phoenix, where did you go earlier?”

It was an ordinary question that carried no anger or reproach.

However, based on my life experience, I instinctively sensed that this moment was a significant test. Amidst the feeling of crisis, my brain raced for about 1.5 seconds before I came up with an answer.

“Well, actually… earlier…”

With one hand still holding the grain sacks, I reached into my breastplate with the other. After a brief moment of fumbling, I extended my hand towards Daria.

What emerged was a cherry blossom ring.

“They were selling this at a stall. I thought it would suit you.”


Daria’s eyes widened as she accepted the ring.

Without hesitation, she slid it onto her finger, and a radiant smile blossomed on her face, as if cherry blossoms were in full bloom.

“It fits perfectly!”

“I’m glad.”

In many ways, I truly was glad. Not only had I averted the crisis, but I seemed to have earned some points, judging by her expression.

…But why did I have an instinctual urge to tease her? Was it the stirrings of attraction or the command of surging testosterone?

Setting aside my momentary contemplation, I engaged in a conversation with Daria about the flower ring.

She mentioned that there were no cherry trees in South Harbor. The only occasional reminder of cherry blossoms was the petals carried by the northeasterly wind.

But the ring I had given her was not made of flower petals; it was a complete cherry blossom preserved in resin. Daria was incredibly fascinated and delighted by it.

During our conversation, Daria wore a slightly worried expression and spoke up.

“But… is it safe? Those thugs from Ubar.”

“Who is this Ubar guy, anyway?”

“He’s the boss of the gang that controls the market. Rumor has it he’s a ruthless man who doesn’t hesitate to resort to violence or slavery…”

“A gang boss?”

Ah, Kingpin Ubar! I finally remembered.

Was it the vivid and brutal realism that made me forget, momentarily immersing myself in the world of the Dark World game?

The Dark World incorporated some roguelike elements.

There was a hardcore mode, randomly generated items, changing terrains, and monsters each time you started a new campaign, and so on.

However, the Dark World had a fixed scenario, so there were certain monsters that appeared as part of the game progression.

These monsters were commonly known as “Fixed Named Enemies” or “FNEs” for short.

Even in Chapter 2 of the Dark World campaign, there were four FNEs, and Ubar, the gang boss, was the third one I encountered.

So, who exactly is Ubar?

Following the scenario and interacting with NPCs in a specific order, an event takes place at the docks. There, you confront the gang boss Ubar and his subordinates.

Yeah, that’s all I know about that guy.

Of course, I know all the strategies to defeat Ubar and the types of randomly named mobs that accompany him. But the problem is, I just can’t figure out why I have to fight Ubar within the scenario.

I know that before facing Ubar, I have conversations with the lord, the mayor, and the captain of the guard, in that order. But I have no idea what those conversations are about, why Ubar and his lackeys suddenly appear at the docks after those conversations, or what was written in the letter that Ubar possesses. I don’t know any of it, not because I can’t remember… damn it, I haven’t even read it!

Kim Seung-Soo, you useless gamer! How can you have been playing games since elementary school and not know the scenario?

My expression turned sour, and Daria asked with a concerned look, “Phoenix, are you worried?”

“No, why should I worry? I don’t even know who this Ubar guy is.”

But Daria’s face remained dark.

“You’re quite famous, you know…”

“Ah, right.”

Oh yeah. It was after the battle at the docks that I earned the chuunibyou-like nickname “The Mad Swordsman.”

If it’s Ubar, it would be easy for him to find out that the Mad Swordsman is staying at the Bells & Whistles Inn.

“Well, maybe they didn’t recognize you. You were covered in blood, and it was hard to tell who you were.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

I casually nodded, but deep down, I was truly worried.

Ubar and his lackeys were formidable. In the game, I would be confident in taking them down with my level 11 Blood Knight.

Ordinary players would need to be at least level 15 to stand a chance, but I felt comfortable with level 11. No, I had some room to spare.

But this was reality. If, by any chance… if the guards and Ubar’s lackeys came swarming into the inn… what would happen then?

Simultaneously, an even more pressing concern crossed my mind.

If Ubar came looking for me… what would happen to the scenario?

Returning to the inn, I did my best to hide any signs of worry. I didn’t want Daria to get frightened if she knew I was anxious.

But what if we moved to a different inn?

It was already widely known in the city that the Mad Swordsman was staying at the Bells & Whistles Inn.

If Ubar came seeking revenge for his lackeys and I wasn’t there, he might take it out on the innkeeper, Daria, and the other guests.

Ha, what should I do? I couldn’t just stay holed up in the inn all day.

…Right, the answer was to progress the scenario quickly. I needed to reveal my identity and seek assistance from the guards, gaining the support of the lord or the captain of the guard.

By the time I reached the inn, I had come to that conclusion.

After delivering the grain sacks to the kitchen, as I was about to head upstairs to the second floor, Daria stopped me.

“Phoenix, wait a moment.”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

Daria approached me with brisk steps and suddenly planted a kiss on my cheek.

Her action was so swift that even the innkeeper, who was yawning at the bar, and the merchants sitting at the table behind me didn’t notice.

I was taken by surprise, and though I could have dodged it, I chose not to.

“Thanks for today.”

Before I could respond, Daria swiftly disappeared into the kitchen.

…What audacity. She just toyed with my feelings.

Ah, it had been the most fulfilling day since I arrived in this world. If I could take care of our broken wand stand, it would be a perfect day.

With that thought in mind, I ascended the stairs, and suddenly, a piercing scream echoed through the air.

“Get your filthy hands off me, you bastard!” …It was Ellen’s voice. I dashed up the stairs and burst into the room.

“No, I just… Oh, Phoenix?”

My bloodshot eyes scanned the room in an instant.

Ellen, covered in sweat, sat up in bed, only revealing her upper body. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to have suffered any serious injuries.

After confirming that Ellen was alright, I surveyed my surroundings.

Gillius, who looked at me with a perplexed expression while swaying, a damp rag lying on the floor, and a bucket filled with murky water.

Gillius examined my expression and, lost in thought, raised both hands to show me, saying, “Oh, Phoenix. This is what Sister Olga…”

“Leave, old man.”

I had a rough idea of what had happened.

Sister Olga must have had urgent matters and left her post, and Gillius was standing in for her, protecting Ellen’s side.

And when Ellen woke up from her slumber, she must have started her usual ranting.

“No, there seems to be a misunderstanding…”

“Get out.”

I understood, but I had a vague sense of what had transpired…

I could see confusion and anger in Gillius’s eyes, not helplessness or injustice.

“Well, just wait a moment.”

As I looked at Gillius muttering to himself, I couldn’t control my impulse.

I lunged at him, grabbed his neck, and slammed him to the ground.


“Kek, ack! Ugh…”

Gillius’s body was almost lifted a meter off the ground before crashing down, breaking the floorboards.

As I was about to draw my weapon in that state, Ellen screamed.

“Phoenix! Stop!”

The sharp sound snapped me back to my senses.

What had I just done? Why was I trying to unsheathe my sword? To kill? Because his gaze displeased me?

“I-I’m fine. Nothing happened.”

Although Ellen stuttered, her voice remained calm as she tried to calm me down, and a hot breath involuntarily escaped my lips.


I let go and stood up. Gillius, stuck in the broken floorboards, groaned in pain.

“Ugh, damn it. What did I do? I just… Ugh.”

“Get out, old man.”

“Aren’t you supposed to apologize first, you crazy bastard! Ugh, something doesn’t feel right.”

Gillius grumbled as he struggled to his feet, but I, with an unexpectedly cold tone, retorted.

“Old man, shut up.”


“I can’t control myself right now, you know? If you keep blabbering, I might lose control. So leave quickly.”

Gillius clicked his tongue and glared at me for a moment before lowering his gaze and swiftly turning to leave.

As he departed, silence filled the room for a while.

Perhaps it was because of the years I had spent as a socialite in the modern world, but I felt ashamed to have displayed such negative emotions.

Did I overreact…? The thought came belatedly.

So I silently closed the door and sat next to Ellen. She looked at me with complex eyes, tightly sealing her lips.

I tried to appear nonchalant as I picked up the fallen rag from the floor, rinsed it in the bucket, and wrung it out. Then I gestured to her.

“Hey, lie down. You’re sweating.”

“I thought you had left.”

What was she going on about now?

“Go where?”


“…Did you not get enough sleep? Why are you suddenly talking nonsense?”


Ellen sealed her lips once again.

What’s happening? Why is she behaving like this?

Ah, is she embarrassed? It’s strange for her to act this way after I scolded her.

I felt a surge of desire to change the atmosphere and tease her, but…

Ha, aren’t adults supposed to act like adults? Exercising patience in situations like this is what adults do.

To pretend not to notice her embarrassment, I reached into my breastplate.

I took out the medicine pouch that Daria had purchased.

Oh, the flower bracelet must have gotten caught on the gauntlet and come off. It dropped unexpectedly.

With a casual demeanor, I opened the medicine pouch and said,

“Oleg made this medicine himself. It contains mugwort, red thistle, and… Oh, maybe some nettle or something like that.”


“After you eat, take the potion to settle your stomach. Oh, by the way, should we wait thirty minutes after the meal to consume it?”


“But if you still feel uneasy, let’s wait just to be safe. There might be ingredients that could hinder digestion…”

Ellen struggled to keep her mouth shut, clenching her jaw tightly. She seemed on the verge of tears.

Finally, I could sense her true feelings.

Damn, she’s touched.

I contemplated for a moment as I looked at the flower bracelet.

Ah, I quite like this one.

Yes, in a situation like this, it’s best to see it through to the end, isn’t it? Well, there’s no one else to give it to anyway.

“Hey, give me your hand.”


“I said, give me your hand.”

Ellen obediently extended her hand. I took her hand and carefully put on the flower bracelet.

“They say it’s made with forget-me-nots and chrysanthemums, and it helps keep the wearer healthy. So wear it while you’re feeling unwell. Um… Is it a bit big?”

…Not just a bit big, it seemed like it would leave marks on her forearm.

Well, when I bought it earlier, I didn’t give much thought to finding one that would fit her wrist. It’s not like it would fit perfectly.

But I calmly spoke without showing any signs of surprise.

“I think if we cut it a little and tie it again, it should be fine…”

As I attempted to remove the bracelet, Ellen quickly withdrew her hand and held it to her chest. Then she stared intently at the bracelet.



She opened her mouth with a trembling voice. Simultaneously, tears burst forth as if she had been waiting to release them.

“…Hoo, O O…”

She lowered her head, trying to hold back the tears with all her might, but it was difficult to contain the flood.

Ah, that’s it. Timing is everything when it comes to gifts.

Feeling a sense of pride, I patted her shoulder, but Ellen spoke again.

“Sniff… This, this…”

“Yes, yes.”

“This is… pigweed, thistle, right?”


…I thought it was chrysanthemums.

“It’s… pigweed.”

…From the name itself, it sounds ridiculous, no, it sounds like pig. Seriously, who came up with the name pigweed?

She shrugged her shoulders but continued speaking.

“If you wear it… cough… rashes… uuu… will appear.”

“I didn’t know.”

Do you really have to say it with tears? Can’t you just keep quiet for a bit?

“Give it to me. I should throw it away.”

As I reached out my hand, she twisted her body and evaded my grasp.

“I don’t want to.”

“Doesn’t it cause rashes?”

“Just leave it. Mind your own business.”

After that, I continued to try to take the bracelet from her for a while. However, no matter how hard I asked, she simply sobbed and lowered her head.

“Fine, do as you wish.”

“Yeah, I will, you jerk.”

…What an impudent brat.

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