Truth be told, I’m not a big fan of Necromancers. The reason? It’s definitely because of PvP. They’re too heavily dependent on the element of surprise.

Some classes, no matter how badly you play, can do well, and some classes, no matter how hard you try, get beaten easily. The Necromancer was one such character. Is it nearly impossible to overcome this structural limitation?

And from the get-go, I never liked the caster type characters who are physically weak.

However, regardless of my preference, Necromancer was a quite popular character. They’re versatile, easy to play, and even role-playing with them is fun. No wonder they’re so popular.

Besides, they perform pretty well.

Magic that is often represented by ‘Poison Spear’ and ‘Acid Arrow’, commonly known as ‘Death Spear’.

Area persistent damage magic like ‘Orb of Oblivion’ and ‘Mist of Death’.

Powerful disturbance techniques called the ‘Abyss Series’.

Though not the best, each of their skills had excellent performance.

However, the skills representing Necromancer were not the oblivion magic or black magic.

The name itself is ‘Necromancer’, right? Naturally, the flagship skill of the Necromancer was ‘Necromancy’.

Ghost series ranging from ‘Will-o-the-wisp’ to ‘Spirit’, and ‘Banshee’.

Corpse series starting from ‘Zombie’ to ‘Skeleton Soldier’ and ‘Dullahan’.

Mixed series like ‘Wandering Skeleton’ and ‘Ghosts’.

And the ultimate undead, which can only be summoned alone, the ‘Death Knight’.

Creating and controlling such various undead minions was the art of necromancy.

The interesting thing about necromancy was, with so many types of minions, players could build their army in any combination they liked.

You could build an elite force with advanced units or a large swarm with lower tier units.

Balanced combination of different types of minions known as ‘standard combination’, ‘fly swatter combination’ using only flying minions, ‘cake combination’ filling with Dullahans around the Death Knight, ‘Ear Gang Meta’ filling the screen with Banshees and blowing the speakers.

Being able to combine your forces in such various ways could be said to be the true charm of playing a Necromancer.

The moment you start leveling a Necromancer, the genre of the game changes from RPG to RTS. That’s enough said.

And I’m a genuine hardcore user.

I understand very well how useful the existence of undead minions that would even defy death for the player is – well, they’re already dead.

While I was thinking about this, Luke, who was taking a break under a tree, chuckled and said.

“Isn’t it hot? Take it easy, Phoenix.”

“Ah, I’m fine, Luke. I’m not even sweating at this level.”

Luke was weaving branches in the shade, and I was diligently digging in the hot sun. It was to bury an unidentified body found in the market.

Why am I doing all this hard work?

Of course, to make a good impression on Luke.

With the help of a Necromancer, I could make much more progress in the campaign.

If I can earn Luke’s favor by doing a bit of digging, I was willing to dig happily all day long. It’s a matter of survival.

Of course, that’s easier said than done, the actual digging was over soon. It was thanks to the combination of the skill of a former sergeant and the superhuman endurance.

Once the unknown man was completely buried, Luke planted a cross in front of it, kneeled down and closed his eyes. Then he touched the ground and began to murmur something.

“……Death is not loss but release, escaping from suffering and desire, finally freed from the pain of life……”

I watched Luke quietly, lost in thought. I had so many questions.

What is the founder of the ‘Eternal Words(永禁文)’, doing as an undertaker in South Harbor?

Is he in possession of things like a staff made of the bone of a great demon or a bronze crown?

Did he create low-grade undead using the corpses of powerful fallen beings?

Things like that.

But should I just pour out these questions when we’ve only just met? While I was contemplating this,

Luke finished his prayer or ritual and approached with a smile.

“Thank you, Phoenix. You’ve saved me some effort.”

“It’s nothing, Luke.”

Looking at Luke, who was wearing a gentle smile, made me feel anxious.

The most curious question echoed heavily in my chest.

Like the elemental mage ‘Alphabet Mage’ became Ellen,

Did the necromancer ‘Siche Manerjo’ become Luke?

I still can’t be sure, but the hat and clothes that Luke is wearing are the same as the ones I equipped.

I remember it clearly as it was a look I intentionally matched for concept play.

I wanted to ask about the clothes, but wasn’t Luke and I just met today? Suddenly asking about the origin of the clothes he’s wearing might seem strange.

So I brought up a topic that people of this era might be curious about as if I was role-playing.

“I didn’t know there was an undertaker in South Harbor.”

“Ah, right. There’s a church, after all. I’m probably the only undertaker in this city.”

Luke brushed off the dirt on his knee as he spoke.

“You might have guessed, but I’m not from here. I came from Island, across the sea.”

“…I see.”

In fact, Phoenix, who is a blood knight, is also from Island, so it would be right for me to pretend I know that place, but I didn’t.

Because if I keep talking, it will reveal that I barely know anything about Island.

Role-play my foot when I don’t even know the character setting well.

The bad habit of skipping is catching up with me again.

“Hmm, did you come to South Harbor alone?”

At my question, Luke sighed deeply and nodded his head.

“Phew, no. I had a few companions, but I lost them in the sewer. That was ten days ago.”

“That’s a pity. But why were they in the sewer….”

Luke’s face was covered with self-reproach, perhaps sorrow. His wrinkles seemed to create even deeper shadows.

“We had a place we needed to get to quickly due to something back home. But the city wasn’t going to lift the lockdown, so naturally, my companions became impatient. I should have dissuaded them more actively then…”

Ah, I remember. The campaign goal of the necromancer and the paladin was the monastery ‘Seteniora’ on the cliff.

In the game, the player characters complete the tutorial-like chapter and from chapter 2, they share the same path to solve the campaign.

Blood knights and elemental mages, necromancers cross the southern sea.

Berserkers and soul sorcerers cross the western desert.

Swordsmen and martial artists cross the eastern snow mountains.

Paladins and arcane hunters cross the northern forest.

They go through these journeys to gather at South Harbor, the stage for Chapter 2.

After that, the scenarios are slightly different, but the areas they pass through are almost the same.

While I was having such thoughts, the elderly undertaker stroked his face with wrinkled hands and continued speaking.

“I’ve heard rumors of a passage leading outside from the sewer. So I rushed into the sewer without much thought, and that’s when I got into trouble.”

“You must be very upset.”

“Thank you for your comfort. The sorrow of losing my eastern folks alone is immense – hoo. Add to that the guilt of not being able to do what I ought to, and my heart feels even heavier.”

Luke, who had been offering a bitter smile, looked up suddenly, making eye contact with me.

“The truth is… one of the reasons why I listened to the rumors about you is because of that.”

“What does that mean…?”

“I heard you caught an alligator in the sewer. And not just an ordinary one, but a very big one.”

Why is the gossip in this neighborhood so fast? Even for a small town….

“I was just lucky. I didn’t catch it by myself.”

“Oh, I heard you had a young porter with you.”

“…A porter?”

Could he be talking about Ellen? The rumors are really outrageous.

Ellen being a porter, that’s nonsense! She’s closer to a burden than a porter.

“Hmm? Isn’t that so? That’s what I heard.”

At Luke’s inquiry, I shook my head. It’s foolish to slander a comrade to an outsider, no matter how I feel inside.

“Haha, that’s just nonsense from people who don’t know. Ellen is a reliable comrade of mine.”

“Hmm, I see.”

Luke nodded for a while, then made a request in a polite tone.

“If you ever plan to go into the sewer again, could you take me along?” 

Oh? What’s this? It’s more like what I wanted to say… Could it be that I and my sub-characters are connected by something like a ‘thread of fate’?

…Whatever that is, it’s a bit awkward to be connected with Luke.

If it was a busty beauty like a female knight or a female blood knight, I wouldn’t mind, but an old and worn out necromancer…

Seeing my darkening expression, Luke hurriedly added in a calm tone.

“Of course, I’m old, but I have a lot of experience. I’m as healthy as a young man, I can carry a lot of load, and I can cast a few remnants.”

You don’t have to appeal that much. I was planning to take you anyway, sir.

“Going into the sewer… You want to find the way out, right?”

“That’s part of it, but… if the opportunity arises, I want to rescue the eastern people who might be hiding somewhere underground.”

“Hmm, I see. Then, what do you mean by casting remnants?”

“I am a follower of the teachings of the Spiritual Gold Door. I can harness a bit of the power of the abyss and know a little bit of destruction magic.”

Power of the abyss and destruction magic…! Of course, since he’s still low level, he probably doesn’t have very powerful spells, but they could be very useful. After all, isn’t it magic?

I feel elated. Finally, finally, am I getting a real companion?

I suppressed a laughter trying to burst out and asked Luke with a serious face.

“Ahem, I see. Then… can you also handle undead?”

“…Undead, you say?”

“Yes, undead. Well, like skeleton soldiers or flying skulls, you know, those kind of things…”

…What’s this? Luke’s expression became a bit strange.

Thinking that I might have misspoke, I was about to ask again when Daria appeared from the direction of the barn, holding a sack of grain in her arms.

She approached us with a casual stride and poked Luke in the side, bowing her head deeply.

“I’m sorry. Phoenix doesn’t have much common sense. Sometimes he says silly things to me… Please understand, Mr. Luke.”

“No, it’s okay. It’s a misunderstanding that occasionally arises from being someone who seeks the truth of the Spiritual Gold Door. I didn’t expect him to ask so directly, but I understand.”

What’s going on? Did I do something wrong?

Daria, noticing the suspicious look in my eyes, approached me and whispered.

“Undead? That’s a serious matter. If it gets caught by the church, you’ll be burned at the stake.”

“What? No, a necromancer handling undead-“

“Phoenix! Be careful with your words!”

Daria quickly covered my mouth and looked around. Judging by the timing, it seemed like her surprise was due to the word “necromancer.”

Wait, something ominous is going on?

In my haste, I pulled Daria’s hand off my mouth and asked Luke.

“But, Luke, earlier you used Fen Fire, no, Will-O’-Wisp, right?”

“Ah, you mean that?”

Luke seemed a bit uncomfortable, his expression stiffened. But he still forced a smile and tried to explain.

“Will-O’-Wisp is simply a spiritual flame created by gathering residual thoughts left by spirits. It has nothing to do with necromancy.”

…What kind of nonsense is this? Summoning a Will-O’-Wisp is a rank 1 skill of necromancy!

“Well, it seems like there’s still some misunderstanding. Let me make it clear-“

Seeing my confused expression, Luke firmly asserted.

“I don’t practice witchcraft. Defying death goes against the teachings of the Luminous Sect and, of course, contradicts the teachings of the Spiritual Gold Door.”

…No wonder everything falls into place so easily. From the wand stand to this, what? A necromancer who can’t use necromancy?

Trickster, you son of a… You’re messing with me, right? You’re telling me to wake up, aren’t you?

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