Chapter 134

Chapter of the week: 1/4

Translator: Reizenchuu

Editor: Kenny Stryker

Inside a white space wrapped in stillness exuding a sacred ambiance, a single globe map was placed on a table in the center and a child was sitting on a chair next to it .

“Aah, I’m tired . ”

That blond child was the culprit who sent Tenjouin and his class to another world, Metron . He leaned back on his chair and let out an exhausted sigh .

“Thank you for your hard work, Metron-sama . ”

His exclusive angel, who was wearing glasses, was standing obliquely behind him casted a few words of appreciation at him . Although her voice was as cold as usual and devoid of emotions . She never showed any sign of changing no matter how long she served him . Metron felt a little discontent by her unchanging attitude and uttered in dissatisfaction .

“Hey, Rene-chan, don’t have anything else to say to your exhausted boss?”

He complained to her with a displeased face, but the angel replied without changing her cold attitude .

“If that is the case, then can you please do something about this room? I’m honestly about to lose my mind from being here . ”

She even spoke to him in an insulting attitude . Her tongue got sharper than earlier without her realizing it . The angle called Rene pushed her glasses and looked around the place with an utterly irritated expression .

“Eeh? It’s time to do now! Don’t you feel like being in a sacred place?”

“Not at all . ”

Not showing even the least sign of respect, Rene immediately answered to Metron’s question . The place they were inside gave the impression that it was boundless, however, oppositely to how it looked, it wasn’t very spacious . It felt wide only because all its walls and the ceiling were painted with same pure white color . Whenever she enters the room, her sense of distance starts dampening and she often bumps into the walls . Even the door she used was white, so it takes her some time to find it again .

“No, no, all the other Gods use the same room where they do their work . What’s wrong with being in a room that gives off the impression of a God being in it?”

“Metron-sama, you are the only one at this time who still uses this room . I have already investigated this matter . ”

Metron tried to convince her about the relevance of the room, but once again, he got an immediate answer in return . He didn’t understand why Rene doesn’t get his playful taste in decoration . Every God gets to use a similar sized room to do their work, but they also get to rearrange it the way that suits their taste . There are also a few among them who have a weird taste just like Metron .

“Then how do you want the room to look like?”

Metron asked while pouting and Rene who go fed up with his complaints answered in sluggish voice tone .

“Just normal . ”

“What do you mean by ‘just normal?’”

“At least not a room dyed completely in white . ”

Listening to her frivolous definition for normal, Metron contemplated while leaning against his chair .

“Then... What about we dye it completely in black?”

“Are you okay in your head?”

Rene couldn’t see how Metron came up with that idea . It was too unexpected that she couldn’t help but hold her head that started aching . Of course, getting mad at him and screaming is never a good option . As childish as he looks, Metron is still the God she is serving . There wouldn’t be any meaning in quarreling with him about the slightest details, anyway . Letting out a sigh as she convinced herself to stay composed, Rene spoke her opinion on the room .

“At least do something about the walls, please . It’s very inconvenient to find the door every time I want to leave . ”

“I will think about it . ”

She had a few other remarks to make, but seeing how Metron vaguely reacted to her one of the most necessary requests, she decided to keep them for later .

“But still, I’m pretty tired today . ”

“Should I bring you some tea?”

“Please do . ”

Metron replied as he rubbed his shoulders . Rene made a tea desk with a tea placed on it appear out of nowhere using her skills . She ignited fire using her magic and boiled water then skillfully poured the tea in a cup .

“The tea is ready . ”

“Thank you . ”

Metron received the teacup then took a sip and let out a comfortable sigh . Rene’s handmade tea was as delicious as usual . He thought to himself as he took another sip from the cup and suddenly felt in the mood of eating something sweet with it .

“Rene-chan, are there some swe—-”

“Here are the sweets . ”

Before he could finish his sentence, Rene had already placed a plate full of sweets on his table .

As expected of Rene-chan, she understands me the most . She would perfect if only she were a little gentle with me .

Metron lamented to himself and ate another sweet he picked from the plate . At the same time, he started thinking in a sad mood . Rene had never acted gently with him until now . They both spent a considerable time together which makes it even clearer that she will never act nice to him in the future . But looking at from a different side, the fact that they spent a long time together means that they don’t have a very bad chemistry .

“I’m feeling somewhat depressed recently...”

“Are you troubled by some problem?”

As asked by Rene, Metron tried thinking about what could be troubling him . What came to his mind then were many clues . The fact that the Divine God found out that he teleported a class to another world . The fact that Scala acted violently in his world . Yato’s bullying and many more other problems . Metron’s mind was in total chaos lately .

“Yeah, a little bit . ”

“Then how about you talk about them to a friend?”

Rene made a suggestion . Putting aside the fact that one of his friends is a problem in itself, Metron was thinking about the same thing .

“Well, I tried talking about to someone, but...”

He hesitated on whether to finish his sentence or not as it were not really something he would say with full confidence .

“Is there something wrong?”

“Well, the situation got worse when I talked about it with a friend . Maybe I chose the wrong person to talk with...”

Unsure of what he should say, Metron spoke in a vague manner . He does have a few friends other than Scala . He tried to speak about his troubles to them, but it didn’t turn out to be a good idea . It only brought up unnecessary misunderstandings and tensed up the mood . Now that he thought about it again, he wondered why he chose that person to listen to his complaints . He casually talked with them because he met them by coincidence, but now he is regretting his carelessness .

“Anyway, nothing good came out of asking friends for advice . ”

“I understand . ”

Watching Metron sighing every time he recalls that topic, she guessed that it was better not to ask him about it and kept quiet . A short while later, Metron suddenly stood up from his chair while shouting that he got an idea .

“Let’s go take a break and play somewhere!”

“Stop saying stupid things, please . ”

Rene refused his excited suggestion with a cold voice .

“You see, I’m getting mentally exhausted lately, so I need to refresh my mind by going somewhere—”

“You still have some work upcoming in the future, so please do it without taking any breaks . ”

“Isn’t it fine to take breaks somet—–”

“It’s not fine to take unreasonable breaks . ”

No matter what he says, he could never convince his diligent servant . But despite knowing that well, he still insisted on taking a break .

“Only this time, no?”

“No . If you need to refresh your mind then just play those games of yours like a crazy oddball as you always do . ”

“I want to go somewhere outside my house . ”

“You can just watch some nature scenery on your screen instead . ”

Rene was quite harsh on Metron in her words, but he got used to her treating him like this a long time ago . He pinched his tongue because she didn’t allow him to do what he wanted then took another sip from the cup of tea . That was the way he acted all the time; similar to a child getting scolded by his mom for wanting to skip school . Sometimes, he can’t tell who is the real boss . Nevertheless, he wasn’t intending to give up just from getting refused by Rene a single time .

I guess she left me no other choice but to sneak away... ← Metron

He’s most likely planning on sneaking away . ← Rene

Sadly for him, Rene had already seen through his secret plans . She glared at him as he was revealing a mischievous grin .

I need to make my preparations first... ← Metron

I will just report him to the Divine God if he tries to escape . ← Rene

Rene made her decisions with a composed spirit while Metron was still excited to escape . He had no clue that the Divine God insisted on Rene to report him the slightest inappropriate move he does . It is an angel’s duty to guide her lord to the right path . Hence, prioritizing the orders of the Divine God is the best way to get utmost results . The result of Metron’s future actions are yet to come up, but surely they won’t turn out to be anything good .



The decoration of the room .

“Do you have a good design in mind for the room?”

“Something like a brick pattern would be fine . ”

“Eeh? That’s too normal! Let’s make it more interesting . ”

“I don’t see how a room design would be interesting, but fine, give me an example . ”

“Hm, let’s see... I’ve thought about changing the design of the walls to look like we’re in the middle of space . ”

“Have you been listening to me all this time?!”

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