Chapter 63

Such a degraded act for a god

Germa who received my strike, glared at me with provoking eyes .

He rubbed his stomach while making a pained face .

After the pain flew away, he finally lat out his hand from his stomach and calmed down again .

“I didn’t expect you to make a surprise attack . Are you fine with whatever happens to this body?”

“It’s not like he was my acquaintance or anything like that . Even if I gave him some damage, I will heal him at the end anyway . ”

Well, I don’t fall bad at all hitting that gloomy guy honestly .

He seemed to be a great enemy for Kamaishi after all .

I won’t be responsible for whatever that may happen to him .

It’s all his fault .

“Honestly speaking, I don’t care about what could happen to his body . So yeah, you can just stop thinking about using it as a shield against me . ”

Noticing that I wasn’t lying when I told him so, Germa went quiet for a moment, then floated back his wicked grin .

“I see, this is very regrettable . I thought you would show some hesitations, but it can’t be helped now . ”

Finishing his words, Germa started emitting black magic from his body .

Together with Akuya’s creepy grin, he seemed way more sinister than before .

“I’m going to have to fight you fairly . ”

Germa said as he showed off his composure .

When I got in touch with his black magic, I suddenly put on my guard .

Its ambiance had abruptly changed . Looks like he started to get serious .

“I have no idea about how you erased my spell, but in the end, you’re just a human . There’s no possible way you could defeat a god like myself . ”

Immediately after finishing that line, Germa created a tremendous number of black spheres behind him .

The black spheres kept increasing in a fast pace until they exceeded a thousand .

A thousand spheres made from a black mist floating around us .

I couldn’t hide my impression when seeing that incredible scenery and I let out a sound of admiration .

Lina, as well, remained gazing at them with an impressed expression .

As expected from a god . Doing this much isn’t that difficult for him .

“First, let’s start with a little test . ”

Germa raised his hand and lowered his wrist .

Following that signal, all the black spheres swooped down at me and Lina .

When Lina was about to use here void magic skill to erase the spheres, I stopped her at a close timing by raising my hand .

Making sure she understood my intention, I created a shining yellow sphere behind me .

I mean, obviously, light is the standard weapon against darkness .

Confirming the size of the sphere, I instantly made the same amount of them as Germa’s .

“Go . ”

Following that single word, all of the light balls I made went directly to bump against Germa’s black spheres .

Light and darkness . The yellow spheres collided with the black ones, then both turned into light particles and disappeared .

At this race, all the black spheres should disappear .

Or that’s what I presumed before Germa made his next move .

“You seem to be capable . How about this then?”

Before the yellow and black spheres finished colliding, Germa commenced his next attack .

A black mist appeared out of the blue and tried wrapping me inside it .

“This is not gonna work you know . ”

I quickly erased the mist using 【Erasure Magic】, though I didn’t realize that it was nothing but a distraction to conceal his real move .

When I looked in front of me after taking care of the mist, countless black spears were already surrounding me in every direction .

As soon as they established their aim, all of them were launched at me at the same time .


Clicking my tongue, I tried teleporting using 【time-space teleportation】, however, Lina made her move before that .

“Won’t let you!”

Screaming, she used her void magic to cover the spears surrounding me .

All the spears turned into ash and disappeared in no time .

“You seem to have forgotten my presence here . ”

Said Lina when she stood next to me .

“Thanks for the help . ”

“Don’t let your guard down . You’re fighting against a former god . You should be ready for anything that may happen . ”

“She’s right . ”

Germa followed up Lina with a similar voice tone .

Although, that voice didn’t come from the front but from behind .

“Your back is defenseless . ”

Somehow, he showed behind us and reached his hand .

Instantly, Lina turned around to face him, but it was already late . His hand was about to reach her .

At this rate, she will be caught by him... at this rate .

“Yours is too . ”

I teleported behind Germa who appeared behind us first, then placed my hand on his back .

Of course, such a move was out of his expectations, so he couldn’t hide his startled expression .

He swiftly turned around, though just like what happened to Lina, he was already late .


I released a shockwave of compressed wind at him .

As a result, a sound of explosion reverberated inside the town and Germa got blown off with a flexed back .


He screamed as he got blown away, but as expected from a god, he used his legs to stop on the way .


Screaming a word that completely ruined the intellectual ambiance he gave off until now, Germa stood up .

With a rough behavior, he created a giant black mist and went inside it .

In an instant, another black mist appeared before us and he stepped out from it .

That was probably a type of teleportation . He probably used the same technique to teleport behind us earlier .

Leaving behind his black mist while being out of breath, he still insisted on showing his composure and talked in a forced tone .

“That was quite effective . I honestly didn’t expect it . ”

“Well, thank you . ”

“Give it up! You can’t defeat up alone . ”

Hearing Lina’s warning, he seemed to admit the fact that he can’t defeat us and kept quiet for a while .

Well, he’s been bragging about victory before even trying to fight . He’ve got to admit it now .

After a moment of silence, he looked as if he thought up of something and brought back his wicked smile again .

“I see . Indeed, It looks like I’m in disadvantage against the both of you . I admit that, however...”

He then created that black mist once again and carried something out from it .

After the mist finally disappeared, I widened my eyes after confirming the person he was holding in his arms .

“How about now?”


The person Germa was carrying was Kamaishi .

Lina couldn’t hide her bewilderment and screamed her name .

Looks like she was unconscious for that she didn’t move .

“I assume this human would serve as a good shield this time . ”

Keeping the same wicked smile in his face, Germa shifted his gaze to Kamaishi .

I can’t believe that a god went down to the level of taking hostages .



Erasure Magic

“Your 【Erasure Magic】can erase anything . ”

“Yeah, It’s probably the stronger among my skills . ”

“Doesn’t have a weak point?”

“I’d say the fact that it can’t affect a living form, or that it could delete only one thing at a time . If I use 【Space Magic】, I can erase many things in one try, but that also takes time . So I can’t use it in battles that depend on speed . ”

“I see . Then can you use 【Space Magic】to erase the memories of inhabitants of a different world?”

“That’s possible . ”

“... Don’t do that!”

“I didn’t say I’m going to do it...”

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