My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

104 - A Hot Spring Trip─Not a Baby Making Trip (2)

TL/Editor: looloo

Status: ongoing

Illustrations: posted in discord

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On the day of the trip.

Both of them couldn't sleep until late and, having barely closed their eyes for a few hours, woke up early and moved busily.

"Yeonho! Did you pack your passport and tickets?"

"Yes! Wait, let me check once more just in case!"


"Passport... and tickets, both are here... Wow, we really don't have much luggage. We can probably carry this on the plane, right?"

"Since our backpacks aren't that big, it should be fine."

After finishing the final luggage check, they helped each other straighten their outfits and put on their shoes.

"It feels a bit dry today... Do you want some lip balm?"

"Yeah, put some on for me."


At my request, Heena applied lip balm to her lips and then began rubbing her lips against mine. By the time my lips and the area around them were covered with lip balm, she puckered her lips and ended with a kiss.


"All done?"

"It seems a bit much, but let's get going anyway?"

"Wait a sec~ Let's take a photo before we leave."

Today, Heena wore a black skirt and a beige long-sleeved shirt with a light checkered pattern. I was in black slacks and a white T-shirt, with the same shirt Heena wore over it, forming a couple's coordinated look.

Thanks to the bright and pretty color of the shirts, we looked very spring-like. We took a few photos, making peace signs with our hands. Then, despite it being May, we faced the quite chilly morning breeze, held hands, and set out on our journey.

"Let's go~"

"Here we go!"

They shouted energetically as they headed to the subway station. Looking back, this was the first trip where they stayed overnight since high school.

Back then, they were young and fresh, and due to self-imposed restraints, they hadn't done much despite going on trips. But now, there were no such restraints, and it was for two nights.

Moreover, it was overseas!

With their hearts pounding from excitement and anticipation, they hurried their steps.

It took over an hour on the airport railway to get to the airport. Despite it being off-season, the airport was quite crowded. Fortunately, they didn't need to wait in line for their plane tickets; they could get them immediately by entering their information into one of the many self-service machines scattered around.

Thanks to this, they arrived early but ended up with more time on their hands than expected since they got their tickets quickly.

"We have too much time left. What should we do?"

"Do you want to eat?"

"I'm a bit hungry, but isn't it a bit of a waste to eat here?"

"How about just a triangle kimbap each, so we don't have empty stomachs?"

"That sounds good. Wait a moment. I'll get it."

With triangle kimbap from the convenience store in hand, they shared each bite in harmony. However, during the meal,

-Munch, smack!

Heena's frequent kisses distracted from eating. She had always liked skinship, but it felt like the frequency had increased even more in recent days.

Sitting close together, she would chew a bite of food, then kiss me, and repeat this pattern.

"Isn't this too many kisses?"

"Yeah~ but what can I do when I want to~"

"If you want to, let's do it after we finish eating. Ah, should we take another photo now?"


Taking the chance, they snapped a picture while holding the last bite of their triangle kimbap close to their mouths, with their cheeks pressed together.

By the way, all the photos they took were being uploaded to their group chat with friends. Only the ones with a safe level of intimacy. Each time I checked the chat, I saw dozens of curses, but hey, I'm about to leave Korea, so what can they do?

After finishing the remaining bites, Heena bit my fingers, which were holding the triangle kimbap.


"Ugh, it tickles."

"Slurp... slurp..."

As if she was trying to clean my fingers, she licked and sucked on them inside her mouth. After a while, she released my fingers and looked at me with eyes that seemed to say something was missing.

It was obvious what she wanted. I placed my hand on Heena's cheek and slowly kissed her.


However, since people were constantly passing by, we didn't mix our tongues; instead, we made loud smacking sounds, kissing briefly and repeatedly.

-Smack, smack!

Continuously, with our eyes locked close together.

"Whose girlfriend is this pretty?"

"Yeonho's girlfriend~"

"That's right. Here, your mouth!"



Heena exaggeratedly puckered her lips like a duck, and I kissed them again, enjoying our time together.

The problem was that no matter how many times we kissed, there was still a lot of time left.

After kissing until our lips were about to split, we got up, thinking we should leisurely look around.

"Let's check out the duty-free shops. We have plenty of time."

"Okay. The bags are light, so it's easy to move around~"

From then on, they slowly strolled around the airport together. The duty-free shops were not much different from regular department stores. There were some tourist products, but nothing they particularly wanted to buy at that moment.

When Jeongwoo hyung used to smoke, he would buy a lot of cigarettes on the way back from trips. Yoonjung noona had once gotten very angry about that, asking if he was planning to die from smoking.

But we didn't smoke, didn't particularly enjoy drinking, and weren't the type to indulge in luxury shopping.

If there was anything we were interested in, it was probably food.

"I wonder what that tastes like."

"Banana bread? I've seen it online. They say it tastes like banana because of the cream inside."

"Really? I'm curious... Should we buy a box to take back?"

"Let's do that. We can bring it as a gift to your house. I'll buy one for Jeongwoo hyung too."

"Only for Jeongwoo hyung? Why?"

"Oh, no... I just mentioned his name without thinking. If I buy it, everyone in our family will share it."


I inadvertently mentioned hyung because I was grateful for the money he lent me. When I quickly changed my words, she thankfully didn't suspect anything. If she found out that I had borrowed money from him to scrape together funds, not even the topic of marriage could quell Heena's anger.

Of course, Heena didn't entirely contribute nothing. She exchanged as much money as she could and we decided to use it for food expenses locally.

Although I had a moment of panic from the slip-up, we continued to look around various stores together. Then, when we stopped by a clothing store for a moment,

"Hmm... you should buy a new pair of pants... or at least change into the ones you brought..."

"Why? Do I not look good in this skirt?"

"It's pretty, but other guys keep staring."

It wasn't an overreaction. Heena's beauty was such that anyone would turn their heads to look at her. Her legs under the skirt and her pale, white skin naturally drew attention.

I've always had these thoughts, but I never voiced them before. However, after the day Heena's anxiety spiked, I decided to be honest.

Showing such reactions was also a way of expressing interest and love towards her. To prevent Heena's anxiety from growing again.

"Pfft... are you jealous? You always touch me anyway."

"Of course I am. I'm holding back wanting to touch you right now, while they're sneakily looking."

"You can touch me on the plane later~ Let's go look around more."

"Sigh... time is passing so slowly."

After a bit more browsing, having a cup of coffee, and spending a few more hours together in a corner of the airport, we finally boarded the plane.

It was a low-cost airline, so it was a bit cramped, but since it was less than a two-hour flight, it didn't matter much.

Sitting side by side by the window, they fastened their seat belts, held hands tightly, and smiled at each other.

"Shall we eat while waiting for the bus later?"

"Let's see what's around and decide. If it's ambiguous, we can eat after we arrive."

"Okay! Then... can I touch you now?"

She slightly lifted her skirt, revealing her thigh.

I didn't refuse her gesture and slowly began to caress Heena's smooth thigh.

It seemed like we wouldn't be bored until we arrived.


Raei Translations


When the short, excitement-filled flight ended and we stepped outside, we were in Japan.

But before we could fully enjoy the foreign air, we realized the bus to the hot spring village was about to leave.

Thanks to the flight being shorter than expected, we could catch the bus we had originally planned to miss.

If we hurried just a bit!

"Heena! Did you get all the bags?!"

"Yes! I checked everything! Let's go quickly!"

As soon as we exited the gate, we ran to the unmanned ticket machine near the exit to get our bus tickets. Not having to wait for checked luggage significantly saved us time.

Seeing all the kanji and Japanese on the screen gave me a momentary brain freeze, but since I had captured the name of our destination beforehand, we could buy the tickets quickly without difficulty.

And as we exited the unexpectedly small airport entrance, we saw buses stopping here and there right in front of us.

"Which one is it?"

"I'll check the ticket... Ah! It must be that one!"

Despite checking online before, the bus tickets looked very unfamiliar, and we had to compare them one by one to find the right bus.

The destination was written on the ground and, surprisingly, on the front glass of the bus in Korean. But just to be sure, I showed the ticket to the driver to confirm.

"Excuse me, is this the right bus?"

"Yes, it is."

Although I understood the driver's smiling "Yes!" in response to my clumsy Japanese from the translator, I didn't catch the rest of what he said.

The reason I insisted on asking in Japanese was simply that I wanted to try. Heena knew some Japanese from school, but she wasn't familiar with conversational Japanese, so her skills were about the same as mine. Plus, speaking a foreign language in a foreign country felt quite fun.

As soon as we got the affirmative response, Heena and I went inside and sat down. There were only about four other people on the quiet bus besides us.

"Whew... we made it just in time."

"Right. Wasn't it hard carrying my bag too?"

"What's one more bag? What about you? Are you okay? We ran suddenly."

"Yes! You know I'm good at running."

"The famous Lee Heena with a 50-meter dash time of 11.5 seconds?"

"Are you teasing me!"

Even while sitting on the bus, we continued to joke and banter, letting out our excited feelings. Shortly after, the bus departed, and as we left the airport, we enjoyed the unexpectedly open mountainous scenery.

"Doesn't it feel very rural even though it's near the airport?"

"Yeah. The airport is small too... Maybe small airports in the countryside in our country feel similar. Or maybe this entrance is particularly small."

"Ah~ That could be it."

"It's fascinating to see all the signs in Japanese."

"Except for the signs, it feels a bit like Korea. Heena, can you read that one?"

"Which one?"

I usually avoid talking much in cars to prevent motion sickness. But today, the thrill of the trip outweighed the queasiness from the car's movements, and I didn't get carsick despite chatting with Heena.

Additionally, the bus itself was incredibly comfortable. Not only were the seats spacious, but the free Wi-Fi worked perfectly even while the bus was moving. The interior was cool, and there was even a restroom on board.

Thanks to this, we were able to sit comfortably for about an hour and a half until we finally arrived.

It was a place that reminded us of a quiet rural village, with no tall buildings in sight and not many people around since it was the off-season.

We were in a Japanese hot spring village, not to make babies... but to enjoy the ryokan and hot springs.

Author's Note:

Sigh, you're all perverts. Thinking of a pure hot spring trip like that.

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