My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 338 - Chapter 338: Chapter 338: How Much Does She Want Him to Die? (Second Update)

Chapter 338: Chapter 338: How Much Does She Want Him to Die? (Second Update)

Translator: 549690339

Inside the restroom.

Mu Cidian fell backward.

Because he was drunk, his reaction wasn’t as fast, he could only let himself fall down again.

He was even prepared for it.

Prepared to get a concussion or even make a fool out of himself.

After all, how important is it to come off decent in front of Xin Zaozao!

In her eyes, he had long become a disgusting figure.

He was clear about that.

In that clear moment, he suddenly felt as if someone had caught him but maybe because he was too heavy, he still fell down, only this time, he fell into the arms of a woman.

Mu Cidian never thought that Xin Zaozao would step forward and support him.

Xin Zaozao also didn’t expect that she would do this.

She should have just watched Mu Cidian fall like this, possibly to his death as the fall was dangerously serious.

She thought, she only reached out to help him because she didn’t want to bear any legal responsibility.

If Mu Cidian really died in front of her, given their current relationship, the police might accuse her of intentional homicide.

She could die in any manner in this life, but absolutely not by the hand of Mu Cidian.

She furrowed her brows.

Her body was in pain.

Mu Cidian was really heavy, she fell along with him as she tried to help him.

He fell on top of her, and she was pressed underneath him, her whole body in pain.

She endured the pain, pushing Mu Cidian, “Get up.”

Mu Cidian didn’t move.

Xin Zaozao tried hard, but she couldn’t push away the heavily drunk Mu Cidian.

After struggling for a while, Xin Zaozao gave up.

She rummaged through her bag for her phone, preparing to call Nie Feng.

Nie Feng was waiting outside the whole time.

It wasn’t appropriate to have her bodyguard with her in such a situation, but for her safety, she had Nie Feng guarding her throughout the entire ordeal.

However, at that moment, her phone was out of battery.

Xin Zaozao was somewhat angry.

Unable to push away Mu Cidian nor call Nie Feng for help, she was starting to lose her patience.

“Mu Cidian, get up!” Xin Zaozao raised her voice significantly.

Mu Cidian still didn’t move.

Xin Zaozao really couldn’t take it anymore, she was disgusted by any physical contact with Mu Cidian. At that moment, she deeply regretted not just letting Mu Cidian fall to his death.

She suddenly lowered her head.

She bit down hard on Mu Cidian’s neck.

She exerted a lot of force.

Mu Cidian winced in pain.

He frowned deeply.

It really hurt.

This woman must have used all her strength.

Xin Zaozao seemed to be venting.

When she came to her senses, she could taste the metallic taste of blood in her mouth.

She let go and threatened Mu Cidian, “If you don’t get up, I can’t guarantee what I’ll do next…”

Mu Cidian wasn’t actually afraid of what Xin Zaozao might do to him.

But he felt that at that moment she was truly disgusted by him lying on top of her.

More importantly, he felt like throwing up again.

He was afraid he might directly vomit on her.

If that happened, Xin Zaozao might actually kill him.

He moved his body and slowly got up.

Once Xin Zaozao was free, she quickly stood up from under Mu Cidian.

She vigorously brushed the dirt off her clothes, as if wanting to get rid of all the impurity that Mu Cidian brought to her.

At that moment, Mu Cidian was leaning over the sink, throwing up again.

He threw up so violently that his body curled up, as if he was about to throw up his entire stomach.

Just as Xin Zaozao was about to leave with an indifferent face, she noticed something and stopped.

Not just her.

Mu Cidian also stared blankly at the sink.

At the sight of the blood in the sink…

The blood he had vomited.

And then, everything suddenly fell silent.

The world seemed to have come to a standstill.

Many thoughts flashed through Mu Cidian’s mind, but over a sea of emotions, he was indifferent.

Indifferently, he washes the blood down the sink, cleans his mouth with running water, indifferently gets a few napkins to wipe away the blood from his lips.

After doing all this, he turned around and walked away.

Step by step, he walked away, though he was still unsteady.

Xin Zaozao watched Mu Cidian’s back decay, watching his posture as if nothing had happened, she followed him slowly.

Even though it was late, the nightclub was still in full swing.

There were many cars and people at the entrance.

Nie Feng had been waiting for her at the entrance the whole time. Upon seeing her, he immediately parked the car next to her.

At that moment, Mu Cidian was standing not far from her. He was alone and drunk, so he could only leave on his own.

Thankfully, there were many taxis outside the nightclub. If a VIP client wanted to leave, the club could arrange a special ride.

For some reason, Xin Zaozao stayed instead of leaving. She was looking at Mu Cidian. Just as he was about to get into one of the taxis he had hailed, he suddenly turned his body to the side, bent over and vomited.

There were traces of fresh blood on the ground.

The taxi driver obviously saw this and was naturally unwilling to take him. He hurriedly drove away.

Xin Zaozao was watching him with a detached gaze.

Mu Cidian continued to vomit for some time.

He managed to stand upright.

In that moment, it seemed as though nothing had happened.

With the taxi in front of him gone, he moved towards another one.

However, he had barely moved before all the taxis drove away.

He didn’t show any reaction.

He staggered towards the road outside the entrance.

He tried to hail a taxi.

He was getting closer to the middle of the road.

There were not many vehicles around, but not few either.

Occasionally, in the night, a speeding vehicle would whoosh past him.

Xin Zaozao bit her lip, she went back to her car.

Nie Feng started driving away.

Mu Cidian was right in front of them.

Nie Feng was watching Xin Zaozao through the rearview mirror.

Xin Zaozao and Mu Cidian didn’t get along, so Xin Zaozao wouldn’t help Mu Cidian.

She never did before and she wouldn’t now.

Nie Feng stepped on the gas harder.

He believed that there was no need to stop the car.

But at that moment.

Mu Cidian in the middle of the road suddenly ran towards their car.

Taken by surprise, Nie Feng quickly hit the brakes.

Mu Cidian still ended up falling under the car.

The surrounding area erupted with screams.

Xin Zaozao’s face turned pale from fright.

She quickly got out of the car with Nie Feng to check on Mu Cidian.

Mu Cidian lay motionless on the ground.

In haste, Xin Zaozao told Nie Feng, “Get him to the hospital first.”

“Yes.” Nie Feng picked up Mu Cidian and laid him in the back seat.

Xin Zaozao also got in.

The car quickly headed to the hospital.

Mu Cidian lay motionless in the car.

Xin Zaozao was somewhat frantic.

She didn’t care if Mu Cidian died – him living or dying had nothing to do with her. What she feared now was being implicated!

The car quickly reached the city center hospital.

Nie Feng carried Mu Cidian to the emergency room.

A doctor quickly placed Mu Cidian on a stretcher.

Mu Cidian had some abrasions and looked very pale.

The doctor asked, “What happened?”

“I accidentally hit him with my car, but it shouldn’t be severe. I think I managed to brake in time…” Nie Feng speculated.

Without asking any further questions, the doctor immediately had Mu Cidian moved into the emergency room.

“By the way, he had a lot to drink. He was vomiting blood a moment ago,” Xin Zaozao told the doctor loudly.

The doctor nodded his head.

The doors of the emergency room were closed.

Xin Zaozao and Nie Feng were standing outside the emergency room, neither of them speaking. Both looked anxious.

Xin Zaozao was constantly thinking about how she could evade legal responsibility if Mu Cidian were to die.

About an hour later.

The doors of the emergency room opened.

The doctor came out.

Xin Zaozao and Nie Feng looked at him nervously.

Mu Cidian was pushed out of the emergency room. He looked extremely pale and seemed to still be in a lot of discomfort with his eyes closed.

Xin Zaozao asked bluntly, “Is he dead?”

The doctor frowned slightly and said, “No.”

Xin Zaozao wasn’t sure how she felt at that moment.

She just stared at the doctor.

The doctor said, “The accident wasn’t serious, it’s mostly external abrasions. The main problem is his stomach. We’ve just examined him and found a perforation in the stomach. This is why he had severe gastric bleeding after drinking heavily. He needs surgery as soon as possible. You can admit him and then schedule a surgery time and preoperative check-up with the doctor.”

“Isn’t it stomach cancer?” Xin Zaozao suddenly asked.

Mu Cidian, lying on the hospital bed, seemed to smile at that moment.

She really did wish for him to die.

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