My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 358 - Chapter 358: Chapter 358: Silent Eruption (1) Luo Xiaolang Appears

Chapter 358: Chapter 358: Silent Eruption (1) Luo Xiaolang Appears

Translator: 549690339

“What did you say, what did you say!” Wan Quan stared at Xin Zaozao in disbelief, lunging forward to grab her by the hair and yank it violently.

In that moment, Xin Zaozao retaliated fiercely, allowing all of her pent-up emotions to erupt in a violent confrontation with Wan Quan.

Xin Zaozao cruelly gripped Wan Quan’s neck, her hands squeezing her relentlessly.

Wan Quan reeled in pain, abruptly releasing Xin Zaozao’s hair and digging her nails into the arms that were throttling her neck.

Gory tracks from the ruthless clawing bloomed with blood.

But Xin Zaozao didn’t loosen her grip on Wan Quan in the slightest.

Hindered by Xin Zaozao’s relentless grip, Wan Quan found herself struggling for breath. In a sudden burst, she shoved Xin Zaozao to the ground.

Xin Zaozao crumpled heavily onto the ground, and the force of her push caused Wan Quan too to collapse.

Both of their eyes were bloodshot.

They glared at each other, each seemingly wanting to kill the other!

Wan Quan declared, “Xin Zaozao, if anything happens to my son, I swear I will kill you, I will kill you!”

Xin Zaozao scoffed coldly.

She jeered, “Wan Quan, if anything happens to your son, you only have yourself to blame! Even if your son survives, he won’t escape the law’s retribution!”

“Xin Zaozao!” Wan Quan roared furiously.

She had spent all of last night in excited anticipation, waiting for everything to unravel. She never thought Mu Cidian would find Xin Zaozao. How could he possibly find her when she never told him who kidnapped Xin Zaozao? She had merely claimed that she didn’t kidnap Xin Zaozao to get him off her back!

Watching her son suffer in such a brutal manner was unbearable to her.

She was well aware that if she hadn’t told him anything last night, her son would have literally banged his head to death in front of her.

Yet, she didn’t think he could ever find Xin Zaozao.

How on earth did he find her?!

How could he possibly guess who kidnapped Xin Zaozao!

She lost control, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

More than not being able to take her revenge out on Xin Zaozao, what she couldn’t accept was that Mu Cidian went to such lengths for Xin Zaozao. Why was her son moving further and further away from her, yet willing to do anything for Xin Zaozao!

Wan Quan trembled in rage.

The unchecked anger contorted her entire being.

She watched as Xin Zaozao suddenly stood up from the ground.

Xin Zaozao stood over Wan Quan, towering over her.

In that moment, the physical and emotional onslaught left Wan Quan unable to get up from the ground.

She glared venomously at Xin Zaozao.

Xin Zaozao declared, “Your son committed murder, but I won’t be his witness for self-defense!”

With that, she walked away in silence.

A disheveled Wan Quan stared at Xin Zaozao’s aloof figure departing, watching as the woman stood before her like a victorious warrior, despite her battered state.

Crazed, she screamed, “Xin Zaozao, you ungrateful bitch, born by a mother, but raised without one. Mu Cidian has gone to such lengths for you, yet you treat him like this, aren’t you afraid of divine retribution?!”

Xin Zaozao paused her departure momentarily.

She retorted, “Mu Cidian was born to and raised by a mother, did she do a good job though? If you’re not afraid of retribution, what do I have to fear!”

“Xin Zaozao!”

Wan Quan’s breakdown echoed throughout the mansion.

Xin Zaozao returned to her room in cold indifference.

Shutting her door, the noise outside dwindled, diminished to the point of being completely ignorable.

She entered the bathroom.

Looking into the mirror, she saw a reflection akin to a ghost.

Her face and body seemed void of any clean spot, her hair was a tangled mess, and dried blood stains covered her body except for the fresh gory scratches on her arms.

She stood there, staring.


It was as though she had grown accustomed to such a ravaged state, to seeing a sight even more horrifying than herself in her mind, a sight of Mu Cidian.

She shifted her gaze, removed the little clothing she had on, stepped into the shower, and turned on the faucet.

Warm water cascaded down her body, washing away the blood that had pooled on the floor.

The floor was covered in blood.

Her body ached, every wound stinging with pain as the water touched it, yet she felt almost nothing.

She showered for a long time, scrubbing herself clean inside and out.

She wrapped herself in a bathrobe and stepped out.

She went downstairs to fetch the first-aid kit from the hall.

Wan Quan was no longer in the mansion. Xin Zaozao didn’t know where she had gone, perhaps to see Mu Cidian.

If she had any human decency left, she wouldn’t be able to abandon him.

She returned to her room with the first aid kit.

She dressed her wounds, one by one.

There were many wounds, she bandaged them meticulously.

After finishing with the last wound,

Xin Zaozao laid down on her bed.

She was extraordinarily exhausted and weary, both physically and mentally.

Lying on her soft bed, she gazed at the crystal chandelier hanging above, gradually closing her eyes.

When she awoke,

It was nearly dark.

She had slept for a long time, quite a long time.

She got up.

She was starving.

Having not eaten anything all day, she was so hungry that her stomach started to hurt.

She climbed out of bed.

Her eyes quickly taking in the damp patches on her pillow, a lot of them.

With her usual indifference, she changed into some comfortable clothes and left her room.

The villa was exceptionally vacant.

When Wan Quan was not around, the place would always be very quiet.

She had indeed allowed Wan Quan to stay here for far too long, for far too long indeed!

She stood in the living room, observing a servant who was cleaning the villa.

Upon seeing Xin Zaozao, the servant started to tremble in fear.

The recent violent disputes between Xin Zaozao and Wan Quan had intensified the servant’s trepidation towards Xin Zaozao.

“I’m hungry,” Xin Zaozao stated.

The servant stared at her in shock.

“Make me some food,” Xin Zaozao ordered.

“Yes.” The servant quickly agreed and hurried into the kitchen.

Xin Zaozao quietly sat on the couch.

The villa was missing many things, probably due to Wan Quan breaking them.

She turned on the TV and quietly watched it.

No one could tell what she had endured that day. As usual, she sat there in the villa, indifferent and calm, not uttering a word, and appearing cold.

She had the TV locked on the variety channel.

Watching the various entertaining programs, her attention did not waver. Nonetheless, no reaction or emotional fluctuation could be seen on her face, as if she were looking at a colorful screen with no content.

Half an hour later,

The servant came forward respectfully and said to Xin Zaozao, “Miss, your dinner is ready.”

Xin Zaozao stood up and walked towards the dining area.

She sat down at the dining table, surrounded by servants standing there respectfully.

Xin Zaozao had never really enjoyed the privileges of this family, and she didn’t seem to care, but now, things had changed.

What was hers rightfully belonged to her.

No one could take it away unless she died.

She picked up her bowl and chopsticks and began to eat slowly.

She ate at a steady pace.

There was no indication if she was enjoying her meal. She just ate with a blank expression.

The servants nearby didn’t dare make any movement, they just stood there with utmost respect.

There were footsteps heard in the villa.

Xin Zaozao did not turn around.

Wan Quan’s voice reached her ears from behind, “Xin Zaozao! You worthless piece of shit! You ruined my son and you dare to sit here and eat! You heartless bitch!”

Xin Zaozao acted as if she hadn’t heard.

She continued eating as if nothing happened.

Wan Quan furiously rushed forward, overturning all the food on Xin Zaozao’s table.

Xin Zaozao looked at Wan Quan coldly.

Wan Quan, with anger-induced palpitations, yelled, “Xin Zaozao, you whore!”

Xin Zaozao placed her chopsticks down.

She stood up and faced Wan Quan, looking at her coldly.

That look in her eyes, was one of utter disdain.

Wan Quan’s face was ghastly.

She couldn’t believe Xin Zaozao had changed to this extent.

She couldn’t believe Xin Zaozao had become like this.

She vividly remembered when Xin Zaozao was still a child. Back then, she could mold Xin Zaozao to whatever she wanted.

But now, Xin Zaozao stood tall before her, regarding her with an air of arrogance.

“If Mu Cidian dies,” Wan Quan spat furiously, “I will kill you, I swear I will kill you!”

Xin Zaozao sneered.

Again, that cold laugh.

A laugh that screamed indifference, like she did not take Wan Quan seriously at all.

She turned around and walked away.

She left, completely unengaged to anything Wan Quan said or did. None of it affected her emotions whatsoever.

She left the villa.

Wan Quan’s screams echoed in Xin Zaozao’s ears, her voice shrill and manic.

Xin Zaozao drove one of the cars out from the garage.

She was going to the hospital.

Nie Feng had been attacked last night and she wasn’t sure about the current state he was in, so she needed to check up on him.

She parked the car smoothly in the hospital parking lot.

She entered the hospital and enquired about Nie Feng’s hospital room number.

She came to Nie Feng’s intensive care unit.

The doctors said that due to a cranial injury he was still unconscious. If he continued like this for three days, there was a high possibility he would fall into a vegetative state.

She swallowed hard.

She silently watched Nie Feng lying on his hospital bed.

She looked and looked.

Someone suddenly walked over.

Xin Zaozao turned her head.

Wei Ziming appeared by her side.

Nie Feng was found by Wei Ziming for her, and since such a serious incident had occurred, it was only natural for Wei Ziming to check on the situation.

Xin Zaozao didn’t know what to say.

She turned her head and continued to look at Nie Feng.

Wei Ziming didn’t focus on Xin Zaozao. “I’ve informed Nie Feng’s parents and they should be arriving soon,” he said.

Xin Zaozao nodded.

Wei Ziming appeared as though he wanted to say something more, but ultimately chose to be silent.

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed in the corridor.

Xin Zaozao watched as an elderly couple appeared. Their eyes were swollen with sorrow and they burst into tears as they entered the hospital.

Nie Feng’s mother rushed over to the window of the ICU, sobbing uncontrollably, “My son, my only son, how could this happen to you, why did this happen?”

Nie Feng’s father was slightly more composed than his wife, but he couldn’t stop the tears as he looked at his son.

Xin Zaozao tried hard to hide her emotions as she watched the scene unfold.

“My son, I only have one son. I can’t bear the tragedy of parents burying their children. You must wake up… you must wake up…” Nie Feng’s mother wailed heartbreakingly.

Nie Feng’s father, holding his wife, was at a loss for comforting words in that moment.

“Uncle, aunt… take care of yourselves. I believe Nie Feng will pull through,” Wei Ziming stepped forward to console them.

Nie Feng’s parents finally looked away from their son. They looked at Wei Ziming, and in that moment, Nie Feng’s mother suddenly broke down screaming, “It’s all your fault! It’s all because of you! I wanted Nie Feng to retire from boxing and use his money to start a small business so he could stay with us. It was your idea to make him do such dangerous work. It’s all your fault!”

Nie Feng’s mother vented all her feelings of grief and injustice on Wei Ziming.

Wei Ziming didn’t argue.

He looked at Nie Feng’s parents. “I’m sorry,” he said.

“What good does sorry do now! What good does it do!” Nie Feng’s mother was crying to the point of near suffocation. She turned to look at her son again, sobbing, “I told you not to get into such dangerous work, but you didn’t listen. I told you to just stay home with your parents, but you didn’t listen. Now you’re in this state, what good will all the money in the world do? If something happens to you, how are we, two old people, supposed to live…”

The corridor echoed with the sound of heart-wrenching cries.

Xin Zaozao just watched. She didn’t say anything, didn’t utter a single word. But her eyes were red, redder than red.

She stayed in the corridor for a long time.

Because Nie Feng’s parents had traveled a long way and they were old, their physical condition couldn’t hold up.

Xin Zaozao and Wei Ziming arranged a VIP ward in the hospital for them, for them to stay and accompany Nie Feng.

After all the arrangements were finished, Wei Ziming and Xin Zaozao left.

The two of them quietly walked into the elevator.

Neither Wei Ziming nor Xin Zaozao were the talkative types.

The two of them really weren’t close, and if it weren’t for Song Zhizhi, they would never have met.

The elevator opens.

However, Wei Ziming still asked, “Do you need me to take you home?”

All throughout, Xin Zaozao maintained her resilience, her composure, and her inscrutability.

But it was clear that Xin Zaozao had been greatly hurt emotionally and physically. On her bloodless face, Wei Ziming thought she looked like she might faint at any moment.

But she persevered.

At this moment, she shook her head, “No need, thank you.”

She walked straight out of the hospital lobby.

Wei Ziming watched Xin Zaozao’s receding figure.

Was this woman striving to be strong?

Refusing anyone’s help, wanting to defend herself alone, supporting her fragile body by herself.

Xin Zaozao stopped at the hospital entrance.

There were many reporters at the gate.

The reporters crowded around.

“Xin Zaozao, were you really kidnapped yesterday?”

“Xin Zaozao, we heard a lunatic kidnapped you. What did you experience last night?”

“Xin Zaozao, did Mu Cidian really murder someone? Are you here to visit Mu Cidian? It’s said he’s been unconscious and in bad shape. Could he suddenly die?”

“Xin Zaozao, do you have feelings for Mu Cidian? Rumor has it Mu Cidian killed for you. Does Mu Cidian like you?”

“Xin Zaozao…”

Xin Zaozao strove to push past the reporters.

Her small body that could collapse at any moment was slowly pushing its way through the sea of reporters.

She didn’t say a word.

She returned to her car and drove away.

The reporters watched as Xin Zaozao departed.

Xin Zaozao has grown a lot this year, but at this moment, she seemed to be different again.

Xin Zaozao didn’t return to the Xin family’s villa, nor did she go to the police station.

She drove to the gate of a residential area.

She went in.

This was Song Zhizhi’s home.

She had been here before for their engagement party.

This time, she seemed to naturally end up here again.

She entered the elevator and pressed the floor button.

The elevator moved upwards.

She stopped and stood in front of the apartment door.

She knew the passcode.

After she left, Song Zhizhi sent her the passcode to his home.

Only Luo Xiaolang was living here, and he had left, so she would be the only one here.

She entered the passcode.

The door opened.

She walked in, changed her shoes.

She didn’t notice at the time that the apartment, which hadn’t been lived in for half a year, wasn’t dusty as it should be.

She walked into the living room.

Inside the living room, she suddenly stood still.

Because she saw a person sitting on the couch.

And that person was Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang, who had been away for half a year and hadn’t been heard from, had returned.

Luo Xiaolang also seemed surprised to see Xin Zaozao at this moment.

The two of them were just silently looking at each other.

Looking at each other.

For a while.

Xin Zaozao and Luo Xiaolang asked simultaneously.

“What are you doing here?”

“What are you doing here?”

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