My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 391 - Chapter 391: Chapter 391: Court Appearance (1) Vigorous Defense, Take the Initiative!

Chapter 391: Chapter 391: Court Appearance (1) Vigorous Defense, Take the Initiative!

Translator: 549690339

In the courtroom.

Ji Baijian and Song Zhizhi were looking at each other.

Song Zhizhi looked a bit pale, and she seemed to have lost some weight. Even though she was not mistreated in jail during this time, she was always under the protection of Jun Mingyu. Moreover, Jun Minghan didn’t seem to have considered tormenting her in jail. She was very clear that true torture would occur after being sentenced to prison. Otherwise, if anyone found out, the backlash would not be worth it.

But after all.

The environment inside the detention center was too harsh, gloomy and damp, surrounded by walls on all sides. The food inside was not good. Coupled with the nearly month-long confinement with hardly any sunlight, it was no surprise her complexion had deteriorated.

At this moment, a faint smile formed at the corner of her mouth.

She smiled slightly at Ji Baijian.

A flicker of emotion stirred in Ji Baijian’s heart.

His suppressed feelings were surging the moment he saw Song Zhizhi.

He nodded slightly at her.

Song Zhizhi also nodded in response.

There was a tacit exchange of information between them. Even separated by such a distance, one could still sense the strong affection between them.

Ye Wenhan was watching their interaction.

Because he was just sitting diagonally across from Ji Baijian and directly facing Song Zhizhi in the courtroom, he clearly saw everything.

His face was extremely displeased!

Very displeased indeed.

The bitterness in his heart made him somewhat twisted, yet he had to suppress it in such a situation.

His face cold, he watched their every move without any warmth.


Anyway, after today, these two would no longer be possible. He wondered how much affection Ji Baijian could still have for Song Zhizhi once she was truly sentenced to prison?!

He really wanted to see the scene of Song Zhizhi regretting to the point of despair right now.

He silently adjusted his emotions.

Watching as the clerk of the court had already run through the legal procedures and the judgment chief took his place.

Everyone rose to their feet, the sentiment solemn.

“Sit down.”

Everyone then sat back down.

The judgment officer stood up.

All eyes were on the platform in the courtroom, the atmosphere was very solemn.

The judgment officer began, “In order to stimulate the economic development of Yanshang Country, the Commercial Management Organization has cooperated with the globally renowned James Group for international trade cooperation. Song Zhizhi was responsible for the reasonable dismantling of the Airport District. Using her personal power to oppress and threaten the residents Liu Wen during the forced eviction, which caused Liu Wen to commit suicide, caused a public uproar. Also causing the James Group to feel extremely dissatisfied with the Commercial Management’s approach. The final outcome resulted in Yanshang Country losing 5 billion in direct economic losses, not to mention the immeasurable huge losses and the negative international influence it has.”

“The plaintiff offers the following evidence of suspected criminal Song Zhizhi’s misconduct: 1. Verification of the victim Liu Wen’s injuries, Liu Wen’s statement, and the testimonies from Liu Wen’s family members; 2. The testimony and provided evidences of bribery from Liang Ping, the person directly responsible for carrying out the oppression; 3. An assessment booklet which outlines the economic losses brought upon Yanshang Country due to this incident. The prosecutors accuse the suspected criminal of intentional assault and causing national economic loss. The suspected criminal is asked to present her legal defense!”

Lawyer Wen Tian stood up.

After first handling Song Zhizhi’s case, he didn’t take on many more cases but now he was quite different from the man who had trembled slightly in court back then. Maybe the pressures of that case had spurred his rapid development; today he seemed calm and collected.

He declared, “I will make a plea of not guilty on behalf of my client.”

As soon as the words came out.

There were some gasps in the courtroom.

This case was already quite complicated, so the ones allowed to observe were people with significant standing.

In addition to the people around Ji Baijian, such as Ye Wenhan, Qian Guanshu, and others, all chiefs from the Commercial Management were present, except for Song Shan.

Qin Wenguo appeared in the spectator’s seat with his two children.

Chu Zhaotian also appeared there with his daughter.

At this moment, when Wen Tian’s words came out.

Without regard for his own status, one man suddenly yelled out, “Song Zhizhi, have you no shame!”

For a moment.

All eyes in the courtroom were on Song Zhizhi, filled with utter contempt.

Unable to correct his wrongs even at this time.

“Silence!” The Judgment Chief said sternly.

One of them added, “Judgment Chief, people like Song Zhizhi should be severely punished!”

“Silence!” The Judgment Chief raised his voice. “The courtroom is not a place for you to express your opinions. If you can’t maintain silence in the public gallery, we will forcefully expel you from the court!”

The whole court was silent.

This stalemate lasted for several seconds.

Lawyer Wen Tian began to speak with composure, “First of all, we doubt the evidence provided by the prosecution about the victim Liu Wen. Therefore, we hope the judge could allow us to ask Liu Wen a few questions to clarify our doubts.”

“Granted.” The Judgment Chief agreed.

So, Liu Wen was brought in.

Liu Wen looked at Wen Tian, seeming very confident.

Wen Tian started, “How old are you this year, Mr. Liu?”


“Your whole family, including your parents, live together at 12-5, Building 3, Airport Residential Area. You have 5 people in your household, correct?”


“Could you please tell us how my client retaliated against you? Please describe the incident as it happened.”

“I left work late that day and was walking on the street when I was suddenly attacked and brutally beaten by a person in a dark alley. He knocked me to the ground and threatened me. He told me to behave myself or he would kill me and my entire family!” Liu Wen said vehemently.

“Was the man who beat you the man across from you?” Wen Tian pointed to another criminal, Liang Ping.

Liu Wen confirmed with certainty, “Yes!”

“Yes?” Wen Tian frowned. “From what I heard from Mr. Liu, you left work quite late that day and the alley was very dark. Could you clearly see that the man who beat you was him?!”

“I, I, I didn’t see it clearly, but I could somehow make out the overall outline and figure.”

“So, by your implication, you felt it rather than saw it clearly.” Wen Tian summarized.

“I’m not lying, I know it was him!” Liu Wen seemed rather agitated.

“I’m not doubting you, I’m only presenting the facts to the court.” Wen Tian spoke calmly. He asked Liu Wen again, “Mr. Liu, when he was beating you, did he specifically say it was Song Zhizhi who ordered him to do so?”

“How could he possibly tell me directly!”

“Then how are you sure that everything he did was on the orders of Song Zhizhi?”

“I don’t know it was Song Zhizhi. All I know is that he threatened me to move out of my house to not interfere with the demotion progress! And that wasn’t all, the next day I received a notice from my daughter’s school telling me to take her home because I was impeding the progress of our country’s economy and trade. To make matters worse, in the following days, our family suffered retaliation. Our doors were violently knocked on in the middle of the night and paint was sprayed on our door. It was unbearable. The only viable choice was to expose everything through my suicide!”

“So in other words, you don’t know if it was Song Zhizhi, all you knew was that the threat against you greatly affected your life due to the demotion!”

“Yes, during that time our home was in a state of constant fear. My mother was scared into a hospital admission, my daughter was kicked out of school, it was stifling at home!”

“Then may I ask Mr. Liu, did you sign the displacement agreement?” Wen Tian abruptly shifted the topic.

“Yes, I did.”

“If you’ve signed, why would Commercial Management retaliate against you?!”

“I demanded more than others.” Liu Wen admitted, “I admit that at that time I did want to gain additional advantages from the demolitions, so I added some extra conditions during negotiations with the displacement team. I asked them to assure my daughter admission into a private school, at no cost to us.”

“Did they agree?”

“They did.” Liu Wen answered, “But the next day they went back on their word, insisting that I sign a new agreement and remove my additional conditions. I obviously wouldn’t agree. Since they agreed and we signed the contract, why would they suddenly backpedal? Consequently, I didn’t sign and I threatened the staff at the time. I said if they didn’t meet my conditions, I wouldn’t move, and their project couldn’t proceed!”

“Alright, I have finished my questions.” Wen Tian, exceedingly respectful, turned to the Judgment Chief, “Judgment Chief, I wish to ask the specific worker in charge of the displacement for this project a few questions.”


Lin Wen, Song Zhizhi’s subordinate and the person in charge of this project, appeared in the court.

Wen Tian spoke word by word, “Miss Lin, how long have you been working for Commercial Management?”

“5 years.”

“And how long have you been working under my client, Song Zhizhi?”

“A year.”

“Please give an objective evaluation of Song Zhizhi.”

“She’s hard-working, talented and capable, but…” Lin Wen glanced at Song Zhizhi.

Song Zhizhi seemed calm.

Lin Wen didn’t dare to look Song Zhizhi in the eyes, and bluntly characterized her, “But she is too ambitious.”

“As for being too ambitious, could you give some examples?”

“For instance, she always demands a lot from us, constantly comparing us to Manager Chu’s department, always targeting his side. We often have to work overtime because of her performance objectives.”

“That only shows that she’s serious and responsible at work.”

“But it also shows her ambition.” Lin Wen said confidently.

“I don’t doubt you.” Wen Tian was always confirming the witness, he said, “According to victim Liu Wen, you grabbed the second contract agreement and forced him to sign it, tearing down the additional terms he’d before. Why did you suddenly break an agreed upon deal?”

“It was arranged by Manager Song. She supposedly disagreed with Liu Wen’s additional terms when she reported to the upper-level management. She didn’t want to appear inadequate to her superiors, so she decided to renegotiate the demolition contract with Liu Wen. But, Liu Wen refused to agree. I was unable to handle the situation, so I passed it to Manager Song. What she did after that, I really don’t know.”

“Ok. Thank you.” Wen Tian finished his questioning, then turned to the Judgment Chief and asked, “Can I ask a few questions to Liang Ping?”


“Did Song Zhizhi find you and asked you to threaten and intimidate Liu Wen’s family?”


“When did she contact you?”

“Around 3PM on September 29th. I was at the store playing poker with colleagues. She came straight to me and asked for a favor, offering me 500,000 yuan! I work in this industry, so I agreed immediately.”

“Did she find you at your workplace?”


“Did she give you the 500,000 yuan straightaway?”

“Yes, she paid me cash. First, she gave me a deposit of 300,000 yuan and after I threatened them, she gave me another 100,000 yuan. The remaining 100,000 yuan would be paid after getting the agreement signed.”

“So, my client gave you 400,000 yuan.”


“So, where is that 400,000 yuan now?”

“I didn’t have a chance to spend or shift it due to the rush, so the law enforcement seized it.”

“So you didn’t spend a penny of that 400,000 yuan?”

“Correct.” Liang Ping nodded, seeming somewhat excited he spoke to the Judgment Chief, “Your honor, I was simply following others’ instructions. I admit I was blinded by money, but I didn’t expect the consequences would be so severe. Had I known, I wouldn’t have done it. Please, your honor, take this into consideration; don’t send me back to prison…”

“Silence!” The Judgment Chief severely remarked, “The suspect will remain quiet. We will pass judgment on your criminal actions according to the laws of Yanshang Country.”

Liang Ping shut his mouth.

Wen Tian did not ask any further, he turned towards the Judgment Chief and said, “I have finished my questioning. Concerning the issues raised by the questions I just asked, I would like to make the following statements.”

“First, victim Liu Wen knew he was being retaliated against, but he didn’t realize the person retaliating against him was Song Zhizhi; Second, Song Zhizhi’s subordinate Lin Wen said Song Zhizhi is ambitious, meaning she would stop at nothing to get a chance for a promotion. Therefore, it was her who asked for a renegotiation on the contract with the party involved. Since the contract didn’t go through, Song Zhizhi might have sought revenge on Liu Wen. Third, the alleged criminal, Liang Ping explicitly stated that Song Zhizhi asked him to help threaten Liu Wen’s family and paid him a reward of 500,000 yuan, of which he received 400,000 yuan in cash. This strongly suggests Song Zhizhi was the instigator of this incident!”

Everyone’s attention turned to Wen Tian.

At that moment, Ye Wenhan couldn’t help but chuckle.

This is the lawyer Song Zhizhi hired for herself?!

She hired a lawyer who laid out all the evidence against her?!

It’s hilarious.

This might be the first case in Yanshang Country where a plaintiff’s lawyer confirms the crime fact of the person they’re representing!

He looked at Song Zhizhi with a grin.

He never looked at that woman from the beginning till now.

The smile on his face disappeared instantly; he maintained his noble coldness and continued listening to the proceedings.

“So, the plaintiff’s lawyer is explaining to us the facts behind the suspected criminal Song Zhizhi’s crime allegations?!” Prosecutor’s attorney, Yang Gang said somewhat sarcastically.

Sitting in the prosecutor’s seat, Jun Minghan watched everything happening in the courtroom without any reaction. He couldn’t figure out what he was thinking, but due to his status and aura, everyone in the courtroom couldn’t ignore his presence.

And Yang Gang’s statement made everyone in the courtroom laugh.

This was indeed unprecedented in Yanshang Country.

Yin Qin, sitting nearby, couldn’t sit still anymore, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “Is Wen Tian a fool, dammit! While representing Song Zhizhi in the previous lawsuit, he didn’t make any logical points, and it is the same situation today. Song Zhizhi is going to be done in by this lawyer!”

“Calm down.” Ji Baijian declared composedly.

Yin Qin was left speechless.

This guy seemed capable of handling anything without panic, didn’t he?!

At the dining table.

With a calm and unhurried demeanor, Wen Tian said, “That’s not the case. I was merely summarizing my previous questions. The important points from our side are yet to be raised.”

The courtroom fell silent once again.

I wonder how this attorney will argue his way out of this one.

Wen Tian spoke, outlining a logical chain of events. “Liang Ping just adamantly stated that it was my client who instructed him to take revenge on Liu Wen. I gave him money then, but it was seized before he could use it. Meaning, Liang Ping didn’t reap any benefits.

Everyone was wondering what Wen Tian was driving at.

“Also, I conducted an investigation into Liang Ping’s income, which is quite unstable. Approximately, in a year, he earns around 100,000 RMB. His expenses are considerable though. He has to afford living in Jin City and also provide for his parents and siblings in the countryside. Isn’t that right, Liang Ping?”

Liang Ping frowned deeply, unsure how to respond to this question.

Biting his lower lip, he nodded, “Yes.”

“I heard you bought houses in the countryside for your parents and siblings and are even putting your sister through college. According to your income and expenses over the years, you should not have much savings, correct?”

“I don’t have savings. That’s why I agreed to work with Song Zhizhi. Otherwise, do you think I would get myself involved in illegal activities?” Liang Ping retorted, his face flushing a bit.

Wen Tian nodded, “Understandable.”

Wen Tian seemed to accept whatever the other party said without resistance at all.

Absolutely not the sharpness one expects from a lawyer.

He continued calmly, “Liang Ping, with no savings to your name, how did you manage to rebuild your parents’ old house and buy them a car a fortnight ago?”

Liang Ping was stunned speechless.

Ye Wenhan, sitting in the audience, started to feel restless as well.

Qian Guanshu quickly held him down.

Ye Wenhan clenched his jaw.

Liang Ping stuttered, “That money, I don’t know where it came from. Maybe my parents have saved up over the years. They might want to enjoy their old age!!”

“It makes logical sense, but as far as I know your parents are peasants. They have done well enough to raise you three siblings. Where would they have gotten any savings? Don’t mention that it was from you, the money you gave was all spent on buying houses. They should not be left with any spare change. Also, your brother is a classic example of a freeloader. If it were not for you buying him a house, he wouldn’t be able to attract a wife. Apparently, your parents still subsidize your brother times.”

Liang Ping was left speechless by this sudden onslaught.

“So, I am seriously suspicious about the origin of the large sum your parents have recently spent.”

“Objection!” the prosecutor suddenly stood up, saying coldly, “Your Honor, I object to the plaintiff’s counsel exploring irrelevant matters in court. This is a waste of everyone’s time!”

“Your Honor!” Wen Tian moved a step forward, saying passionately, “The big splurge by Liang Ping’s parents recently has a very significant connection to this case! According to Liang Ping, my client gave him 400,000 RMB cash. But now it has been confiscated. Considering his income and expenditure, this cash is suspicious. I am seriously suspecting that this amount is an additional income Liang Ping earned from arranging the accident. Simply put, someone intentionally instigated Liang Ping to frame my client!”

The whole room fell silent.

Wen Tian took out a document and respectfully handed it to the panel, “This is a summary of expenses Liang Ping’s parents had recently, like buying a car, rebuilding a house in the countryside, purchasing all materials, etc. They are all photocopies of the original receipts.”

The panel passed on the evidence to inspect it.

After a while.

The Judgment Chief turned to Jun Minghan and nodded slightly, indicating that all the invoices were authentic and valid.

Jun Minghan’s face was cold.

“I have also invited the neighbor of Liang Ping’s parents to testify.” Wen Tian said and asked the judge, “May I bring my witness to the stand, please?”

“Permission granted.”

“Thank you, Your Honor.”

As he spoke, Wen Tian had Yu Quangui brought to the witness stand.

Yu Quangui, unaccustomed to such an environment, trembled slightly.

Noticing his anxiety, Wen Tian reassured him gently, “Uncle Yu, there’s no need to be afraid. This is court, a place of fairness and justice. As long as you speak the truth, there will be no problems.”

Yu Quangui rapidly nodded.

“Do you know this man?” Wen Tian pointed at Liang Ping.

“I do. He’s the eldest son of the Liang family. He works in the city and is very accomplished. He bought houses and cars for his parents, and now he is even funding the rebuilding of their old house. Old Liang is always praising him and we, villagers, envy him for having such a son!”

“The ‘Old Liang’ you just mentioned, are they the parents of Liang Ping, right?”


“He recently bought a car and is also renovating his old house?” Wen Tian asked.

“Yeah, he just got his driving license, and his son bought a car for him. We are all so envious.”

“Do you know how much the car costs?”

“I’m not sure, probably more than 200,000.”

“Alright, thank you.”

Yu Quangui was puzzled, wondering what the purpose of these questions was, but he simply followed the staff and left.

Wen Tian addressed the Judgment Chief, “Your Honor, it’s pretty clear that Liang Ping has received an additional unexplained income!”

“Even so, can you prove that this is a case of someone framing and setting him up? Lawyer Wen, you’re new to the legal profession, so don’t take certain legal views for granted. They need evidence! If you say so, I might even suspect that this money comes from Liang Ping’s hidden income. Why are you so sure it’s meant to frame Song Zhizhi?!”

With these words, Wen Tian’s view was completely overturned.

Ye Wenhan gave a slight smirk.

Apparently, experience matters in the end.

How could Wen Tian overpower Lawyer Yang Gang who is top amongst official family lawyers?

Wen Tian fell silent for a few seconds, suddenly going silent on the court.

The Judgment Chief suddenly interjected, “If the plaintiff’s lawyer can’t prove the setup with evidence, then this sum of money from Liang Ping can’t be accepted as valid evidence for this trial.”


The Judgment Chief was also leaning toward the prosecution.

Wen Tian said, “I have evidence.”

Decisive, firm.

Jun Minghan frowned.

The smile on Ye Wenhan’s face suddenly froze.

Wen Tian said, “I have a video. I request your Honor’s permission to play it on the spot.”


No matter how much he leans toward the prosecution, they cannot blatantly oppose the presence of factual evidence.

Wen Tian took out a USB drive. As the video played, he explained, “This is a trajectory of Liang Ping over several days acquired through traffic surveillance footage.”

Everyone watched intently.

“First, my client has never had any contact with Liang Ping. Liang Ping claimed that there was a cash transaction with Song Zhizhi at three pm on September 29. Conveniently, Song Zhizhi was in the Airport District at exactly three in the afternoon on September 29. It takes at least two hours to commute from the Airport District to Liang Ping’s storefront. Even if Song Zhizhi could fly, he wouldn’t make it. I have Song Zhizhi’s records of his entry and exit to the Airport Residential Area.”

The courtroom was filled with seriousness.

Indeed, the video showed Song Zhizhi exiting and entering the Airport Residential Area with a few other people, including the previously testifying Lin Wen.

“Second, although Liang Ping had no contact with my client, he did interact with another person, this one wearing a black hoodie and baseball cap.” As he spoke, Wen Tian paused the video. The screen suddenly displayed Liang Ping and the person in the black clothes. Their face was obscured, never once revealing themselves to the camera. After making sure that everyone had a clear view of this scene, Wen Tian pressed play and let the video continue. Everyone watched as the two departed from Liang Ping’s store together, disappearing into a place out of the traffic camera’s reach, before returning to the storefront about 40 minutes later.”

Wen Tian shut off the video and addressed the Judgment Chief, “In conclusion, it’s pretty clear that Liang Ping lied.”

Liang Ping looked a bit nervous at that moment.

The Judgment Chief seemed to be considering his words.

Wen Tian turned to look at Liang Ping, “Who is the person in the black clothes in the video? Judging by the silhouette, it should be a woman, right?”

Liang Ping remained silent.

“Liang Ping, you should know that you can’t withhold anything in court. If you don’t answer, I’ll accuse you of perjury!”

“I…The person is indeed not Song Zhizhi, he is just one of my customers, not involved with Song Zhizhi. As for the exact day I negotiated the deal with Song Zhizhi, I can’t remember. My memory has always been poor, and I was scared into giving a statement then. I just randomly made up a time, but I really can’t remember exactly how long ago it was!”

“So, after assaulting Liu Wen, Song Zhizhi came to you again?!” Wen Tian asked, his words dripping with sarcasm.

Liang Ping appeared very flustered.

Wen Tian turned, looking directly at the Judgment Chief, “I have the entire activity trajectory of Liang Ping and Song Zhizhi from the time James Group moved in until the victim committed suicide. They have never intersected anywhere, so there isn’t any possibility for the face-to-face transaction mentioned by Liang Ping to have occurred. Therefore, everything Liang Ping said is made up. I request the Judgment Chief to discern the truth!”

Having said that, Wen Tian respectfully handed a USB drive to the Judgment Chief, “Since there’s too much footage and it’s too long, it can’t all be shown in court right now. Please, have a look.”

The Judgment Chief accepted it.

Wen Tian returned to his seat.


Jun Minghan stood up from his seat, “As for the evidence provided by the plaintiff and the inferred facts, we need to reorganize the evidence of the case. We ask the judge to adjourn the court until all matters are clarified before proceeding with the trial.”

“Granted.” The Judgment Chief readily agreed.

Then the Judgment Chief stood up, “Due to insufficient evidence, the trial of Song Zhizhi will be postponed, the trial date is to be determined, everyone please stand.”

Everyone stood up.

“The court will now adjourn!”

The Judgment Chief left first.

One by one, the rest of the participants started to leave.

Ji Baijian’s gaze stayed on Song Zhizhi, watching as Song Zhizhi was taken away again.

The back image of Song Zhizhi leaving turned around. At the moment he turned around, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

His smile was truly eye-catching.

Ji Baijian continued to watch him.

Yin Qin at the side couldn’t help but tease, “He’s already far away, and you’re still watching as if you can’t take your eyes off him!”

Ji Baijian glanced back.

He got up and left.

After only a few steps.

He met Ye Wenhan head-on.

Ye Wenhan’s face was incredibly clouded at this moment.

He coldly said, “You really are something else!”

Who would have expected Ji Baijian to investigate to this degree.

Who would have thought Ji Baijian could provide all the details of Liang Ping’s activities during this period. They simply did not expect Ji Baijian to go this far!

Ji Baijian gave a cold smile, “Thank you for the compliment.”

Ye Wenhan let out a cold snort and turned away disdainfully.

“Mr. Ye,” Ji Baijian suddenly spoke up from behind him.

Ye Wenhan stopped in his tracks.

Ji Baijian articulated each word, “Sooner or later those who walk the treacherous path will encounter ghosts. Be careful you don’t bump into too many these days!”

Ye Wenhan’s face was hideous with anger, he brushed past him and stormed off.

Yin Qin always enjoyed watching Ji Baijian deliver a crushing blow.

The sight pleased him immensely!

Whenever he thought of Ye Wenhan’s complacency these days, he longed to see the spectacle of him falling flat on his face!

Therefore, it’s always better not to act arrogantly!

Such persons die a quick death!

Only after Ye Wenhan had left did Ji Baijian leave with the others.

There were many reporters outside the court.

Most of them wanted to know the results of this trial.

Ji Baijian said, “Baili, you take Xin Zaozao and leave first. I’ll handle the reporters.”

“Alright.” Ji Baili agreed readily.

Xin Zaozao hesitated for a moment before acquiescing.

She understood very clearly the intention behind Ji Baijian’s actions, no matter how nobly he tried to phrase it.

She left separately with Ji Baili, leaving Ji Baijian, Wen Tian and Yin Qin conducting business.

Naturally, the reporters rushed towards Ji Baijian.

Which is why the rest of them passed without any interference.

Xin Zaozao was driving, with Ji Baili in the front passenger seat.

The inside of the car was very quiet.

So quiet that it seemed a bit awkward.

Ji Baili broke the oppressive silence, voluntarily said, “My big brother is really impressive.”

“Yeah.” Xin Zaozao nodded, “Such a difficult lawsuit, and he was able to find so many effective pieces of evidence. Zhizhi’s acquittal is a certainty.”

“What my big brother wants is not just an acquittal.”

“I know.” Xin Zaozao knew that Ji Baijian would never be so merciful.

Merciful enough not to respond in kind.

“Anyway, thanks for your hard work this time.”

“Actually, I didn’t do much.” Xin Zaozao humbly said, “Just asked about some matters, a mere effort. Besides, Zhizhi and I are friends, if you keep thanking me like this, I’ll feel like I’m really an outsider!”

Ji Baili cracked a smile.

Xin Zaozao now was different from before.

She used to be shy, but now she suddenly seems to have become a lot more outgoing.

He asked, suddenly breaking the silence, “Have you visited Mu Cidian?”

Xin Zaozao’s hand gripping the steering wheel seemed to tense a bit.

Ji Baili noticed.

The next second, Xin Zaozao turned very indifferent.

She said, “I didn’t go to see him. And I won’t go see him. He got what he deserved.”

“I actually just wanted to ask…” Ji Baili started saying.

Before he could finish.

Xin Zaozao directly answered, “Baili, it’s impossible for us now.”

Ji Baili’s heart ached.

Xin Zaozao said, “I’m sorry, but I really can’t be with you.”


“Maybe because I don’t want to wrong you.” She said it very tactfully.

But Ji Baili understood.

She didn’t want to wrong him.

She just didn’t like him.

The inside of the car became awkward again.

Xin Zaozao pressed her lips together, unsure of what to say at that moment.

Ji Baili asked, nearly whispering, “Do you still like Mu Cidian?”

“No.” Xin Zaozao denied outright.

Ji Baili gave a bitter smile.

He always felt that she was lying.

Xin Zaozao clarified, “I don’t like anyone. It’s hard for me to like anyone right now. I don’t like Mu Cidian either, no matter if he has been punished by me now or not, I can’t like him anymore. My being with anyone or anyone doesn’t have anything to do with him. From now on, I have nothing to do with him.”

“Someday, he will be released from prison.”

“That’s his business, none of my concern.”

“Zaozao, sometimes it’s okay to not be so stubborn.”

“Baili, I know you care about me. I know what you’re thinking, I regret that I just don’t have feelings for you right now, it’s a pity that I didn’t fall for you.” Xin Zaozao said straightforwardly, “You’re a good man, so you shouldn’t feel obliged to be with me.”

Yes, Xin Zaozao didn’t want to wrong him because she didn’t like him.

He said, “Mmm, I know.”

His confession failed.

His heart ached of course, but he didn’t want to make Xin Zaozao feel uncomfortable either.

Xin Zaozao, on the other hand, felt a bit guilty. She said, “I’m sorry, Baili.”

“What are you saying! You can’t force things like this.”

Xin Zaozao nodded, unsure of what else to say.

Ji Baili might also feel that things were a bit awkward between them.

He said, “I suddenly remembered that I have other things to do. You can just drop me off here.”

Xin Zaozao didn’t refuse.

She stopped the car.

Ji Baili opened the car door.

The moment he opened the car door, he said, “Sometimes you really shouldn’t suppress your feelings too much, as long as it’s not something outrageous, liking someone is just liking them.”

Xin Zaozao looked at him.

Ji Baili didn’t say anything else, he got out of the car and left.

He didn’t want to push Xin Zaozao to Mu Cidian, he just suddenly felt that the love between Xin Zaozao and Mu Cidian might be very deep already.

Not just one-sided, but mutual.

And they probably think that there’s no possibility for them anymore!

Suddenly, he felt a stinging pain in his chest.

Ji Baili clutched his chest.

The thought of Xin Zaozao possibly being with Mu Cidian made him very uncomfortable, and yet he was still comforting Xin Zaozao now.

He suddenly felt how noble he was!

Meanwhile, Xin Zaozao drove away with a streak of emotions on her face.

She knew what Ji Baili was implying.

He thought that she was suppressing her own feelings because of what Mu Cidian had done in the past.

There was really no suppression.

Not liking someone anymore means not liking anymore.

To hate is to hate.

Mu Cidian has even disappeared from her world, if Wan Quan could also vanish, she would completely forget them!

At the gates of the courthouse,

After dealing with the reporters, Ji Baijian sat in the car with Yin Qin and Wen Tian.

In the car, Yin Qin was a bit excited, “Ji Baijian, how are you so incredible? Not only did you smoothly handle the journalists, but you also managed to handle such an impossible lawsuit so well. I really admire you.”

“You’d be better off thinking about your family’s situation with that time.”

Yin Qin was speechless.

He had hit a sore point.

“If I were you, I would have long been thinking about how to work and how to get the Milky Way back, instead of gossiping about other people’s affairs at this moment.”

Ji Baijian, you’re cruel!

Ji Baijian no longer wasted words with Yin Qin.

He looked out of the car window; all he could think of was Song Zhizhi.

He was thinking about her…

His lips curled slightly.

He forced himself to be rational, returning to the case itself.

He predicted that Ye Wenhan and Qian Guanshu would definitely find a scapegoat!

And he needed to pre-empt them before they acted!

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