My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 399 - Chapter 399: Chapter 399: Returning with Dominance to the Commercial Management Institution

Chapter 399: Chapter 399: Returning with Dominance to the Commercial Management Institution

Translator: 549690339

Song Family mansion.

Song Zhizhi and Song Shan sit in the living room.

Both are somewhat silent.

Nobody seems to know how to break the ice. The atmosphere is awkward.

Who knows how long it took.

The second before Song Zhizhi decided to talk, Song Shan suddenly spoke.

He said, “Zhizhi, your father did not trust you enough.”

Song Zhizhi bit her lip and swallowed the words she had on her lips.

She just silently listens to her father’s words.

“At that time, I was really too angry. I never thought my own daughter would do such a thing, I was really disappointed, so out of anger, I just declared you were no longer my daughter without much thought.”

Song Zhizhi just listens.

She used to think her father was the best person in the world, always doting on her.

She always felt that he was better to her than other fathers to their daughters because he felt indebted to her due to her mother’s death from cancer.

Now she began to have some doubts.

Sometimes, she even felt that her father was putting on an act, like it was all for show to make people think he was a family-oriented man.

Song Shan didn’t get a response from Song Zhizhi. He continued to speak, “This time it was my fault, I apologize to you.”

Song Zhizhi still did not express her stance.

Song Shan let out a deep sigh. At that moment, he seemed much older. He said, “It’s understandable if you can’t forgive me. I couldn’t even forgive myself. So, during your time in jail and the court hearing, I was actually really regretful but I just couldn’t pull myself together to visit you…”

“Dad,” Song Zhizhi interrupted.

Song Shan looked at her expectantly.

Song Zhizhi asked, “Dad, if you weren’t willing to lose face before, why are you willing now?”

Song Shan’s face was tinged with embarrassment that he couldn’t hide.

Song Zhizhi lowered her eyes.

Sometimes, she even started to fear seeing her father’s deliberate pretense on his face. She asked, “Wouldn’t you have still been unwilling to lose face if I had not been declared innocent?”

“I know you resent me. I’m not asking for your forgiveness,” Song Shan brushed aside the question, “This was my mistake. It’s understandable if you can’t forgive me… It really is.”

Song Shan just kept murmuring.

He seemed very lonely.

Song Zhizhi felt somewhat uncomfortable.

She watched her father, watched his hair already turning grey at the temples.

In her mind, she always thought her father was forever young, forever the pillar of their family. Even if the sky fell, he would protect her and her younger brother. Because their mother died early, she placed all her familial dependence on her father. For a long time, she regarded her father as her hero.

But as she grew older and understood more, she discovered her father’s other side, a side that she found hard to accept.

She lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Song Shan let out a heavy sigh. He said, “Even now, I can still remember what you looked like when you were born. You were my first child, and I was the first one to hold you. Back then, you were so tiny, so tiny that I held you in my arms every day. Back then, your mother was still with us, our family was still complete… Time flashed by. Your mother passed away, you grew up and got married, your brother started dating, and I’m really getting old.”

Song Zhizhi could indeed recall scenes when her mother was still alive.

In her memory, their home was really warm.

In her memory, her father was always so good to her, rarely got angry at her, always coaxed her, even tolerated her occasional temper tantrums.

Her heart ached.

She had never thought that one day, she would question the authenticity of familial love.

She always assumed that even if the whole world deceived her, her familial love wouldn’t, her father wouldn’t.

She stared into her father’s eyes, seeing that he was indeed not getting any younger. Right at that moment, he seemed even older than his actual age by several years. Yet, in the end, she couldn’t bear it. No matter how disappointed she was with her father, what she remembered the most was everything her father had done for her. She said, “Dad, I never really blamed you.”

The sentence, “Dad, I never really blamed you,” left Song Shan dumbstruck.

As if he hadn’t expected Song Zhizhi to say something like that.

The moment he was stunned, he even seemed very excited.

Looking at how her father reacted, Song Zhizhi thought about how after her mother passed away, despite Nie Wenzhi bringing Nie Xiaofei into their home, it was still the three of them – her, her father, and her brother – who had to depend on each other for survival. There were no people closer to them in this world. She couldn’t remain indifferent to her father.

She said, “I’ve never blamed you. I understand your position as well as why you did what you did.”

“As long as you understand, that’s all that matters,” Song Shan, holding Song Zhizhi’s hand, seemed to finally let go of the heavy stone in his heart.

“Dad, I cherish our father-daughter relationship very much.” Because she had lost it once, because in her previous life she had watched helplessly as her loved ones fell one by one before her, she cherished it all the more. After her rebirth, the only thing she ever thought about was, at all costs, to protect the safety of her family.

“I know,” Song Shan nodded. “Your feelings for me are reciprocated by my feelings for you.”

“Dad, I never intended to argue with you about this issue. I am well aware that I won’t dispute with you, but dad,” Song Zhizhi said seriously.

Song Shan looked at her.

“In reality, some things that our family cannot truly possess… The current situation is so chaotic; nobody knows how long Ye Wenhan and Qian Guanshu can hold out. The day they truly fall, have you considered how many are eyeing the Commercial Management? Would the official family let such a golden opportunity slip away so easily? Dad, it’s not as simple as we think.”

Song Shan’s face showed a slight change, even though he hid it well.

Song Zhizhi could sense her father’s emotions.

She wondered if he would choose personal interest when it threatened his own gains.

She felt a little disappointed.

But despite her disappointment, he was still her father, her biological father. She had to make him face reality and accept it so that he wouldn’t end up as the sacrificial pawn in the end.

She said, “I feel that Qin Wenguo is very clever.”

Song Shan furrowed his brows.

“He can see the reality clearly, knowing that the current Commercial Management is completely different from the simple one in the past. The official family is already eager to act. Any rash act on his part would lead to consequences like Chu Zhaotian. Chu Zhaotian will definitely be implicated because of Chu Qin. Out of the four chiefs, he was the first to be forced off the historical stage.” Song Zhizhi analyzed the situation seriously for her father.

Song Shan just listened.

As he listened, he somewhat agreed with his daughter’s analysis.

Song Zhizhi continued, “Dad, I’ve always believed that the safety of our family is the most important thing. As long as our absolute safety can be guaranteed, power is totally unimportant. Dad, I hope you can think it over, and really don’t take risks.”

“Hmm.” Song Shan nodded, without saying more.

Song Zhizhi felt even more uneasy.

The more straightforwardly her father agreed, the more he was brushing her off.

She felt truly disappointed.

She had always believed that she should have a lot of influence in her father’s heart, that her father would listen to her advice, not patronize her like this.

“I understand your worries and know that you are thinking about the safety of our family. Now, the situation is indeed uncertain. Not to mention Commercial Management’s external situation, even the internal affairs are in a mess. After Ye Taiting died, although Ye Wenhan is now in charge of Commercial Management, he still faces doubts from outside. Everyone feels that he can’t support the development of Commercial Management. Given the current situation, a war is bound to break out! Zhizhi, you’re right. If we want to guarantee the safety of our family, we should retreat to the second line and wait and see.”

“As long as you understand, dad.” Song Zhizhi said to Song Shan firmly.

At that moment, she sincerely hoped that everything he said came from the bottom of his heart.

“I do.” Song Shan smiled kindly, “I used to think of my daughter as a little princess in an ivory tower. I never forced you to do anything, nor did I ever ask you to become a certain kind of person. All I wanted was for you to grow up happily and healthily. I never thought that one day you would become my right hand, Zhizhi.”

Song Shan called her pet name in a very gentle voice.

Song Shan said, “Zhizhi, this name was chosen for you by your mother and me when you were born. We looked up dictionaries and classics, it took us until you were about six months old. The name implies having wisdom and knowledge. Your mother and I hoped that you would be a smart child and that you could use your intelligence to live a peaceful and happy life. As for the name of your brother, it was much simpler to choose. It really proves the saying that the first child is raised according to the book, while the second child is raised like a pig.”

Song Zhizhi also felt her father treated her better than her brother, was more gentle and indulgent.

“Now that I think about it, honor is just something external. What I ultimately strive for is to make life better for you and your brother. Thinking carefully, is it that having honor will make our family happier, or being content with what we have… ” Song Shan smiled, “I prefer the latter.”

“Dad,” Song Zhizhi called him.

She hoped, truly hoped that her father was telling the truth.

And she was willing to believe him.

“Zhizhi, don’t worry, dad knows what to do. What you told me today, I understand. You are doing this so that our family can be safe.”

“Hmm.” Song Zhizhi nodded vigorously.

Family affection was very important in her heart.

She didn’t want to doubt her father.

“Zhizhi, thank you,” Song Shan said suddenly with a serious look.

Song Zhizhi looked at him, frowning.

“You understand so many things better than Dad. If it weren’t for your reminders, Dad might have made many mistakes, and even be like Chu Zhaotian…” Song Shan looked remorseful, “I even once blamed you for choosing to abandon Ye Wenhan. Now when I think about it, even if you hadn’t left him, we would have been used by him, and our family might have ended up like Chu Family.”

“Yes,” Song Zhizhi nodded. “It’s because I found out about Ye Wenhan’s character that I chose to break up with him. He never truly cared for anyone. He only wanted those who could be of use to him, and once they were not useful anymore, he would mercilessly discard them. Chu Qin is a perfect example, because she became useless, she became his scapegoat.”

“People like Ye Wenhan should be struck by thunder. He doesn’t deserve to be in the driver’s seat of Commercial Management.”

“Dad, don’t worry, he won’t last long.”


“Dad, I came back today to remind you not to be impatient. At this time, the one who can be patient until the end will be the ultimate winner. We shouldn’t try to stand out at this time.”

“Alright.” Song Shan agreed immediately.

Song Zhizhi let out a sigh of relief.

The only way she could ensure the safety of her family was to make her father give up the tempting power and status!

The father and daughter, reconciled their differences.

Song Zhizhi and Ji Baijian only left after dinner.

After they left, Song Shan summoned Song Zhidao back to the study.

Song Zhidao stared at his father.

He always felt that his sister’s fervor would truly be betrayed by his father.

While his sister was always looking out for their family, his father was always thinking about how to use her.

Ji Baijian could see this, and his intelligent sister must’ve noticed too. He feared that as Baijian had said, once she was truly harmed, his sister would really turn around and leave!

Song Shan said, “Your sister gave me a lot to think about today, and I think her analysis is very reasonable.”

Song Zhidao slightly released the breath he had been holding.

Thankfully, his father had not completely disregarded familial relations.

“The situation is very uncertain right now, anyone who acts recklessly may become cannon fodder!”

Song Zhidao nodded, “Sister is right, we should be stable at this time. Look at Qin Wenguo, a person who isn’t shy about his ambition for power, yet he’s been unusually low-key during this period, so nobody’s antagonism is directed towards him. In the end, he might even be the one to benefit from the situation.”

“Your sister said the same.”

“Father, we don’t need to aim for the highest position. We’re actually doing very well right now. You see, you have a son and a daughter, my sister and her husband are planning for a child, and you’ll soon be a grandfather. Wouldn’t it be great to enjoy the joy of family in your old age!”

“Whether we need to climb to the highest position is something we cannot determine lightly. Song Zhidao, you and your sister are different. Your sister is a woman, it can be understood if she is more emotional, but you are a man, and you must be ambitious. What I’m saying is for stability, it does not mean that we will always seek stability. We are just waiting for the right moment, it’s not like what you said, being obsessed with the current status and not seeking progress.”

Song Zhidao was speechless.

So, after all this, his father had only become aware that the best course of action right now was not aggression but calmness.

However, he did not confront his father at this moment.

When the day comes that he realizes his abilities are lacking, he will compromise.

He said, “Yes, father is right. It’s getting late, I’m going to return to my room to rest. I have made plans to have lunch with Jun Mingxi tomorrow.”

“Speaking of Jun Mingxi, is your relationship with him still superficial?”

“I understand what you mean, father. Don’t worry, I know what to do.”

“That’s what worries me. Song Zhidao, you must be clear that you are the only heir to our family, and you must bear the responsibility of the Song family!”

What responsibility?!

Usurpation of power?!

He did not think this should be his life’s highest pursuit.

Song Zhidao did not respond and walked straight out of the room.

Song Shan stared at Song Zhidao’s retreating figure, he knew his son’s temperament very well. Although his son was not fond of intrigue, he was obedient and would do as he asked. Song Zhidao was not foolish or silly, as his father, he knew very well that his son had the capability to rise to higher positions!

Thinking of this,

He picked up the phone to dial.

The call connected, “Song Shan.”

“My daughter and I have reconciled.” Song Shan stated directly.

“Congratulations.” Song Wen began,”Your daughter is indeed capable. She managed to win the lawsuit and emerge unscathed in this situation. I thought she was done for.”

“You’ve been hoping for our family to fall.”

“What are you talking about? We’re one family. I hope for your prosperity.”

“Enough, I called you because I have something to tell you.”

“Go ahead, I’m listening.”

“My daughter advised me to keep a low profile for a while, and I think she’s right. Whoever moves now dies. I’m even suspecting that Jun Minghan was just using me, and never intended to hand over the Commercial Management to me. The incident with Chu Zhaotian made me realize a lot. It’s probably a good idea to keep my head down and wait for a change.”

“That’s quite reasonable when you put it like that. The current situation is uncertain, no one knows what will happen in the next second. Maybe Jun Minghan will indeed use you as a sacrifice, just like Ye Wenhan did with the Chu family.”

“So you agree with my thoughts?” Song Shan asked.

“I agree, but personally, I have some doubts about Song Zhizhi’s sincerity.”

“What do you mean?” Song Shan’s face changed.

“I really don’t want to sow discord between you and your daughter. Zhizhi is my niece after all, and I really do like her. However, precisely because she’s so clever, I have some doubts about her. Of course, listen to what I have to say, but how you think about it is up to you. She’s your daughter after all, and you definitely understand her character best.”

“Could you spare me the nonsense?” Song Shan was slightly annoyed.

Song Wen didn’t beat around the bush, “I heard from Jun Minghan that Ji Baijian is now completely aligned with Jun Mingyu. Before, Ji Baijian didn’t completely follow Jun Mingyu, but ever since Song Zhizhi’s case, Ji Baijian has completely sided with Jun Mingyu.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“What I’m trying to say is, it’s not just because Jun Mingyu helped with this matter that Ji Baijian sided with him, but I heard that Jun Mingyu promised that if he became the Dean of the official family, the Commercial Management will be handed over to Ji Baijian.”

“What does that mean?!”

“Don’t you get it yet? My worry is, Song Zhizhi is now completely aligned with Ji Baijian. In other words, they are on the same front. When Song Zhizhi advises you to stay calm, she’s really just clearing the way for Ji Baijian’s advancement.”

Song Shan’s face soured considerably.

“Think about it, you’ve done so many absolute things, completely severing father-daughter relations with Zhizhi, both of you have clashed to such an extent. Does it seem normal that she forgave you so quickly? Is she really forgiving you, or merely using you? You need to think clearly, Song Shan.”

“I refuse to believe that Song Zhizhi would betray me for someone like Ji Baijian!”

“Has she ever mentioned anything about Ji Baijian’s relationship with Jun Mingyu? Would she hide such a thing from you if she truly trusted you?”

Song Shan’s emotions stirred violently.

“Song Shan, you should be more cautious. I’m not trying to sow discord here; I just don’t want you to fall victim to your own daughter’s schemes!” Song Wen tried to reason with him, “In any case, make your own decision. Maybe I’m just overthinking. It’s getting late now. You should rest. We’re not as young as we once were and can’t afford to waste our energy!”

Song Shan roughly ended the call.

He emanated a sense of ruthlessness.

If he found out that Song Zhizhi was indeed scheming against him, he would never let her off the hook!

On the other end, Song Wen hurriedly dialed another phone number after ending the call.

The call was quickly picked up.

Song Wen ingratiated himself, “Mr. Jun, you truly are a visionary. Song Zhizhi is indeed trying to persuade Song Shan not to act rashly. It’s a good thing you told me how to drive a wedge between them. Otherwise, Song Shan might have fallen for Song Zhizhi’s words.”

Jun Minghan sneered, “Song Zhizhi will definitely regret her decision sooner or later.”

“Excuse me?” Song Wen was puzzled.

“Never mind. Just do as I instructed. I won’t forget to reward you in the future.”

“Mr. Jun, rest assured, I know what to do!” Song Wen said deferentially, “I don’t need any rewards. I have modest goals. I just hope to continue following you and offer my humble services.”

“You are smarter than Song Shan.”

Song Shan was over-ambitious, without actually considering his true capabilities.

Song Wen, on the other hand, knew his limits. He understood the importance of having a reliable backer to ensure his livelihood.

“Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Jun.”

“Keep up the good work.”

“Yes, sir.”

After ending the call, Song Wen’s cheerful façade dropped.

He couldn’t be blamed for disregarding familial ties, he was simply trying to protect himself!

Night had fallen. All was bewitching.

The neon lights of Jin City flickered brightly, creating a spectacular canvas of color.

Wei Ziming drove, taking Ji Baijian and Song Zhizhi home.

The journey was rather silent.

Song Zhizhi leaned into Ji Baijian’s embrace.

Her eyes gazed out at the street, the landscapes a dreamy blur.

It felt as if they were in a different world.

Thinking back to her time in detention with only cold walls surrounding her, she felt a sense of surreal detachment.

She unconsciously snuggled even closer to Ji Baijian, as if she were grasping onto something real.

Ji Baijian seemed to understand her feelings and he held her closely.

Wei Ziming glanced at the rearview mirror.

The very next moment, he looked straight ahead, refraining from glancing back further.

With her head nestled in Ji Baijian’s embrace, Song Zhizhi murmured, “I don’t know how much my words will influence my father.”

“Hmm.” Ji Baijian responded.

“I feel he might have taken some of it to heart. I genuinely do not want him to continue down this path, blinded by his stubbornness. Given the current state of our family’s assets, he can’t truly compete with anyone.”

“Your brother is a sensible man,” Ji Baijian said.

“But my father is even more obstinate.”

“Some people won’t turn around until they hit a wall, but when he does hit that wall, he’ll know.”

“Hopefully,” resigned, Song Zhizhi didn’t want to dwell on it any further.

Continuing to worry about it wouldn’t change anything, she thought.

All she could do was protect her family as best as she could. The thought of what happened to her family in her previous life was still too much to bear.

She looked up.

And suddenly kissed Ji Baijian’s lips.

Ji Baijian looked at her.

In that moment, Song Zhizhi could only think, what would her life be like without Ji Baijian? How could she endure the changes in her family alone?

Her eyes were full of gratitude.

While Ji Baijian’s eyes were filled with deep affection.

They exchanged glances.

Ji Baijian moved closer to her.

The two of them were very close, very intimate.

Wei Ziming drove, gripping the steering wheel tightly.

He felt terrible.

He thought when Song Zhizhi got released from prison yesterday, something would happen between her and Ji Baijian… But nothing happened, thankfully.

But what was happening today?!

Could they only maintain their restraint for one day?

Wei Ziming moved his neck, tugged at his clothes, couldn’t bear it anymore, and opened the car window.

A wave of cold sarcasm drifted in.

Song Zhizhi and Ji Baijian froze for a moment.

Song Zhizhi shyly pushed Ji Baijian away.

Ji Baijian just looked at her flushed cheeks.

Song Zhizhi said, “Let’s go home…”

“Does the lady mean, to continue at home?”

“Stop talking.” Song Zhizhi said softly.

After all, Brother Ziming was still in the driver’s seat.

Just now, she had let her emotions get the better of her.

The smile on Ji Baijian’s face was obvious, the upward curve of his mouth was alluring.

He leaned into her flushed ear and said, “Whatever you say, I’m happy to oblige.”

His magnetic voice swirled around Song Zhizhi’s ear.

What did she even say? Why did she always feel so ambiguous around Ji Baijian?

It took a while for the car to reach its destination.

Ji Baijian and Song Zhizhi got out of the car.

Song Zhizhi’s cheeks were still red. She said to Wei Ziming, “Brother Ziming, you drive back…” Be careful.

She hadn’t finished saying be careful.

Wei Ziming drove away briskly.

Song Zhizhi stared at the direction the car left in, for a moment she was stupefied.

She turned her head and glared at Ji Baijian, “It’s all your fault, look how mad Brother Ziming is.”

Ji Baijian looked calm.

“You’re not allowed to kiss me in public anymore.”

“Who initiated it?”

“Even if I tempted you, you should have stopped me.” Song Zhizhi said with a serious face.

“The lady thinks too highly of me.”

“Do you promise me or not?” Song Zhizhi asked.

“I’ll try.” Ji Baijian shrugged.

Anyway, whatever the lady says goes.

As for how he should behave…

Ji Baijian suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth.

He abruptly pulled Song Zhizhi into the elevator, pressing her against the mirrored glass of the lift.

Song Zhizhi’s heart fluttered.

Ji Baijian, that’s not fair.

She just watched Ji Baijian slowly getting closer.

Hadn’t they agreed not to do this in public?

She stared wide-eyed at Ji Baijian’s handsome, compelling face…


The closed elevator doors reopened.

The two of them were awkward once again.

Stuck in an awkward pose.

The person at the elevator entrance also felt awkward.

She stared at the two in front of her, unsure whether to enter or leave until the elevator alarm went off.

Everyone seemed to finally react.

Ji Baijian and Song Zhizhi stood upright.

Song Zhizhi looked at Xin Zaozao.

She looked at Xin Zaozao, whose face was redder than hers, her gaze not knowing where to look, only at her toes, “I don’t want to go home tonight, so I plan to stay at Xiaolang’s place for the night, I didn’t expect…”

The moment the words came out, the atmosphere became even more awkward.

“Come in first.” Song Zhizhi said with a red face.

The elevator kept beeping incessantly.

Xin Zaozao quickly walked in.

She stood obediently and properly to the side, like a grade schooler.

She felt as if it was her fault for stumbling upon this situation.

Song Zhizhi couldn’t help but laugh.

She was amused by Xin Zaozao’s behavior.

Thinking about how the CEO of a top hundred company and one of Jin City’s richest could be so shy in private; compared to her public persona, the contrast was unexpectedly hilarious.

Xin Zaozao became even more embarrassed by Song Zhizhi’s laughter.

She asked quietly, “What are you laughing at?”

“Just laughing. Otherwise, faced with such an awkward situation, should I just cry?” Song Zhizhi was candid.

At this point, she might as well just go with the flow.

Anyway, they had been caught.

Xin Zaozao blushed even redder, “I will pay attention next time, not to look when I shouldn’t.”

“It’s certain people who should be careful.” Song Zhizhi glanced at Ji Baijian.

Obviously, Ji Baijian was also very embarrassed.

Think about it, such a conservative man being led astray by him one day, he probably wouldn’t be able to accept it!

“By the way.” Song Zhizhi changed the subject. “Is Wan Quan still at your villa?”

“Yes.” She just wouldn’t leave.

“What are you planning to do?”

“Originally…” Xin Zaozao hesitated.


If Wan Quan could disappear from her sight, since her family’s Mu Cidian had received his just desserts, and there was little chance he could rise again after coming out, she thought her revenge had gone far enough. After all, she never intended to do anything for her father who had treated her poorly. All she wanted was to get what she deserved! With Mu Cidian out of the way, she had no more threats. If Wan Quan had the sense to not provoke her, she would consider it as Mu Cidian making amends for her mother, and they could part ways forever, as if Wan Quan and Mu Cidian had never existed in her world.

But of course.

She was being too naive.

Wan Quan was a woman with a twisted heart. She couldn’t stand to see her doing well, so she kept messing things up.

She had just about reached her limit.

She said, “In any case, this woman needs to be dealt with.”

“Yes.” Song Zhizhi agreed.

The elevator arrived.

Xin Zaozao arrived first.

As the elevator doors closed, Song Zhizhi turned and glared at Ji Baijian, “She’s driving you crazy!”

A smile appeared on the corner of Ji Baijian’s mouth.

Since it was just one floor, the elevator ride was quick.

As soon as the elevator opened, Ji Baijian scooped Song Zhizhi up in his arms.

Song Zhizhi hugged Ji Baijian’s neck and let out a screech.

“Ji Baijian, what are you doing…”

Ji Baijian sprinted home at top speed with Song Zhizhi in his arms, rushing her up the stairs and onto the bed.

He paused to catch his breath and said, “Excuse me, Madam.”


Song Zhizhi was certain that Ji Baijian’s remark would forever be a haunting curse in her life.

Regardless of what transpires between them moving forward…

Whether they part ways or grow estranged…

The following day.

Song Zhizhi had a tough time getting out of bed.

She had to go to work today.

In a sincere gesture, Ye Wenhan formally apologized to Song Zhizhi in front of the national media and invited her back to continue her work at the Commercial Management Institution.

Of course she wouldn’t refuse.

If she were to refuse, wouldn’t that just be playing into Ye Wenhan’s hands?

She had a clear idea of how much Ye Wenhan wanted her out.

She got up.

Her entire body was sore!

This uncontrolled man.

Song Zhizhi wasn’t feeling so well as she brushed her teeth, especially when looking at Ji Baijian’s refreshed and invigorated appearance compared to her own physical exhaustion.

Are male and female bodies that different?

She brushed her teeth hard.

Ji Baijian just watched her, observing her as if she were about to devour her toothbrush, and couldn’t help but smile.

He patted her head and said, “Madam needs to strengthen her body.”

It felt like he was petting a tank.

Song Zhizhi glared at him, “Can’t you control yourself a bit?”

“I can,” Ji Baijian agreed immediately.

As if I would believe you!

Ji Baijian embraced her from behind.

Song Zhizhi tensed up.

She was really afraid that he would lose control.

Ji Baijian asked, “Going back to work without resting for a few days?”

“I can’t just let go of the issue with James Group. Even though I didn’t cause it, I don’t want to miss out. I think it’s a pity,” Song Zhizhi said, “So I need to find a way to make it up.”

Ji Baijian’s mouth turned up in a smile, he bit her ear and said, “Madam is really impressive.”

It was clearly a compliment.

But could he be a little less flirtatious?

She finally managed to break free from his embrace.

She was afraid of being late.

After finishing her morning routine, she quickly changed into a professional outfit and applied light makeup.

Walking to the door, she said, “Husband.”

Ji Baijian paused.

It was the first time he had heard Song Zhizhi address him so loudly with this title.

“See you tonight.”

Ji Baijian nodded, “Be careful on the road, Madam.”

Song Zhizhi left cheerfully.

Even with her usual interactions with Ji Baijian, she felt genuinely happy.

Sitting in the car, she could feel her heart lightening.

Wei Ziming drove her to Commercial Management.

He asked, “Seems like you’re in a good mood today?”

“I can see Ye Wenhan’s dark face, it naturally makes me feel good.”

“Is it not because of Ji Baijian?” Wei Ziming raised an eyebrow.

Song Zhizhi suddenly remembered last night.

She awkwardly said, “Brother Ziming, when you have a girlfriend someday, when you have someone you like, you’ll understand my feelings.”

Wei Ziming gave a small laugh.

In this lifetime.

Who else could he like?!

The two chatted away.

Wei Ziming dropped her off at the Commercial Management Building.

Song Zhizhi took a deep breath, her black high heels clicking against the floor, her black professional suit hugging her frame, a khaki trench coat draped over her as she walked into the grand hall of Commercial Management.

The shiny floor of the grand hall reflected her polished black heels, the click-clack of her steps ringing out distinctly.

She strode with a power and a confidence that filled the space around her.

All eyes were on her, drawn to her buoyant confidence.

Song Zhizhi stepped into the elevator, making her way to her own office floor.

Just as she stepped out.

There was a sudden burst of cheers from her colleagues in the office.

Song Zhizhi paused.

She couldn’t help but smile.

All her colleagues had lined up in two rows, extending a warm welcome to her.

At the end of this aisle of people, Ye Wenhan stepped forward with a bouquet of flowers, “Congratulations on your return, Manager Song, or rather…”

Ye Wenhan suddenly paused.

“From now on, you’re the general manager of the planning department. The original director, Zhan Song, has been assigned to another branch as branch director. As the person in charge of Commercial Management, I am officially handing over the planning department to you. I hope that you can lead your colleagues in the planning department to continually excel and achieve great success.” Ye Wenhan looked truly sincere.

Definitely a play-act.

She noticed many people taking photos with their phones, most likely looking to capture newsworthy images.

She laughed, “Thank you, Mr. Ye for your affirmations. I will surely do my utmost to accomplish all tasks in the planning department and live up to your expectations.”

“I believe in you.” Saying this, he attempted to hand the bouquet of flowers to Song Zhizhi.

Song Zhizhi didn’t accept it. She said, “Thank you for the flowers, Mr. Ye. I appreciate the gesture.”

Ye Wenhan’s face seemed to darken slightly.

Song Zhizhi was still blatantly disrespecting him.

Regardless of the circumstance.

Song Zhizhi said, “I only accept flowers from my husband. I hope Mr. Ye understands.”

Ye Wenhan held back a retort and smiled, “Everyone knows that Manager Song and her husband are very close. I can absolutely understand. I also wish both of you eternal happiness.”

You could almost hear the gritted teeth behind the words “eternal happiness”.

Song Zhizhi’s lips curled into a smile.

Annoying Ye Wenhan was a delightful thing.

But it clearly wouldn’t infuriate him to death.

Her gaze shifted and landed on Zhang He standing amidst the crowd.

Zhang He’s heart skipped a beat as she was startled to the core!

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