My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 139 - It's A Good Plan

First, he took out two Teleportation Talisman papers and then some bloodstones, 50 small, 10 medium and 5 large ones, and he said to Liam who looked at him speechless : "These are part of the rewards we got when we looted the purple dungeon.

I want you to go there and help them to find Solomon, if he has been captured and your help is needed to free him, help them, but if you feel something is wrong come right back here immediately."

Kevin explained to him that the Teleportation Talisman papers had no distance limit and could be left open for one hour.

He also told him that these demons must be in need of money and that in order to be able to lead a rebellion they would have to have a lot of it, these bloodstones would allow them to develop their network.

He also said to him to tell them that these bloodstones are not from the Queen but from someone else who will soon have more influence than her.

Axel then asked him surprised : "Do you think that telling them that there is someone else than the Queen supporting them will help us to unmask the traitors ?"

Kevin nodded smiling at him and said : "Exactly, Liam is going to use unique and much more powerful Teleportation Talisman papers in front of them than the ones he used before, plus these bloodstones will bring them a fortune.

Liam will undoubtedly leave a big impression on them and the traitors will all want to discover who is the powerful person behind him.

And that's when they will start to make mistakes and that we will be able to unmasked them."

Liam was very satisfied with this plan, it was brilliant, but he wanted Ian to approve it too, he didn't want Ian to be angry at him once more, the last time he almost lost him because of this long mission.

And even if he was his mate now, that wouldn't stop him from sulking and denying him access to his bedroom.

But to his relief Ian finally said : "It's a good plan, thanks to these Teleportation Talisman papers Liam can get straight to their refuge, and he can come home immediately if anything goes wrong."

Ian looked at the bloodstones and asked Kevin : "Can you directly sell them to your System ? Not all, just one, it would be better if Liam could have some money on him that he can use if needed in the demons territory."

Kevin wasn't sure if he could do that, he knew their value in gold coins and diamonds but he didn't know if he could sell them directly to the System's Store.

Axel then said to him : "It's worth a try babe, Ian is right, it would be better if Liam had some money to use over there."

Kevin nodded, he also agreed with them, so he took in his hand a small bloodstone which he had placed on the coffee table in front of Liam.

He opened his System's holographic screen and went straight to the Store menu.

When he saw BUY or SELL, he chose SELL and immediately a notification popped up.

[ ITEM ]

Bloodstone, high grade, small size : please choose the currency that suits you, 50 000 gold coins or 2 500 diamonds.

Kevin obviously chose the diamonds and the bloodstone disappeared from his hand and was replaced by a magic bag.

He opened it and inside was indeed the 2 500 diamonds, he threw the magic bag at Liam who widened his eyes wide in surprise when he saw what was inside the magic bag, he immediately said to him looking at all the bloodstones on the table : "It's way too much Kevin, if one small bloodstone is worth that much money, then there is a real fortune in front of me.

Listen, unlike us, there are two currencies in the demons territory, the most common is silver coins which is the equivalent of our gold coins to them, and a diamond equals 100 silver coins ..."

Kevin cut him off and said : "These bloodstones are only a very small part of what we earned by looting this dungeon, and take my word for it, Solomon will need a lot more money than that to maintain a good network in place.

But with this money he will be able to begin to consolidate his position and expand his network, I will write down for you the value of these bloodstones so that they won't get fooled, tell them to find a trustworthy person for their transaction."

Liam finally nodded and took the sheet of paper that Kevin had just written about the value of those bloodstones, it was even more impressive than he expected.

Kevin continued : "If you can see Solomon, try to have a secure conversation with him and tell him everything, tell him that the one sending you is the bearer of the Pentagram Mark and that we will help them the best we can.

Explain to him our plan to unmask the traitors, hoping that he is smart enough to be able to trap them.

And tell him that this is all we can do for him right now, he will have to wait until I release the Queen for things to really start to move on our side."

Everyone was looking at him with amazed eyes and Kevin then reminded them : "Remember that I was the head, not only of the biggest assassin organization in my home world, but the one which was the most efficient and which had the best results.

It is therefore normal that I have a perfect knowledge of this kind of thing."

Ian then asked him : "How long do you think it will take Liam to complete this mission ?"

Kevin shook his head and said : "I have no idea Ian, but his priority is to find Solomon."

He looked at Liam and said : "If after 4 days you still have no idea where he is, come back immediately and we will decide of what to do next.

If you find him, help them to free him as quickly as possible, if he is only been held prisoner for a few days, it should be fine, he probably won't have revealed anything to them."

Alan then took two potions out of his magic bag and put them next to the bloodstones, saying : "It was Kevin who gave them to us before his fight against the Elite Warrior Vampire, in case we were accidentally injured.

These are Healing potions legendary grade, this potion instantly heals all internal and external injuries, take them with you too."

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