My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 142 - Sleeping Pill

Everything was perfect, it was still early, only 10pm, and if he could find Solomon quickly, they could wait until late at night when their enemies would be less on their guard.

The fact that they were lost in the wild was going to make it much easier for him to find his trail, his scent wouldn't be mixed with that of other demons, and they wouldn't be disturbed here.

Liam asked Kerry as he continued to search for Solomon's scent : "What happened ? It doesn't sound like you and your brother to get caught that way."

Kerry smirked and said : "It's not like I didn't warn him that it was an ambush, but Solomon was fed up with having no clue about the traitors who reported our uncle 17 years ago.

So he decided to let himself be captured and tortured, so that he could try to find out more about them."

Alyssa added : "Of course Kerry was against this plan but you know Solomon when he decides something nothing stops him.

That's why we need you, first to find him and then to tell him that he has lost his mind."

Liam smiled, he had spent almost 8 months with them and even though they were demons he had enjoyed being with them and he was sure that Ian would like them very much too.

Liam told them : "Don't worry, I will find him and I will give you a much more effective way to find these traitors.

I was only gone two weeks but a lot has changed for me in the last 15 days."

Alyssa then asked him curiously : "Did you manage to seduce your man ?"

Liam proudly showed them the inside of his left hand and said : "Not only did I seduce him but this mark represents our union, we are now married."

Liam suddenly froze and Kerry and Alyssa noticed it immediately, Kerry then asked him : "Did you find his trail ?"

Liam just nodded and said : "Follow me ! And we remain silent until I allow you to speak again."

They both nodded, they knew that Liam was really powerful and had a lot of experiences so they followed him in silence without complaining.

It wasn't surprising for Liam that they lost track of him, Solomon's scent had been masked by a very special potion, it was a potion high grade that could mask the scent of anyone, and it had been created especially to fight against trackers like him.

Luckily for them, Ian who was a potions genius had helped him to find a way to fight this anti-odor potion.

He had explained to him that if he could no longer detect the scent of his prey then he had to look for the scent of this potion.

There was mostly one ingredient which was the magical herb called Verbena that had a very peculiar scent, Ian had taught him to recognize it and it was exactly that scent he was following now.

Fortunately, the smell of this magical herb was very powerful, so he had no trouble following the trail it had left.

After several hours of walking through this forest Liam finally stopped because he was starting to smell other scents and he could also perceive some voices, they were still far but they had to be careful not to be spotted.

Liam closed his eyes and concentrated, he had trained Kerry and Alyssa himself when he had stayed with them, so he raised his hand and started counting their opponents.

Liam counted a total of 8 demons, 9 with Solomon, and with their level they were no match for them, so either the one responsible for Solomon's capture had not yet arrived or he had already left.

He had arrived a week ahead of what the Queen had planned, so it was quite possible that the traitors believing that they had time hadn't been in a hurry.

Either way, it was better if it was the first option, he could still smell the magical herb Verbena so Solomon was still there, the only problem was that he had no idea of ​​the physical condition in which he would be.

He decided to follow Kevin's orders, he would give them a hand to free him, and it was just the perfect timing to attack their ennemies.

Liam said to Kerry and Alyssa : "They are all demons, they are not bad but they are nothing great either, we should get rid of them easily."

Alyssa then asked him excitedly : "Are we using a diversion, smoke or a strong sleeping pill ?"

Liam shook his head : "No need, let's go, we get Solomon, and we kill them all, no survivors ... Alyssa, you will burn this place so that there is nothing left, no body, no trace of anything, that's understood."

This mission was going much better than expected, at this rate he would be back quickly with Ian.

Liam motioned for them to follow him, and after taking out his saber which was an artifact made of high grade Nerudium and which had been personally filled by Xander with lightning particles, he smashed open the door to the small warehouse which was rather well hidden in this forest.

He quickly dealt with their stronger opponents and saw out of the corner of his eye that Alyssa had found Solomon and that she was carrying him on her back to get him out of there.

This was the advantage of having trained them for 8 months, Kerry and Alyssa knew exactly what he expected from them.

While he was dealing with their opponents who, because of his power, had all focused on him as he was posing the greatest threat, Alyssa was in charge of finding Solomon and administering first aid to him if necessary, while Kerry was searching everywhere, looking for clues as to who had kidnapped him.

Kerry eventually came to help him finish killing these demons and the only one who managed to escape the warehouse was slaughtered by Alyssa as soon as he got out.

Once outside, Liam again deployed his senses to make sure that no one was around them, and fortunately, he detected absolutely nothing.

He let out a sigh of relief that didn't last very long when he saw that Solomon was still unconscious, he asked them quickly : "What's wrong with him ? Is it serious ?"

Alyssa cursed and told him : "It's okay, he is fine, the only problem is that they gave him too much sleeping pill, I don't know when he is going to wake up."

Damn thought Liam, he who thought he could get home quickly was going to be stuck here because of a fucking sleeping pill.

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