My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 187 - Ashton's Partner Part 2

Kevin could also see sweat beading on her forehead that indicated that she had been training for quite some time already.

He then took off his scabbard with his two shortswords and put them back in his magic bag which he put in his pocket, then he gave Axel a knowing smile and he took out his daggers to go meet their new recruit.

From experience he could see that this young girl had character, it could see it in her precise movements and in her determined gaze, if he wanted her to respect him and listen to him there was only by giving her a good lesson from the start that he would gain her trust.

Kevin put his hood on his head and he advanced towards her like a predator towards its prey throwing one of his daggers towards her to test her reflexes.

He had aimed at her left shoulder because she was more likely to stop his dagger if it was aimed at a sensitive spot, all fighters quickly learned that it was one of the parts of the body that they should always protect because it was close to the heart.

He could have aimed at her right thigh which would have immobilized her for sure because she was not on her guard and it was not a place that we thought to protect as a priority, but hurting her was not his intention, he just wanted to test her as Axel had suggested when they had returned home after giving Liam the remedy.

The young girl, although surprised by this attack, parried it skillfully and she made her first mistake by sending the dagger back to him, aiming at exactly the same spot as he did.

He smirked, the fight would have been much fairer if he had only had one dagger but now that she had given it back to him it was going to be a piece of cake for him.

The girl who had no idea who was attacking her, put herself in a defensive stance and waited to see what he would do.

She knew that her strong point was neither defense nor attack, but her control of her chakra. Unlike the other fighters, she had no problem using it on all parts of her body, and she had trained really hard ever since she had discovered this difference between her and the others so that she would be able to use it to her advantage during a fight.

Her attacker was formidable, he was fast and he always seemed to guess her movements in advance, he easily managed to disarm her but as he smiled thinking he had beaten her, she smiled back to him and she quickly concentrated a lot of her chakra, which became visible to the naked eye, in her forearms which she crossed in front of her.

She saw his smile widen and he placed his daggers behind his back before positioning his bare hands in front of him.

She didn't know what he had in mind but no fighter had ever managed to parry that attack.

It all happened really quickly and she finally released the large amount of chakra that she had concentrated in her forearms which she then opened fast enough to form a kind of shock wave that went straight towards her attacker.

And that's when she understood that her attacker was not a fighter but a mage, she saw him quickly bend down and put a knee on the ground, then he created a shield of spiritual energy that protected him from the shock wave.

She paled when she realized that she had just fought against Kevin, Axel's mate, after all he was the only mage she knew besides Alan who could compete with a fighter.

She immediately started to mumble some apologies while Kevin started to laugh out loud and he said to her taking off his hood and presenting her his hand which she shook out of sheer reflex : "Holy shit, that was awesome ! And no need to apologize, I'm the one who attacked you to see what you were capable of."

He then added cheerfully : "I guess you've already guessed that I'm Kevin, Axel's boyfriend, and it's with one of my classmates that you can form a duo fight if you're interested of course ... I'm sorry but Axel forgot to tell me what your name was."

The girl then sighed in relief and said to him happy that Kevin didn't seem mad at her : "I'm Yelena, nice to meet you, and I would love to have a partner to form a duo fight, thank you for giving me this chance."

Kevin smiled at her, he had already understood that many fighters wished to have a duo fight partner because the competition between them was tough to participate in the different tournaments, while all the tournaments were open to duo fights.

Plus, having a mage as a partner meant having almost all the potions they needed for free, and Ashton would undoubtedly be generous with his partner.

Kevin motioned for the others to join them and when Ashton arrived and Kevin introduced them to each other Ashton couldn't help but exclaim : "What you just did was so amazing, I've never seen a fighter do anything like this before."

Kevin looked at Axel but saw him frown so he asked him through their telepathic link, 'You look also surprised … Is this the first time you've seen her do something like that ?'

Axel looked at him and nodded imperceptibly, he the said to him through their link, 'I've seen her use her chakra in her feet to propel herself upward before, and I've seen her explode Elite Knight Orc heads just by concentrating her chakra in her hands ... But that, it's completely unexpected, I didn't even know it was possible to do something like this.'

Kevin's smile widened as he heard this and he said to Yelena : "Ashton is a very talented mage, he can already introduce the particles of his elements into his spells, and although he is a novice when it comes to fighting techniques he is very motivated and I'm sure you two will get along well."

Yelena looked at Ashton and asked in astonishment : "You can already introduce the particles of the elements into your spells ? But aren't you only a first year … I mean, it usually takes longer for a mage to achieve that feat, right ?"

She looked at Alan looking for confirmation and he said to her : "Ashton is more talented than the rest of mages ... Much more talented .... And he'll continue to progress quickly I have not doubt about it, he'll be a great duo fight partner you'll see."

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