My Mage System (BL)

Chapter 258 - An Elite Soldier

Dilan then threw a bomb at him that he wasn't prepared for : "My son was kidnapped by a God, so unless the one who sent you here was a more powerful God, I'm afraid you couldn't have done anything to save him.

Besides, after what I learnt yesterday I think I know why you are here and I have the answer to your question."

Dilan could see that despite Caleb's always impassive face, he had just been shaken by what he had just told him and at least now he was certain that he cared about Kelan, so he continued : "The war between the humans and the demons is just a decoy to buy time for two goddesses to take over the Acrium that is in our world.

And we also discovered that there would be an unknown energy source that would create the dungeons and therefore our resources.

So now tell me Caleb is the one who sent you here more powerful than these two goddesses ?"

Caleb smirked and said to him : "So that's why Lilith and Cassandra are fighting for this world or at least doing it on the surface because I had already reported to my general that it was bullshit and that their elite soldiers were working together to look for something."

He then said to Dilan since he already knew about the Gods anyway : "I'm an elite soldier of the God of War, I was sent because he suspected there was something else going on here but other than proof that they were working together and not against each other, I haven't been able to find out what they were looking for."

Dilan then asked him again : "Is the God of War strong enough to oppose these two goddesses ?"

Caleb chuckled and said to him : "Don't worry, he was already nicknamed The Slayer of Gods even before he became a God himself and his mission is to make sure that the balance is maintained and that the Gods don't abuse their power."

He then asked Dilan curious : "Who intervened to save Kelan then, only another God could have saved him."

Dilan breathed a sigh of relief, if Caleb was who he said he was then they had a chance to get out of this and save their world from the vanity of these two goddesses, he said to him : "His name is Mykael, he is..."

Caleb opened his eyes wide and exclaimed before Dilan could even continue : "The God of Destruction ... but why ?"

Dilan walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder saying : "He's Axel's father but that's not all, Kevin has authorized me to reveal everything to you so even though I still don't know what he's capable of, Kevin is the new bearer of the Pentagram Mark, but more importantly he's a Warrior Spirit who has reached the Stage 3 and apparently only he and his master have ever reached the Stage 3."

Caleb then told him shaking his head in denial : "It's impossible, my general who is the God of War is the only one who has reached the Stage 3, no other Warrior Spirit has ever managed to reach that level, I'm myself a Warrior Spirit of Stage 2.

Besides, he is far too young to have reached even the Stage 2 of a Warrior Spirit."

Dilan smirked and said to him : "Kevin is not really 18, in fact he is 33 and his soul has transmigrated to our world.

You have been here for a long time already, so maybe the God of War didn't take the time to warn you of this fact."

When he saw that he still had doubts he said to him : "Forget what you were supposed to do today and come home, my son will be happy to see you and Kevin is coming to eat with us at lunch, you will be able to ask him all the questions you want and in the meantime maybe Alan can answer you."

Caleb raised an eyebrow and he asked him : "Does that mean you're okay with me being with Kelan ?"

Dilan smirked and told him : "Only if you marry him, otherwise you forget about my son."

Caleb then put his arm around Dilan's shoulders and said to him : "Give me a little more time, I am an elite soldier and until my general relieves me of my duties I cannot marry him."

Dilan frowned and asked him : "Why ? Soldiers marry their partners every day, why can't you ?"

Caleb then explained to him : "The oath that binds me to my general is different, as I told you we deal with Gods who abuse their power and we make sure that the balance of power in the universe is respected.

I became immortal when I agreed to join the God of War but Kelan is just a human, so there is only one possibility for us to be together, and that is for my general to release me from my oath and make me a mortal like you again."

Dilan looked at him even more surprised and he asked him : "Are you really willing to give up your immortality for Kelan."

Caleb nodded without hesitation and told him : "I'm much older than you can even imagine, and Kelan has brought me more happiness in these last three years than I've ever had in my entire life."

Dilan finally smiled and he pulled out a short distance Teleportation Talisman papers, he said to him as the portal was opening : "Welcome to our family Caleb, but I'm warning you, take care of my son or you'll regret being born."

Caleb chuckled and they walked together through the portal that brought them into the living room where curiously, in addition to Nolan and Kelan there were also Liam, Axel and Mykael.

Mykael's eyes widened when he saw who Caleb really was and he immediately asked him : "What are you doing here ?"

Caleb bowed his head respectfully and he said with a smirk as he looked up : "Mykael, I'm glad you're here and thank you to have saved my man"

He then said seriously : « Elias has been interested in this world for a while now and he wanted to know what Lilith and Cassandra were really doing there, but other than them working together and seeming to be looking for something, I've never been able to find what it was."

Mykael frowned and immediately asked him : "Does Elias know about the Acrium now ?"

Caleb shook his head and told him : "I want to learn more first before I report back, if you know everything, maybe you can explain to me."

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