Evening wasn't particularly eventful. We came back to a home, at last, with its electricity back on. As expected, Ash immediately delved into the apartment, fawning over the appliances that were previously out of use.

TV, A/C, Fan, Lights… everything basically was a wonder to behold.

Dinner was nothing to write home about either. Some take-away from a fast-food place. We ate in silence. Once that was done, night had already fallen.

There was a bit of a situation when it came to deciding who gets to sleep where.

Ash flat out refused to take the bed. Actually, she just straight up said she wouldn't be sleeping.

"I'm not going to choke in my sleep. You don't have to watch over me."

"But master…"

Cue the endless back and forth between us. I say sleep, she says no - it was a mess. Fortunately though, after much coaxing, I managed to convince her to take the couch, while I go on ahead and leave my bedroom door wide open for her so she could monitor the situation from time to time.

Bye-bye privacy, I guess. Ah well, it's a small price to pay for salvation.

I plucked out some baggy pajamas for her to wear from my closet which I had no idea even existed. It was probably Dad's, don't know how it got mixed in with my stuff… but hey, least I got something for her.

We gotta go clothes shopping at some point.

"Got something for you," I called out to her from the other side of the bathroom door.

Teaching her how to shower was a whole 'nother rabbit hole of awkwardness. I'm not even gonna get into that. Let's just say that the feeling called 'shame' was a foreign concept to her.

Once she opened the door, it was immediately clear to me that my dad's clothes were humongous, at least, when compared to her petite frame. Her hands were tucked and hidden away under those enormous sleeves, her feet shared a similar fate. All in all, it really did seem like the clothes were wearing her instead of the other way around.

"How is it?" I asked.

"Big." She said, her sleeves flopping about as she waved it around. "Smells rather funny too."

What a surprise.

It was time for lights out.

Contrary to her own bold claims, which was that she would not ever go to sleep, Ash was the first to hit the hay, instantly nodding off as soon as her head hit the couch.

What a way to stick to your claims, Ash. Nice job.

I tried to do the same, but I couldn't. Laid in bed, tossing and turning, yet sleep wouldn't come.

Something just kept on bothering me.

That damn billboard on that damn building. Did I really see what I did? Did Ash really come from a video game?

A burning question that won't be sated by a good night's sleep.

Screw it. I don't need sleep, I need answers.

I tossed aside my blanket, standing up from my bed, I made my way to my desk nearby, where my laptop lay folded in sleep mode.

Looks like you won't be getting any rest as well, my friend, you'll be accompanying me for a night of googling. I cracked my fingers, swung open my laptop, and immediately began typing away at it.

And the first thing I searched for?

<<Chronicles of Asteria>>

The first search result that loaded in brought me the answer that I have been looking for.

Chronicles of Asteria, an Open-world Fantasy RPG, released for all current-gen consoles a couple of months back. Developed by a company called Cyberware Game Studio.

Video games were sort of an on-and-off hobby of mine. I never really keep track of all the latest gaming news. So it's no wonder I haven't heard of it.

The game was mostly well-received by critics. Many praised the storyline, the graphics, gameplay… yaddy yaddy yadda. Anyway, it didn't take long for me to notice that all the reviews I've read shared a common consensus.

Chronicles of Asteria was just too damn dark. Not for the faint of heart.

Many of the party members you are able to recruit in the game all have some cruel and tragic backstory that just leans in too heavy for most people.

I've read and read, and all of them kept pointing to a notable example to better illustrate what they meant.

The last party member you ever receive in the game.

Eshwlyn the Elf-Knightess.

For the sake of spoilers, none of the reviews delve into too much detail but suffice it to say, her storyline gets pretty rough.

To what extent, I didn't know.

What Ash had gone through… how she ended up the way she was… I know that I said I'd stop the prying and pressing for information. But I realized I just can't.

The unknown story of the Elf who was slumbering away blissfully on my couch. I just had to know.

In the corner of the site, they displayed an advert of a sale that currently was ongoing.

Chronicles of Asteria was 50% off.

I hovered my mouse over the advert and clicked. Five minutes later I was at the checkout counter, inputting my card information, and check-marking the terms and services.

Step by step, until I reached the final hurdle. The 'Purchase' icon glowed a bright emerald green. It reminded me of her eyes. My mouse wandered over it.

One last click of a button.

For a moment I contemplated. Was this all really necessary? Why? Why do you want to know about it so bad? Just what would you gain from it?

And what would you lose? She trusts you, doesn't she?

You know, she doesn't want to talk about it. It's not your secret to reveal. So why are you doing it? Why did you click the mouse button in spite of it?

Because I want to understand her even more. I want to know more about her.

It was a petty reason, I know. But I'm a petty person, aren't I? No two ways about it.

"Thank you for your purchase", read the message on the screen.

Slowly, I got up from the chair, feeling a flood of guilt wash over me, I took a walk of shame back to my bed.

I went to sleep and let the game download overnight. Needless to say, I did not have a peaceful rest that night.

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