The Neplims.

One of the Four Great Ones that watches over the realm of Asteria. They are considered to be an omen of good fortune and health. Monikers aplenty have been bestowed upon these mythical beings of heaven's creation throughout the span of centuries worth of rare sightings.

Twilight's Angels. Fabled Creatures Of Dusk. Moonlight Divines.

And also Meow-Meows… as my three-year-old cousin so eloquently puts it.

I remembered having encountered some in-game, not knowing of its significance, and was understandably baffled as to why my companions suddenly started breaking down into tears, praising be to the Gods above for blessing our party.

When I looked it up, apparently it was a random event. A 0.01% chance for it to occur in one's playthrough.

So lucky me, I guess.

Even luckier me, Earth was packed with enough of those fellas to dedicate an entire planet to them to run and colonize.

But who am I kidding, they already rule over this one, am I right? Accursed creatures of fluff and their adorable subjugating ways. I curse thee!

No actually, I bless thee, I thank thee, even.

Not only have you reinvigorated this poor weary soul of mine, but you've also roused awake this despondent maiden's spirit by the mention of your name alone.

Moral of the story - relationship trouble? Get a cat.

Anyway, our little venture to find the aforementioned creature of extreme fluff had us walking along routes less traveled, ditching away with the gravelly roads and concrete sidewalks, and into the tresses and curls of mother nature's finest greenery.

In layman's terms… as Ash muttered out loud, "You people refer to these places as 'parks', yes?"

"Central Park more specifically," I replied.

Ash's eyes were wide and searching. Through tall grass, atop trees, into bushes, not a single patch of the land going overlooked.

"From hearsay, the Neplims tend to inhabit regions untainted by acts of evil. Those rare few places left unsullied by the sins of man."

Again, yeah… heard that all before. That brain of hers was like a portable codex or something.

"You're going to be hard-pressed to find places like those left in this world, I'll tell you that much," I said.

Ash stopped and turned towards me, looking absolutely crestfallen. "Then… our coming here… all in vain?"

Such despair in her tone, I couldn't help but be a little amused by it.

"I wouldn't say that," I assured her, waltzing over to a nearby bench and taking a seat. "Watch, see how I attract a litter of Neplims with this one weird trick! Asterians hate me for it."

"You've met with other Asterians?"

"Figure of speech," I waved my hand away. "Anyway, you wanna see it in action?"

Ash nodded her head vigorously. "By all means."

I readied myself. There I was, a simple man atop a rickety bench, a sight as mundane as any other. Harboring beneath it all though, instead told a tale of sheer focus, commitment, and will.

So grandiose and extravagant, but really all I did was take in a breath and started clicking my tongue repeatedly while clapping my hands to the rhythm of my lips.

I learned this little trick way back when, long before I met Ash. See, when I was down in the dumps, out of luck, often I would find myself wandering about the park devoid of all purpose in life.

It was during one of those meaningless strolls, that I happened upon two cats I dubbed Mr. Black and Mrs. White, a lovey-dovey couple that grazed my saddened and depressed self with their reassurance and comfort.

And by that reassurance and comfort, I just mean that they simply brushed their soft fur against my legs. Such a simple gesture, but nevertheless it was enough to pull me out of my misery and become the dazzling ray of sunshine that I am once more.

Of course, that could have just been them pestering me for something to eat, but I can take it whatever way I want. Don't ruin my dreams, please.

I haven't visited them in a while. Well, if we take into consideration recent events as of late, then that hardly comes as a surprise really.

Despite it, I can always guarantee that no matter how long we may have been apart, just a simple click of the tongue and the clap of the hands, and they'll always be there to heed my call.

They had call signs, and I always know to look out for them. For example, the one right then, right across from us.

A ruffling in some nearby shrubbery.

"There they are," I said.

No sooner had the words left my lips, than a white blur of fur had darted past Ash's ankles and made a beeline to my direction, lunging and landing directly onto my welcoming lap.

"Why hello there," I said, responding back to Mrs. White's grand entrance. "Where's the husband, m'lady? Got a divorce already?"

Speaking to the contrary, Mr. Black meowed from below, wrapping his long bushy tail around my legs.

"Oh, there you are," I said, looking down and beaming at the patch of black. My bad, Black. Never should have doubted you."

Pet. Pet. Pet. Headpats everywhere to everyone. There's a reason why we have two hands, after all. No offense to… uh… to those who don't, but hey, if you still have one, then head pat away.

It was a delightfully simple scene, indeed, so simple in fact, that I can sum it all up in five words.

Furs, purrs, meows, and wows.

The last part was Ash, staring away from a distance, awestruck beyond belief. I could have presented her with a Lamborghini, Ferrari, or whatnot and I doubt that any could have produced the same level of wonder as these little balls of fur had instilled onto her state of mind.

Then that awestruck and wonder gradually dispersed, a total inverse of emotion, like a flip of a switch.

I have seen her speechless before… but I have never seen her like... well… utterly appalled.

It was as if she was looking upon a deity itself which… to be fair, she kinda was. Still, I highly doubt stumbling backward in place, while clasping a hand onto your lips, wide-eyed in horror was the proper reaction to a soft meow going your way.

Unless, you got a severe allergy, of course. In which case, run for the hills man.

"You okay, Ash?" I asked, holding the cats by my side.

"No… I - I assure you," Ash shook her head, swallowing hard. "I most certainly am not."

Now I'm confused. "A while ago, you were so excited. I thought you wanted to see the Neplims?"

"And so I did," She said. "Eagerly to seek an answer. Solely for that. Now I… I have my answer."

"An Answer? Answer to what?"

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