A walk turned into a jog. A jog turned into a sprint. From a sprint, it became a mad dash against time. I was fifteen minutes late. Every millisecond in every second in every moment was another moment Ash had to wait for me.

Five minutes was no biggie. Ten minutes, a bit shit… but do better next time, kay? Twenty minutes, why do you even deserve to live?

I don't know man, I don't know.

Came down to the point where I don't even know wait for the traffic lights anymore when I'm crossing the street, that's right I'm jaywalking now - come over and arrest me, Irene. Madman's out of control.

Wish time would just stay still for a moment. Spare me like a measly minute to catch my breath, why don't you? Sadly, Old Father Time kept winding down the clock evermore, everywhere I looked were constant reminders of my absolutely impeccable punctuality.

Jumbotron at the front of the shopping complex - 1:25 P.M.

Somebody by somewhere asked someone else for the time - 1:27 P.M.

Even my phone, flickering to life in my violently swaying palms, shone a glaring bright 1:29 P.M.

Thirty minutes after the appointed time slot I was supposed to originally arrive at, I finally reached the rendezvous point - panting, sweating, arriving as a disheveled wheezing mess.

I'm just relieved it hasn't rained yet.

The city center was a popular spot for meetups due to its simplistic layout. A disk-shaped region paved with cobble, a large fountain spewing water sitting in the middle, with routes leading to other parts of town on every end.

Many would wait by the fountain side for people for dates and friends to show. It was hard to go amiss by the fountain-side, you're guaranteed to find the person you're looking for with just a few seconds of looking around.

Ash would be waiting there, the note claimed.

Well, I had my few seconds, I had my time to look around, the thing was… I was looking around at the wrong time, the wrong few seconds - Ash wasn't waiting there.

God damn - wait… she's there. Turns out, she was there. I just needed a second glance, why? Because I barely even recognized here. Ria and Adalia did more than just show her the ropes, it seems - and like me, she had a total character makeover.

The only difference being - they succeeded with her much more than they did with me.

She was wearing that white sundress… the same one I saw her slip into last night. A view of it in the darkness of night was already a mesmerizing sight… in the light of day, however, it was amazing how much a change in luminosity can make such a staggering difference.

The wind howled, and her dress lightly fluttered along with it. Every curl, every frill, a dainty sway accentuating grace… never seen an angel before, not even when I was dead, but I guess this is the closest I'll ever get to ever beholding one's presence.

But instead of wings, Ash had her silvery-white hair.

I was used to seeing them streaming down past her shoulders, these past few days, held up in her room for so long, they were as frazzled as they could ever be.

Not anymore it seems. It was sleek, appearing smooth to the touch, and braided to a long flowing ponytail shimmering white. There was also a dab of rosy pink to her cheeks and a glossy look to her lips.

Ash and makeup was something I never thought I'd see be intertwined with one another. Not in my lifetime.

But it suited her, everything, it definitely did.

And clearly I wasn't the only one who thought so.

Guys who would walk by her were always doing a double-take, a second glance, to the gorgeous figure in white, their eyes captivated and in awe, until being abruptly brought back down to Earth with a slight pinch or a jab, their girlfriends haughtily turning their noses away, expressing very clearly of their discontent.

Not like I could fault the guys for it. Ash… she… she really was something to behold.

Compared to me, what am I?

A sweaty, tardy, unkempt mess, that's what.

Going by the state of things, this scenario should have played out the complete opposite. I should have been the one that was kept waiting for so long, not her.

Too late for hindsight, should stop fretting over every 'what ifs'… what happened, happened. All I could do now was make the best of it.

So I went, swiping up a loose strand of hair, breathing in a final breath for that extra bit of calmness, and approached her.

Apologies first. Can't go up there grinning like a fool pretending all was well. Just go up to her, and say to her face -

"You're here..."

That wasn't me. That was her. As I weaved and navigated through the wandering crowd, I failed to notice Ash was doing much of the same - reaching me faster than I could ever have reached her.

Hearing her say that, seeing the apprehension fade away from her glossy emerald eyes, damn does it make me feel guilty as shit.

"You're late," Ash spoke again. "I was told we were to meet precisely at noon's dawn."

"I know, I'm sorry," I said at once. "I got held up… there were things that I had to do and - "

I paused, my brows immediately furrowing in confusion. From afar, Ash looked right as rain - nearer now, practically face to face… can't believe it took me this long to notice it… another amenity in her makeover, except this time it only served to detract from her appearance as opposed to adding it.

So out of left field, I couldn't help but ask, "Why are you wearing earmuffs?"

Plated in a snowy white coating too, the kind you use when winter comes blowing and your hands start a-shivering.

Don't know about her, but my teeth weren't chattering yet. In fact, I feel pretty hot despite the wind's constant breeze. Then again, I just ran a marathon but I digress.

Ash raised her hands and firmly clasped both muffs. "I insisted."


"Mistress Ria strongly disapproved of it. She called it distasteful and tacky, claiming it to be in her own words, 'A big middle finger to the fashion industry and all it stands for.'," Ash explained, before giving a bemused frown. "I still fail to comprehend what that actually meant. 'Middle finger', hmm..."

That sounds about right.

"Nevermind her," I said, stifling away my amusement. "Why'd you insist? You disagree with that assessment?"

She shook her head.

"Far from it. I merely believed it a necessity, considering, well..." Ash spun around slightly from left to right, her arms rigidly spreading out on either side. "This outfit, it lacks a shroud to better conceal my ears. I insisted to Mistress Ria that it was an issue worth addressing, so reluctantly, after much convincing… she offered me this to obscure them from the public eye."

She finished her explanation, and I know I should have replied immediately. It was just that… that little twirl just now… My God, do it again.

"I see," I said, batting my eyes trying to blink back my composure. "Does it not bother you, though? It's practically squishing your ears tight, isn't it?"

"It has its drawbacks, admittedly…" She looked up at me. "But at least now, like this, I look normal, do I not?"

Normal. Oh, how I loathe that word right then. I know I was the one that insisted on it, urged her to always keep them hidden

Those Elf ears weren't normal, it was better to hide that part of yourself.

Once again, too late for any hindsight… what's now is now, and it was now that I finally saw the truth of it all along - that Ash has always been normal.

"Actually," I began. "You can take them off, Ash."

She gave another frown. "Pardon?"

"No one would mind seeing them, no worries," I said, stretching my hand out in front of her. "Plus, it's a date. I'd feel bad if you were always in constant discomfort. It's cool, Ash. You can let 'em show."

She was far from being persuaded. I noticed her eyes shifting dubiously from left to right, noting the dozens passing us by in a constant stream, apprehension surfacing again on her expression as she slowly reached for her earmuffs, an uneasy glance being thrown my way.

I offered a smile, that same foolish grin pretending all was well - except this time, it really was.

"Trust me."

Ash gently placed the muffs into my open palm, and those long sharp Elven ears of hers immediately sprung free in all their glory into the open air, unveiled, unshrouded no longer.

And what did the all-seeing, all-judging public have to say about it?

With eyes scouring frantically about, Ash hearkened to their call, and found no one else looking back at her with any form of peculiarity.

Nobody nowhere had anything to say.

Course, there were still the occasionally stares here and there, guys, and even some gals marveling away at her beauty, but none even came close to acknowledging any oddities in her appearance.

Because there were none.

After all, normal is what normal does. It seems your lessons bore fruit, after all, Ria. Good for you.

"See?" I said, watching as disbelief ripple across her expression. "What did I tell you?"

"How can this be so? Beforehand, you told me - "

"I stand corrected," I simply said. "You don't have to hide them anymore. Just… be yourself as is, alright? No one's gonna look at you funny."

Although still a little confused, Ash nodded her head all the same. "Understood..."

Now she looked truly astonishing… the way she is now, and always will be…

It all felt a little surreal, to be honest… I mean, my Elf-Knight from another world couldn't be this cute, could she?

Apparently, she was, and it was such a shame she doesn't know that… not that I can blame her for it, that is.

That's all going to change, though, starting right… now.

"See, without those things, you look beautiful, Ash," I said, giving my most heartfelt smile. "You really do."

I didn't care whether or not that she believed it herself, in fact, I really don't expect her to, not so easily anyway. But so long as she knows that I think so… that's all that matters.

She smiled and from the way she shifted about in place, it was abundantly clear compliments doesn't come to her as often as it should.

That's something that's going to change too.

"Thank you…" Ash muttered, her gaze tilting downwards. "You… you look good too, Master."

And just like her, I too wasn't one for being complimented.

It seems this date was going to change a lot of things for the both of us. For now though… we'll just start walking, and see where that brings us.

In spite of the ever-constant looming threat of downpour, the date continues on.

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