Chapter 1139 Tired Of Fame

“Ahhhh, I can’t stand it, I’m going to go crazy wearing this thing!” Gary said as he walked inside his apartment block and ripped off his white face mask, throwing it to the side.

The throw was so forceful that it ended up floating back, and just landing on the ground in front of him, which only went to aggravate him further. Immediately, he went to grab the black wig on top of his head, and then threw it ahead of him, landing on the floor.

“Gary! Pick that up, just because you’re frustrated doesn’t mean that you can make a mess of the house! I thought you said you were all grown up!” Maya shouted, with both arms by her side.

Before his mother blew a bigger fuse than he did, he quickly rushed and picked up the wig, placing it on the top edge of the couch, and as he sulked, he sat on the sofa, looking at the air.

“What happened this time, did someone recognize your disguise?” Amy asked.

“Thankfully not this time, although someone was following me. It’s just frustrating that I can’t even walk out like normal and just do what I want,” Gary argued. “I thought people were hating Altereds, so shouldn’t they hate me?”

“No one hates you, Gary,” Maya instantly said. “How can they? You are the AFC champion! You beat Harvor!”

“Unofficial AFC champion. Gary broke the rules, and that might be the last AFC fight there is. By the way, mom, people definitely hate Gary. I’m sure of it, but mom is right,” Amy continued. “You’re one of the most famous people in the world now. It’s only been what, around two weeks since then? It’s fresh in people’s heads.”

After coming back from Slough, Gary was happy to be in a place that he knew was his home. He thought he could finally rest for a while after everything that had happened.

He, and the rest of the Howlers, had an extremely hard time going up against the One Gang, and rest was long overdue. Instead though, Gary was chased down by every reporter, and every person seemingly in Slough.

The people’s intentions were good. They wanted to congratulate and thank Gary, take photos with him, and praise him, but when everyone in the city wanted to do that, a population that had been growing and was now over a million citizens…

It was extremely hard for him to move around and get the rest that he needed. His apartment had been outed at one point, and because of it, he had to move in with his sister and Mother, and White who was also living here.

However, living with three women, when he himself was nineteen years old, was a strange experience to say the least, and he just felt extremely uncomfortable.

“Why am I being punished for everything I did? I mean, didn’t I do a good thing?” Gary said out loud to himself.

“Well, get some rest while you can, don’t forget you have the event today,” Maya said as she went off to clear some dishes from the table.

“Ahh, right, that event, I don’t even want to go.”

“Hey, you have to go! Me and White already bought our dresses,” Amy complained. “And the whole event is for you in the first place.”

Gary just grumbled, he knew it was a losing battle because it was an event organized by Kai, and Amy was right, it was for him.

To celebrate the victory against the One Gang. All of the afterwork was done. The One Gang and everything under it was now in their possession, apart from a few businesses that were under it that were seized by White Rose.

Daphne had stayed true to her word. Using her connections and power to take control of everything to do with the One Gang, and then just like that, she had passed it on to the Howlers.

It had made their relationship grow. Because of it, Kai had decided it was best to have a big event to celebrate. The Howlers’ growth, as they continued to rise, and now were pretty much the biggest gang in the entire country, making them one of the biggest superpowers as well.

Kai had in turn invited all of their allies and business to come to the event. Those from AJ Entertainment, a few from White Rose who they were close with. Daphne Bree even, and all of those that Gary had met along the way in the academy and more were to come.

Everyone in the gang was going to be there, as it was a celebration for the Howlers as much as it was a celebration for Gary, and as the leader of the Howlers, everyone expected him to be there.

“At least Kai promised me one thing, that there wouldn’t be any speeches. I hate doing those things, especially in front of a large crowd,” Gary mumbled.

“Hey, Gary, are you going to at least try to dress nice for this event? Didn’t Kai also invite some of the others that we don’t know that are there? Like the people that are part of the other gangs that were under the One Gang.”

“It will be the first time they’re seeing you, and you need to make a good impression.”

Gary’s eyes opened up.

“I guess… I better make some effort,” he thought as he went on his phone, and sent off a text to one person that he could rely on.

“I might need something for this event,” Gary sent, and got a reply instantly.

“I already got it sorted, it will be there in thirty minutes,” Kai answered.

Someone Gary could always trust, but then, there was another message that had followed after.

“By the way, one more of the Kings are coming other than the Bree Family…. The Dark Guild has accepted our invitation.”



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