Naruto: Escape From Konoha

Chapter 138: 134: Susanoo (1)

Chapter 138: 134: Susanoo (1)

"What is it that you want from me at this time?"

Ruri entered Shiraishi's office, her curiosity piqued as to why she had been summoned.

Following the Dragon Vein incident, Ruri had diligently continued her training, not concerned about the boring nature. Whether it was the further development of her Sharingan's pupil abilities or mastering her Sage Arts, Ruri had evidently found a path to make her self stronger.

While Shiraishi marveled at Ruri's talents, he had to accept the fact that he was merely an "ordinary person."

Compared to these geniuses, his talent as a ninja was woefully mediocre, so he had seek alternative ways to make himself stonger.

"There's a specific mission i would like you to do. After careful consideration, it seems you have the unique ability required to handle it. I have reservations about entrusting it to anyone else." he explained.

Though Ayane's Byakugan was powerful, it heavily relied on Taijutsu. Beyond her Air God Strike and the enhanced Ritation Jutsu, she lacked powerful long-range attacks. This shortcomings left her ill-equipped to confront the mysterious force they now faced.

While Air God Strike and the enhanced Rotation were indeed powerful jutsus, their huge chakra consumption rendered them unsuitable for long term combat.

The enemies they had encountered this time likely possessed Sharingan abilities, as well as the legendary power of Wood Release. In summary, Ruri was a ninja without shortcomings.

She excelled in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu, making her a well-rounded all-purpose ninja.

Even her weakest genjutsu was beyond the capabilities of ordinary ninjas.

Furthermore, Sharingan had the added advantage of amplifying illusions and she can use Sage Mode which could take care if both close and long ranges.

Most importantly, when it came to fighting Sharingan, nothing was more effective than another Sharingan.

"What's this mission?" Ruri inquired.

"The mysterious force that's manipulating White Zetsu from behind the scenes." Shiraishi disclosed.

"Sharingan?" Ruri's eyes narrowed.

She had long been aware of this mysterious force, but at the time, she had been preoccupied with numerous matters, leaving her unable to deal with it

The notion of an Uchiha dark operative surveilling Konoha, the very place she, as an Uchiha previously called home, was unsettling to her.

Furthermore, she was genuinely interested in the individual lurking in the shadows, who had the powerful Sharingan.

To her knowledge, the only Uchiha to have left from Konoha prior to this was Uchiha Madara.

However, Uchiha Madara's death had been confirmed, leaving her to wonder who this new Uchiha might be.

Thinking of this, Ruri felt a strong fighting spirit welling up within her.

Meeting this person could offer her a chance to test her powers against someone possessing Sharingan abilities even stronger than her, as Shiraishi had hinted.

"By the way, how is the progress of your people in mastering Natural Energy?"

Shiraishi suddenly recalled something and inquired of Ruri.

Natural Energy training had the capacity of calming the mind and fortifying a ninja's psychological resistance. For Uchihas, this training method was highly compatible.

"Currently, only two people have managed to barely sense Natural Energy."

Ruri replied, her expression betraying some dissatisfaction.

"Two people?" Shiraishi was surprised.

It seemed impossible that, after a long period of training in the Land Of Demons, only two had succeeded in sensing Natural Energy.

What happened to the others?

"Their minds are unable to find inner calm and attunement with nature, which results in excessive inner turmoil. This is particularly acute among those who have awakened the Sharingan, They have the worst ability to sense Natural Energy."

Ruri commented on her fellow clansmen.

"However, the Hyuga clan has nearly mastered the basics aspects of Natural Energy sensing... Well, it might be due to the distinct lifestyles of the two clans, which could account for this deviation." Shiraishi said thoughtfully.

"What can be done about this?"

Ruri felt a little upset when she heard Shiraishi say this.

It wasn't arrogance on her part; even if the Hyugas who had come to the Land Of Demons, including Hyuga Ayane, combined their strengths, they would still fall short of matching her abilities.

When would the Hyuga Clan ever surpass the Uchiha Clan?

"Mastering Natural Energy can only be achieved through personal efforts. Achieving a calm state of mind is just the foundation. Without it, even with the assistance of external objects, they'll struggle to use this energy effectively in actual combat. If this continues, the gap between them and others will only widen in terms of this aspect of training."

He advised against Ruri and her clan members resorting to shortcuts in their quest to master Natural Energy unless it became an absolute necessity.

Though Shiraishi could indeed make this process for them, it was fraught with risks in real combat scenarios.

For instance, the ability of "reading an article" took a considerable amount of time. If they found themselves in a dangerous situation, they might be unable to use the power of this system, leaving them vulnerable to their enemies.

Ruri let out a subtle sigh.

She seemed to understood the situation well and didn't dwell on it any longer.

In recent years, the Land Of Demons hadn't faced any foreign enemies, and the need for these clan members to provide effective combat power had waned.

Their primary objectives now were to train and quickly master natural energy and reproduce offspring to expand the population of the clan.

The importance of population growth for a clan's prosperity couldn't be overstated. Relying solely on a few individuals was both taxing and prone to problems.

Population growth formed the root of a clan's longevity, even if the concept seemed mundane.

Ruri strongly supported the clan members in marrying and having children.

Even married couples could expand their families by having more children, and she had enough resources to support these newborns, just as she had for the Uchiha clan in Konoha.

Thinking of this, Ruri shot Shiraishi a weird glance before directing her eyes to her own stomach.

However, she quickly pushed aside the notion, deciding to wait until her situation was completely stable before considering the matter of reproduction.

At present, she stood as one of the few top tier fighters, and getting pregnant during such a time could easily lead to complications.

"What's on your mind?" Shiraishi inquired.

"It's nothing. I'll be stepping out for a while." Ruri replied.

"Very well. You're familiar with the intelligence agents outside, right? You can use codes to contact them?" .

"I do." Ruri confirmed.

"Do you wish to bring along a sensory ninja?"

Ninjas who practiced natural energy often developed sensory abilities to some extent. However, the strength of these abilities could vary depending on their specialization.

Ninjas like Ruri, who focused primarily on combat, possessed relatively weaker sensors compared to others, making them less adept at dealing with stealthy and evasive enemies.

"No, I have a better candidate in mind." Ruri declined Shiraishi's suggestion and exited the office alone.


Next to a pond, an oversized orange cat lounged about. Its considerable size suggested that it had accumulated quite a bit of weight.

People generally assumed that such a huge cat would be slow in its movements.

Its feline eyes, fixed intently on the plump and tantalizing fish in the pond, just when it is about to jump in and have a hearty meal.

"Yu, what are you doing here?"

Ruri's voice startled the cat from behind, causing the cat to lose its footing and tumble into the pond. As the cat resurfaced, a big fish was on its head.

"Ru- Ruri-sama?"

Ruri just stared at the orange cat, which put a lot of pressure on the cat.

"That fish isn't for eating."


Yu put the fish on his head back into the pond, and crawled out of the pond. The orange hairs on his body were stuck together, making him shake uncomfortable and shake off the water stains on its body.

"I have a task that requires your assistance this time."

"Is it a feast of whole fish, Ruri-sama?"

Crystal drool already dangled from the corner of the cat's mouth.

"No, not this time."

Yu's disappointment was evident.

"When the task is completed, you'll be treated to a sumptuous fish feast."

"I'll give it my best, Ruri-sama!"

Yu declared with utmost sincerity.

As a summoned beast that had also mastered natural energy, Yu boasted formidable combat abilities, ranking among the top of ninja cats.

He had been working to integrate senjutsu chakra into his repertoire, likely making him even stronger than when he had first appeared in Konoha a few months before.

Yu also possessed a keen sensory ability, though he may act rashly sometimes. Nonetheless, he was a dependable partner for Ruri, a fellow fighter in whom she had complete trust.

His resistance was another asset, having survived an adamantine staff beating from the Third Hokage and still remained like an ordinary-looking cat.

"Now, regarding the target this time..." Ruri began.

"The one using Wood Release... Perhaps we'll meet someone with Sharingan. That truly excites me."

There was a smile on the corner of Ruri's mouth, full of fighting spirit.


The Land of Mountains.

A nameless nation nestled between the gaps in the territory of great powers.

True to its name, this land boasted numerous mountainous regions, and this unique topography meant that prosperous towns were a rare sight.

Most of its mountains lay untouched and forgotten.

At the base of a mountain range, a massive operational stronghold had been built, surrounded by numerous White Zetsu.

The stronghold appeared impregnable, creating the illusion that it was the enemy's main stronghold.

"Hey, Guruguru, do you really think there are enemies here to confront us?"

A group of White Zetsu spoke as their boredom apparent.

The majority of these Whites were of average level. Special ones like Guruguru were a rare exception among them. However, even among these special Whites, their individual capabilities varied widely.

Guruguru paid no attention to these White zetsu. Instead, he stood alone, holding a branch and muttering while sketching drawings on the ground.

"Guruguru, what are you doing?"

A White Zetsu walked over curiously.

"I'm trying to draw different types of shit. After all, through my observations, human poop come in various shapes, sizes and colors."

Guruguru replied solemnly, as if this were a matter of great importance that could shock the ninja world.

"...." the White zetsu remained speechless.

Madara-sama said that there was a problem with Guruguru's head,, and it appeared he wasn't joking. This particular White zetsu found himself rather speechless

"Well, isn't that something? At least Guruguru can still find purpose in seemingly boring jobs. We're just wasting away here in utter boredom."

Another White zetsu lamented their existence.

From birth, their wills were subject to the control of others. It seemed that the very act of being born held no meaning other than to exist without purpose.

Therefore, Guruguru, with his ideals and fantasy made many of the other White zetsu envious.

Sometimes, being an idiot had its merits.

"I wonder how Madara-sama is doing now." one White zetsu pondered.

"He is likely brooding in the shadows somewhere." another replied insightfully.

In the eyes of all White Zetsu, Madara was perceived as such—a brooding figure who dwelled in darkness, calculating this and that, while they carried out his orders without complaint.

As they continued their discussion, a White zetsu patrolling outside suddenly burst through the wall, capturing the attention of both White zetsu and Guruguru.

"What's happening? Did you find new poops?" Guruguru asked.

The White zetsu responded, "No new poops yet, but a troublesome enemy has appeared. Prepare to engage."

After hearing this, the White zetsu and Guruguru became serious. As expected, not long after, the enemy arrived once more.

It was just as Madara-sama had predicted. The enemy's behavior involved continuous probing of their strength and information. Once their testing was complete, a fatal blow would inevitably follow.



The ground split open, and a White zetsu emerged from the crack.

Before the other White zetsu could react, a huge orange cat descended upon him.

With another resounding crash, the White zetsu was flattened into a meatloaf. His once white body was crushed between the rocks, and he died without uttering a scream.

"Yu, where are the others?" Ruri stood nearby and asked.

"Ruri-sama, the other two are at three o'clock, approximately twenty meters away."

Yu reported the enemy count and positions.

After hearing this, Ruri vanished from her spot, reappearing twenty meters away at three o'clock.

She gathered senjutsu chakra into her fist and violently struck the ground.

Rocks shattered and scattered, and two White zetsu were alarmed. As scouts, their combat abilities were severely limited, and once discovered, thir death was certain.

Ruri dealt the two White zetsu swiftly, slitting their throats with Kunai, ensuring they met their end without suffering.

After dealing with the White zetsu lurking outside, Ruri continued her advance. Yu's enormous orange form followed closely, his eyes flashing with flames.

"Wood Release: Birth of the Tree World!"

String trees broke out from the earth, seemingly uprooted, rapidly forming a dense forest amid the mountains. The trees, like tendrils, reached toward Ruri, but before they could touch her, Yu leaped from behind, releasing a massive fireball that incinerated the attacking trees to ash.

"Who are you?. Last time it was a clay doll and a big water snake. Is it a combination of a woman and a cat this time? Oh, it seems that they are not easy to mess with, and they are also from the Uchiha clan."

Guruguru came out from behind a tree, and while making a natural and honest gesture, while speaking in a somewhat distressed tone.

Seeing the Uchiha clan logo on Ruri's clothes, he realized that this battle wouldn't be easy.

"Master, always gives us something to do. In fact, I just want to think about how to poop. Well, it's more important than fighting."

Guruguru sighed helplessly and shook his head.


Ruri raised her brows, as if she was very interested in the "Master" Guruguru spoke about.

Was if the person with Sharingan, perhaps? Or another powerful ninja from this mysterious force?

"Forget it, it looks like you guys won't tell me what it's like to poop. Then—"

Guruguru was startled suddenly.

Ruri has disappeared from his sight.


A white arm was removed.

Guruguru retreated, beads of cold sweat forming, putting a safe distance between himself and Ruri.

"If I had take one step slower, I would have lost my head. Her Body Flicker is incredibly fast!"

Guruguru swallowed hard, realizing that there was a significant difference between Ruri and the enemy he had met the last time.

"Hmm.... managed to escape?" Ruri stared at Guruguru, who had moved away, clutching the left arm she had just severed from him.

The arm was pale, without any blood or even bones. How did this creature support its movement?

Was it through the power of that Divine Tree?

Ruri speculated that the First Hokage's Wood Release might also be from the Divine Tree. Both the Uchiha and Senju clans descended from ōtsutsuki Kaguya, and Kaguya herself was the Ten Tails, born from the Divine Tree.

The abilities of the Sage of the Six Paths, including his eyes, originated from this source. But if that were true, why had only Hashirama Senju mastered Wood Release within the entire Senju clan? Ruri suspected that there was a hidden secret.

"Escaping from Ruri-sama's Body Flicker... it seems I'll have to get serious." Yu said.

Yu understood the speed of Ruri's Body Flicker and her exceptional nerve response, which enabled her to attack immediately after its use.

"So, how about this move?"

Guruguru activated his chakra, causing numerous long, spike-covered trees to grow from his arms. These appendages surged like serpents, heading for Ruri.

Yet, before they could reach her, Ruri swiftly passed through them, leaving only an afterimage. Guruguru, without hesitating, stepped back and abandoned the use of the Wood Release.

He grabbed a thick tree branch, leaped onto another massive tree, and then moved deeper into the forest he had created, escaping Ruri's pursuit.

"To lead her to—"

Guruguru was about to speak, but he was interrupted by an explosion behind him.

Turning, he saw flames engulfing the entire forest, casting a fiery glow on everything. After the flames passed, the trees had vanished, leaving only ashes suspended in the air.

"Why is this woman so unpredictable? Why would anyone use such a powerful jutsu right from the start?"

Guruguru muttered to himself. This wasn't following the typical ninja pattern. Usually, they tested each other's abilities first before resorting to special moves to determine a winner.

Why had she used such a powerful Fire Release jutsu immediately? Wasn't she concerned about prematurely revealing her strength, making it harder to strategize for future battles?

It was all so mess.

Guruguru acted quickly. He summoned arched, giant logs from the ground to resist the spreading sea of flames.

The immense Fire Release jutsu exceeded his expectations. He had never seen anyone, except for Madara, use such a wide range Fire jutsu.

Moreover, he could see that Ruri was still able to handle it with ease.

The arched giant logs used to shield against the sea of flames burned away, but it bought Guruguru precious time to flee. He continued his escape into the depths of the woods.

The relentless attack stipped only when the forest he had created turned into charred, black earth devoured by the fire.

"Hoo, Hoo..." Guruguru panted, realizing how terrifying this woman was.

Despite being a simple Fire Release jutsu, it had filled him with dread. It was difficult to imagine that an Uchiha ninja below the Mangekyou Sharingan level could use such power.

The blistering speed of Body Flicker, the incredibly powerful Fire Release jutsu... what should he do? He had already exposed his intelligence during the previous encounter with the enemy. If he used such powerful Wood Release immediately, the situation could become worse.

In short, he needed to test the opponent's various abilities slowly, and then—


Guruguru almost fell to the ground, staring ahead in shock. What the hell was happening now?

Ruri, who had caught up to him, had materialized. She radiated a visible, blood-red chakra as thick as blood, shaping a colossal chakra bone giant before Guruguru's eyes.

Ruri jumoed on top this gigantic chakra skeleton, which didn't stop there. The blood-red skeleton began to amass chakra, flesh, blood, and a matching set of armor.

"It's too slow to rely on genjutsu and Taijutsu. Even if you don't have the Mangekyō Sharingan, You can use Wood Release. Hurry up and use it to fight me."

Ruri said as her three-tomoe Sharingan flashed bright red. She had entered her complete Sage mode.

Compared to genjutsu and taijutsu, using ninjutsu and this mode was Ruri's preferred method for using the Sharingan.

Other fighting methods were too cumbersome and protracted.

For Ruri, battle was the best way to experience true happiness. This was the romance of an Uchiha ninja.

Compared to genjutsu and taijutsu, the satisfaction from using such destructive powers was unparalleled.

Guruguru gaped at Ruri, bewildered.

Sharingan... a three-tomoe Sharingan... and Susanoo?

This huge chakra giant was an ability typically reserved for those with the Mangekyou Sharingan.

Why? How had things come to this?

Wasn't it only ninjas with the Mangekyō Sharingan could use the Susanoo? Wasn't it a requirement to have Mangekyou Sharingan to unlock this ability?

And yet, this woman had done it effortlessly using a simple three-tomoe Sharingan. It didn't make sense. This woman didn't follow the normal routine.

Amid the chaotic storm released by the Susanoo, Guruguru's thoughts became muddled once again.


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