Naruto: Escape From Konoha

Chapter 145: 141: Military Reform

Chapter 145: 141: Military Reform

Ruri spent a week effectively dealing with the pirates in the western waters of the Land Of Demon's archipelago. Not all pirates could be eliminated, as some fled upon sensing the unfavorable situation, while others surrendered.

Shiraishi decided to offer a fresh start to those pirates who surrendered, recognizing their potential as free laborers that could save considerable expenses.

This approach resembled how the bandits in the Land Of Demons had been managed previously, centralizing them and offering a chance for those who performed well to escape the "prisoner" label and rebuild their lives from scratch.

As soon as Ruri quelled the situation in the western waters, Shiraishi promptly dispatched 300 official members to take charge of the surrendered pirates and began constructing military bases on medium-sized islands throughout the area.

The islands were widespread but lacked large ones, with medium-sized islands being the largest, numbering fewer than five. Smaller micro-islands were scattered around medium-sized ones, suitable for setting up sentry points to maintain sea area security.

Construction materials for the military bases needed to be transported from the mainland, as the number and size of surrounding ships couldn't meet Shiraishi's transportation needs.

To increase efficiency, Shiraishi deployed his water clone, Soryu, which assumed the form of a giant python, swam at an incredibly fast speed, and transported a huge amount of building materials to the various medium-sized islands.

By late June, after more than a month of work, the military base on the medium-sized island was almost complete. General structures were in place, and training and experimental equipment, ordered in advance, started arriving at the base to fill internal gaps and ensure that all staff could be in position as soon as possible.

With the increasing number and scale of bases, Shiraishi felt that manpower was running short. However, the ninja academy had just been launched, enrolling slightly more than 120 students.

While it might seem like a considerable number, they would need nine years of education to graduate normally. Shiraishi wasn't concerned about their strength, as he had already taught these students the natural energy method. After nine years of training, they would graduate with a standard strength equivalent to that of a Chunin, aside from combat experience.

This meant that these students would be the future backbone of the Land Of Demons, but they couldn't be used at this time.

To recruit additional people, the only option was direct recruitment, targeting people of the poor class from various countries.

These individuals would be injected with natural energy synthesis strengthening agents and turned into mass-produced fighters.

While this approach would yield relatively immediate combat effectiveness after three to six months of training, these recruits couldn't master the direct method of natural energy. Their abilities would depend on the fit between their physical fitness and the dose, with their primary fighting methods involving Taijutsu and weapons.

Shiraishi acknowledged the drawbacks of this method but didn't have the luxury of time to think more deeply.

With the Third Ninja World War underway, he couldn't predict its final outcome and the ensuing international environment. All he could do was increase his strength as quickly as possible, taking advantage of the distraction created by the war among the five major powers.

"How many Type II strengthening drugs are still stored in the factory?"

The Type II strengthening drug, the synthetic material used is mainly natural energy, it is an upgraded version of the Type I.

The type II body strengthening drug has many effects such as increasing the body's reflexes, speed, and strength.

Even if an ordinary person took the dose, they would have the speed no weaker than that of a Genin for a short period of if time.

There were a very small number of ordinary people who are born with good physique. After being strengthened by drug, their physical strength could be on par with a Chunin depending on their talent.

"There are more than 4,300 branches."

"Let them recruit 1,000 people... No, let's recruit 1,500 people directly."

Although the Type II strengthening drug was sufficient, if more than 4,000 people were recruited at once, it would give the management more work making several of the branches bloated.

Currently he doesn't need that many people. However, 1,000 people was too little, and 1,500 people was okay.

"Yes," the order was passed down to proceed with the recruitment.

After the messenger left, Shiraishi picked up another report.

"Stealing drug information?" Shiraishi thought aloud, reading a report submitted by the company . The breach involved an infiltration into the company's headquarters to steal drug research data.

Such incidents weren't new to Shiraishi. The astronomical profits of Purple Rose Company often fueled the envy of competitors. Thus, it wasn't the first time that the company had its drug research data targeted for theft, easily exceeding a hundred attempts over the years.

However the situation this time differed from the previous ones, though, as this time the culprit wasn't a bounty hunter hired by rivals but a ninja from one of the Five Major Countries—a Kumogakure ninja.

Despite vehement protests that he wasn't affiliated with Kumogakure after his identity was exposed, the intruder had posed that he was an ordinary hired bounty hunter.

Shiraishi let out a sigh, massaging his temple.

Had it not been for Ayane leaving no traces of the Land Of Demons during her attack on the Third Raikage, including taking the amber pot with her, he might have suspected this to be Kumo's revenge on him.

Yet, such a reaction didn't align with their actions. If they wanted to retaliate, they would've sent troops instead of resorting to the secret drug data theft.

Their goal seemed to be acquiring Purple Rose's hard-earned information on drugs..This posed a significant headache for Shiraishi.

When it came to other villages like Konoha, peaceful negotiations could usually resolve conflicts, but with Kumo, it wasn't as straightforward. Kumo's negotiation style leaned heavily on a more forceful approach.

"Forget it, it's better not to add extra problems at this time."

Shiraishi decided it was best to ignore the incident. Executing the Kumo ninja might provoke a dramatic response.

While he wasn't afraid of Kumo's vengeance, he didn't want to be entangled in war during this crucial period of development. It seemed wiser to deliver a message through a lesson.

The Kumo ninja vehemently denied any association with Kumo, and it was probable that Kumo's high-ranking authorities preferred avoiding international conflict with the Land Of Demons. A tacit understanding among all parties would suffice.


Shiraishi remained unfazed by the Kumo ninja's actions, considering it a minor disturbance. With Kumo preoccupied by the impending war with Iwa, the Land Of Demons matter remained a trial run, hardly the time to strain diplomatic relations.

Yet, this incident served as a reminder that, although other Four Great Ninja Villages might not openly endorse such actions due to their neutral status, they were certainly contemplating similar ideas.

Shiraishi wasn't afraid of suppression and restrictions from his competitions. but If the five great ninja villages were working behind the scenes, it could be a little troublesome.

So there was actually nothing Shiraishi could do at the moment.

Looking at the size of the Five Great Ninja Villages. It was obviously impossible to confront them directly. He could only pretend that nothing happened and continue minding his business with his peace of mind.

For now, Shiraishi continued to make significant progress each day with the recruitment task of directly hiring 1,500 new members.

However, the turbulent era had its share of banditry issues in many countries, especially those small nations ravaged by war. Residents of these smaller nations endured considerable hardships, as the nobles and daimyo prioritized their interests, largely ignoring the plight of the common people.

In response, people left their hometowns, seeking a better life elsewhere. Those who left their homeland with their families were the exact targets of Shiraishi's recruitment efforts.

Within half a month, he had locked in four to five hundred recruits, boasting an impressive 80% success rate. While some individuals remained wary, others recognized their desperate circumstances and agreed to the offer.

At this rate, completing the recruitment of 1,500 people was possible within about two months.

Shiraishi maintained a relaxed approach, knowing that the Third Ninja World War wouldn't end for at least three to five years, giving him more time for growth and development.

Having dealing the immediate tasks, Shiraishi paid another visit to the shrine where Miroku resided, the ruler of the Land Of Demons.

"Long time no see, Shiraishi-san. This should be the second time we've met since your arrival in the Land of Demons,"

Miroku greeted in her serene and composed voice, exuding a peaceful aura that lay beyond the scope of worldly emotions, like that of Katsuyu's temperament.

"You're correct, Miroku-sama. I've come today for an extremely important matter,"

Shiraishi.replied as he settled on a cushion provided by a maid. He subtly observed Miroku through the gauze curtain that shrouded her, her figure evoking an ethereal atmosphere that imbued the surrounding air with stillness.

"Please, go on,"

The priestess pondered for a moment. While she was uncertain about the specifics of Shiraishi's forthcoming words, she anticipated that they would relate to the transformation of the Land Of Demons.

Miroku's interest in the governance of the Land Of Demons was limited, yet she recognized that if Shiraishi aimed to reform the nation, he would need to engage with its officials and nobility.

No matter how bad it was, Uchiha Sosuke and Miyoko regularly sent information to her letting t her know about the current changes and development of the Land Of Demons.

In truth, she appreciated and held a certain curiosity about Shiraishi.

In this world of strict class distinctions and lineages, Shiraishi stood as a rare individual who provided extensive educational resources to common people.

Ninja Villages offered educational resources solely for the training of ninjas and limited their scope to the village alone.

Shiraishi, on the other hand, was spreading educational resources across the entire Land Of Demons, from cities to small towns, and even to remote villages.

"I plan to consolidate the armed forces of the Land Of Demons into a unified military department. I wonder Miroku-sama, what are your thoughts on this?"

Shiraishi inquired, raising his gaze to meet Miroku behind the gauze curtain.

"A unified military?"

Miroku responded with skepticism, harboring some doubts about Shiraishi's proposal.

"Yes," Shiraishi confirmed.

"If I understand correctly, what Shiraishi-san is talking about is the amalgamation of regular soldiers and commoner ninjas into a single entity. Is that correct?"

"That's it. What do you think, Miroku-sama?"

"May I ask why you've decided to go with this?"

Miroku had contemplated the matter but refrained from giving a definitive response.

"Miroku-sama, I believe you are well aware of the one-village-one-nation system adopted by the Five Great Nations."

"I am,"

The one-village, one-nation system held profound implications.

During the Warring States period, ninja groups operated as mercenary entities organized along familial lines, and they often engaged as mercenaries in conquests waged by major nations.

At that time, ninjas were not bound to a specific country, frequently traveling across the ninja world in pursuit of suitable buyers.

However, the establishment of the one-village, one-nation system led to the creation of Ninja Villages, and, as a result, ninjas became affiliated with individual countries.

Still, the division between ninjas and regular soldiers remained intact, with neither daimyos nor the Five Kage making efforts to unify these two forces.

Following the advent of Ninja Villages, regular soldiers were relegated to the role of gatekeepers, no longer participating in war, as ninja war became the prevailing trend of the era.

"The current Ninja Villages may be associated with specific nations, but a 'class' divide persists between ninjas and common people. While this system appears to unite Ninja Villages with their respective countries, the development of Ninja Villages remains contingent on financial support from daimyos and nobility. Any daimyo or noble seeking to participate in the advancement of Ninja Villages is met with resistance from the villages themselves to avert the concentration of power in the hands of external figures. In the Warring States period, there was a more humane and stable 'long-term contract.'"

As Shiraishi spoke, Miroku nodded in agreement, following the train of thought.

Although Shiraishi's words were somewhat cryptic, Miroku grasped the essence of the argument.

In simpler terms, while Ninja Villages appeared integrated with their respective nations, a 'class' gap still existed between ninjas and ordinary people.

Miroku considered Shiraishi's perspective, understanding that Ninja Villages and countries had yet to form a unified whole.

Their union was driven by shared interests and a necessity for survival. The severance of these interests would effectively terminate the one-village, one-nation system.

For example, if the economy of one of the Five Great Nations were to collapse entirely, and Ninja Villages weren't engaged in productive work to sustain themselves, they would face a crossroads, requiring them to seek better 'buyers' to secure their survival.

This 'long-term contract' was merely a contractual arrangement and not a definitive form of ownership. While the system empowered daimyos and presented an obstacle for many nations, it also constrained the economic development of Ninja Villages, enabling them to secure influence among the Five Kage.

Ultimately, ninjas were human beings and required sustenance, medical care, housing, and finances for both material and spiritual well-being. Daimyos and nobles were capable of providing these necessities.

Ninja Villages, while incorporated into the national structure, were simultaneously feared and rejected by daimyos, nobility, and other elite classes.

Ninja Villages feared the interference of daimyos and nobles in their internal development. Hence, the two forces shared a dualistic relationship marked by mutual suspicion.

"In essence, Shiraishi-san intends to consolidate the military strength of the Land Of Demons?"

"A comprehensive military force serves as the most secure guarantee for maintaining a nation's economic and political stability,"

"Shiraishi-san's idea is really different... Well, it seems there is no problem. I will ask the people below to cooperate with you."

Miroku answered very simply, telling Shiraishi that it could be implemented.

Shiraishi was slightly taken aback. Miroku's willingness to cooperate was unexpected to Shiraishi.

"Miroku-sama, are you sure about your quick approval?"

Shiraishi asked, a tad taken aback by the abrupt decision. He still had numerous points to address and found Miroku's prompt agreement disruptive. There should be a measure of vigilance to avoid her seizing control of the country.

"No problem, the vision of the priestess can perceive things that are beyond the grasp of ordinary people, including the good and bad within the human heart."

"...Does it mean the appearance of being stripped naked?"

Shiraishi illustrated his point with a metaphor that he thought was rather vivid.

"Shiraishi-san, please refrain from such expressions in this sacred shrine."

"Ah, I apologize for my words."

Shiraishi quickly offered an apology.

"It's of no consequence. Apart from this matter, is there anything else, Shiraishi-san?"

Miroku was evidently unconcerned about the topic at hand.

"It's nothing of great importance, just a matter of personal curiosity. I've heard that Miroku-sama has spent a significant amount of time residing in the shrine, rarely go out. Don't you find it depressing to stay here?" Shiraishi changed the conversation towards an unrelated subject.

"To call it depressing would be misleading, though it is bothersome to leave casually," Miroku responded nonchalantly.

"Why is that?" Shiraishi inquired.

"Because every time I meet a person, I am plagued by visions of that person's future death. Even if i was in a cheerful mood, it eventually turns gloomy when I foresee the various tragic deaths that lie ahead for those I meet. So, it's simpler to remain within the confines of the shrine."

"I see," Shiraishi commented. He hadn't anticipated that Miroku's reason for remaining indoors was of this nature.

The profession of a priestess wasn't an easy one, considering the implications of foreseeing the future. However, Shiraishi didn't delve into this topic further, as he held no particular interest in what lay ahead.

Having received the answer he sought, Shiraishi took his leave from the shrine.


With priestess's approval, Shiraishi began carrying out drastic military reforms within the Land of Demons.

In essence, the task wasn't complex. It involved amalgamating the organization to which Shiraishi belonged with the existing army of the Land Of Demons, creating a single unified entity.

While both groups merged into a single entity, their respective roles and tasks remained unchanged. This was a solution Shiraishi had contemplated extensively. However, he had refrained from proposing this earlier to familiarize himself with the political landscape of the Land Of Demons.

The timing was now opportune. Shiraishi could convert the existing organization into the military department of the Land Of Demons, affording it official status. It would no longer be classified as a civilian organization, simplifying several processes.

To facilitate Shiraishi's efforts, the Priestess conferred upon him the official position of Minister of Military Affairs of the Land Of Demons, albeit without formal public declaration.

Given his status as a Konoha traitor, he wasn't suitable for a public appearances.

Before this, the Land Of Demons lacked a Minister of Military Affairs position. Shiraishi had initiated the military unification proposal, and the priestess had accepted and formalized this appointment.

"I never expected you to suddenly become such a high-ranking figure in the Land Of zdemons. Congratulations," Uchiha Miyoko said.

Shiraishi, who had come to speak with her, found her sitting in the reception room, kneeling gracefully, dressed in an exquisite and vibrant kimono.

She held a paper fan and appeared youthful, despite her middle-aged appearance. "Aunt Miyoko, don't you have a position in the Land Of Demons as well?"

Shiraishi recalled that Miyoko held an official post in the Land Of Demons, albeit under pseudonyms.

"It doesn't compare to what you've achieved. After all, we're businessmen, and our main occupation is wealth generation. You don't need to be so formal; you can refer to me as 'Mother.' After all, you and Ruri will be getting married sooner or later, and I'm eager to have grandchildren."

Miyoko seemed to imply something quite daring. Shiraishi was somewhat taken aback by her teasing.

After a playful moment, Miyoko asked.

"So, Shiraishi, what brings you here today?"

"I would like to discuss about Miroku-sama" Shiraishi replied.

"Miroku-sama? What happened to her?" Miyoko tilted her head.

"That's why I've come. Have you known Miroku-sama for a long time?"

"Yes, I've known her for quite a while. She's a unique individual; it often appears as though she is detached from worldly matters. She exudes an ethereal and untainted aura. It's not accurate to say she's ignorant of world affairs; she possesses a profound understanding of the laws governing the world. Nevertheless, she's indifferent to many things. When Kosuke and I arrived here, I felt much the same as you do now. This could be related to the distinctive beliefs and culture of this country. Compared to the Five Great Nations, the existence of this country itself is quite mysterious."

Miyoko also expressed a degree of puzzlement.

"That makes sense," Shiraishi smiled wryly.

The Labd of Demons was an obscure nation with a unique priest culture. The superiors of all officials and nobles were priestesses, which was a long-standing tradition. The nation was more a gathering place for those who believed in priestess than a conventional state.

Even in remote mountain villages, tales of priestesses' feats abounded. This cultural and spiritual belief system was deeply rooted and pervasive throughout the country. This influence might extend to neighboring small nations as well.

The information provided by Katsuyu contained limited details about the Land of Demons and its priestesses. It appeared that uncovering the truth behind the priestesses would be a gradual process.


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