Naruto: Escape From Konoha

Chapter 175: 171: A Chance for Peace

Chapter 175: 171: A Chance for Peace

In the Land of Rain, the prevailing conditions were marked by a constant downpour of sadness and death.

This country, shrouded in rain constantly, did have one advantage in the form of abundant aqueduct resources, a stark contrast to the deserts in which Sunagakure found themselves year-round.

Nonetheless, beyond this solitary benefit, the Land of Rain remained very poor. While it boasted a prominent ninja village like Amegakure, this singular strength couldn't change the fact that they were weak.

People feared Hanzo, the leader of Ame, but not Amegakure itself.

The Suna ninjas had long recognized this point in their high-level meetings. They understood that Amegakure's fate was intricately tied to Hanzo's, and that without him, the village's value and dignity would be stripped away by foreign forces. It was the sorrow of a nation that was weak.

Yet, defeating Hanzo couldn't be done by just talking about it. Such a powerful ninja couldn't be toppled without paying a significant price.

The Suna high-level strategists had previously planned to adopt a delaying tactic, allowing Konoha's resources to dwindle until the alliance with Amegakure collapsed.

However, the plan took an unforeseen turn. Chiyo and her brother, initially supporters of the delaying strategy, had a change of heart during a high-level meeting, changing from a defensive stance to an offensive one.

"You propose to take on Ame and Konoha directly?" The Suna Jonins preparing for a protracted battle were supris6 by this sudden change in strategy.

To be honest, challenging the alliance of Ame and Konoha head-on wasn't a wise decision. Setting aside whether victory was achievable in a direct confrontation, even if they did succeed, Suna would incur significant losses, rendering them incapable of future attacks on the Land of Fire.

The problem here was obvious.

"This is information obtained through a secret channel. Please take a look." Chiyo handed the secret letter to the Jonin beside her, which was subsequently passed around for everyone to read.

After reading the contents of the letter, the reactions among the Suna Jonins were mixed. Some were worried, some happy, while others remained indecisive.

"If this information is accurate, it might be worth a try." an eager Suna Jonin chimed in.

"But, I can't shake the feeling that it's incredibly risky." another Jonin expressed, favoring a more cautious approach.

"Yes, our enemies are Hanzo and Orochimaru, not to mention Uchiha Fugaku, known as the 'evil eye.' The stakes are high." added another Jonin.

With no unified consensus among the Jonin, Chiyo closed her eyes, took a moment to contemplate, and then spoke, "As I mentioned before, this is a good opportunity. There's no harm in trying it out. If things go according to our expectations, there's no need to prolong the battle indefinitely. After all, we can only delay it until March of next year, at most."

Chiyo's words silenced the Jonins. The supply of provisions for 7,000 ninjas was indeed a critical concern. Iwagakure in the Land of Grass seemed particularly eager, urging Suna to exert pressure on Konoha and shatter the alliance between Amegakure and Konoha as soon as possible.

This urgency stemmed from the presence of Konoha's young ninja prodigy, Namikaze Minato, known as the Yellow Flash. His proficiency in space-time ninjutsu had caught the attention of even those in the Land of Rain. He had single-handedly destroyed Iwa's supply point and navigated Iwa's camp unscathed. In terms of speed, he was unparalleled. He was even more formidable than Konoha's White Fang in his prime.

Naturally, Iwagakure wasn't about to underestimate Konoha's young genius. When Konoha's White Fang had risen to prominence, he was roughly the same age, becoming a trouble to major ninja villages within a few years.

Should Iwagakure lose in the Land of Grass, the potential arrival of the Yellow Flash in the Land of Rain would have catastrophic consequences. The challenge of safeguarding their supplies loomed large. Sunagakure couldn't combat Konoha alone, especially without Iwagakure's restraining influence.

If only the Third Kazekage were still present... the Suna ninjas thought with a sigh.

If the Kazekage hadn't vanished, they would have led the fight against Konoha. Even if Amegakure got involved, it wouldn't be a terrible. The Third Kazekage alone could have matched Hanzo's power, leaving the other Ame ninjas as nothing to fear.

"Then, let's give it a try then. Even if we fail, we won't have much to lose. Missing this excellent opportunity might mean there won't be another one before March next year.".



The room was filled with determined people. Despite initial doubts and concerns, they recognized the rare opportunity presented by the secret letter.

Though the venture was fraught with risk, Suna could evacuate even in the event of failure, provided the operation was well-executed.

"Very well, the decision has been made. We will hold another meeting the night before the operation to finalize the details. For now, disband and maintain control over people in the camp. We must make sure Hanzo and Orochimaru remain oblivious to our plans." Chiyo concluded, her expression solemn.



After reading the letter sent by Orochimaru, Hanzo fell silent.

Konoha's decision to stop material aid to Ame next month was something he had anticipated, but the speed at which it was happening took him by surprise.

Indeed, with continued delays, both Konoha and Suna would find it increasingly difficult to sustain the situation. At this juncture, it seemed the best course for Ame would be to stay out from the matter. However, the strong resentment that currently simmered in Ame towards Suna rendered staying out of it impossible.

Even as the leader of Ame, Hanzo's words carried limited weight under these circumstances. But in times of hatred, there is only one way to conclude the conflict - with one side decisively triumphant. Hence, Ame could not afford to stay on the sidelines.

Orochimaru recognized this, and at the end of the letter, he attached a decision to engage Suna, along with a march route map.

"Are you openly persecuting this old man?" Hanzo stared at the contents of the letter, his anger intermingled with immense sadness.

There was a time when, he caleled the demi-god, would not have been used so brazenly by this young man. Furthermore, he had defeated him alongside his subordinates in the last ninja world war.

Orochimaru's actions weren't in conspiracy, they simply followed Konoha's general trend. Faced with this general trend, Hanzo could only compromise. Reluctantly, he understood that he would need to follow the path Orochimaru had set.

Hanzo also harbored suspicions if the bloody massacres over a year ago in the Land of Rain might have been the work of Suna. All evidence pointed towards Suna, and even Chiyo could not refute it. Suna ninjas had slaughtered a large number of Rain Village inhabitants.


Hanzo sighed. He was getting old. 'After dealing with Suna, it's time to consider my successor.'

In the blink of an eye, he had reached this age. However, Hanzo couldn't help but smile wryly when he thought about Ame's current state. The question was, where could he find a successor? Were there any young one in Ame capable of leading?


Hanzo, accompanied by dozens of Ame ninjas, set out to scout the route. The primary goal was to eliminate any potential threats posed by nearby Suma.

Hanzo could sense that a great war was imminent, destined to engulf the entire Land of Rain.

With Konoha's imminent withdrawal of supplies from Ame, Ame's situation was becoming even more worrying.

In order to secure Ame's cooperation, the Third Hokage had promised to provide huge financial assistance in the name of Konoha after defeating Suna.

Hanzo could trust that particular professor. The man was cunning and didn't like stirring conflicts. To ensure the safety of the Land of Fire's territory, it was in his nature to appease Ame.

However, all of this hinged on the success of their actions against Suna. If the plan failed, it would spell catastrophe for both Konoha and Ame.

"Hanzo-sama, it seems there's some commotion up ahead." remarked Kandachi, his right-hand man.

Hanzo also noticed a group of people blocking their path. Upon closer inspection, he realized they were ordinary villagers from the Land of Rain.

Why were these people blocking their path? Hanzo had traveled there with a few ninjas and wasn't concerned about any potential threat these common villagers might pose.

"Hanzo-sama... is that Hanzo-sama?" A skinny old man approached hesitantly, a walking stick in his hand. His weak form was at risk of stumbling with each step.

"Yes, I am Hanzo."

"Great! My name is Kaze, Hanzo-sama. Do you remember me? Thirty years ago, you saved the lives of all the people in our village when we were in the hand of enemies."

The old man named Kaze spoke with excitement.

To be honest, Hanzo didn't remember this old man named Kaze. But the account of the events seemed plausible.

Thirty years ago, it wasn't long after he had assumed control of Amegakure. At that time, fueled by his indomitable commitment to justice and peace, he had been determined to transform a country steeped in sorrow. So, he had led numerous Ame ninjas in several battles, pushing himself to the brink to quell the various disruptions in the Land of Rain. Consequently, he had sustained numerous injuries to his body back then, many of which remained unresolved, with his strength declining.

At that time, he hadn't kept track of how many lives he had saved or how many enemy ninjas he had defeated. He only knew he had been resolute in his purpose to bring about change and establish a stronger Amegakure. Hence, he had forgotten many details. In truth, Hanzo wasn't someone who cared to dwell on painful memories.

Looking at the deeply etched wrinkles on Kaze's face, his palm seemed covered with a layer of aged skin. His complexion was dark, his eyes clouded, and his thinning hair spoke of hardship.

He had the image of poverty and weakness, appearing older than his years due to the continuous wars and food shortages that had plagued the Land of Rain.

"What can I do for you?" Hanzo asked in a relaxed tone.

"I heard that Hanzo-sama is battling the ninjas of those big countries, so I wish to contribute to Hanzo-sama. We don't mind going without food if it means your fighters have enough strength to drive out the invaders." Kaze said with conviction.

As he spoke, two young emaciated men reluctantly emerged, carrying the village's sole remaining bag of food. They placed the bag containing the food in front of the Ame nins.

These two young men also displayed signs of malnutrition, with waxy complexions.

The scene fell into silence.

Hanzo silently and sadly stared at the two partially-filled grain bags on the ground but refrained from picking them up, consumed by mixed emotions.

The other Ame ninjas remained silent, with anger and humiliation lurking in their expressions, their eyes brimming with emotion.

The Land of Rain... had it truly reached such circumstances? Could this meager grain feed an entire village?

"Hanzo-sama, please accept a token of our goodwill." The old man said in a pleading tone.

Hanzo's demeanor seemed to dismiss this meager offering, but he refrained from speaking. Instead, he turned his attention to the villagers standing behind the old Kaze.

Among them was the old man, tje confused young men, women cradling children who stretched out their hands towards the bag of grain, their innocent laughter and ash-smeared faces further emphasizing their dire situation.

Hanzo decided to pick up the two sacks containing the grain, which stirred even more eagerness among the villagers.

"Kaze, right? I accept yourwishes, but we cannot accept these two grain bags." Hanzo said, placing the bags back into Kaze's hands.

Despite Kaze's protests behind him, Hanzo turned away from this sad place, accompanied by his Ame ninjas.

"Go back and share some food." he advised.

As he said these words, Hanzo felt like he had aged decades once more, his eyes heavy with complications, his body weakened.

"Hanzo-sama!" Kandachi started to speak, but Hanzo interrupted him.

"Everyone should reserve five days of dry food, and then we shall confront Suna! This old man can't bear any further delays. This battle must result in victory, not defeat."

There was no turning back. Hanzo sighed inwardly, walking forward without glancing back at the villagers who were both lovely and sad.

He couldn't bear to face them, for the more he looked at these people, the greater his shame.

He couldn't reconcile with himself. The memories reminded him of his fearless former self, who now indulged in false praise and pitiful power struggles. Hanzo had become the very type of person he once hated in the past l.

When had he become cowardly? Hanzo thought as he looked the endless rain and storm, yet he found no answers.


Aside from the sound of rain, the surroundings lay in eerie silence. From a cliff that overlooked numerous ravines formed by the convergence of rainwater, it was a unique sight.

Hanzo stood drenched in the rain, realizing it was the only way to rouse himself. His fingers quivered, and his heart felt tense. To what extent could he do this in his current state?

With each passing day, he sensed his body deteriorating, his will to fight weakening. In a few days, he would launch a full-scale attack on Suna alongside Konoha. Could he truly secure victory?

Hanzo was in a state of uncertainty. The resolve he had built up with fervor due to the old man Kaze's words had begun to waver.



As long as he chose to give up the battle, he could rule Ame for more than a decade, enjoy the respect of others, and savor the wonderful taste of power. Why should he fight?..... Should he give up now?

Moreover, Sunagakure's goal was solely Konoha. All he needed to do was bend the knee slightly to Suna, make a compromise, and perhaps the crisis could be averted.

In that case, the battle could be avoided, and he would continue to reign as Ame's revered demigod.

However, he couldn't escape the haunting image of the ravaged Land of Rain, where the poor people struggled to secure their next meal. Could he truly bow down and compromise at a time when the Land of Rain had sunk to such depths?

If he conceded to Suna, would Suna truly let him go?

Hanzo's mind was muddled, torn between the desire to compromise and the urge to fight.


An unfamiliar voice called to him.

Hanzo turned around and saw three unfamiliar faces, two young men and one woman, all appearing to be less than twenty years old.

These youthful faces bore the marks of hardship and malnutrition, likely a result of prolonged food scarcity. They had Ame's forehead protectors.

"Who are you?" Hanzo inquired.

"My name is Yahiko, and these two with me are Nagato and Konan." The young man leading the group introduced himself.

Hanzo realized that he had never come across these names before. They might be low-ranking ninjas from Amegakure. So, he stood still, waiting for them to explain their presence.

"Ah, Hanzo-sama, you may never have heard about the three of us, but we have wanted an opportunity to meet with you in person. We come from the organization known as 'Akatsuki,' and I am the leader." Yahiko stated as he stepped forward, looking at Hanzo with neither humility nor arrogance.

"Akatsuki?" Hanzo was taken aback, recalling the name of this organization.

A group of Ame ninjas, formed spontaneously and dedicated to the cause of peace and alleviating the suffering in the Land of Rain. They had garnered a favorable reputation.

Hanzo observed Yahiko, a young man with a frail body but unwavering determination, reflecting a profound sense of idealism in his eyes. Unlike many other youth from Ame, Yahiko was ready to make sacrifices for his ideals, unswayed by any adversities or hardships.

Hanzo felt a bit overwhelmed by this.

In the past, he had been equally spirited, with a determined look in his eyes and a dream of not yielding to anyone. He had vowed to bring peace to the country and the world, battling evil forces, shedding blood, sustaining wounds, all while holding an unyielding spirit in his young, energetic body. He believed he could singlehandedly change the world.

Yet now, he had been changed by the world itself.

"What's the matter with you?"

Hanzo didn't like Yahiko's eyes. It reminded him of his emanate fear, self-doubt, and disgust.

"I would like to request Hanzo-sama to cease fighting against Sunagakure. Continuing this path will only result in unnecessary sacrifices." Yahiko stated his opinion.

"It's no longer an era where an old man like me can make decisions. This is the will of all of Ame." Hanzo replied with a shake of his head.

"I know that, which is why I seek Hanzo-sama's support. With your reputation, Konoha and Suna can sit down, have meaningful discussions, and work toward peace. The outcomes of war are far too painful." Yahiko said sincerely.

Yahiko was determined to convey his philosophy of peace now that he had a chance to approach Hanzo. He believed it was essential to prevent further harm to the Land of Rain.

"Suna has killed many innocent people in the Land of Rain. This is a matter of revenge!"

"Hatred will only breed more hatred. If this continues, the Land of Rain will never see true peace. Furthermore, our investigations have already revealed the massacre over a year ago was highly suspicious. I suspect that there are secret conspirators attempting to pull Ame into the waters." Yahiko maintained his stance.

"We've already fallen into the waters. What matters now is not finding the truth but pushing Suna back so the Land of Rain can swiftly recover." Hanzo responded.

"But that would result in the loss of many lives." Yahiko countered.

"Isn't it normal for people to die in war?" Hanzo questioned.

"So, I desire to resolve this war through peace talks! I believe that if everyone can come together, they can understand one another."

This was Yahiko's vision, but he lacked the fame and strength to persuade representatives from Konoha and Suna to embrace his ideals.

Hanzo was different; he was Ame's leader, a demigod who had shone during the Second Ninja World War.

With his support, Suna and Konoha would have no choice but to sit down for productive discussions, making the most of Hanzo's clout. This was the prestige and influence of a demigod, a power that could not be ignored by the two major nations, rendering the Land of Rain a force to be reckoned with.

Yahiko believed that seizing this opportunity would pave the way for peace in the Kingdom of Rain, eliminating the need for war and averting further loss of life.

Yahiko had no desire to witness more lives lost in battle. This nation had already sacrificed too much. He sought to rekindle the conscience or the discarded sense of justice among the world's great powers, also spreading this ideal to other nations. This way, no country in the world would wage war, and people everywhere could grow up happily in a peaceful environment.

This beautiful and pure ideal was the ultimate purpose of Akatsuki.

After listening to Yahiko's words, Hanzo suddenly realized that this young man was unlike anyone he had encountered before.

Because for himself, despite his naivety in the past, he wasn't so naive. Hanzo initially planned to teach Yahiko a lesson but refrained upon hearing his rather "genius" ideas. He couldn't bring himself to teach this innocent young man.

Who taught this idiot ninja? The existence of such naive individuals in the Land of Rain was something Hanzo had never anticipated. He wanted to laugh, but the bitterness in the corners of his mouth held him back.

He felt a profound sadness, his heart heavy. If this was the mindset of the young ninjas in Amegakure, he feared for the nation's future.

If the war could be resolved through peace talks, perhaps the Land of Rain wouldn't face such a dire fate.

"Hanzo-sama, do you agree with me by not speaking?" Yahiko gazed at Hanzo with hopeful eyes.

Hanzo remained silent, walked past Yahiko, and then slowly opened his mouth, "Lie in a coffin with such stupid idea. This old man actually wasted a bit of time listening to your boring words. It's a shame."

If he, as the demigod, had abandoned his past beliefs as a ninja, then this young man named Yahiko's ninja beliefs had been off course from the very beginning. He was ill-suited for this ninja world. In a world filled with either lunatics or killers, someone with such naive ideas would only bring about death, not just their own but the deaths of others as well.

The smile on Yahiko's face froze, and Hanzo descended the cliff to return to the camp.

Halfway down the mountain, Hanzo heard approaching footsteps from behind. He thought it was the young man Yahiko but was surprised to see another young man with long red hair, its length concealing his eyes.

"You must be Yahiko's comrade, right? What's the matter? I've made it clear just now. You know you're not suited for the battlefield. It would be better to return to the village for protection." Hanzo advised.

Nagato, as the man introduced himself, asked, "Yes, Hanzo-sama. Did you really dismiss Yahiko's idea just now? Yes...., Yahiko's idea is a bit naive... but is there truly no way to make it a reality?"

Hanxo didn't want to answer this question, as he was tired of people like this who seemed to lack pragmatism. However, Hanzo sensed something unique in Nagato at this moment. When he asked the question, it wasn't an inquiry; he was seeking something more profound.

Hanzo sighed, "I don't understand why that young man holds such naive ideals... There were people like him in the past."

"The past?"

"The god of ninjas—Senju Hashirama!"

Nagato's expression changed.

"In the past, Senju Hashirama advocated similar ideals and managed to end wars through negotiations... because he had unrivaled power. Otherwise, no matter how grand his ideals were, they wouldn't have been acknowledged by others."

"But I heard there were no wars when the god of ninjas existed."

"And after that?"

Nagato fell silent, the answer to that question clear. He himself had lived through these changes.

"The god of ninja died, and shortly after, the First Ninja War broke out. The Second Hokage, his younger brother, Senju Tobirama, died in that war. Then came the Second Ninja War, and now there will be a third... More than a decade later, a fourth Ninja War awaits. He may have appeared to change something, but in reality, nothing truly changed. Young man, you should wake up from your dreams, or your future will be bleak." Hanzo shook his head, wanting to leave the topic.

"In other words, as long as there is a power 'Invicible,' eternal peace can be guaranteed, right?" Nagato softly asked.

Hanzo was taken aback; he hadn't expected Nagato to pose such a question. His eyes widened, and he saw Nagato look up, his red hair flowing in the wind.



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