Naruto: Escape From Konoha

Chapter 178: 174: Blood Rain (3)

Chapter 178: 174: Blood Rain (3)

The cold air hung heavy in the atmosphere, accompanied by the relentless patter of rain.

The cries of panic from all directions failed to disturb Hanzo's stoic heart. He held his sickle with a relentless grip, cutting through the enemy ranks tirelessly.

Fear permeated the hearts of the Suna nins, their skin prickling with a shiver as an ominous aura bore down upon them.

Hanzo's onslaught was relentless and swift.

The guttural sounds of their throats showed their vigilant scanning of the surroundings, an attempt to catch sight of Hanzo. However, the sound of wind rushing towards them often felt like their final moments, leaving them not knowing when they might meet their end.

Hanzo's feet skated gracefully on the water's surface, creating ripples that vanished as quickly as they appeared. He weaved through the rain of kunai and shuriken, his body gracefully evading them. His sickle was an extension of his will, painting the battlefield red with the lifeblood of his enemies.

His movements combined Kenjutsu, the Body Flicker , and his battle-hardened instincts. With every passing second, a Suna ninja met their death, leaving crimson streaks in their wake.

Hanzo's movements left no trace, and even if an opponent caught a glimpse, their bodies often couldn't react in time. By the time they realized, Hanzo's sickle, the harbinger of death, had already descended upon them.

In this moment, Hanzo resembled a cold-blooded machine without any humanity, an entity consumed solely by combat and killing.

He appeared inhuman, like to an evil spirit clawed from the depths of hell.

The targeted ninjas froze in terror, overwhelmed by his evil aura, left trembling. Facing this man, it was clear that no single person, nor ten, nor a hundred could stop his onslaught.

The Suna ninjas understood this well. However, they stood resolute, offering their flesh and blood as a human wall, creating a space for their comrades to attack. For they were not a mere hundred, but at least three thousand Suna ninja.

Deploying a strategy where a thousand ninjas contained a thousand Ame ninjas, while two thousand besieged the wounded Hanzo, was the highest respect they could pay.

The taijutsu and kenjutsu experts took the forefront, backed by long-range ninjutsu users. Gradually, an intricate dance of offense and defense took shape among the Suna ninja.

They knew Hanzo's incredible power, but their determination to fight remained unshakeable. As long as they could capitalize on the opponent's weakness, they could reap the fruits of victory.

"Lightning Release - False Darkness!"

A true ninja knew how and when to be hidden. And at the most opportune moment, they delivered the killing blow.

This was a fundamental truth Kakuzu had lived by and one that every ninja should understand. The more famous you were, the greater the burden you had.

This had been true for the god of ninjas, the legendary Sannin and remained so for the current demigod.

Fame brought with it trouble and countless assassination attempts. There were moments, though, when one had to attract attention.

After all, this was a corpse worth a hundred million ryo. Securing it would undoubtedly quench some of the emptiness in Kakuzu's heart. Money fueled his desires and greed.

Hovering in the skies was an obscure, pitch-black creature. To onlookers, it resembled a unique summoned creature. Wearing a mask etched with lightning patterns, it emitted a sharp lightning from its mouth that struck Hanzo with great precision.

Caught off guard, Hanzo emitted a painful moan as he was jolted by the sudden attack. The lightning tore through his clothes, revealing the scars that adorned his back.

Hanzo tumbled to the ground, disoriented by Kakuzu's unexpected attack. His enemy had pinpointed his blind spot, launching an attack that was fast without hesitation.

Kunai and shuriken rained from siy.

Hanzo, in desperation, slapped the ground with his palm, conjuring a water wall that deflected the projectiles. Although the defensive maneuver succeeded, two shuriken managed to pierce through, lodging themselves into his thigh.

"His reactions and resistance have reduced. This old man is far less powerful than before." Kakuzu mumbled.

If it was 10 years ago, provoking Hanzo would have been unthinkable, but even the mightiest ninjas were susceptible to the ravages of time.

Hanzo, who had dedicated the first half of his life to relentless elwar, carried countless hidden injuries. With age, his strength reduced, still surpassing ordinary ninja but a mere shadow of his former self.

The Suna ninjas, for all their fear of Hanzo's prowess, fought valiantly. Even in the face of his weakened state, they could sense the chance to grasp victory.

Hence, it was crucial for Kakuzu to dispose of Hanzo's remains before their value depreciates.

However, being on Suna's home field, he needed to assist without exposing too much of his capabilities. It's a cooperative effort, yet when the time came to divide Hanzo's spoils, they may not remain allies.

It was necessary to ensure victory for Suna, but he also had to make it difficult for them to win. It eas best to make them win with heavy casualties.

"That person should be cautious as well." Chiyo noticed Kakuzu and, with her keen perception, saw some of his intentions.

Although he was introduced as a bounty hunter by Iwagakure, Chiyo hadn't expected such a figure to fight to death for Suna.

After all, Suna and Iwa were different, and they wouldn't readily extend their trust to bounty hunters on the defection list. l She discreetly instructed a few jounin to lurk nearby, fostering a sense of caution in both parties. If anyone had intentions to retrieve Hanzo's body for financial gain, Suna would ensure that the consequences were steep.

Since one of Chiyo's puppets had been destroyed by Hanzo earlier, she now controlled only nine puppets. However, she wasn't rushing to secure victory. Her focus shifted from Hanzo to the Ame ninjas outside of his position, her gaze with murderous intent.

Unlike Hanzo, this group of Ame ninjas were lacking in combat proficiency. Chiyo's aim was clear. Wiping out the Ame ninjas first, then free up her forces, ultimately resolving the most significant threat posed by Hanzo.

Chiyo's dexterous fingers set on a puppet, wearing in a large white robe, free from the constraints of gravity. The puppet floated above the ground with lightning speed, charging towards the Ame nins in the crowd.

The thunderstorm persisted, and lightning crackled in the dark clouds.

The ground echoed with the sounds of slaughter, persisting even under the constant wash of rain. A pervasive scent of blood lingered in the air.

The number of Ame ninjas had seen a sharp decline, and this was an uneven contest, despite their valiant efforts. For each fallen Suna ninja, Ame suffered three, four, or even five casualties.

Some of the Ame ninjas shed tears, while others relied on shouting to quell their fear of death. None sought escape, for they understood that fleeing was synonymous with death. They chose to confront the enemy, showing themselves as heroes for their village and country.

Faces splattered with blood dashed across the battlefield, pierced by kunai and slashed by the puppet's sharp blades, consumed by fire from exploding tags, and sundered by Wind Release jutsu.

Heavy rain lashed everyone mercilessly, a relentless attack both on their bodies and their souls.

Ibuse found itself besieged by a large number of Suna ninjas, his body covered with a mixture of both his enemy's blood and self-inflicted wounds. Its tail had been severed, and its poisonous blood continued to ooze.

The quantity was overwhelming, and not even the swift-moving salamanders could evade all these attacks.

Hanzo's mind had no space for other thoughts, his entire focus was on dealing with the enemies in front of him.

"Water Release - Water Gun!"

Raindrops that had fallen near Hanzo abruptly froze in mid-air before reversing course and streaking towards the surrounding Suna ninjas.

They created an incessant whirring sound as they impacted the flesh and blood of the ninjas, boring bloodied holes into over a dozen of the Suna ninjas.

These unfortunate souls fell to the ground, dead in an instant.

The more distant Suna ninjas suffered as well, but their injuries were less severe, as only parts of their bodies had been struck, sparing them instant death.


Coughing up blood, Hanzo examined the aftermath and refrained from pursuing. He sensed victory but was keenly aware of his weakening strength. The wounds he bore were reopening and showing signs of worsening. Reality was unrelenting, steadily reminding him of his impending death.

"Hanzo is dying! Do not let him catch his breath!"

The Jounin leading the Suna forces recognized Hanzo's sudden weakness when he coughed up blood. They understood that his condition was deteriorating, or else such an opportune moment would not have arisen.

The Suna ninjas moved with unrelenting aggression, seizing this opening mercilessly and launching a vigorous attacks.

Hanzo looked upwards and observed the water bomb that was as hard as steel, the wind hurricane capable of cleaving through objects, kunai rigged with explosive tags, and chakra-infused kunai—all flying towards him.

His frail body and current condition made it challenging to escape using the Body Flicker.

With one hand, Hanzo rapidly performed a series of hand signs.

"Water Release -"

"Shinra Tensei!"

A sudden, unexpected voice resounded. Hanzo's eyes widened. The voice... '....could it be that boy, Nagato..?'

All the devastating attacks unleashed by the Suna ninjas stopped abruptly, as if time and space had come to a stop. Immediately afterwards, an even more powerful repulsive force radiated from Nagato, prompting the Suna ninjas to cry out in pain.

The water bomb and hurricane were forced to return, and the kunai with explosive tags exploded among the Suna forces, throwing their formation into chaos. Blood spattered in all directions, as some struggled to evade the projectiles.

A large number of chakra-infused kunai similarly recoiled, cutting through the ranks of Suna ninja.

The attacks they had unleashed had become instruments of their own destruction.

This scene astonished the Suna ninjas. They haf to question if, apart from Hanzo, there existed such a powerful ninja within Ame.

They observed Ame ninjas with distinct costume surrounding Hanzo.

They all wore uniform black overcoats, none of them were very old, none older than twenty. Both men and women were among their ranks, and their leader was Yahiko.

"Hanzo-sama, are you alright?" Nagato stood beside Hanzo, asking worriedly.

"Nagato, you shouldn't be here..." Hanzo grasped the ideals of these young naive peace-lovers, though recognizing them as mere ideals.

Arriving on the battlefield at this moment, aside from sacrificing their precious lives in vain, they had little else to gain.

Nagato was about to offer a reply when Yahiko, stationed in the field between Hanzo and the Suna ninja, addressed the Suna ninjas with a solemn expression:

"Please sto this senseless fighting! I am Yahiko of Amegakure, leader of the Akatsuki organization. I sincerely hope that Suna will engage in peace talks with us, Ame, and stop these needless killings and sacrifices. Putting all disputes on the table for negotiation is mutually beneficial. This is my reason for being here!"

His voice resonated with sincerity, without a sound of joke. He wished to convey that he took this matter seriously.

However, the Suna ninjas exchanged confised glances, their eyes filled with hesitation and uncertainty.

They were confused about what the Ame boy was talking about

Seeing the confused expressions from every Suna ninja, Yahiko began to feel uncertain. Had he said something wrong? Why were they looking at him that way?

He believed that his words made sense, inspired by the teachings of his sensei, Jiraiya, one of the Sannin. He believed that people could reach an understanding and wanted to act as a bridge to that day.

To become the bridge of mutual understanding between people, to unravel the cursed fate of war that hung over the ninja world was his purpose. This is why he had ventured here, at the risk of his life, to convey his resolve and belief to all present.

But then...

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

It was unclear which Suna ninja started laughing, but others soon joined in.

They laughed crazily, almost to the point of tears.

"What's this kid talking about? Peace talks? Right now? What were you doing before this? If you want to surrender, put down your weapons, and we'll talk." A Suna ninja jeered.with a mocking expression and his eyes harboring malice.


Yahiko started to respond, but the Suna ninja commanding them interrupted.

"What are you hesitating about? If you seriously want peace talks, then shouldn't you show your sincerity? If you're not sincere enough, we won't accept your offer for peace talks. So, surrender now." the Suna ninja commanded.

"If I surrender, will you genuinely commit to peace?"

"Of course, we value our reputation as a powerful nation."

After hearing this, Yahiko pondered seriously.

If this meant that, despite feeling somewhat embarrassed, he could be the bridge for mutual understanding among people, then this was the one chance he had.

In order to prevent this nation from suffering further, so that people would no longer engage in war and killing, that many wouldn't be displaced, he was ready to take the risk.

Even if this was merely a fa?ade, it was worth trying.

And so, Yahiko took a deep breath, preparing to bend his knees under the gaze of everyone.

The people from Akatsuki couldn't help but feel indignant at this sight, witnessing Suna's apparent mistreatment of Yahiko. But they had to watch in frustration, for they placed their trust in Yahiko, believing that his ideals of peace could transform this war-torn world with its hatred and curses to loving peace.

Hanzo sighed silently and closed his eyes.

The Suna ninjas observed Yahiko's actions with surprise, many not expecting the Ame ninja to surrender so readily. They had assumed he would waver.

As he knelt on the cold ground, Yahiko felt a sense of humiliation. However, he was willing to bear that humiliation for the sake of peace in the country. If his sacrifice could end the war, bringing peace to the land, Yahiko was prepared to kneel for eternity, if necessary.

"Now you can..."

Yahiko let out a breath, preparing to raise his head, but what met his eyes was a sword rapidly approaching.


Blood sprayed onto Yahiko's face.

Yahiko was dumbfounded, as was the Suna ninja who had attacked him.

The sword had pierced Hanzo's abdomen. Without wincing, Hanzo twirled the sickle in his right hand and swung it down with precision at the Suna ninja before him.

In an instant, a massive gash marred the Suna ninja's body, releasing a torrent of blood as he fell, his face twisted in unwillingness.


Yahiko stared in disbelief at the scene before him, seemingly unable to process the upheaval that had unfolded.

Yahiko gazed blankly at the scene before him, seemingly unable to react to the recent upheaval.

"Boy, stop making these cowardly gestures."

Hanzo said, looking back at Yahiko with a deep intensity.

Hanzo, a veteran of three ninja wars, had long abandoned hope for peace. In this world, there was no peace, only the dominion of the strong and the subjugation of the weak.

The weak were destined to be targets of oppression, for their weakness did not earn them sympathy from their enemies, instead, it invited ridicule and brutal mistreatment.

Such was the harsh reality of the ninja world where the strong lived, and the weak died.


Nagato, Konan, and others surrounded Yahiko, their faces showing a mixture of grief and righteous indignation.

Why did these Suna ninjas refuse to heed their ideas? Killing and war could never be acts of justice.

It should be noted that in all prior ninja wars, it was the Land of Rain, a small nation, that bore the brunt of the suffering each time. Why was their sufferings consistently overlooked?

Nagato, too, felt a surge of anger, but as he saw Yahiko kneeling and pleading for peace talks, he couldn't help but question.

'Is what Jiraiya-sensei taught really true? Can people truly understand each other? Or, rather, can understanding each other genuinely resolve disputes?'

Looking at the ferocious, bloodthirsty, and deranged Suna ninjas, Nagato fell into a state of confusion.

He thought of the people in the Land of Rain who had been forcibly separated from their loved ones, becoming homeless wanderers, and villages reduced to ruins.

Yet, now was not the time to think about these issues. The Suna ninjas surrounding them were on the verge of launching another attack.

This time, it was not just Hanzo; Akatsuki and the others were now targets in Suna's pursuit.

"Don't attempt to appeal to the enemy's conscience through your own weakness. As citizens of a weaker nation, all we have left is resistance and battle."

The voice was not loud, yet it resonated with immense power in everyone's ears.

Nagato, in particular, felt that Hanzo directed these words at him.

Although they stood in close proximity, Nagato felt that Hanzo occupied an entirely different world.

"Leave. Go and find your future!. As the leader of Ame, this old man cannot escape this fight. Lead everyone to safety. As long as you survive, there remains hope. If you die, there will be nothing left."

Hanzo advanced slowly, his words spoken in hushed tones. It seemed like he addressed the Akatsuki around him, but it also seemed like he spoke to himself.

The Suna ninjas hesitated to approach, as they sensed an unprecedented level of danger radiating from Hanzo.

Dying beasts were the most dangerous.

In their eyes, Hanzo had undoubtedly reached this level of deadly existence.

Hanzo, with a blank expression, removed the sword embedded in his abdomen, allowing the blood to flow freely.

He gazed steadily at the numerous Suna ninjas, who, until this moment, still bore an air of arrogance as the so-called ninjas of a major nation.

Indeed, this world is one where the weak fall prey to the strong.

Corrupted by the title of demigod and so-called power, he had forgotten what he had once valued most... Power.

"This old man no longer has any regrets or hesitations."

No regrets, no hesitations.

'Nagato..... it was great for this old man to see you again one last time' Hanzo said inwardly

Through this battle and Yahiko's weak compromise, they would open his Rinnegan and finally witness the true nature of this world.

This was why Hanzo didn't stop Yahiko from kneeling before Suna just now.

From this point forward, Akatsuki's dreams lay in tatters.

The time had come to awaken from their innocent dream and confront this harsh world where the strong prey on the weak.

Hanzo reached for his collar, tearing it off with force. The upper body's attire vanished with the wind.

Underneath lay a robust body that had weathered countless trials.

Countless sword wounds and marks adorned it like medals, a testament to a history of battling numerous formidable foes.

The rain poured, casting a gloomy and oppressive atmosphere.

Hanzo's aura grew progressively more menacing, approaching a critical juncture.

"This is the final reckoning."

Hanzo began forming seals, sufficient to suppress the stifling chakra, causing it to surge from his body.

"Water Release - Poison Dragon!"

"Wha- What's going on?"

"This must be a trick, right? Why does he still have such power?"

"Damn it!"

Panic swept through the ranks of Suna ninjas.

The earth levitated. More precisely, it was devoured by tsunami-like waves.

Then, the water flow began to reverse its course, appearing as if the sky and earth were inverted, inducing a surreal sense of disorientation.

Hidden within this dreamlike landscape lay a terrifying murderous intent.

The waterspout ascended into the sky, crimson and bloodstained, unleashing a deafening roar as it morphed into a large dragon, tens of meters in length.

Different from the Water Dragon jutsu's transparent, colorless appearance, this dragon was substantially larger, and its body exhibited a strikingly opaque hue. Throughout the dragon's body, a large amount of black substance permeated, turning it an ominous shade.

Oddly, inexplicable black bubbles formed on the dragon's surface.

This black dragon, stained with an inky substance, emitted a powerful deathly aura.

Despite their hesitation, the Suna ninjas wasted little time in adopting a resolute stance and launched an assault on Hanzo.

In their eyes, the black dragon appeared dubious, and thus, targeting Hanzo directly was the preferable approach.

Killing the user would automatically end the ninjutsu. This was common ninja wisdom.

"Let's go!"

Recognizing Hanzo's determination to confront death, Nagato realized that remaining here was dangerous.

The Suna ninjas were not solely focused on Hanzo, they were also tracking Akatsuki.

The peace negotiations had undoubtedly failed.

Yahiko's path was far from ideal. Undoubtedly, coming here had been a grievous error in judgment.

"Shinra Tensei!"

The expressions of the dozen or so Suna ninjas, charging toward Hanzo, abruptly changed as a powerful force flung them off their feet. They tumbled awkwardly along the ground, feeling as if their internal organs were on the brink of displacement.

"Yahiko, stop thinking about it, let's go!"

Konan and the others had understand how dangerous their situation was and, finding Yahiko still contemplating the reasons about the outcome. They yanked him along as they retreated.

In Akatsuki, Nagato was undeniably the most powerful, with only Konan and Yahiko matching the strength of Jounin. Their current battlefield was so treacherous that even a Jounin might easily meet their end.

Their fortunate circumstance was that the majority of Suna ninjas remained focused on Hanzo. Otherwise, all of them would would have no possibility of surviving.

Nagato looked back at Hanzo, surrounded by a large number of Suna ninjas. The old ninja, resolute and upright, remained undeterred even in the relentless downpour.

Though it pained him, Nagato clenched his teeth and suppressed his grief, following Yahiko and the others to safety.

Ninjas more powerful than Hanzo also fought in battles with determination to die.

Despite his Rinnegan, Nagato still had several shortcomings. He couldn't hope to emerge unscathed while being besieged by such a large enemy force.

As they headed toward the outer edges of the Suna encirclement, they encountered fallen bodies, the remnants of the Suna ninjas slain by Hanzo earlier. A rough count revealed hundreds of them.

The Suna ninjas pursued them relentlessly. Although most of the ninjas concentrated on Hanzo, over two hundred pursuers were assigned to their side, led by several Jounins.


Corpses, corpses, and more corpses littered the battlefield.

Everywhere you looked, lifeless bodies lay strewn about.

The corpses bore the unmistakable mark of a lethal poison, black bubbles festering upon their skin.

Their expressions, far from serene, spoke of torment and struggle, their faces etched with the pain of their final moments, frozen in twisted agony.

The black dragon, was a water release jutsu of Hanzo's creation, his ultimate forbidden ninjutsu.

In typical circumstances, a water dragon created through ninjutsu would dissipate into water upon impact.

However, this black dragon, oozing deadly poison, defied common ninjutsu principles. It appeared as if it were a living dragon, with the ability to move freely.

The form of the black dragon slithered forward. The Suna ninjas about to respond with their seals, were instantly scattered to the winds.

The areas of their bodies that made contact with the black dragon immediately swelled with black blisters. Countless Suna ninjas writhed in pain on the ground, their cries echoing through the battlefield.

Even the most experienced ninja couldn't suppress a shiver. The horror emanating from the black dragon's eyes was palpable. A mere touch meant death, and the antidotes they carried were rendered useless against this unknown poison.

Any Suna ninja who attempted to block the black dragon was met with a gruesome fate. Their blood sprayed as they were flung backwards, succumbing to the excruciating torment inflicted by the black virus.

The tremendous power of the black dragon's advance shook the earth, and the dark clouds overhead coalesced into a tempestuous vortex, with lightning coursing through the stormy sky.

Despite their best efforts to quell their fear, panic was etched across the faces of the Suna ninjas.

They were acutely aware that this battle was uneven. None of their ninjutsu or explosive tags made the slightest dent on the evil black dragon.

It might not be a tailed beast, but it was a force to be reckoned with.

Getting close to the black dragon spelled doom, as its powerful poison rapidly corroded everything it touched. It was impossible to solve.

"The body is almost at its limit, Nagato and the others should have escaped..."

Looking at the black poisonous dragon raging on the battlefield, Hanzo coughed softly, his voice getting older, his eyes scanned the surroundings, and he clenched the sickle tightly in his hand.

Before his life met its inevitable end, he had to eliminate the greatest threat in Suna.

Thus, he made his move, propelled by determination. Facing the cold wind and pelting rain, his eyes, as cold as the rain itself, mirrored his unwavering resolve.

"How is this possible? The antidote I prepared..." Chiyo, who watched Suna Jōnin suffer in excruciating pain, was in disbelief. Her antidote, which had effectively countered Hanzo's Poison in past battles, was proving ineffective.

She couldn't comprehend the situation. She had previously decoded all the poisons carried by Hanzo. There should be no room for error. So why couldn't her antidote neutralize the poison carried by the black dragon?

"What kind of ninjutsu is Hanzo using..?" Chiyo was left puzzled.

Water release, which typically manifested water forms in a transient form dissolved after impact, had now inexplicably brought forth a living water dragon covered in deadly, unknown poison. Had Hanzo hidden this vicious ninjutsu during their previous encounters, only to unleash it now?

"Chiyo-sama, be careful!"

An urgent cry from a Suna nin reached her ears.

Distracted by her thoughts on how to counter Hanzo's jutsu, Chiyo sensed imminent danger. Reacting instinctively, she shifted her body and rapidly maneuvered her nine puppets into action.

Pfft! Pfft! Pfft!

With a swift, violent motion, the white-robed puppet kept thrust its sword deep into Hanzo's chest, draining his remaining life force.

Hanzo's sickle fell from his weakening grasp, hitting the rain-soaked ground with a soft thud.

His eyes, dim and regretful, met Chiyo's gaze. It had almost been within his reach.

Everything happened so fast that Chiyo couldn't react in time. As she regained her composure, she realized that one of her arms was gone, and blood was spattering from the wound.


Chiyo cried out, clutching the bleeding stump where her arm used to be. The pain from the severed limb was excruciating.

"Hanzo, you bastard! How dare you—." Chiyo began to speak, her words filled with venom.

Through gritted teeth, she glared at Hanzo. The agony of losing her arm was etched upon her face.

"It's a pity , I'm too old. If it was ten years ago, I wouldn't have missed that strike..."

Hanzo's voice carried a hint of regret. It was nearly over.

This aged body had but a flicker of life left.

Reality was harsh, and Hanzo had to accept that he was the one defeated.

The legends of demi-god and hero... were perhaps unnecessary after all.

The world operated on a simple principle—winners dominated, while losers were stripped of everything.

Name, honor, life, dignity—everything was taken away.

Hanzo's long, light yellow hair hung in disarray, blood dripping from his forehead. It collected on his chin, mixed with rainwater, and dripped onto the ground.

"Ninjas are only valuable in battle. The rest of one's life is riddled with regrets... Ah well, forget it, old woman. I'm taking my leave, waiting for you down below..."

The world before him turned gray as Hanzo's eyes gradually lost their light. A serene smile graced his face as he succumbed to his final exhaustion, embracing the abyss.

As Chiyo looked at Hanzo's lifeless corpse starting to get cold, she let out a heavy sigh, almost getting killed.

"This old man's body flicker is still so fast...but it comes at a cost." she remarked with surprise.

To her surprise, the black dragon persisted even after Hanzo's death. However, it now appeared to have lost control, like a beast with a broken leash, rampaging and killing indiscriminately.

"Why hasn't the jutsu released yet?" Chiyo's complexion change drastically, and a dreadful suspicion began to take root.

"Could it be that this black dragon feeds on the user's vitality, growing stronger... Damn it! That old bastard had such a trick up his sleeve!"

This revelation was the only plausible explanation for why the black dragon maintained its form and continued its onslaught after Hanzo's death.

The poison would persist until the vitality and chakra in the black dragon's body were entirely drained, causing it to attack any living being in its proximity.

"Retreat! Quick, retreat!"

Chiyo paid no mind to her throbbing, severed arm; there was little point in engaging further with the uncontrollable black dragon.

As long as ther returned, analyzing Hanzo's body would grant Suna access to this unique jutsu and including this unknown poison. Even if it meant enduring a severed arm, the sacrifice was worth the insight gained.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the earth, their arms as tough as steel and dyed black, efficiently dismantling two white-robed puppet puppets with sheer force.

The intruder skillfully seized Hanzo's corpse and swiftly stabbed in on the Suna circle's weakest point.

This figure was Kakuzu, who had patiently bided his time to abscond with Hanzo's remains and eliminate the Suna Jōnin keeping tabs on him. Now, he had achieved his goal.

"I'll gladly accept this hundred million-ryo corpse without hesitation." Kakuzu declared.

As Kakuzu made his escape, a black creature flew through the skies, incessantly emitting lightning from its mouth to pave the way ahead.

Obtaining this hundred-million ryo treasure, Kakuzu experienced a sense of contentment as he fled the battlefield.

"Stop him!"

The sight infuriated Chiyo, who was teetering on the brink of coughing out blood. The Suna ninjas in the vicinity rallied and gave chase to Kakuzu. All the effort they had expended to secure these assets couldn't be snatched away by an outsider.

Their objective wasn't just about pride, their reputation was at stake as well.

While some ninjas pursued Kakuzu, Chiyo organized her forces for an orderly retreat. The black dragon had clearly spiraled out of control, and their best course of action was to let it self-destruct. Still, even as they retreated, several dozen ninjas fell victim to the berserk black dragon, meeting a grim death.

"That old responsible for this disaster." Chiyo muttered, believing that Hanzo's sudden attack upon her was a result of his vitality being drained by the black dragon, and he wanted to kill her before he died

While she withdrew from the battlefield, a Suna ninja approached her hurriedly.


"What's the matter?"

Chiyo recalled this Suna ninja, one of the sensory ninjas in Suna's force deployed to ambush Konoha. For this mission, she had committed nearly six thousand ninjas in total, with roughly 3,500 besieging Amegakure and over 2,000 preventing Konoha from aiding Ame's main force.

"Ebizo-sama and Rasa urge Chiyo-sama to return to the camp immediately!"

"What's wrong?"

"We didn't encounter any of Konoha troops."

"Why?" Chiyo's volume suddenly increased, and her face suddenly turned pale.

"Not a single encounter with Konoha's forces!"

"What!" Chiyo's voice quivered. The very idea was preposterous. Could it be—

"Damn you, Orochimaru!" Chiyo's understanding dawned. Her expression darkened, her eyes smoldering with rage.

They had all been deceived by Orochimaru.

Orochimaru had intended for Hanzo to be the sacrificial pawn in his plan, and to pit both Hanzo and Suna against each other. This much was clear from the very beginning. To ensure safety, she had brought nearly six thousand ninjas for this mission, with only one thousand guarding the camp.

If Orochimaru launched an attack with Konoha's vast army now...

Chiyo couldn't bear to entertain the thought. The camp contained all the resources Suna had gathered over the years, making Konoha the true beneficiary of this battle.

In this contest, it was Konoha that emerged as the greatest victor, not Suna.


"Those people are that Akatsuki."

Meanwhile, hidden behind a rock was, Kandachi, the ninja who had betrayed Hanzo's,

Watching the battle between the Akatsuki and Suna unfold, Kandachi frowned.

"If they manage to escape, it could spell trouble for my rule over Ame in the future." he muttered.

While Akatsuki held no major sway among the high-ranking figures, their reputation within Ame's commoners was noteworthy.

Their existence might pose a challenge to Kandachi's rule over Ame.

He prayed that Suna would eliminate them entirely. Yet, as he witnessed more than two hundred Suna ninja pursuing Nagato and the others, he observed that the team was putting up a fierce fight. The remaining Akatsuki members, led by Yahiko, fled from the encirclement at incredible speed.

"That red-haired kid is incredible. Who on earth is he?" Kandachi amazed.

He had initially assumed Akatsuki's members were run-of-the-mill ninjas, but it seemed they had hidden talents.

Though Konan possessed considerable strength, she struggled against a dozen or so Suna ninja. In comparison, Nagato's ability to incapacitate more than a dozen enemies was staggering.

"No, this red-haired kid must be killed. If he doesn't die, he may threaten my position as the leader of Ame." Kandachi grumbled, his expression darkening. He vanished behind the boulder.

"Konan, let's go!"

Nagato said. Using Shinra Tensei to repel the last batch of Suna squads. With a deep breath, he called out to Konan, urging her to flee alongside him.

Konan didn't hesitate, racing off with Nagato in tow.

These Suna ninja, even if Nagato could handle them, put up quite a fight.

While his Shinra Tensei could repel attacks and bodies in all directions, it lacked the fatal punch.

Nagato, facing these fearless Suna ninjas, now grasped the might of shinobi from a major nation.

The determination and physical prowess they had honed as ninja far exceeded those in the Land of Rain.

"I think we're safe now." Nagato assessed the distance from the Suna ninja behind them. Though they'd faced significant delays, escaping danger was a relief.

Konan, loked at the rain falling from the sky, asked a heavy question: "Do you think Hanzo-sama will survive?"

Nagato maintained silence, the answer carrying considerable weight.

Konan, aware of the gravity, understood the weightiness of the question. They were Amegakure ninjas, and legends of the demigod had fascinated them since childhood. With the demigod's protection lost in this war, they were now confronted with an uncertain future.

For the first time, confusion clouded Konan's eyes.

"Hanzo-sama will return alive! Now, let's meet up with Yahiko and the others, then head back to Amegakure. I'm more concerned about our village right now." Nagato stated abruptly.

"The village?" Konan found herself puzzled.

"It's quite peculiar that Lord Hanzo's forces were easily ambushed by Suna." Nagato explained.

"It's really strange that the troops led by Hanzo-sama were easily caught in an ambush by Suna."

"Are you implying—" Konan's expression changed slightly.

'Konoha!!! Suna!!' Nagato clenched his fists, his face etched with seriousness.

He fervently hoped his guess was nothing but wishful thinking, as the implications would be disastrous if it proved true.


"Are you Amegakure ninjas?"

The Akatsuki, who were retreating, suddenly encountered dozens of ninjas blocking their path within the Grand Canyon.

"Who are you?"

These ninjas obstructing their way wore Konoha headbands, some even dressed as Konoha Anbu, yet the mask's strange paintwork gave off an eerie aura.

"We're from Konoha, and our large forces were ambushed by Suna on the way... What's the situation on your end?" a Konoha Anbu inquired.

He had multiple wounds, as did the rest of the Konoha ninjas, indicating they had fought fiercely.

When the Anbu asked about Amegakure's battle, Akatsuki fell into an uneasy silence. Yahiko also fell silent, without speaking.


The Anbu member sighed, moved closer to pat one of them consolingly, and said, "Don't worry, as long you escape, I'll get you to safety."


A kunai lodged itself in the chest of an Akatsuki member, leaving the Akatsuki ninja confused by the Anbu's actions.

"For..... Why...?" His eyes betrayed his confusion and pain.

He couldn't comprehend why Konoha, their ally, would strike down a fellow friendly ninja.

The Anbu was uninterested in talking more, delivered a swift kick, propelling the fallen ninja. Raising his hand, he gave a cold command: "Eliminate them all. Leave no one behind!"

"You- are you crazy!!?" Yahiko couldn't believe Konoha's ninjas turning against them. They were allies, after all. Why would allies kill one another?

Quick as a shadow, the Anbu executed a jutsu, dividing into over a dozen ethereal shadows, each infiltrating an Akatsuki member. Their bodies froze, unable to move, ensnared by the Shadow Imitation Jutsu.

The ninja who implemented this jutsu was obviously from the Nara clan of Konoha with their signature jutsu.

Countless kunai and shuriken rained from the sky, amplifying before Yahiko and the others' eyes. Afterward, the sound of bodies being struck by sharp weapons resonated.

"Nagato, Konan..." Yahiko's consciousness dwindled after this only thought in his mind.

Looking at the corpses littering the ground, Kandachi stepped forth from his hidden location and expressed satisfaction: "As expected of Danzo-sama's subordinates, your strike is swift and merciless."

"We only need to complete the mission."

"Next, a red-haired boy and a blue-haired girl will return here shortly. The red-haired boy is something to watch out for, he can use a strange ninjutsu that bounces everything around him. However, he can't use it continually, there's an interval between each use." Kandachi shared with the leader of the Anbu the information he had been observing.... Rather they were from Konoha' root.

"Don't worry. This is part of the arrangement to help you secure your leadership in Ame next. The Land of Rain will become a subsidiary of the Land of Fire, and Amegakure will be affiliated with Konoha.".

"Of course. When I return, I'll eliminate Hanzo's wife, son, and grandson. Every trace of Hanzo will vanish from Ame. Tell Danzo-sama to be at ease. I shall leave, looking forward to your good news from Ame." Kandachi conveyed, sporting a satisfied grin before vanishing in front of the Root ninja.

Eight Root members remained, joined by other Konoha ninjas from the Shimura clan, all of them under the command of Shimura Danzo, the Root leader.

Their aim for gathering here was to eliminate any Ame ninja who might threaten Kandachi's position as the leader of Ame in the future. The impending establishment of Amegakure as an affiliated ninja village of Konoha called for a compliant authority.

"As a result, Suna will be overwhelmed and withdraw from the battlefield. Ame will become another of Orochimaru's victims. If he loses, it's over for him. If he wins and secures the title of the Fourth Hokage, his path will be unimpeded, free from threats."

Therefore, an era where the Fourth Hokage and Root joined forces, setting in motion a world-shaking era, which awaited Konoha.

Deep in contemplation of this grand vision for the future, the Root ninja led the other Konoha ninjas in positioning themselves on the battlefield. They then left quickly to lay in wait, ready to ambush their targets.

Five minutes later.

Nagato and Konan, belatedly, appeared within the canyon. Looking upon the lifeless bodies strewn across the earth, they stood in stunned silence. Their thoughts grew hazy, overwhelmed by the gravity of what they were witnessing.

Yahiko was.... dead.

Every member of Akatsuki had met their death.

What could have happened here? Was this a dream? How had they not yet awakened from it?

"How could this's impossible...everyone...Yahiko...Yahiko! Wake me up!"

Konan wept as she saw the lifeless face of the corpse before her, the radiant smile filled of vigor and sunshine was never seen again.

Lying on the ground was a lifeless corpse, a chilling sight that left Nagato in shock. He looked at the crimson surroundings and the cold faces of the Akatsuki members, the scene piercing his heart.

He struggled to breathe, overwhelmed by a surge of emotions—weakness, sorrow, pain. These tumultuous feelings coursed through Nagato, causing his body to tremble.

With a stiff expression and fiery red hair obscuring his eyes, Nagato slowly knelt and tenderly touched Yahiko's chest with trembling fingers.


As he spoke, a faint hissing sound reached Nagato's ears. Despite his grief, Nagato's instincts alerted him that something was amiss. He hastily lifted Yahiko's shirt and discovered an array of explosive tags tightly wrapped around his friend's chest.

In that moment, both Nagato and Konan's pupils shrank.


The explosion engulfed them both, and Nagato instinctively shielded Konan, their bodies rolling on the ground. Nagato groaned in pain.


Konan knew that Nagato had protected her and spared her from the worst. However, Nagato's back was scorched by the fire, and the sight of blood oozing from his wounds filled Konan's heart with pain.

"Konan, be careful!"

The moment the detonation occurred, Nagato sensed the presence of an enemy. As he suspected, countless kunai and shurikens descended from the sky, their edges adorned with explosive tags, aimed at destroying Nagato and Konan.

"Shinra Tensei!"

Nagato raised his hand, releasing a powerful repulsive force that deflected the weapons and detonated the kunai with explosive tags in mid-air.

"Attack! Kill them!" The Root ninja took the lead, charging forward from their concealed positions, followed by members of the Shimura clan.

"Konoha ninja..." Nagato instantly recognized the attackers from their clothing, Konoha headbands, and the use of the Nara clan's shadow jutsu.

Their sensei was Jiraiya... was also from this village.

"Shinra Tensei!"

Nagato's repulsive force sent a Root ninja who was rushing to the front to be directly ejected backwards.

While Shinra Tensei could deflect physical objects, it couldn't repel intangible jutsus like shadow imitation jutsu.

Yet, Nagato didn't dodge, allowing the extended shadow of the Root ninja to infiltrate his own.

"The Shadow Imitation Jutsu was successful.".

"Did you kill these people?"

Nagato didn't care about being controlled by the shadow imitation jutsu, but asked a question.

"This is quite a pointless Q&A."

Retorted the Root ninja who had been blown away by Shinra Tensei. He rose, slapping the mud from his body and wearing a cold smile.

"Aren't Ame and Konoha allies?"

"Surrendering to Konoha's power is enough. Ame who has lost Hanzo would be just a watchdog Konoha."


Nagato's voice had no emotion.

As Nagato remained silent, an ominous premonition gnawed at the Konoha ninjas' hearts.

"Enough with the talking; kill them both!"

With this order, dozens of ninjas converged on Nagato and Konan.

Based on the information provided by Kandachi, they aimed to exploit the limited use of the repelling jutsu to attack Nagato.

"Wait! Don't approach him yet!" The Root ninja controlling the shadow imitation jutsu suddenly grasped the danger and prevented his comrades from attacking Nagato.

But it was already too late. A tremendous chakra swirled around Nagato, causing his red hair to float, his eyes widening with bloodshot veins pulsating.

An overwhelming aura emanated from his eyes, enveloping the Konoha ninjas and rendering them immobile.

Ignoring the shadow imitation technique's hold over him, Nagato bit his finger and, with his palm striking the ground.

"Summoning - Gedo Statue!"

Massive wooden hands burst from the earth, followed by the withered, towering wooden body. Its presence was overwhelming, invoking a deep sense of dread.

The colossal, mountain-like monster split its jaws and unleashed a deafening roar, its shockwaves reverberating through the air.

Countless Konoha ninjas were blown back by the soundwaves, landing heavily against the ground and stone walls. Their recovery was sluggish.

"That..-, what the h*ll is that?"

But what truly horrified the Root ninja was not the monster's size, but the unknown and ominous power it radiated, stirring an instinctive fear.

The monster lowered its head, ejecting long, thin black rods from its mouth that precisely impaled Nagato's back.


Nagato's cries were not only the anticipation of impending death but also the result of excruciating pain as the black rods pierced his body.

"Is that kid insane?"

"The summoned beast is attacking its own master..."

The Konoha ninjas didn't darego forward, they assumed Nagato was already in a state of madness and unconsciousness.

Nagato didn't care what the Konoha ninjas thought, and it didn't matter to him.

A large amount of chakra flowed out of the body, and the black rod pierced his back through the monster's mouth conducted chakra, which flowed into the monster's mouth, brewing some dangerous power inside.

The black rod broke, and Nagato fell to the ground, panting heavily.

"Go to hell, go to hell..."

While Konoha Ninja was hesitating, the monster made new movements again.

Purple light came out of the giant's mouth, and a purple chakra dragon flew out of the monster's mouth without warning.

The purple chakra dragon emerged from the monster's mouth, darting with incredible speed. It ensnared nearly a dozen Konoha ninjas within its body in an instant.

These shell of their body fell to the ground, while the ninjas illusionary spirit was devoured as the purple chakra dragon's prey.

"Run! It can devour our souls directly!"

Witnessing this, the Konoha ninjas were aghast, their thoughts consumed by escaping the horrifying fate.

The purple chakra dragon glided through the air. Wherever it passes, the souls of the Konoha ninjas it touched were all separated from the body.

"Banshou Ten'in!"

Nagato aimed his palm at the Konoha ninjas who were about to escape in several directions, but the bodies of the ninjas disobeyed them, pulling them towards Nagato.

Their horrified screams echoed as the purple chakra dragon swiftly approached. The area descended into a deathly silence.

In less than half a minute, both Root ninja teams and dozens of Konoha ninjas from the Shimura clan were wiped out.

Observing the lifeless Konoha ninjas, Nagato breathed a sigh of relief. He released his summoning jutsu, causing the monster that had summoned purple dragon.chakra to disintegrate into white smoke. He felt his energy wane; he was not yet ready to use this jutsu extensively.

"Nagato, are you okay?"

Konan ran over and supported Nagato's body.

Nagato's hands and feet were cold, his body was emaciated, and the expression on his face was slightly distorted. One could imagine the pain he was enduring alone. "I... I'm fine, Konan. It's not safe here, let's go."

Nagato supported his body strongly, indicating that he wasn't going to be a burden.

Suddenly he raised his head and looked at the position directly in front of him. Konan followed his line of sight and saw that the ground was slightly raised, and a black humanoid creature emerged from the soil, revealing half of its body.


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